



楼主: S.R.911

[德州人] 休斯顿德州人2016赛季休战期大楼(第XVII期:DeAndre Hopkins, 值一份超级合同?)

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-5 08:58 | 显示全部楼层
coimbrawu 发表于 2016-5-2 09:53
第一场是去年的Fiesta.Bowl.Notr ...








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发表于 2016-5-5 13:06 | 显示全部楼层
S.R.911 发表于 2016-5-5 08:58

1、ND的球衣背后没有印名字是要闹哪样?我光看号码都不 ...

圣母防守不好那是因为他们的防守核心,覆盖超级大的Jaylon Smith被Taylor Dekker弄伤了...Bosa也早早被罚下去了,当然Zeke也确实牛

https://www.reddit.com/r/Texans/ ... ller_wr_notre_dame/


GREAT!: 5.0
好全面的分析。手小是硬伤啊……  发表于 2016-5-5 13:49

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-5 15:15 | 显示全部楼层
Tight End,问题解决了?






不过,球队还是挑选了一名落选新秀,Stephen Anderson。




难道,要让Jaelon Strong把2号外接手的位置让给Will Fuller,然后自己去打近端锋?或者,让J.J.Watt作为先发TE?或者,干脆以Lamar Miller的地面进攻为核心,TE只需要掩护开路技术就可以了?



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发表于 2016-5-5 23:09 | 显示全部楼层
Stephen Anderson 40码可是比Richard Rodgers快多了

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-9 09:51 | 显示全部楼层

An argument as to why JJ Watt can be considered more valuable than all players that aren't franchise QBs

https://www.reddit.com/r/Texans/ ... _can_be_considered/

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发表于 2016-5-11 11:48 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.scout.com/nfl/texans/ ... iew-the-draft-class

Tyler Ervin表现最好,Fuller讨论最多

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-11 13:49 | 显示全部楼层
coimbrawu 发表于 2016-5-11 11:48
http://www.scout.com/nfl/texans/ ... iew-the-draft-class

Will Fuller:第一天对于防守难以摆脱,主要是靠身体接球。第二天逐渐开始用手接球,也展示了速度和摆脱防守的能力。总的来说,1轮秀的天赋在这里放着,就看教练的调教能力和怎么融入球队了。摆脱防守和手部运用是亟需提高的部分。

Nick Martin:由于缺少真正的身体对抗,作为C到底有多少实力还不明朗,但表现出来的实力还是积极的。

Braxton Miller:速度、寻找空档的能力都不错,启动和急停也展现出了特点,面对压迫防守的摆脱能力需要加强。

Tyler Ervin:新秀里面表现得最好的一个,展现出不错的脚步移动和路线能力,还能接得一手好球。

K.J. Dillon:身材高大的S,对球的处理能力不错,有力量。

D.J. Reader: 缺乏真正的对抗难以体现其实力。他比Nix高,比Nix重,但是比Nix跑得快,手和脚比Nix长,运动和爆发能力都不错。

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发表于 2016-5-12 17:10 | 显示全部楼层
前球队的角卫 Jumal Rolle在训练中跟腱撕裂,估计要退役了。。。

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发表于 2016-5-13 16:24 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 coimbrawu 于 2016-5-13 17:10 编辑

http://www.tdl100.com/forum.php? ... digest%26digest%3D1
我们知道闪击战术(blitz)是非常有效的防守传球的手段。通过额外给四分卫施加压力,闪击战术经常可以取得相当不错的效果。一种对付闪击战术的方法是使用屏风传球(screen pass),不管是利用进攻锋线开路的慢速屏风(slow screen)还是快速丢给身体素质优秀的运动员的泡沫屏风(bubble screen),都是不错的应对闪击的方法。

而Brock Osweiler是一个很怕闪击的QB,球队通过增加Fuller、两个米勒、Ervin,理论上可以打很多的屏风传球、慢速屏风和泡沫屏风,以此来对付对方的突袭,这也是帮助Osweiler减轻压力,增加比赛的变数。同时球队目前两个OG:XSF和Jeff Allen都是开路为主的球员,也许也会有更多的区域跑攻


