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[49人] 旧金山49人2018休赛期大楼(首张常规赛季非正式阵容深度表)

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 06:54 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-4-29 06:47


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发表于 2018-4-29 09:10 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-4-29 06:54


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 09:21 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-4-29 09:10

不太像啊,Street今年打不了,Taylor更像DT,要么Street是明年补他?到时候直接让Thomas打big end不行吗?或者今年干脆把Tank留下来好了
你有没有发现OL没补, Beadles又要留下来了?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-4-29 09:21
不太像啊,Street今年打不了,Taylor更像DT,要么Street是明年补他?到时候直接让Thomas打big end不行吗 ...

说dl有9个人 那又选了两个dl是怎么回事。。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 09:39 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-4-29 09:31
说dl有9个人 那又选了两个dl是 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 11:51 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-4-29 09:39
期待下Marsh和Attaochu了,其他的Lynch讲的Harold、Pita什么的至少冲传方面 ...

比起去年 绝对是让人失望的选秀

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 14:05 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 14:13 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-4-29 11:51
比起去年 绝对是让人失望的选秀


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 14:15 | 显示全部楼层
达拉斯牛仔 发表于 2018-4-29 14:05


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 14:55 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 14:59 | 显示全部楼层
达拉斯牛仔 发表于 2018-4-29 14:55
让我愤怒的就是49人队网站、海鹰队网站都弄成和NFL官网一样的不能用迅雷、QQ旋风—链接自动转换工具的终极 ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 15:42 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-4-29 14:13


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 15:43 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 15:51 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-4-29 15:42


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发表于 2018-4-29 17:40 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-4-29 15:51
Lombardi说Pettis和Reed是上赛季接弃踢平均回攻码数排名前两位的,我们两个都选了,下赛季 ...

恩 可以看出球队着重补充了DB的深度

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 22:26 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-4-29 23:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-4-29 14:13


使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-4-29 23:18 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
达拉斯牛仔 发表于 2018-4-29 14:05


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-29 23:48 | 显示全部楼层
zccoro 发表于 2018-4-29 23:13
但是当时的操作确实漂亮,效果是另一回事,今年希望反过来,效果能亮眼。另外,谢谢楼主,别看我回复少, ...


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2018-4-30 06:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-5-6 10:39 编辑

