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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-5 10:31 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-1-5 12:24 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-1-5 10:31


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-6 09:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-1-8 09:03 编辑

(1)ESPN的Seth Wickersham写了一篇文章《For Kraft, Brady and Belichick, is this the beginning of the end?》,说爱国者老板、主教练和四分卫之间存在裂痕。
  • 爱国者主席/CEO Robert Kraft、主教练Bill Belichick和四分卫Tom Brady就这篇文章发表了联合声明,说三方关系良好,报道不实。
          "For the past 18 years, the three of us have enjoyed a very good and productive working relationship. In recent days, there have been multiple media reports that have speculated theories that are unsubstantiated, highly exaggerated or flat out inaccurate. The three of us share a common goal. We look forward to the enormous challenge of competing in the postseason and the opportunity to work together in the future, just as we have for the past 18 years. It is unfortunate that there is even a need for us to respond to these fallacies. As our actions have shown, we stand united."
①说爱国者主教练Bill Belichick并不想交易四分卫Jimmy Garoppolo,是由于爱国者老板Kraft的干预,才决定交易的,还说Kraft和Belichick在交易截止日期前开了一个长达半天的会议,给Belichick的最终命令是交易走Garoppolo,因为他不会长期留在球队,然后选一个选秀中最好的四分卫培养,Belichick对此非常生气和意志消沉。②文中还说爱国者曾向Garoppolo多次提供过一份平均每年$17-18M的续约合同,如果他能成功继承Tom Brady,还会变得更高,这一报价遭到了Garoppolo和他的经纪人Don Yee的拒绝。
          “I don't really know what to say - it's tough to have a response since it didn't appear to me to have one on-the-record quote.  All I can suggest is don't believe everything you read.”
③文中还说Brady并不愿意向可以威胁他的替补四分卫提供建议帮助其成长。Garoppolo在第二场首发比赛中肩膀受伤后曾去Brady私人医生Alex Guerrero的TB12运行治疗中心(TB12 Sports Therapy Center)治疗,进不去,打电话也没人接,吃了闭门羹。
④这篇文章中还提到了一些关于球队主教练Kyle Shanahan的内容:说Belichick在十月下旬发短信给Shanahan,让他给自己打电话。Belichick一直敬仰Kyle的父亲Mike,后者不仅是联盟中最好的战术家之一,也在间谍门时期亲自向联盟总裁Roger Goodel为Belichick辩护过。在去年二月的新秀考察营期间(combine),Kyle当时刚成为49人主教练不久,他和Belichick会面了好几个小时,就在之前的超级碗上被爱国者翻盘一事,从后者那里学习经验。Belichick相信Garoppolo能在Shanahan手下取得成功,所以当两人(十月)通电话时,Belichick提出了用Garoppolo交易二轮签。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... -garoppolo-contract          https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... han-jimmy-garoppolo
          https://www.reddit.com/r/Patriot ... e_espn_story_about/
(2)NN的Jennifer Lee Chan提出了一些球队应该续约中锋Daniel Kilgore的理由:
  • 市场上优秀的中锋不多,价格会很高。她提到PFF评分比Kilgore高的有:Evan Smith(海盗)、Ryan Jensen(乌鸦)、Weston Richburg(巨人)和John Sullivan(公羊)。
  • Kilgore会比较便宜,他之前曾说能在一支球队打8年或更久对他意义重大,钱对他来说也不是那么重要,更在乎兄弟情和球队的未来。
          “It would be huge. To spend eight years or more plus with one organization would be huge for me. I’m not the type of guy that’s going to be ... there’s not a money value to me. It’s about this team and the brotherhood, and what the future holds for this team. That’s what I’m really impressed with.”
  • 新秀球员通常会需要一些时间去适应,而不是马上能打首发。球队可以选新秀来培养,留着Kilgore作为过渡或保险,球队以前选的Marcus Martin就没打出来。
  • 左截锋Joe Staley曾说签回Kilgore很重要,他了解球队体系,也是进攻线的队长(负责指挥进攻线),深得队友信任,还说Kilgore训练比自己更刻苦。
  • 四分卫Jimmy Garoppolo看上去很喜欢他,说他刚来时两人立刻就合拍了,并帮助他学习了球队进攻体系。
          “I thinks that’s a special relationship between a center and quarterback, you spend so much time together. Me and him, we got on the same page almost instantly when I first got here. He made my job a lot easier helping me with the run game and all that stuff. I think we compliment each other very well. Hopefully we’ll work something out.”
  • Kilgore在进攻线球员中的到尊重,赛季末赢得了队内奖项Bobb McKittrick award(进攻线位置的奖项,由进攻线球员投票产生)。
  • 综合:Kigore愿意签一份对球队友好、短期的合同,这对于球队来说并无损失,可以让球队在培养新秀的同时,有一个熟悉他能力的首发球员。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... sign-daniel-kilgore
(3)路易斯维尔大学(Louisville)四分卫Lamar Jackson宣布参加本届选秀。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... l-draft-first-round

