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[49人] 旧金山49人2019休赛期大楼(签回DB Antone Exum Jr.,DL Street进IR,训练组签约10人)

 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-20 07:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2019-4-20 14:54 编辑

1. 球队相关:
(1)据Fouth and Nine的Eric Crocker报道,球队四分卫Jimmy Garoppolo(穿戴膝盖护具)和队友在圣荷西大学(San Jose State)训练。
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... eammates-san-state/

(1)据NFL Draft Diamonds的Damond Talbot报道(里面还问了其他选秀相关问题),他询问了七位NFL球探,七人均认为红雀会用状元签选Kyler Murray,并说这一决定在新秀考察营(combine)就已经做出了,七人也都认为九人会用榜眼签选Nick Bosa。
    When I asked them how long this love has been going on, they said it was done before the Combine.  
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... ers-selecting-nick/
(2)据The Athletic的Matt Barrows报道,密歇根州立大学(Michigan State)角卫Justin Layne和弗吉尼亚大学(Virginia)角卫Tim Harris拜访了球队。
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... an-harris-virginia/(内含简介)
  • 据SNY的Ralph Vacchiano报道,多位NFL消息来源说喷气机看上去“下定决心(determined)”要在首轮向下交易。喷气机总经理之前说对此“持开放态度”。一位NFL管理人士说喷气机真的很想向下交易("They seem to really, really want to move down,Maybe they're just keeping their options open, but it sure seems like that No. 3 pick is for sale.")。一位NFL消息来源说喷气机的目标是至少拿回去年向上交易拿四分卫Sam Darnold时用掉的二轮签。

(1)据4th&Gold主持人Matt Barr报道,球队在线卫Brock Coyle因伤退役前选择裁掉他,是因为这样可以让他拿到剩余合同中的钱(注:2019基本工资中的$1.1M伤病保障和退役可追回的剩余签约奖金分摊$1.4M)。


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-21 08:07 | 显示全部楼层
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(1)球队宣布地区球探(area scout)Reggie Cobb于40月20日去世,享年50岁。
  • 球队总经理John Lynch声明:
          “We are devastated by the sudden loss of a tremendous teammate and loyal friend, Reggie Cobb. Reggie was an enthusiastic and passionate person who had a special ability to brighten up a room with his personality and infectious smile. For 10 years, the 49ers were better because of Reggie and these unique qualities that he possessed. He was a top-notch scout and an exemplary man whose years of service to this organization and the National Football League will not be forgotten. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends in this time of mourning.”
  • 这是Cobb在球队担任地区球探的第11年,也是他在NFL的第26年。在加入九人前,他曾担任过海盗西南地区球探(2003-08),也曾在红皮球探部门任职(2001-02)。他在效力九人的2011年当选弗里茨·波拉德联盟(Fritz Pollard Alliance,官网)评选的国联年度最佳球探。
来源:https://www.49ers.com/news/san-f ... a-scout-reggie-cobb

  • 据CBS Sports的Pete Prisco报道,他被告知最初是老板出于球票销售状况不佳的原因,所以推动去选Kyler Murray,他们表达了这一想法后,红雀对此不感兴趣。他们现在突然改变了想法,将不会用状元签选Murray
          "Initially, the ownership pushed for Kyler Murray," Prisco said on CBS Sports HQ. "That much I know, I was told that. The reason they did is they are having a hard time selling tickets. Well, they put it out there. Arizona was lukewarm to it. All of a sudden, they are pulling back and from what I've been told, they are going to go in a different direction. They are not going to draft Kyler Murray."
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... fting-kyler-murray/

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发表于 2019-4-21 21:03 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-23 12:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2019-4-23 19:10 编辑

