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[49人] 旧金山49人2015赛季大楼(Baalke曾续约,Kaepernick拇指韧带撕裂,,要求面试孟虎OC)

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-16 11:01 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-16 11:13 编辑

1.据San Francisco Chronicle记者Eric Branch报道,球队试训了加拿大橄榄球联盟(CFL)外接手Eric Rogers(集锦视频2013球探报告)。另据Calgary Sun报道,他预定将拜访11支球队,并于上周五和爱国者进行了首次试训。
24岁的Rogers(6-3, 210)目前效力于卡加利牛仔(Calgary Stampeders),本赛季以1,448码领跑CFL,10次接球达阵并列第一,接球数87排名第三。
来源:http://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers ... pid=twitter-premium

2.据NN的Jason Hurley报道,角卫Tramaine Brock本赛季有$500K浮动(NLTBE),生效条件60%上场时间$250K,80%上场时间$500K,另有还不清楚详情的抄截数条款(6次)。这可能意味着他会多占用最多$500K薪金空间。

(1) Matt Maiocco分析了球队在上场比赛中被对手拿到9次擒杀:原文

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-17 07:36 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-17 11:43 编辑

未参加训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、跑锋Kendall Gaskins(脑震荡)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
部分训练:防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)、外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)、外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、中锋Marcus Martin(脚踝)、近端锋Vance McDonald(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)、安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(脚踝)、护锋Andrew Tiller(膝盖)
正常训练:防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、防守端锋Mike Purcell(肩膀)、、安全卫Eric Reid(肩膀)、安全卫Jimmie Ward (肘部)
  • 外接手Torrey Smith是背部痉挛,外线卫Eli Harold除原来的肩膀外新增了大腿腘绳肌伤病。
  • 外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、近端锋Vance McDonald(脑震荡)恢复训练(部分训练,均穿“禁止接触”球衣),预计将参加下场比赛。
Out:四分卫Andy Dalton(右手拇指)
未参加训练:近端锋Tyler Eifert(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Jake Fisher(脑震荡)、角卫Leon Hall(背部)、安全卫George Iloka(腹股沟)、防守端锋Michael Johnson(背部)   
部分训练:中锋Russell Bodine(手指)、线卫Vontaze Burfict(膝盖)、角卫Adam Jones(脚部)、进攻截锋Andrew Whitworth(膝盖)
来源:https://twitter.com/CamInman/status/677194986404884480          https://twitter.com/mattbarrows/status/677252687595876352
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... n-lynch-at-practice

2.合同即将到期的左护锋Alex Boone说他愿意留下,成为自由球员让他感到兴奋,但也希望和球队谈续约。
“Of course. It’s my home. These are my brothers. They’re my family. I’ll listen to anything.”
“It’s the league. I’m excited about free agency,” he said. “But at the same time, I’d love to hear an offer from the Niners. And at the end of the day, I’ll let things work out the way they are.”

(1)由于替补跑锋Kendall Gaskins脑震荡,记者询问了训练组的Jarryd Hayne被激活的可能性,主教练Tomsula对此未给予正面回答,说Gaskins今天看上去状态很好,说Hayne训练很刻苦。
“I’m not going to talk about any roster things and, by the way, Kendall did look good today,” Tomsula said. “But we see Jarryd in practice. He’s practicing very hard.”
特勤组协调员Thomas McGaughey Jr.则说Hayne并没有在弃踢回攻方面做太多练习,而是主要在模拟组(scout team)攻防两端模拟对方球员。说他还有很多要学,包括如何保护球。
"Obviously, we’ll keep those skills honed with him, the punt return stuff," McGaughey said. "He needs to learn how to play football, to learn how to run and cover kicks, and protect punts. That kind of stuff is invaluable for him in his overall skill development. He has a ton of ability. He just needs to learn the game – all aspects of the game.
"Obviously, from what he did in the preseason, we thought he had the skills enough to be a punt returner. It’s a new deal. Every day is a new day for him. It just didn’t work out, but he just needs to learn how to play the game of football."
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... acticing-very-hard/