2.2017赛季美联社最佳阵容出炉(完整名单),球队无人入选。Joe Staley在左截锋投票中得了2票,Robbie Gould在踢球手投票中得了4票。
  • Left tackle: Andrew Whitworth, Rams, 24; David Bakhtiari, Packers, 10; Taylor Lewan, Titans, 5; Tyron Smith, Cowboys, 4; Joe Staley, 49ers, 2; Trent Williams, Washington, 1; Lane Johnson, Eagles, 1
  • Kicker: Greg Zuerlein, Rams, 22; Justin Tucker, Ravens, 15; Chris Boswell, Steelers, 6; Robbie Gould, 49ers, 4; Stephen Gostkowski, Patriots, 3
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... -robbie-gould-votes

3.公羊角卫Blake Countess因为在比赛中对球队外接手Marquise Goodwin的撞击(被判粗野动作犯规)被罚$48,620。
  • 之所以罚款金额较大,是因为这是他过去五周中第二次因此类事件被罚,他曾在第十二周因对圣徒近端锋Coby Fleener的撞击被罚$24,309。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... on-marquise-goodwin

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发表于 2018-1-7 13:56 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-1-7 16:01 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-1-7 21:25 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-8 09:08 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-1-8 09:09 编辑

(1)安全卫Adrian Colbert在推特上说他终于可以打响指了。
  • Colbert在11月12日第十周和巨人比赛中拇指根部骨折,之后接受了手术,他只缺席了第十二周和海鹰的比赛。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... jury-rehab-snapping

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发表于 2018-1-8 09:35 | 显示全部楼层
球队已通知联盟不希望上Hard Knocks,要嘚要嘚

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-9 08:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-1-9 20:22 编辑