(1)总经理John Lynch和主教练Shanahan选秀新闻发布会访谈摘要(之前新闻里翻过的一些内容就不翻了):(第一天视频文字版第二天视频文字版第三天视频文字版)
  • 注:谈了Mike McGlinchey的位置,当时Trent Brown还在,说了等Brown训练营伤愈复出会加入首发竞争等内容,这些现在没意义了,就不更了。
  • Lynch谈到了McGlinchey的性格,有的球员代表了需要什么才能赢得比赛、赢得冠军,球队认为他身上有很多这样的东西,无论是在场上还是场下。虽然他有6-8、310磅,但会向前跑30码为跑卫做阻挡。表现很稳定,在NFL打截锋不容易,不会很完美,但球队认为他会是个长期有出色表现的球员。
  • 被问到是否想过几年后让他去打左截锋,Lynch说球队只是考虑眼前,他目前会打右截锋。flim让球队对他打左右两个位置都感觉良好。
  • Lynch说他在新秀考察营时和球队的面试中给球队留下了非常深刻的印象。
  • 被问到没有让他正式拜访球队是不是因为不想让人知道对他感兴趣时,Lynch给予了肯定回答,说球队对他的历史等没有更多的问题要问,球队已经决定是他了,所以希望低调行事。这是优先级很高的位置,随着选秀临近,他和Kolton Miller(突袭者,No.15)行情都上涨了,所以球队不希望被人知道对他感兴趣。
  • 被问到他的film中有哪些让Shanahan感到兴奋的地方时,Shanahan说其实比人们想的要简单的多,就是一个适合球队体系的好球员。在球队冲球进攻的完美世界里,由于球队主要打外侧区域冲球,会想要跑得稍快一点能追上对手的球员,这会对冲球进攻有帮助。但通常冲球是从护锋、中锋开始的,传球保护是从截锋。但寻找截锋很困难,因为球员需要具备一定数量的能力。球队觉得有机会拿到本届选秀最好的截锋,而当你处于这种情况时,有很多急需他的人,而截锋数量有限,他们会想要向上交易在你之前选,所以球队需要保守秘密。在这一位置你在靠后轮次找不到很多sleeper。他能打球队的进攻体系,能阻挡,传球进攻就是阻挡你前面的人去攻击四分卫,没有其他方式,而McGlinchey能做到,并且无论在左截锋还是右截锋都能做到。和其他球员区别开的是他的为人,是个战士,对橄榄球投入、橄榄球性格好。他连续首发了39场比赛,肯定会有些伤病,他因为他从不谈这些而只是打球,所以看不出来。他会参加每次练习、每次比赛,这是球队认为进攻线球员应该做的。你能找到一些像这样的球员,但其中的一些不够出色,而McGlinchey具备一切条件,这让他不仅仅是个安全的选择还是个让人兴奋的选择,因为他的天赋。他是个少有的人,能带来与众不同的精神力,这是Shanahan他们想要带给球队的,也是想要建设球队的。
  • 被问到Jimmy Garoppolo接管球队后,出手快导致撞击四分卫等数量下降了,在谈截锋位置有多重要时是否有考虑到这一点时,Shanahan说所有的他都有考虑,并没有特定的建队方式,试图找到能填补球队需求和正确的精神力相结合的球员。McGlinchey满足球队在接缝位置的需要,更让他与众不同的是他的性格正是球队想要的。他会成为截锋位置球队的长期人选,无论是右截锋还是左截锋,球队直到他都能打好。还会会增加球队进攻线具备的强烈的个性和良好的橄榄球性格。
  • Lynch说他和Shanahan对今天的结果非常满意,继续为球队添砖加瓦,寻找富有爆发力和活力的球员。首先是续约了安全卫Jaquiski Tartt,他代表了球队的核心价值,球队希望奖赏这样的球员,他也是是一位适合球队体系的优秀球员,很高兴和他续约。球队向上交易获得了球队的目标外接手Dante Pettis,他在外接手位置的多用性为球队提供了很好的灵活性。他是一位终结者,作为外接手能达阵,有很多吸引人球队的地方,还是NCAA接弃踢回攻达阵总数历史纪录保持者,从这个角度也很有活力。线卫Fred Warner在整个考察过程中对他的感觉越来越好,他有正式拜访球队,拜访中表现良好。技能组合正是球队要,能在录像中看到很多这样的东西,在开阔地带很适应也很有效率,擅长使用双手。防守后卫Tarvarius Moore在南密西西比大学打安全卫,球队认为他有机会为球队打一些角卫,球队会尝试看看是否可行,但球队知道他能打安全卫。这是一个能跑的球员,Lynch赞扬了区域球探(regional scout)Darrell Moody、John Stevenson和全国球探(national scout)Justin Chabot对他的考察,Chabot出席了他的求职日(他没被邀请参加新秀考察营),判定他有精英级别的运动能力。他没有参加新秀考察营,在求职日上跑出了非常出色的4.32秒,原地摸高40英寸。他具备非比寻常的运动能力,但也是一位录像中表现出色、能攻击球的球员。
  • 提问的记者说他报道过大学时的Pettis,他是一位非常勤奋好学的球员,学习了战术本的各种细节,问这是否让Shanahan引起很多共鸣,Shanahan说这帮助显示了为什么他是这样一位优秀的球员。如果球队想找的是勤奋好学的类型,那他会找Shanahan自己,而输掉很多比赛。好学这一点帮助了Pettis有出色表现。首先是从录像开始的,他很有天赋,跑路线非常出色,能跑出空当,手感非常好,很灵活,足够快,能跑所有路线。当和他见面是,会发现他有多聪明、多努力。知道了他为什么全方位的优秀。