(1)球队总经理John Lynch选秀前新闻发布会文字版
  • 和防守截锋DeForest Buckner(新秀合同最后一年,5月3日为行使第五年选项截止时间)商谈过续约,目前还处于非常初期的极端,球队希望他长期留队。
          "We've had conversations here and there," Buckner told reporters last week. "Honestly, it's just very early, just because I'm eligible for a new contract going into my fourth year. It's still very early in the process."
          "I would love nothing more than for DeFo to be here," Lynch said. "We've got a long time to work on that. He's very important to us, and he's another guy who's a big part of what we're doing. I just love everything about him, and the way he goes about his business. I think he's a special player, and we'd like to keep him here for a long time."
  • 他、主教练Kyle Shanahan和其他相关人士都希望左截锋Joe Staley(合同最后一年)职业生涯只为九人效力,对他的表现非常满意。
          "We all know what he's meant to this organization," Lynch said. "He's got a unique opportunity to be part of this organization and my hope is that he only plays for one organization. I think he's a special player. He's a special personality.
          "I'm not going to get into the specifics of the contract and where we're going on all that. I'll just tell you that my hope, that Kyle's (Shanahan) hope, that everyone associated that is involved in these decisions, is that Joe never plays anywhere else but the San Francisco 49ers. We're very pleased with Joe Staley and the way he's playing."
  • 踢球手 Robbie Gould(尚未签署特权标签,也未参加训练期训练项目)今年会留在球队,球队在尝试让他之后也留在球队,对他目前留在芝加哥和家人在一起而未参加训练一事并不担心。
          "Robbie's going to be a part of us this coming year," Lynch said. "I know that. We would like it to be longer than that, and we've made an attempt to make that happen. We haven't come to an agreement as of yet, and we'll see where that goes.
          "Robbie will be a part of us this coming year, and we're excited for that because he's very good at what he does. And he's also a big part of this team."
          "Robbie's a guy who works extremely hard at his craft," Lynch said. "By virtue of that position, he can do that wherever he is. He can do it in Santa Clara. He can do it in Chicago."                                                               
  • 证实球队确实曾研究过签约踢球手Stephen Gostkowski一事,九人对他的兴趣也使得爱国者迅速将他签回该队。球队最优先的事项仍是和Gould续约。
          "The thinking was we've got to do our due diligence in terms of being prepared for all scenarios," Lynch responded. "Stephen was a free agent, and also very good. Our number one priority in that respect was to try to figure out something with Robbie.
          "Stephen was there. I think our interest quickly got the Patriots to lock him down, and that's where he's at, so I'll leave that at that."
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... kner-staley-robbie/

    "When you say top echelon, I think there's some that have separated themselves from the pack. The way we're seeing it might be different than somebody else is seeing it that may have a quarterback in mind. I think there's a group of players that have separated themselves in our mind and those are the type of players we're looking there. We're also prepared that if something came to us that was too good to be true, players that we've graded the entire draft, but players that we would be comfortable taking in the middle of the round, at 10 or wherever. We've done our due diligence there, as well."
    "We've been hearing a lot about [the Cardinals selecting a quarterback]," Lynch told reporters on Monday during his pre-draft media session. "There seems to be one guy who gets a lot of buzz. We'll be prepared."
  • 球队选秀榜上有184位球员被认为是值得去选的,这一数字比去年要少。
          "You know, I did that last year. I'm not going to get into any specific numbers. I'll tell you that we have 184 draftable players on our board. That's actually a little less than last year. But, I think it's harder to make this team. We feel like we've gradually improved our roster. It's going to be tougher for draft picks to make our team. So, we wanted that reflected in the way we were grading draftable players. It's not by much, but we ended up with 184 draftable players. It's where we're at."
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... whatever-cardinals/
(2)据San Francisco Chronicle的Eric Branch报道,加州州立大学弗雷斯诺分校(Fresno State)外接手KeeSean Johnson试训了包括九人在内的至少七支球队
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... works-out-for-49ers
          "Everything I've heard is (Arizona selects) Kyler Murray," Allbright said. "I know there was a report out there by somebody saying that they were considering taking (former Ohio State defensive end) Nick Bosa, but from what I understand and what I'm told, that's a smokescreen. The Cardinals are trying to get the Niners to move up one spot the same way the Niners got the Bears to move up one spot for a quarterback a few years ago.
"I suspect that (Cardinals general manager) Steve Keim is not going to out-Lynch John Lynch."
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... screen-49ers-trade/
(5)据Bleacher Report的Matt Miller报道,密西西比州立大学(Mississippi State)外侧防守者Montez Sweat的行情由于队医检查结果而跌至谷底,他听说有一些球队将他移出了选秀板。虽然只需要一支球队选他,但目前认为他顺位会下滑,有可能跌出首轮。