①Ken Norton Jr.担任球队助理主教练——防守/内线卫
  • 51的Norton此前两个半赛季(2015-17)担任突袭者防守协调员,2017年11月21日被该队主教练Jack Del Rio裁掉,2016赛季Norton的防守组中产生了美联社年度最佳防守球员防守端锋Khalil Mack,并有两人入选职业碗(Mack和安全卫Reggie Nelson)。
          效力突袭者之前,Norton Jr.在海鹰担任了五个赛季(2010-14)的线卫教练。在此之前,曾在南卡罗莱纳大学(Southern California)效力过六个赛季,分别担任防守助理教练/线卫教练(2004)、线卫教练(2005-07)和助理主教练 防守/线卫教练(2009)。他的教练生涯开始于执教高中球队,2003年曾担任哈密尔顿高中(HamiltonHigh Schoo,加州洛杉矶)防守协调员。
          出身于加州威彻斯特Westchester)的Norton Jr.于1988选秀大会第二轮(No.41)被达拉斯牛仔选中,在NFL打了13个赛季,分别效力于牛仔(1988-93)和49人(1994-2000),曾于199赛季入选美联社最佳阵容一队,Norton Jr.是NFL历史上唯一一位在连续三届超级碗获胜球队效力的球员(第37、38届的牛仔和第39届的49人)。职业生涯一共出战191场(188场首发),拿到1,274次擒抱、12.5次擒杀、13次抢到掉球、6次制造掉球和49次破坏传球。
          Norton Jr. 大学期间在加州大学洛杉矶分校效力了四个赛季(1984-87),1987大四赛季入选All-America,并入选了Butkus Award最终决选名单,还拿到了加州大学洛杉矶分校社会学学士学位。
  • 主教练Kyle Shanahan在声明中说他给球队带来了理解和经验,熟悉球队防守体系,曾有夺冠经验,了解冠军球队文化。
          “Ken brings a great deal of knowledge and experience to our team having spent more than two decades as a NFL player and coach,” said Head Coach Kyle Shanahan. “Throughout his coaching career, Ken has developed a tremendous understanding of our defensive system, making him a perfect fit for our staff. With four Super Bowl titles on his resume, including one as a 49er, Ken knows firsthand what it takes to become a championship caliber team.”
  • Matt Barrows说助理主教练这一头衔让球队可以给Norton比位置教练通常能获得的更高的工资。
  • Norton和球队防守协调员Robert Saleh曾于2011-2013赛季在海鹰共事过,Saleh当时担任防守质量控制教练。Saleh在2017年9月时曾特别指出当他在海鹰时,Norton是对他的防守哲学产生影响的人。Norton和球队线卫Malcolm Smith也很有渊源,曾在海鹰(2011-14)和突袭者(2015-16)共事过,后者预计下赛季将担任弱侧内线卫(WILL)。Norton作为助理教练赢得了球员的爱戴和尊重,去年当他被解雇时,作为抗议,突袭者线卫Khalil Mack和Bruce Irvin没有参加他被裁后第二天的训练。49人的防守组排在联盟第24位,但比去年(几乎每项都在联盟都输第一)有长足的进步,赛季末随着球员之间的熟悉、如Foster这样的防守球员的伤愈复出和球队对持球进攻时间的控制,球队防守组的表现也在上升。而突袭者的防守组排在联盟第23位,但没有达到源于2016赛季表现的预期。11月21日,该队主教练Jack Del Rio在墨西哥城的比赛中8-33输给爱国者后解雇了Norton。一个多月后Del Rio也被解雇,突袭者迎回了曾于1998-2001赛季担任该队主教练的Jon Gruden。
②原线卫教练Johnny Holland改任球队冲球进攻专员/外线卫教练(他和Clay的执教履历)
③原肌力与体能训练助理教练Michael Clay改任助理特勤组教练(注:这是他2016赛季在球队时的职位,去年被改任肌力与体能训练助理教练)
④此前有报道说将担任加州大学洛杉矶分校防守线教练的球队助理防守线教练Vince Oghobaase文中并未提及,他目前仍在球队官网教练组名单中(该名单已经更新了Norton的任命和其他两人的改任)。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 9-b584-5621e77d3159          https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... holand-michael-clay

(1)肩关节唇伤病接受手术的右截锋Trent Brown在推特上说他接受手术已经四周了,感觉良好,恢复情况好于预期。
    UPDATE‼️ 4 weeks post-op...I’m feeling great and I’m ahead of schedule ‼️
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... eline-recovery-2018