  • 被问到在这一顺位附近的范围内有很多外接手被选走,Pettis与他人的不同之处在哪里时,Shanahan说球队觉得他能填补球队的很多位置。球队对外接手阵容满意,有很多优秀球员,在得到有很多不同的诱人之处的Pettis之前,球队对阵中的外接手使用方式各不相同。Pettis什么都能干一点,如果需要,可以像用Marquise Goodwin那样用它,也可以放到内侧,像用Trent Taylor那样用,他有手感和坚韧,可以像用Pierre Garçon那样用。同时还会是一个非常出色的接弃踢回攻手。所以他是一位给球队增加了很多多样性的球员,能在所有四档都帮助球队。
  • 被问到Pettis虽然跑路线很出色,但启球线上的表现有问题,力量和体能上是否有工作要做时,Shanahan说并不是,事实上这正是Shanahan最喜欢Pettis的原因,认为他是本届面对启球线上推搡然后开始跑动(bump-and-run)表现最出色的外接手。他有可以切向所在位置外侧的下半身,脚步也很出色。面对bump-and-run时比本届选秀任何人都要出色。
  • 被问到Warner在开阔地带还是更靠近启球线打球时,Lynch说他都可以。有很多他列在槽位的列子,但他也打stack backer。球队喜欢他两样都能打。他能做的一件事是,九人打区域防守,需要阅读四分卫,手放下时你突破。有很多适合球队的地方,球队看他录像越看越喜欢。他好学、聪明、能打球,但主要是很适合球队体系。
  • Shanahan说球队对两个内线卫位置(Mike&Will)的要求区别很小,Mike只是额外要负责和防守组沟通,其他区别很小。希望线卫能跑动,他们的职责很重,需要防守被称为the hook area的广阔区域,需要灵活迅速。
  • Lynch说Pettis对很多人都有吸引力,对向上交易满意。
  • 被问到Warner在社区的工作是否对球队重要时,Lynch说球队在意球员的整体性格。他并不真的需要拜访,七对区域球队Reggie Cobb对他做了出色的考察,他在老生碗面对高水平球员表现不错,球队想要了解更多,于是邀请他拜访。Shanahan说不知道他的社区工作,但这一个和他的个性相符,他并不对此吃惊。
  • 被问到Warner在几周前的采访中说他看了很多海鹰线卫Bobby Wagner的film,两人是否有相似处时,Shanahan说确实有一些。
  • Lynch说Warner的身高(6-3)有益于压缩球场。
  • Lynch说Warner和Moore的特勤组能力也是选他们的重要原因之一。
  • 关于NFL Network分析师喊Moore late riser一事,Shanahan说那是因为他没被邀请参加新秀考察营,球队看到他的时间比其他球员稍晚,但防守后卫教练Jeff Hafley很早就对他评价很高,因为他没去新秀考察营,球队本来以为找到了一个sleeper,结果他在求职日40码冲刺跑出了4.32秒,这下大家都注意到了。
  • Lynch说有些球员不会被邀请参加新秀考察营,这正是球队倚重球探的原因,他们会去大学也有很好的人脉,会做很多功课。Shanahan说球队不希望被人猜出选秀板,所以不会直选拜访过的球员,而是会混合起来。
  • 关于Moore说他打角卫不多一事,Lynch说这是球队对他的规划,并没有film,防守后卫教练Jeff Hafley做了很出色的工作,提供了录像显示他防传中的例子。在联盟中你必须要能跑,才能打角卫。而他可以,也有身高。球队会让他尝试打角卫。要打安全卫,最好的方式就是去打角卫。Lynch当年在(前NFL主教练)Herm Edward去海盗时,就被要求像角卫一样防守外接手,这也让他成为了更好的安全卫。至少球队会试着让他打角卫,看看结果如何。
  • 被问到这对防守后卫卫Jimmie Ward的影响时,Shanahan说他在有组织训练中在角卫位置和Ahkello Witherspoon一起首发,Moore和其他人会紧跟在他身后,如果表现出色会留在角卫位置。
  • Lynch承认在选秀前就和爱国者商谈过Trent Brown的交易,原则上达成了一致。被问到经济原因(最后一年合同,截锋市场价格很高)在其中多大影响时,Lynch说这是其中一部分。如果没得到McGlinchey,球队可能不会交易Brown。
  • Lynch说球队在选秀时想要一个能列阵对位近端锋和打three-technique的防守端锋,球队想要多功能性,同时又较为高大,Kentavius Street给球队提供这个。认为他如果没有伤病,球队是将他排在三轮的。D.J. Reed虽然身高并不是很适合(5-9),但臂长有32英寸,这可以弥补。能打槽角卫和游卫,球队认为他也能打外侧角卫,他在堪萨斯州立大学打过外侧。还是一位非常出色的接弃踢回攻手。Marcell Harris是安全卫位置的强力撞击者(thumper),选取的擒抱角度很好。在从跟腱伤势中恢复,但球队觉得他能赶上训练营。Jullian Taylor也有出色的身材,在末段轮次很难找到能打好的较为高大的防守线球员,球队认为Taylor是这样的球员。Richie James是球队很喜欢的球员,无所畏惧,录像中表现的很有决心。