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发表于 2019-4-23 13:44 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2019-4-23 12:23
(1)球队总经理John Lynch选秀前新闻发布会文字版:


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-23 19:09 | 显示全部楼层
新温格 发表于 2019-4-23 13:44

嗯,打错了,什么病Matt Miller没讲,不过combine时候他查过心脏病

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-24 05:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2019-4-24 07:31 编辑

1. 人事变更:
(1)球队宣布和进攻线球员Ben Garland(将穿63号球衣)签约一年。
  • Garland(6-5, 308)是美国空军学院(United States Air Force Academy)出品的,最初于2010年430日作为落选自由球员和野马签约进入NFL。那一年野马将他放入储备/服役名单(Reserve/Military)以完成他两年的服役。2012年他回到野马,在该队训练组待了两个赛季(2012-13),2014赛季在防守线出战8场比赛。2015年9月9日和猎鹰签约,该赛季大部分时间待在训练组,之后于12月15日被提升至大名单。过去三个赛季他在防守线和进攻线上出战了46场比赛(7场首发),还出战了5场季后赛(2场首发),拿到1次擒抱和1次擒杀。2018赛季,他在护锋位置和图亲族出战了14场比赛(4场首发)。31岁的他出身于科罗拉多州大章克申(Grand Junction),在美国空军学院出战了39场比赛(34场首发),拿到115次擒抱、11.5次擒杀、3次制造掉球,还在特勤组两次封盖射门。2009大四赛季,他出战了13场比赛,拿到45次擒抱、4.5次擒杀、2次破坏传球和1次制造掉球。
  • 据PFF的Jeff Deeney,Garland 2017赛季在猎鹰打了476档(主要打左护锋),2018赛季打了371档(主要打右护锋)。上赛季开路评分75.2,排在79位护锋中的第二位,传球保护评分59.7,排在第62位。

(1)据ESPN的Adam Schefter报道,被球队使用特权标签踢球手Robbie Gould说他撤回了给球队的报价,并告知九人他将不会和球队商谈或签署长期合同,希望被交易。Gould周二还说如果他报到的话,那也不会在9月5日常规赛季开始前。这意味着他将罢训。
  • Gould的经纪人Brian Mackler说目前他们还不确定是否或何时会报到,如果报到的话,最早也不会早于9月8日。
          "At this time, we are unsure when or if he will report. It will not be prior to Sept 8, at the earliest, if at all."
  • Gould说他对九人追逐Stephen Gostkowski而不是和他达成长期合同的决定感到灰心,Gould说重要的是他不再确定想要在九人打球了,现在他只想做出对家庭最好的决定。
          "The bottom line is, I'm unsure if I want to play there anymore,At this point, I have to do what's best for me and my family back home."
来源:http://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/ ... s-talks-wants-49ers

(1)据Good Morning Football的Peter Schrager报道,如果红雀真的选Kyler Murray,他所听到的一切都Nick Bosa是九人心中的头号人选,九人也会听取交易报价。
    "Hypothetically, let's say Murray goes one, and the Niners are on the clock," Schrager said on Tuesday morning. "Everything I'm hearing is that Nick Bosa is the clubhouse leader for the 49ers. They will listen to phone calls.
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... house-leader-49ers/
(2)球队宣布之前去世的球队长期球探Reggie Cobb的儿子DeMarcus Cobb将在周五的选秀大会上宣布球队的二轮签人选。