3.关于四分卫Jimmy Garoppolo的交易,ESPN的Seth Wickersham之前曾有文章说是由于爱国者老板Robert Kraft的干预(详情见1月6日新闻),Kraft近日向The MMQB的Peter King否认了这一报道,说在10月31日的截止日期前他和该队主教练Bill Belichick最后一次关于此事的对话是在6月,之后他们直到交易截止日期前的那个周一才再次谈过此事,当时Belichick给他打电话说和49人谈成了交易用Garoppolo交易49人二轮签+四分卫Brian Hoyer(最终九人裁掉Hoyer,爱国者签下了他),问他是否同意。Kraft和球队总裁Jonathan Kraft进行了商谈,后者赞成交易,于是他打电话给Belichick,说同意。
    “Until Monday at the trade deadline—I believe that was Oct. 30—the last time I talked to Bill about Jimmy’s situation was in a group with Bill, [club president] Jonathan [Kraft], [director of player personnel] Nick Caserio … a small group of us, I think in June. That is the last time I talked to Bill about it. I would see Nick occasionally and say, ‘Anything going on?’
    “I assumed once the season started, we’d talk again at the end of the season about it. The next time I spoke with Bill about it was the Monday before the trade deadline. He called me on that Monday and said he got a deal with San Francisco, Jimmy for a second-round pick and [quarterback] Brian Hoyer. Turns out they had to cut Hoyer and then we got him. But really, this was basically a second-round pick and Brian Hoyer for Jimmy. Bill asked me if I was OK with this. I was really taken aback a little bit. I wanted to think about it. I talked to Jonathan, who was okay with it, and I called Bill back and said, ‘OK.’”
           "We've been through this before, I know you want to report on things that are inaccurate and unattributable, and I’m not interested in responding to all those random and in a lot of cases baseless comments."
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... garoppolo-tom-brady

(1)公羊外接手Sammy Watkins对Los Angeles Daily News说如果能留队他会很乐意,但也知道这是生意,他期待和教练谈话,了解自己的未来在哪里。
    “You see this team building something, with the coaching staff and the players,” Watkins said, via the Los Angeles Daily News. “It would be a pleasure to come back but, you know, it’s a business. I’m looking forward to talking to the coach and seeing where my future is at.”
来源:http://profootballtalk.nbcsports ... -to-stay-with-rams/
(2)据The Washington Post的Dan Steinberg报道,红皮主教练Jay Gruden说他并不希望再经历一次该队四分卫Kirk Cousins以一年合同(标签)留队的事情了,他希望有一位长期的四分卫人选,他希望是Cousins,如果不是的话,那就朝前看。他还说Cousins证明了他是一位优秀的首发四分卫。
    “I think something has to be done,” Gruden said bluntly. “I personally don’t want to go through another one-year deal, and just [keep going] one year, one year. I think you want to have a quarterback in here that’s going to be here. And hopefully that is Kirk, and if not, we have to move on and do what we have to do as an organization.
    “For the most part, the great quarterbacks are in the same system year in and year out, and are developing in that system. [Teams are] not holding our breath every March and April, waiting for the guy. But if that’s the case, that’s the case. But we like Kirk and his development. He’s played well at times, without a doubt, proven that he’s a good starting NFL quarterback.”
来源:https://www.washingtonpost.com/n ... _term=.98a781ef17e5

5.外接手Marquise Goodwin在对阵巨人比赛中的那次83码接球达阵获普利司通年度最佳精英表现(Bridgestone Elite Performance Play of the Year)提名(投票链接、内含视频)。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... d-9e2a-6dd7710ff22b


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发表于 2018-1-9 10:42 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2018-1-9 11:14 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-1-9 08:39


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-9 11:20 | 显示全部楼层
toman00 发表于 2018-1-9 10:42


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-9 11:27 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-1-9 11:14


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发表于 2018-1-9 23:25 | 显示全部楼层
nashville 发表于 2018-1-8 09:35
球队已通知联盟不希望上Hard Knocks,要嘚要嘚


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-10 10:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-1-11 11:13 编辑