  • 被问到和去年的不同时,Lynch说今年仍有位置要补,但竞争会比去年强。球队希望每个位置都用竞争,在各位置人选上短期和长期的都要有。
  • 被问到强卫位置从前十字韧带(ACL)撕裂中恢复Chanceller James的顺位时,Lynch说他恢复很顺利,但也是要到训练营才能恢复。说他是那种全力以赴,需要球队要求他克制的球员。球队对他印象深刻。但球队在安全卫有需要填补的地方,球队觉得Marcell Harris比较符合球队在强卫所需要的东西。而安全卫如果不是首发,那最好是个出色的特勤组球员,而Harris正是如此。
  • 被问到球队过去选前十字韧带撕裂球员的失败历史时,Lynch和Shanahan说不能被过去的历史影响。当找到喜欢的球员时有时需要耐心一点。有些时候会成功,有些时候不会。球队很高兴得到一位非常出色的球员。
  • 被问到对Richie James的展望时,Shanahan说让他和所有人竞争,他有能完成很多事情的能力。因为他的速度和身材,很可能会让他先打X。Shanahan认为他也能打内侧,能跑和Marquise Goodwin类似的路线,给球队在Goodwin身后的一些其他选项。能跑,也能打得强硬(physical),这让球队认为他能打特勤组,这也给了他进入大名单的机会。和去年的区别是选秀第二天很难选,球队想要选能进入名单的球员,因为竞争要激烈得多。James有机会做到。
  • 被问到今年的落选自由球员和去年有什么区别时,Shanahan和Lynch说球队有不少球员,不像去年机会那么多,去年新秀迷你营有85人参加,今年会稍微克制一点。仍是试训球员的好机会。
  • 被问到为什么没选冲传手时Lynch和Shanahan说要培养自家球员,有Von Miller这样的当然想要,但也不是随便选谁都能击败队内的 Cassius Marsh或Arik Armstead等人的。
          "cassiusmarsh: This right here gave me chills and almost brought tears to my eyes. To go from never feeling appreciated and having to prove myself every single day. To knowing my Coaching staff and GM have my back and trust my work ethic and talent is an indescribable feeling. I am so grateful but never satisfied! I will never lose this chip on my shoulder and will continue to grind every single day. Because in the league, any day could be your last! #goniners#lovethegrind"
  • 尚未决定是否执行Armstead和Laken Tomlinson的第五年选项。
  • 关于Jullian Taylor,Lynch和Shanahan说他吸引人的地方是他的身材和速度(40码冲刺4.89秒),需要增加防守线深度,还举了去年赛季中签下Leger Douzable的例子。
  • 被问到选Dante Pettis对Trent Taylor的影响时,Lynch说Taylor是球队拼图的一部分,去年,尤其在Jimmy Garoppolo接手后表现很好,三档很出色。1对1时很难防守。Pettis与他不同,做他Shanahan已经解释过了。Pettis还有很大可能成为球队接弃踢回攻手,Taylor和Reed也有可能。虽然会有竞争,但球队认为有足够机会给所有人。Shanahan说像Taylor这样的球员会明白这一点。联盟中竞争是很激烈的。Taylor在球队有重要的位置,Pettis也一样。位置是要自己争取的。
  • 证实了会在和德州人的第二周季前赛赛前的周三和周四进行联合训练。
  • 下周周五开始举办新秀迷你营。参加球员会比去年少。
  • 被问到将二轮签投在并不急需的外接手位置选了Pettis时,Lynch说去年的选秀更注重特定位置,看哪些位置缺人,今年更注重选球队的基石。Shanahan说去年前三签全部给了防守组(Solomon Thomas+Reuben Foster+Ahkello Witherspoon,今年全给了进攻组(Mike McGlinchey+Jimmy Garoppolo+Dante Pettis),他们会是球队的长期人选。