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发表于 2019-4-24 08:26 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2019-4-24 05:40
1. 人事变更:
(1)球队宣布和进攻线球员Ben Garland(将穿63号球衣)签约一年。


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发表于 2019-4-24 10:46 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-25 09:06 | 显示全部楼层
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(1)球队宣布执行防守截锋DeForest Buckner的第五年选项(2020赛季)。
来源:https://www.49ers.com/news/49ers ... dl-deforest-buckner

(1)据NFL Network的Ian Rapoport报道,乌鸦刚官宣和该队All-Pro踢球手Justin Tucker续约。这也将影响49人和踢球手Robbie Gould,后者被使用了特权标签(未签署),多位消息来源说他不会被交易。
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... gould-per-rapoport/
(2)球队近端锋George Kittle说他看不出前十字韧带(ACL)撕裂的四分卫Jimmy Garoppolo现在和他刚来九人或击败美洲虎时有什么不同,说后者手臂看上去好极了,他感觉也很好。
    "I can't tell the difference from day one when he showed up, and he beat the Jaguars, compared to today," Kittle told Kawakami. "But arm looks great, and I know he feels good."
  • Garoppolo上周说能再次开始传球感觉很好,传球的恢复情况在一天比一天变得更好。
         "Very good to be throwing again," said the quarterback. "It's what I do, you know? It's encouraging. Every day gets easier and easier. Able to make this throw better than I was a week ago. It's small victories like that. Throughout the whole process, it's all about small victories because you're not going to jump out and be able to throw it 60, 70 yards again. Small victories."                                                               
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... my-garoppolo-49ers/

(1)据ESPN的Josina Anderson报道,昨晚一位九人内部消息来源对红雀尚未确定状元人选的看法嗤之以鼻,认为他们至少有一个主要方案和临时应急方案,同时会听取报价。还说因为是分区死敌,所以希望他们搞砸("being that we are division rivals, I hope they mess it up")。
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... vent-decided-draft/
(2)曾因在社交媒体上发表的看法引起争议的俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State)防守端锋Nick Bosa说以后不会公开发表自己的意见。
    “I’m just getting ready for the draft,” Bosa said. “I’m not really worried about Twitter anymore.    “I think the people who know me, know who I am. And I’m going to keep my opinions to myself from now on.”
  • 还说他在对九人的拜访中很喜欢这里的球队文化,感觉像一个大家庭。
         “Just all really, really good dudes,” Bosa said. “We had dinner and sat around and talked, man to man. I just love them, the culture. It seems like the kind of culture I’d like to be in. It was just a really good visit.
         “It just seems like a family. Every coach that I talked to when they were away from coach Shanahan just talked up how player-friendly he is and how he’s just a regular guy, but when it’s time to go to work, he goes to work. Playing for somebody like that would be really cool.”
  • 还说他很适合球队的防守体系。
         “It’s my type of scheme,” Bosa said. “I’d put a hand in the dirt and get after it every play, crushing and closing, playing the edge and pass-rushing. It’s definitely my type of scheme.”
来源:https://www.nbcsports.com/bayare ... ep-opinions-himself
         1.Quinnen Williams, AZ
         2.Bosa, SF
         3.Oliver NYJ
         4.Kyler Murray, OAK
         5.Devin White, TB
         6.Haskins, NYG
         7.Hockenson, JAX
         8.Josh Allen, DET
         9.Christian Wilkins, ATL
         10.Devin Bush, DEN
(4)据NFL官网的Graham Barfield,各队手中选秀权价值排名:球队排在第五位