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发表于 2016-5-18 16:47 | 显示全部楼层


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GREAT!: 5.0
好尴尬啊!  发表于 2016-5-18 17:21

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发表于 2016-5-18 17:25 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-5-19 14:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 coimbrawu 于 2016-5-19 14:38 编辑


When we signed Osweiler, I was extremely excited that we wouldn’t have to watch Hoyer ever again lead our offense. With great optimism, came great anxiousness. So i decided to go back through gamepass and watch every single snap that Brock took last year to see how I thought he would fit into our offense and was extremely hopeful that he could be the answer to our offensive woes. My takes from watching the film aren’t going to make most fans pleased, but please bare with me and take from this what you would like. I’ll start with the pros to what I saw in his game…

1. He was very good with establishing who his checkdown option was and routinely took advantage of checking the ball down to his back over the middle of the field
2. He definitely was not afraid to stand in the pocket and deliver the ball while taking massive hits
3. He could make plays with his feet for the most part when things broke down around him. He is a tall, strong, relatively mobile quarterback.
4. He was definitely a leader on the field and you can see it in his demeaneor. He wants to be great and it is apparent that he is very confident in his abilities.
5. He was able to make due even when his receivers / Oline didn’t give him the help that he could have used at times

Now onto the CONS:
1. His deep ball is very lacluster to put it in a good way. He may have a powerful arm that is able to stretch the field but whether it was due to his mechanics or to not being on the same page as his receivers, many of his deep balls were nowhere near where they needed to be.
2. Intermediate routes were routinely thrown behind or too low for his receivers to make a legitimate play on the ball. His timing was speratic and he really struggled throwing his receivers open. most balls over the middle were behind his receivers instead of laying it out in front of them.
3. His ball flight, being that he is such a tall quarterback is very odd. ,any of his short-intermediate throws have a downward trajectory which could be understandable seeing as how tall he is, but these balls shouldn’t be on a downward trajectory. many of these balls are hitting the receivers in the hip area where they cannot hands the catch and make a move to get downfield. Some routine balls were at the feet of his receivers over the middle which is very worrisome to me.
4. Much of his success seemed to be scheme driven. Lots of bootlegs and play action which is all good but I know I was hopeful that we were getting more than just a game manager out of Osweiler.

Unfortunately with what I saw on tape, a game manager is probably an optimistic viewpoint of his game. When the run game is strong, like many quarterbacks, Osweiler is able to make plays with the defense stacking the box. However, when Osweiler is relied upon to carry the game, or come back and win a game (outside of the New England game) he was lacluster. I was so hopeful that this guy was going to be the quarterback of our future, and after the draft, I was even more excited about what he could be with the weapons we are surrounding him with. Now that I have watched the tape, the draft makes even more sense to me. We drafted guys that are quick and will be matchup problems for defenses in the short area passing game. We have guys in both Millers and Ervin who hopefully will be able to establish themselves as weapons in this area and guys that should be capable of making htings happen with the ball in their hands. Unfortunately, I believe these guys were drafted to mask Osweiler’s defficiencies in the intermediate and deep passing game. For him to succeed, he is going to need these guys to exceptional over the middle and make plays after the catch. The Fuller pick makes even more sense because although I am very worried about Osweiler’s ability to hit fuller on deep routes, he is going to take the top off of defenses and this is going to be a necessity in order to get our quick guys going over the middle and Deandre on the outside. Unfortunately, and it kills me to say this, I think Jayson Braddock may have had something when he said that Fuller was Obrien’s pick and Osweiler was mainly Rick Smith’s guy. Obrien is an extremely smart coach, he knows what it is going to take for a guy like Osweiler to succeed in this league and that makes me think that his choice of Fuller over a guy like Doctson was out of necessity. He knows he has to get guys to stretch the field in order to open up short-intermediate routes for Osweiler to be successful.