          Overall:The ninth pick may have seemed early to tackle Notre Dame offensive tackle Mike McGlinchey, but if the 49ers didn’t take him, the Raiders would have at No. 10.
          McGlinchey could start his career on the right side, but Joe Staley turns 34 in August. McGlinchey could be his successor. This pick is about positional value. It’s a little bit questionable at No. 9, but it is logical.
The 49ers moved up in the second round to get slot receiver Dante Pettis with the 44th pick. Pettis excels on short routes where he can utilize quick movement to get open and make a play after the catch. BYU linebacker Fred Warner, taken at No. 70, is experienced and productive. He can play all over the place, and is good in zone coverage where he can utilize his athleticism and length.
Kentavius Street probably won’t play this season after tearing his ACL at his pro day. But had he been healthy, some thought he might go in the second round. Safety Tarvarius Moore and cornerback D.J. Reed are solid depth pieces for the 49ers.
          Street:Street’s been injured, but he’s a terrific talent. He’s agile and strong, and the 49ers had R2-D2 from Star Wars announce the pick. All about it.
  • Chad Reuter (NFL.com): Day 3 Grade: B+, Overall Grade: B
          The skinny: McGlinchey brings power in the run game, and if he can learn to be a better pass protector, the 49ers will have a great find. He's a solid player, but linebacker Tremaine Edmunds and safeties Derwin James and Minkah Fitzpatrick would have been better values. Armed with two second-round picks, they moved up to get Pettis, a competitive receiver/returner that was adequate value. Warner is a solid linebacker worthy of a third-round pick; he'll shore things up at whatever spot the team requires at the second level (Will, Mike, or Sam). Moore, a late-riser, is an athletic player with starter potential. The 49ers stuck with Street despite his knee injury, and he could prove to be a great value in a couple years. Reed joins Pettis in the return game, but meets the team's need for a slot corner. James should have been a fifth-round pick, as his hands and elusiveness are top-notch and his toughness belies his slight frame.          Mike McGlinchey wasn’t a top-10 talent, but it’s hard to blame the 49ers for taking the most polished, experienced tackle in this draft to protect their investment in Jimmy Garoppolo. The value, athleticism and potential they got in the following rounds is what has me excited, from a big-play machine in Dante Pettis to high-upside, underrated defenders in Fred Warner and Tarvarius Moore. Day 3 brought more of the same, with tons of potential and quality depth on both sides of the ball. Their last pick (Richie James) might have me the most excited.
  • Andy Benoit (SI.com): Overall: B
          The Mike McGlinchey selection made more sense after Trent Brown was traded. McGlinchey will play right tackle for probably the next two years while Joe Staley, who is still going strong, plays out his recently extended contract on the left side. Some may have been surprised by the selection of Dante Pettis, but entering this draft, San Francisco’s biggest need was simply “skill position.” Yes, if you had to break that down into parts, tight end was probably neediest, followed by running back and THEN wide receiver. But the differences in these needs were small, and a receiving corps of just Pierre Garcon, Marquise Goodwin and Trent Taylor, while well-balanced stylistically, is pretty average overall.
          Fred Warner might be a hedging against the uncertain Reuben Foster situation. Warner, because of his value in coverage (where many of a linebacker’s responsibilities lie these days), could be seen as a possible upgrade over ex-Seahawk Malcolm Smith. But Smith was signed just last year; cutting him in 2019 would bring more than $4 million of dead money against the cap. The five picks after Warner all aim at fortifying the depth of this quietly ascending defense.
          1 (9) Mike McGlinchey, OT, Notre Dame, 90.6
          2 (44) Dante Pettis, WR, Washington, 82.0
          3 (70) Fred Warner, LB, BYU, 86.1
          3 (95) Tarvarius Moore, S, Southern Miss, 88.6
          4 (128) Kentavius Street, Edge, NC State, 73.7
          5 (142) D.J. Reed, CB, Kansas State, 89.9
          6 (184) Marcell Harris, S, Florida, 74.8* (in 2016)
          7 (223) Julian Taylor, DI, Temple, 84.1
          7 (240) Richie James, WR, MTSU, 70.4
          Day 1: While many had the 49ers targeting a specific need at the top of the draft, they pulled a bit of a surprise by selecting the top tackle on the board in Notre Dame’s Mike McGlinchey. One half of the best double team in college football, McGlinchey provides them a new starter at right tackle after the team dealt Trent Brown to the New England Patriots, and a potential future replacement for Joe Staley down the road. McGlinchey was a dominant run-blocker and while he was a good pass-blocker – surrendering 16 total pressures over his final season – there were some ugly plays on his tape as well where he can be beaten decisively and quickly in the play. His game still needs some refinement, but he was one of the best offensive linemen available in this draft and should provide a solid upgrade to the line.
          Day 2: Pettis is sharp in and out of his cuts with a good overall feel as a route runner and he has excellent hands, as he dropped only seven of his 169 catchable targets in his career. He posted his highest overall grade in 2016 (85.1) and he adds special teams value after setting the NCAA record with nine punt returns for touchdowns. After attacking offense with their first two picks, the 49ers went defense in Round three, selecting LB Fred Warner out of BYU and then defensive back Tarvarius Moore out of Southern Miss in the third round. Warner has graded very well at PFF for multiple seasons playing the overhang or walk-out linebacker spot in that defensive scheme that doesn’t really exist in the NFL. He has the movement skills and coverage ability that fits perfectly in today’s NFL, but he is going to need to get more acclimatized to playing inside in tighter quarters with bigger bodies in close proximity. Moore flies to the football and moves well, showing the ability to hang with receivers 1-on-1 as a safety in college, but he may project outside to cornerback at the next level and could end up playing alongside Richard Sherman on the outside.