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-26 07:14 | 显示全部楼层
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(1)球队用榜眼签选择俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State)防守端锋Nick Bosa。
  • Bosa曾在二月的新秀考察营(combine)和三月的该校展示日(pro day)和球队会面,并在本月早些时候拜访过球队。
  • 球探报告:
         Lance Zierlein(NFL.com):
         "High-motor defensive end prospect possessing NFL play strength on a well-muscled, compact frame. Bosa uses forward lean, smart hands and impressive upper-body power to pry open edges against the run and pass. He can defeat single blocks and fits as an end in both 4-3 and 3-4 fronts with the ability to reduce inside as a rusher. His lack of fluidity in space could prevent him from becoming an elite rusher, but he understands how to play and should become an early starter and future Pro Bowler."
         Dane Brugler(The Athletic):
         "A two-year starter at Ohio State, Bosa rushed off the left and right edges in the Buckeyes' four-man front where he was coached by revered defensive line coach Larry Johnson. After an All-American sophomore season, he entered the 2018 season as the No. 1 draft-eligible player in college football, but underwent surgery in September for his groin and abdominal injury (he was expected to recover by early December, but elected to leave the team and work toward the NFL). Durability is the main concern for his NFL projection, but when on the field, Bosa uses proper biomechanics to maximize his body force and convert speed-to-power as a rusher. The opportunity to watch and learn from his Pro Bowl older brother accelerated his development, both showing the same appreciation for the art of the pass rush. Overall, Bosa is a carbon copy of Joey Bosa with his blend of athleticism and violent hands, gaining ground and defeating blocks in a variety of ways to make an impact rushing the passer and stopping the run."
         Tony Pauline(Draft Analyst):
         "Despite missing just about all last season, Bosa still ranks as one of the top players in this year's draft and comes with great upside. He should quickly rebound from his injury and will only get better as he physically matures and continues to get stronger."
         Joe Marino(The Draft Network):
         "Bosa projects most favorably to playing defensive end in an even front with upside to immediately become a high impact playmaker. He offers a polished pass rushing skill set, exceptional processing skills, outstanding play strength and the athleticism to be a game-changing edge defender in the NFL. By year three, Bosa has the upside to be one of the NFL's most valuable and dynamic defensive playmakers."
来源:https://www.49ers.com/news/49ers ... k-in-2019-nfl-draft          https://forums.footballsfuture.c ... k-bosa-at-2/?page=2
          https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... io-state-nick-bosa/

(1)据Pro Football Talk官推报道,他们听说九人在兜售防守线球员Solomon Thomas。
  • 据The MMQB的Albert Breer报道,两位在第五年选项下打球的球员——老鹰的Nelson Agholor和九人的Arik Armstead卷入交易商谈。Solomon Thomas被乐观认为更适合新任防守线教练Kris Kocurek的体系,所以Breer认为他被交易的可能性小得多。
  • 球队总经理Lynch在新闻发布会中否认了球队在兜售Thomas,说他今天刚和Thomas谈过,后者目前是球队重要的一部分,对他将和球队迈向未来感到兴奋。
         "It's not accurate," Lynch told the media following the team's selection of Bosa. "We usually don't respond to every one of these rumors that happens in today's world. I had Solly up in my office today, and we just talked exactly where he is.
         "He's a big part of our team right now. We're extremely excited about moving forward with him."
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... mon-thomas-per-pft/          https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... -before-nfl-report/
          https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... on-thomas-accurate/
(2)球队总经理Lynch说球队仍希望和踢球手Robbie Gould达成长期协议,已经知道后者发表的言论,会和他直接商谈而不是通过媒体,与此同时,知道Gould会参加比赛。
"Yeah, you know, we placed a franchise tag on him," Lynch told reporters on Thursday. "Robbie is not here with us. These are voluntary workouts right now. As I said the other day, Robbie is a guy who we respect in a big way for the way he's performed for us, for the teammate he's been, and we're hopeful that we can figure something out to keep him here for a long time.
"Robbie had his comments. We'll choose to deal directly with Robbie, not through the media in terms of the negotiations and all. But, we're hopeful we can find some resolution on this thing, and in the interim, we know Robbie will be ready to play."
  • 主教练Shanahan说球队不会(直接回答了No)交易Gould,也明白他不愿长期留在球队,后者也明确表达了这一点,但球队对他使用了特群标签,理解他不愿意长期留队,但今年他会留在球队。
"Yeah, we love having Robbie here," Shanahan said. "We understand that he doesn't want to live here long-term, and he's made that clear to us, and we get that. But, we do have a franchise tag and he's that good of a kicker that he's worth franchising.
"So, unfortunately, we know we're not going to have him long-term here. I think that's been pretty clear. No hard feelings about that. I do understand his reasons. But, pretty excited to have a good kicker this year."
来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... d-doesnt-long-term/