I had hoped that after watching all of Brock’s snaps, I would leave with an optimistic viewpoint on him being our qb of the future but I am left feeling empty and realizing that this pretty much two year contract may be what I was dreading; a contract that is going to be that, only two years. I love Obrien and have so much respect for what he can do to maximize play out of his qb’s and his ability to put his quarterbacks in the best position in order to be successful. I just hope he has a good plan for Osweiler because I really think he is going to have to manufacture success for OS.

Keeping in mind, Brock only provided a small sample size and he is still very unexperienced in the NFL, and is still young. He has time to grow and develop here in Houston, I just think that if it is going to happen, it won’t happen overnight and he may very well struggle this first year. I hope we as fans temper our expectations a bit and realize this guy is going to have to develop extensively to be who most of the fan base wants him to be. I am very hopeful, however very cautiously optimistic. Obrien has got to do some work here for sure.

I realize this will not be a popular viewpoint and everyone is entitled to their own opinions, just thought I would give mine. I love the Houston Texans and hope for big things in these coming years. I think if the defense can remain a top 3 unit, we have a chance against anyone in this league.


总体而言和球探的评价差不多,而出手点、手型等四分卫传球细节这些我之前没有细看,结论:目前来看他还是一个game manager,谨慎乐观是很实际的

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发表于 2016-5-21 10:46 | 显示全部楼层
Brett Kollman在reddit上面解释了为何四分卫去到德州人大多表现比以前要好,附带说了Kubiak的西海岸进攻的特点和局限
Kubiak's offense works like any typical west coast offense. They give you double play calls and you read the defense at the line to determine whether or not to audible into that second call. Sometimes the first call is fine, sometimes the second one is better, and sometimes neither one works but you don't really have any other options but to run those two plays or call a timeout. Most of the time it's a run and a pass double call, so if you know for sure the pass won't work you just dial up the run and hope for the best with Foster/Anderson/Hillman/whatever.
In O'Brien's system, however, every single play has the potential to become any other play on the fly. Every week he will have a few select plays that work against different coverages that their opponent likes to run all linked to a single word, like "Hoss" or "Juke" or something of that nature. It doesn't matter what personnel grouping they are in, because all five skill position players on the field will know that word, know that concept, and automatically line up to execute it. So instead of only getting two plays to work with, he can change any play into any of those target plays with a single word.
Or if he wants to get even more specific than that he can say other words that are linked to specific concepts within their offense to change maybe just the routes that his strong side receivers run, or maybe just the weak side, or anything in between. If he doesn't like the look he's getting pre-snap, he now has the freedom to completely change everything about what he's running in order to get the best result possible. That's why our quarterbacks always do better here. As long as they can handle it mentally, they are finally free enough to get out of bad situations that their OC's may or may not put them in.

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发表于 2016-5-24 11:18 | 显示全部楼层
http://www.sports790.com/onair/t ... -osweiler-14740922/

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发表于 2016-5-25 12:08 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-25 13:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 S.R.911 于 2016-5-25 13:34 编辑
safin520 发表于 2016-5-25 12:08

Duane Brown:

Jeff Allen:

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-5-27 14:01 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
coimbrawu 发表于 2016-5-24 11:18
http://www.sports790.com/onair/the-source-w- ...


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发表于 2016-5-28 08:52 | 显示全部楼层
S.R.911 发表于 2016-5-25 13:33
Duane Brown:
6年53.4M,签字费12.5M,保障22.0815M。其中基本工资六年依次为:2.5M,6M,7M,7M,9.65 ...


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发表于 2016-5-28 18:33 | 显示全部楼层
safin520 发表于 2016-5-28 08:52
当初如果留下brooks的话薪金空间应该够吧,其实剩下的薪金空间可以在留下他的同时还可以捡两个自由市场上 ...

Brooks想要五年合同, 德州人只给四年,算上第五年就贵很多
国外球迷说得不错:德州人想要Jeff Allen保持去年的水准(去年之前表现都很平庸),老鹰想要Brooks保持前年的水准(上赛季表现很平庸),各取所需

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-6-7 08:41 | 显示全部楼层

德州人的edge rush真牛逼。


Kevin A. Johnson出档次数还高于Kareen Jackson,评分也高。


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