          Day 3: D.J. Reed was an undersized corner with outstanding PFF grades, and wasn’t beaten for a catch longer than 30 yards in 2017 and he may play free safety for the 49ers given his height. They also selected Kentavius Street, despite him tearing his knee in the pre-draft process. Street is a powerhouse who will likely split time between edge and interior of the line once he’s healthy. They also snagged Temple’s Julian Taylor, who notched 28 defensive stops and graded very well against the run.
          Overview: Roquan Smith would have been a preferred selection at No. 8 overall, but the Bears weren’t going to let him slip, and McGlinchey filled a need when the Niners dealt RT Trent Brown to New England. Coach Kyle Shanahan clearly fell in love with Pettis; the 49ers traded up from 59 to 44 to land him. Pettis profiles as a slot-flanker receiver and was one of the top return men in this draft. Warner has a chance to fill the K.J. Wright role in DC Robert Saleh’s Seahawks-style defense, and Moore is a superb athlete with true centerfield safety skills. Street and Harris came at injury discounts. Reed is a slot corner only with kickoff-return value. Among draft-eligible defensive tackles, only Taven Bryan logged better SPARQ results than Taylor. As the 49ers acquired Jimmy Garoppolo for the 43rd overall pick, he must be included in this haul and provides a significant boost to San Francisco’s draft grade.           They got immediate protection for QB Jimmy Garoppolo, taking Notre Dame OT Mike McGlinchey in the first round. Then they got a weapon for their star QB when they picked Washington WR Dante Pettis, who also returned an NCAA-record nine punts for touchdowns.          Analysis: The draft’s ninth overall choice might have been a bit high for T Mike McGlinchey, but the 49ers clearly were interested in protecting the big investment they made earlier in the offseason by re-signing QB Jimmy Garoppolo. Second-round WR Dante Pettis could develop into a reliable complementary receiver.          McGlinchey, Pettis and Warner were good ways to open John Lynch's second draft. But there was no splash to build on the initial defensive rebuild last year that came in the form of Solomon Thomas, Reuben Foster and Ahkello Witherspoon. San Francisco still has a playoff-caliber team, more so for Jimmy Garoppolo and what's around him on offense.          Taking Mike McGlinchey at No. 9 would have felt like a huge reach last week, but it became apparent closer to the draft that the Niners couldn't wait to get him. Still, too high a price for a right tackle whose value might have been inflated in a weak draft at the position? Second rounder Dante Pettis adds immediate juice to the special teams, but at 6-1 and 186 pounds may be too slight to hold up at receiver. Third-round LB Fred Warner is additional insurance as the Niners prepare for the extended or permanent absence of 2017 first rounder Reuben Foster.          Street: Weight-room strong, but doesn't fully translate on the field. Freakish flashes but gets stuck on blocks too often.
          Reed: Twitched-up slot CB who can play outside if need be. Shorter but very aggressive. Excellent ball skills. Needs to get better at tackling.
          Harris: San Fran is loading up on safeties. Harris is a vintage Florida safety. Imposing, hard-hitter. Lacks awareness and change of direction skill.      
          Taylor: Has DE size. Flourished on the inside with hand use and burst. Can learn from DeForest Buckner and Arik Armstead, two other tall interior rushers on that roster.     
          James: James is shorter and has a small frame, but he's electric with the ball in his hands. Plus cutting ability, vision, and acceleration. Quality deep threat with impressive body control. Injuries derailed his 2017 after spectacular 2016.         
  • Mike Tanier (Bleacher Report): C- (Street), B+ (Reed), Poor (Harris), Fair (Taylor), Excellent (James)
          Strengths: Size, hustle/effort, initial quickness. Weaknesses: ACL injury in April.
          Kentavius Street tore his ACL while working out for the Giants. He projected as a middle-rounds pick before the injury. He’s a complementary pass-rusher (Bradley Chubb got most of the attention for the Wolfpack, and the interior line was excellent) with the size and quickness to play a similar role in the NFL. We’ll have to wait until 2019 to see him in action. It’s great to see Street drafted, but this is a fourth-round reach, and the 49ers have a history of getting themselves into trouble by investing too heavily in injured prospects.
          Strengths: Quickness, ball skills. Weaknesses: Size.          One of the many undersized mighty-mite slot corners in this draft class, D.J. Reed brings value as a return man and a high-character reputation to the table. Reed is well-built and tackles well for his size, which should give him a leg up on some of the Donte Jackson types competing for a finite number of sixth and seventh defensive back slots. Boy, that fourth round was pretty meh, wasn’t it? But there have been some great selections at the start of the fifth.
          Strengths: Tackling. Weaknesses: Experience, injuries.
          Harris missed all of last season with an Achilles injury. He was developing into a high-effort fly-around safety before that. Folks, the 49ers always get themselves into trouble when they gamble on players with major injury issues, and this is their second one of the draft.
          Strengths: Pro day results. Weaknesses: Size.
          Taylor was a one-year starter who tore up his pro day. He’s undersized for a defensive tackle but may fit as a two-gap end.
          Strengths: Quickness, production. Weaknesses: Size, injury concerns.
          Richie James was a super-productive mighty mite who caught 212 passes and doubled as a Wildcat quarterback for the Blue Raiders in 2015-16. The 178-pounder then suffered collarbone and ankle injuries last year, limiting him to just five games and 31 catches. There’s a good chance James used up most of the touches in his tiny body already, and someone as small as James should run in the 4.3 range to succeed in the NFL, not 4.48. If I were founding a spring league, I would snatch James as soon as he falls through the NFL’s cracks and build a Single Wing offense around him. It’s the seventh round, and James has upside.