(1)球队总经理John Lynch在Clark Judgede电台节目Talk of Fame Network上被问到是否相信四分卫Jimmy Garoppolo是Franchise QB时给与了肯定回答,还说不想要他长期留队是愚蠢的。
    “Yeah, we really believe that. We do,” said Lynch. “I don’t want to hurt my negotiating position, but I’ve always been fairly forthright. And we really do.
    “We think he’s got an opportunity to be special, and what he showed us … it wasn’t perfect by any means, and there are things he wants to improve on … but he made us better. And once you get it at that position you know how he can lift an organization. He had that effect on our organization. So I think it would be foolish not to want him to be around for a long time.”
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... uarterback-contract
(2)左截锋Joe Staley近日在Matt Maiocco的播客上说他在上个休赛期时曾考虑过退役问题,当时他觉得再打一、两个可能就不打了,因为他的表现没有达到他自己的想到的程度,打球也没有乐趣,再加上球队之前一直输球,教练之类的也一直在换,很不稳定。但在和球队主教练Kyle Shanahan谈了一个小时后,重新找到了目标。
    “He kind of really got my mind back on track,” Staley said. “We had a good conversation. We talked for probably about an hour, got me refocused and all that.
    “It was beneficial for me and that speaks to the kind of person he is — to be about to sit down with a guy that’s older and edaling with stuff as a first-time head coach and be able to really sit down and get me refocused. It was a big help to me this year.
  • 1.10更新:Staley还谈了他为什么希望职业生涯一直待在49人,说在同一支球队从低谷到高峰对他意义重大,如果有一天夺得超级碗会感觉更特别。冠军对他并没有那么重要,他不想去任何其他球队。球队对他很好,即使在困难的时期,这里也是他的家。
          ”I just think, you spend so much time in one spot, and I just feel like it would mean that much more, to me, to be able to be a part of something that, go through the tough times, and get back to the top. I just know that if we do win a Super Bowl while I’m here, that it will just be that much more special to be able to do it in one spot, and withstand all those tough times, and finally win the ring.
          “I know it would be a lot more — I also don’t want to chase rings. I can’t speak to anybody else, but to me it would be, it would feel like I really didn’t have a big part in that. I was kind of riding coattails of other players or whatever if I was to get traded to a different team. And also, I just don’t want to go anywhere else. This place has been really good to me, and I love the people here. Even in tough times, this is home for me.”
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... onversation-podcast          https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... hasing-49ers-career

(1)据NEW YORK DAILY NEWS的Manish Mehta报道,去年10月31日被交易到喷气机换取一个2018五轮签的前球队角卫Rashard Robinson曾于去年12月被捕,并被指控持有毒品。据美联社报道,莫里斯郡(Morris County)警方当时拦下了疏忽驾驶的Robinson,之后发现他持有一颗掺有大麻的糖果。
  • 文章中提到了一些和49人有关的事情:多位消息来源说Robinson本赛季早些时候曾在49人航班上发生过让人困扰的事故(原文用embarrassing and troubling来形容),之后又在他在九人的最后一场比赛中和场边的教练有冲突,使得球队决定交易走他,而喷气机在交易时对这两件事情都知情(Mehta的这篇文章是质疑为什么喷气机会交易他)。
  • Robinson在大学期间也曾因场下问题被开除过(详情),在这次报道出来前,他被认为进入联盟后至少在表面上并没有再出现过场下问题。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... e-jets-49ers-report

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发表于 2018-1-10 11:24 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-10 12:07 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-1-10 11:24


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发表于 2018-1-10 13:14 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-1-10 11:24

在巴马打nickel back和S居多,由于防跑出色经常还把他列在line of scrimmage当LB使

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发表于 2018-1-10 14:52 | 显示全部楼层
semonkey 发表于 2018-1-10 13:14
在巴马打nickel back和S居多,由于防跑出色经常还把他列在line of scrimmage当LB使


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-1-11 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-1-11 22:09 编辑

(2)布朗任命Eliot Wolf担任助理总经理,Alonzo Highsmith担任球员人事副总裁(两人简介),裁掉高级人事执行员Ryan Grigson。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... -office-hue-jackson

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