本帖最后由 史提夫 于 2009-3-25 19:42 编辑
后两条解释的不清楚 看来需要看一下原文
• The initial force of a blindside block can't be delivered by a helmet, forearm or shoulder to an opponent's head or neck. An illegal blindside block will bring a 15-yard penalty.
• Initial contact to the head of a defenseless receiver also will draw a 15-yard penalty.
"Our clear movement is to getting out of the striking in the head area," Pereira said. "We're reading about injuries that say spinal and vertebrae. We've got to try something."
• On kickoffs, no blocking wedge of more than two players will be allowed. A 15-yard penalty will go to a violating team.
• Also on kickoffs, the kicking team can't have more than five players bunched together pursuing an onside kick. It will be a 5-yard penalty.
第一条 也有点问题。应该是对手不能以头盔、前臂或者肩部来攻击对方四分卫(盲侧)的头部和颈部
第二条 外接手在没有防备的情况下,防守方触碰其头部即罚15码?!看样子需要视频实例解说 主要是用来保护颈部和脊椎的安全
第三条 踢球时,防守方封堵人员不得多于2人
第四条 踢球时,特指赌博踢时,踢球方也就是攻方,最多只能有5人追逐皮球,否则罚5码 |