  • 休斯顿大学(Houston)安全卫Terrell Williams(Joseph Duarte)
  • 霜堡州立大学(Frostburg State)防守截锋Niles Scott(Frostburg Bobcats)
  • 华盛顿大学(Washington)中锋Coleman Shelton(该校主教练Chris Petersen)
  • 两人此前均未和球队会面,目前一共签约12人,试训3人,完整名单见375楼,非官宣,如果全部属实,球队大名单已达到93人。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... umors-signings-2018

  • Mike McGlinchey, OT, Notre Dame
  • Dante Pettis, WR, Washington
  • Fred Warner, LB, BYU
  • Tarvarius Moore, S, Southern Miss
  • Kentavius Street, DE, N.C. State
  • D.J. Reed, CB, Kansas State
  • Marcell Harris, S, Florida
  • Jullian Taylor, DT, Temple
  • Richie James, WR, Middle Tennessee State
来源:http://www.49erswebzone.com/arti ... s-nine-draft-picks/
(2)爱国者近端锋Rob Gronkowski休赛期参加了一些有风险的活动,如鲨鱼周(Shark Week,探索频道的一档节目)、摩托车越野赛、WWE等,Boston Globe的Ben Volin说如果爱国者想阻止他参加,还是有可能可以阻止的,他的合同中有防止他参加任何除橄榄球以外有高风险可能导致受伤的活动(合同用词为engaging in any activity other than football which may involve a significant risk of personal injury),但没有明文规定哪些活动不得参加,说他很幸运不是为九人打球,九人每位球员合同都有禁止参加职业摔角等活动的条款,根据Jimmy Garoppolo和Richard Sherman合同的复印件,球员禁止参加“跳伞、悬挂式滑翔、攀岩或登山、任何形式的赛车(包括作为驾驶者或乘客)、摩托车运动、使用任何越野车或全地形车辆、职业摔跤、拳击、枪械(firearms)、水肺潜水、水上摩托、冲浪、蹦极、滑雪或滑水”。
来源:https://www.bostonglobe.com/spor ... story.html#comments

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