(1)据ESPN的Dan Graziano报道,突袭者(No.4)和九人(No.2)、喷气机(No.3)商谈过向上交易一事,他仍认为这样的举动是为了Nick Bosa或Quinnen Williams,而不是四分卫,但显然无法100%排除后者。
(2)据NBC Sports的Josh Norris,NBC Sports Bay Area的Matt Maiocco说球队和密西西比大学(Ole Miss)外接手D.K. Metcalf新秀考察营(combine)时的会面并不顺利,甚至有点暴躁(用词是got a little testy),不认为他会是球队二轮人选。
  • 据WEEI的Ryan Hannable,ESPN的Adam Schefter在MutCallahan上说红雀还没就交易该队四分卫Josh Rosen达成协议,他们这个休赛期并没就此事和爱国者谈过,只和海豚、巨人谈过。
  • 据NFL Network的Ian Rapoport报道,如果红雀已经决定了状元人选,他们也选择了保密。一位想消息来源说该队总经理Steve Keim联系了至少一位球员——阿拉巴马大学(Alabama)防守截锋Quinnen WIlliams——让他知道他仍有可能成为状元人选。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... olomon-thomas-trade
(5)其他流言:NFL Draft rumors tracker: Don’t expect the 49ers to be in on D.K. Metcalf


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-26 10:53 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-26 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
最好明天能拿到AJ Brown

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发表于 2019-4-26 11:55 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2019-4-26 11:51
最好明天能拿到AJ Brown


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-4-27 07:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2019-4-30 12:50 编辑

