Flanker (Z or FL): A receiver lining up behind the line of scrimmage. Frequently the team's featured receiver, the flanker uses the initial buffer between himself and a defender to avoid jamming, legal contact within five yards of the line of scrimmage. The flanker is generally on the same side of the formation as a tight end. As with the split end, this receiver is the farthest player from the center on his side of the field. The flanker is probably lined up just like a split end except that he is just behind the line of scrimmage, being in the backfield and not on the line.[6]
(L) 远端锋(WR), (R)flanker(大外接,WR)
个人理解,通常说的大外接应该就是指FL,需要面对对方得头号角卫,所以大外接需要有出众的接球能力和身体条件,在关键时刻球队可以依靠他完成big play获得码数或是取得达阵。 |