(1)9月17日达成伤病买断协议后被裁的跑锋Kendall Hunter签约圣徒。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... unter-signs-saints/

(1)NN的David Neumann指出了球队上场比赛中的9点不足之处:原文
(2)尖峰Ian Williams过去六周的PFF评分(+12.2)可以排在同时间段防守截锋和尖锋的第8位。上赛季在五分卫和十分卫阵型只打了5档(均为3-3-5),本赛季则大幅上升,目前已经打了201档。

(3)右护锋Andrew Tiller过去六周的PFF评分(+11.5)可以排在同时间段护锋的第4位。



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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-18 07:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-18 12:00 编辑

未参加训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
部分训练:防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)、跑锋Kendall Gaskins(脑震荡)、外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)、外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、中锋Marcus Martin(脚踝)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)、安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(脚踝)、护锋Andrew Tiller(膝盖)
正常训练:防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、近端锋Vance McDonald(脑震荡)、防守端锋Mike Purcell(肩膀)、、安全卫Eric Reid(肩膀)、安全卫Jimmie Ward (肘部)。
  • 外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)仍未参加训练。跑锋Kendall Gaskins(脑震荡)恢复训练,和外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)一样穿“禁止接触“球衣,近端锋Vance McDonald(脑震荡)通过了联盟脑震荡全部检测,正常训练。不再穿“禁止接触“球衣。
Out:四分卫Andy Dalton(右手拇指)
未参加训练:线卫Vontaze Burfict(膝盖)、近端锋Tyler Eifert(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Jake Fisher(脑震荡)、安全卫George Iloka(腹股沟)
部分训练:角卫Leon Hall(背部)、角卫Adam Jones(脚部)、角卫Dre Kirkpatrick(膝盖)
正常训练:中锋Russell Bodine(手指)防守端锋Michael Johnson(背部)进攻截锋Andrew Whitworth(膝盖)
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ond-day-of-practice
(2)四分卫Colin Kaepernick说他还会再用一周吊腕带,上周开始重新出席球队会议,预计下场比赛会出现在场边。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle50092930.html

(1)之前有一些关于York家族可能出售球队的流言,球队老板之一的John York说他们对球队饱含热情,这个赛季让人失望,但不会有任何不同,为球队过去的历史感到自豪,但也将着眼于未来。
"I will say this: Our family is extremely passionate about the 49ers. All of us are disappointed in the season. It did not go the way we were hoping,'' he said. "You can blame it on whatever, but it doesn't make any difference. ... We are very proud of the past, but we also look to the future. That's what we're going to need to do."
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... -bay-area-columnist
          http://www.mercurynews.com/49ers ... &utm_medium=twitter
(2)记者问到为什么不在基本防守阵型时使用防守端锋Arik Armstead,防守协调员Eric Mangini说他也在基本阵型上场,但每个球员的技术类型不同,而也想让他们得到休息保持状态。Armstead在五分卫阵型和十分卫阵型很有效率,所以他会主要在这时候上场,而其他球员则会在基本阵型上场,让Williams和Dial休息一下,不希望在比赛末端防守分包战术体系(Sub Package)时体力不足。
          "We do. Arik plays some in base. And with those defensive linemen, everybody has a different skillset and what you're trying to do is keep them all fresh or as fresh as you possibly can throughout the entire game. So, Arik has been effective in nickel. He's been effective in dime. So, if that's where he's going to get the core of his stuff, then you've got to work some other guys in to kind of give Ian and [DT] Quinton [Dial] and guys like that some blows in base, because what you don't want to do is get late into the game and lose something in those sub-packages that maybe was a real strength if you had balanced it out."
  • 评价了Armstead在防跑方面的表现,说他在有些地方做得很好,提到他和其他两位新秀外线卫Eli Harold、安全卫Jaquiski Tartt对于一些战术经历得少,还需要积累经验。
       "I think Arik's done some really good things against the run. I think the thing with Arik and [LB] Eli [Harold] and [Jaquiski Tartt] JT, all those young guys that are playing in the box is some runs they've seen a lot, some runs they've only experienced a few times and the speed with which those runs hit, the fits, the feel, you can coach it, you can practice it, you just don't get it at that same level. You've got to experience it and some of this is growing through that."
  • 记者问到了内线卫Gerald Hodges在比赛中有不少时候会失位(out of position)的问题,Mangini说并不是很多,他也和Hodges(以及有同样问题的Jaquiski Tartt)谈过不能太着急或太冒进。
       "No, I don't think Gerald is out of position a lot of the time. I think what Gerald and I have talked about is, and I mentioned this before, is sometimes you can hurry but you don't rush. He's very quick to see things and very quick to react, but you can be too quick, you can be too fast. There's a patience that has to come with those run fits, because even though you're working to the front side A-gap, you have the backside A-gap and so until that back commits front side and there's no chance of cut back, you can't either. Really it's something that I talk about with [S] Jaquiski [Tartt] as well when we are just talking about tempoing the ball. You've got to be at that same depth so that you can react when he reacts. I like Gerald's aggressiveness. I like all those elements to it. But, it's just sometimes you've got to slow it down a little bit and counter your tendency to get there too quickly."
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... rmstead-development

