发表于 2015-9-11 16:25
本帖最后由 afighter 于 2015-9-11 16:31 编辑
NFL spokesman Michael Signora has issued the following statement regarding the Pittsburgh communications issue. Read
"In the first quarter of tonight's game, the Pittsburgh coaches experienced interference in their headsets caused by a stadium power infrastructure issue, which was exacerbated by the inclement weather. The coaches' communications equipment, including the headsets, is provided by the NFL for both clubs use on game day. Once the power issue was addressed, the equipment functioned properly with no additional issues." Read
Michael Signora
Vice President of Football Communications
National Football League
连“power infrastrcture是谁提供的”这种点都能说出来 那难道要确认任何的一个和比赛相关的零部件都不来自麻省么?
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