(1)球队用二轮签(No.36)选择南卡罗莱纳大学(South Carolina)外接手Deebo Samuel。
  • 老生碗(Senior Bowl)在球队教练组执教的南队,曾在三月和球队会面,四月曾拜访球队。
  • 总经理Lynch说Samuel有一些小腿的伤病,他和昨天球队选的Nick Bosa都已经能上场比赛了。
          2015赛季在对阵北卡罗莱纳大学(North Carolina)的揭幕战中大腿腘绳肌受伤,受到受病困扰该赛季只打了5场比赛(3场首发),拿到12次接球161码。
          2017赛季在第三周对阵肯塔基大学(Kentucky)第三节还剩2:27时,在接到Jake Bentley传球时被肯塔基大学的Derrick Baity Jr.擒抱,姿势诡异。赛后主教练Will Muschamp说他右腓骨骨折,将错过剩余赛季。之后说他仍可能在赛季末回归,但他在恢复过程中扭伤脚部,最终没能回归。
  • PFF:
          据PFF的Jeff Deeney,Samuel跑倾斜(slant)路线时平均每次接球能拿下31码。
  • 球探报告:
          Lance Zierlein(NFL.com):
          "Tyshun "Deebo" Samuel lives up to his nickname (it comes from a tough guy in the movie "Friday") and plays each game like he's stepping into an alley fight. While Samuel is tough and competitive, he lacks suddenness and might need scheme help with motion and bunch formations to help free him against NFL man coverage. He is a gamer who thrives once the ball is in his hands, and he might be able to help a team from the slot if he can stay healthy."
          Dane Brugler(The Athletic):
          "A three-year starter at South Carolina, Samuel lined up outside and in the slot in the Gamecocks' spread offense, often motioning into the backfield and getting involved in the run game. He also made an impact on special teams (return man and gunner on punt coverage) and had a nose for the end zone, scoring 30 touchdowns over his career (16 receiving, 7 rushing, 4 kickoff returns, 2 passing and 1 fumble return). Samuel isn't a true burner, but he moves with twitch, contact balance and the vision to find open space. Overall, Samuel's ideal offensive identity will depend on scheme, but he is one of the better YAC players in this draft class with his ability to find space, projecting best in the slot and as a return man."
          Tony Pauline(Draft Analyst):
          "Samuel rebounded last season after he suffered a devastating injury that put him on the sidelines in 2017, and he finished the regular season with a terrific performance at the Senior Bowl. He possesses all the skills to be a productive second receiver in variety of systems and return punts and kicks."
          Joe Marino(The Draft Network):
          "Samuel has been victimized by poor quarterback play at South Carolina but still showcased an exciting skill set. An outstanding route runner to all levels of the field, Samuel is a fit for any scheme with the upside to play outside and from the slot. His blend of ball skills and post-catch ability make him an intriguing weapon. By year three, Samuel has the upside be a prolific top-3 option for a productive NFL passing offense that makes plays in a a variety of ways."
  • 体测:
          臂长:31 3/8英寸
College Statistics
2015South CarolinaFR51216113.41
2016South CarolinaSO105978313.31
2017South CarolinaJR31525016.73
2018South CarolinaSR126288214.211
TotalSouth Carolina