3.内线卫NaVorro Bowman是球队唯一一名在职业碗球迷投票中进入前10的球员,最终排在内线卫第3位(186,371), 落后于黑豹的Luke Kuechly(282,162)和包装工的Clay Matthews (187,163)。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... ns-pro-bowl-voting/

          进攻协调员Geep Chryst说此对负责。
          "At the end of the day, I feel incredibly responsible for it,"
  • 在第一节37波进攻中,25次弃踢、6次射门、3次被抄截、1次射门封盖、1次4次进攻未拿下首档(Downs)、1次安全分、1次在进入第二节后打了3档,拿到达阵(7-47负于红雀)。
  • 31.4%的三挡转换率联盟第三低,16次3&out,其中14次出现在过去的7场比赛中。
          Chryst说四分卫Blaine Gabbert在两分钟进攻( two-minute drill)和红区方面做得很好,但在三档转换方面有不足,开局阶段3&out次数过多。        
         "We look closely at what our openers will be," Chryst said of his script. "Where Blaine has done really well is situational football -- two-minute (drill) and red zone.
         "What he hasn't done as good as a job as we need is third down," said Chryst. "The other place we've struggled is we've gone three-and-out too often at the start of games."
  • 37波进攻中,24波出现了负码数进攻(negative plays),包括被擒杀、犯规被罚、被抄截、或跑锋在开球线后被擒抱。
        "When we have negative plays, we don't see something, we don't react to something, and often times it's an inexperienced player," Chryst said. "We're trying to get them experienced. We expect them to get better. We've made improvement, but not for this (last) game."
  • 每场比赛中平均得分14.5,照这个趋势将在联盟垫底,球队历史此前只有2007赛季曾垫底(13.7分)。
  • 球队进攻组人员变动较大,跑锋Hyde受伤,四分卫首发更换,近端锋群被交易或受伤,19位不同的球员曾有接球。
       "Any analysis of the offense starts with: Who are the people you have and what do they do best, and then can we put them in a position to execute?"
  • 联盟第一节得分倒数的球队:49人(18)、美洲虎(35), 、闪电(36)、猎鹰(37)、布朗(40).
  • 联盟第一节得分最高的球队:圣徒(97)、包装工(89)、黑豹(85)、孟虎(83)。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... omed-49ers-offense/
          http://www.mercurynews.com/49ers ... &utm_medium=twitter(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)
(2)踢球手Phil Dawson本赛季任意球命中率95%(目前已连续19次命中),排名联盟第五,也是他17个赛季职业生涯新高。

5.2015赛季球探动向汇总:[原文]Scouting 49ers scouts recap: College games the team attended Weeks 1-14 作者:Timor Domini - Greg Valerio

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发表于 2015-12-18 07:24 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-12-18 07:05
(1)12月17日两队伤病报告:(下划线为变化部分)还没出来外接手T ...


