本帖最后由 sasukexiaodong 于 2013-1-8 17:47 编辑
DPOY实至名归,就看下场比赛的造化了!德州佬已经被波士顿的媒体彻底无视了,波士顿专栏报纸直接认为宇宙爱是背靠背bye的球队,言下之意德州佬信手拈来,就相当于又一次bye;就为这事,Arian Foster都把twitter头像改了,一切都预示着是一边倒,大屠杀;
上次没gronk都轻取,这次又probowl TE还不更轻松
The 2012-13 [color=rgb(96, 143, 214) !important]New England Patriots just became the first team in NFL history to get back-to-back byes before advancing to the conference championship game.
Could this get any easier?
I mean, seriously? The planets are aligned and the tomato cans are in place. The fraudulent [color=rgb(96, 143, 214) !important]Houston Texans are the only team standing between the New England Patriots and a trip to the AFC Championship game. All the Patriots have to do is beat the terrible Texans. One week from today. At Gillette Stadium.