来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... olina-deebo-samuel/
(2)球队用三轮签(No.67)选择贝勒大学(Baylor)外接手Jalen Hurd。
  • 老生碗在球队教练组执教的南队,4月曾拜访球队。
  • 总经理Lynch说Hurd目前正在应对半月板伤病,他在一周和球队的私下试训中看上去很好。能否赶上首个新秀迷你营还不知道,球队会监控他的恢复情况。
          Q: Both these guys dealt with some injury stuff throughout their career. Do their medical files give you any pause?
          JL: "We've got good medicals on them. Jalen is dealing with a meniscus right now. He's come out of it. He's looked very good in his workouts. You know, when you look at Deebo, some lower leg things, but both of them we were comfortable with the medical and they are, I think all three of the guys we drafted thus far, aside from the speed and power, just very physical football players. So, the brand of football they play sometimes will lend to that. But, we are going to work with them to try to keep them all healthy and we really like those guys we got."
          Q: Is there a timetable for those guys coming back with their injuries?
          JL: "Jalen's looked good. We had a private workout with him a week ago probably. He looks good. Whether he's ready in the very first rookie mini-camp or not, I think we'll monitor that and see exactly where he's at. He looked very good. But, we'll check that out. Deebo is ready to go, as is Nick."
  • 主教练Shanahan承认在选了两位外接手后,球队到时将不得不裁掉一些不错的外接手。
          Trent Taylor
          Jordan Smallwood
          Dante Pettis
          Max McCaffrey
          Jordan Matthews
          Richie James Jr.
          Marquise Goodwin
          Steven Dunbar Jr.
          Kendrick Bourne
          Jalen Hurd*
          Deebo Samuel*
  • Shanahan说Hurd如果以跑卫、近端锋或外接手任意一个位置参选,都将被选中,这是他研究过的球员中从来没有出现过的,他能用很多方式帮助球队,而不只是接jump ball。
          KS: "I mean, he can do about everything. I mean, I think if he would have stayed a running back, I think he would have gotten drafted as an NFL running back. Today he got drafted as an NFL receiver, kind of. I believe if he tried to play tight end he would have gotten drafted as an NFL tight end. That's a pretty unique thing to have. I don't remember being able to say that about any player I've studied before. So, it's neat to be able to do that and he can help us out in a lot of different ways."
  • Shanahan说Hurd会先从外接手打起。
          Q: Just to be clear, Jalen, you'll start him out at wide receiver and then see where that goes later?
          KS: "Yeah, definitely. I probably said too much. I don't want to make the offensive weapon mistake and then every day you guys ask me, 'when are we going to see this?' He's a receiver. There's lots of neat things you can do with him. He's not going to tight end every other day. There's lots of possibilities with him and that's the type of guy we drafted, but we drafted a receiver today. What's neat about him is the stuff that we said. So, see how you guys, what you guys read into that."
  • Shanahan说球队认为Samuel和Hurd是本届选秀所有外接手中最physical,再搭配上Samuel的速度、手感、跑路线能力和Hurd的身材以及和能移动去打一些不同的位置的能力,这可以让进攻组变得physical得多。
          Q: You probably don't love comparing players, but you had former 49ers WR Pierre Garçon at Z and then I think a lot of the guys talked about how angry he ran and I think people think the same thing about Deebo after the catch. Do you feel the same way and how important is what he does after the catch and evaluation?
          KS: "Extremely important. He's got the speed and stuff as much as some of the top receivers in the drafts. He's got the hands to me that are as good as anyone's. But, what separated Deebo and Jalen, also, is we felt they were the two most physical players out of all the receivers in the draft. That's something that, you don't want to draft a receiver just because they are physical. But, when you can have the speed in 40 that Deebo does with his hands and the route running ability and the physicality. When you have Jalen's size, his physicality and the ability to move to some different positions. We did want to get some more physical players on the offense this year and adding those two guys, especially at a receiver position, when you can add two physical guys that are at a position, that's not always required to be physical, I think it can make your offense a lot more physical. O-linemen don't have a choice. They do it every play. Running backs have to do it every play. B
  • 球探报告:
          Lance Zierlein(NFL.com):
          "Hurd was used as big slot but he might need to transition into a role outside to take advantage of his potential to stretch the field as a downfield ball-winner. He's still learning the nuances of the position, but he has outstanding traits, a great work ethic and an ability to get much better very quickly. While Hurd will be an NFL receiver, he offers a unique option of becoming a short-yardage banger near the goal line. His best days are in front of him."
          Dane Brugler(The Athletic):
          "A one-year starter at Baylor, Hurd rushed for 2,638 yards over three seasons at Tennessee before choosing to leave the program with hopes of a fresh start at a new position and program. He landed at Baylor where he moved to slot receiver and earned Big 12 Offensive Newcomer of the Year honors with 69 catches for 946 yards and seven scores (four receiving, three rushing) in 2018. Hurd ran a simple route tree, relying on slants and outs, with very few targets more than 10- plus yards on tape. While inexperienced, he has intriguing size/speed traits and shows an understanding of how to handle himself vs. coverage. Overall, Hurd must improve his route tempo and downfield skills to expand his role in the NFL, but his natural athleticism and ball skills suggest he has a promising future as an NFL hybrid slot weapon."
          Tony Pauline(Draft Analyst):
          "Hurd was very productive at the college level as a running back as well as a receiver and comes with big upside potential. He lacks the speed and overall quickness to separate at receiver, and he could eventually develop into a move tight end with his size and growth potential."
          Kyle Crabbs(The Draft Network):
          "Jalen Hurd is one of the more fascinating WR prospects, as he feels as though he's really just scratching the surface of who he can be. Hurd possesses good hands, a natural feel for navigating in space and more slipperiness than you'd expect to find when boxed in a phone booth. Hurd is technically a mess but he'd be a great developmental project for a team that likes to target size in the intermediate areas of the field. Get him on LBs and SAFs, especially early on."
  • 体测数据:
  • 大学数据:
College Statistics

来源:https://www.49erswebzone.com/art ... -baylor-jalen-hurd/


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