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发表于 2015-12-18 07:26 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-12-17 07:36


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-18 07:26 | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-18 07:32 | 显示全部楼层
gcmy-01 发表于 2015-12-18 07:26

Andrew Tiller?待过包装工训练组。

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发表于 2015-12-18 07:43 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-12-18 07:32
Andrew Tiller?待过包装工训练组。

哦,怪不得有印象他在过那儿。如果Anthony Davis回归,Kilgore复出,Boone能续约,加上他和Staley,那下赛季的OL就算可以了

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-18 07:45 | 显示全部楼层
gcmy-01 发表于 2015-12-18 07:43
哦,怪不得有印象他在过那儿。如果Anthony Davis回归,Kilgore复出,Boone能续约,加上他和Staley,那下 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-19 07:39 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-19 12:41 编辑

护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)、角卫Tramaine Brock(大腿腘绳肌)
防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、角卫Marcus Cromartie(臀部)、防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)、跑锋Kendall Gaskins(脑震荡)、外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)、中锋Marcus Martin(脚踝)、近端锋Vance McDonald(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)、防守端锋Mike Purcell(肩膀)、、安全卫Eric Reid(肩膀)、外接手Jerome Simpson(手指)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)、安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(脚踝)、护锋Andrew Tiller(膝盖)、安全卫Jimmie Ward (肘部)
  • 未参加训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
  • 部分训练:角卫Tramaine Brock(大腿腘绳肌)、外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)
  • 正常训练:防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、角卫Marcus Cromartie(臀部)防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)跑锋Kendall Gaskins(脑震荡)外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)中锋Marcus Martin(脚踝)、近端锋Vance McDonald(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)、防守端锋Mike Purcell(肩膀)、安全卫Eric Reid(肩膀)、外接手Jerome Simpson(手指)进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(脚踝)护锋Andrew Tiller(膝盖)、安全卫Jimmie Ward (肘部)
伤病报告新增角卫Marcus Cromartie(臀部)和外接手Jerome Simpson(手指)。外接手Torrey Smith恢复训练(部分训练)。
角卫Tramaine Brock是伤病报告出来后新增的,他是大腿腘绳肌拉伤。
四分卫Andy Dalton(右手拇指)、近端锋Tyler Eifert(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Jake Fisher(脑震荡)、安全卫George Iloka(腹股沟)
中锋Russell Bodine(手指)、线卫Vontaze Burfict(膝盖)、角卫Leon Hall(背部)、防守端锋Michael Johnson(背部)、角卫Adam Jones(脚部)、角卫Dre Kirkpatrick(膝盖)、进攻截锋Andrew Whitworth(膝盖)
  • Out:四分卫Andy Dalton(右手拇指)、近端锋Tyler Eifert(脑震荡)进攻截锋Jake Fisher(脑震荡)安全卫George Iloka(腹股沟)
  • 正常训练:中锋Russell Bodine(手指)、线卫Vontaze Burfict(膝盖)角卫Leon Hall(背部)、防守端锋Michael Johnson(背部)、角卫Adam Jones(脚部)角卫Dre Kirkpatrick(膝盖)、进攻截锋Andrew Whitworth(膝盖)
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle50543480.html                https://twitter.com/mattbarrows/status/677942643683291136
          https://twitter.com/mattbarrows/status/677989593925292032       http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... aron-lynch-tramaine

(1)进攻协调员Geep Chryst在解释球队进攻不利时显得有一点防卫心略重,主教练Tomsula被问到Chryst的回答尤其是伤病方面时说要找理由有很多,但他并不想找。进队进攻不力,有一些进步的地方,但缺乏稳定性。至于伤病每个球队都有,必须要克服。
        "I want to answer that question, but I want to say this: there's a long list of excuse we can grab and we can make those reasons and we can validate. I could do all those things and I'm not going to and we're not going to. We've had struggles on offense. We've seen some things improve on offense. We've seen individuals improve.  Not consistent enough. Too much up and down. We've got to just keep that going up. But, in terms of the roster, every team in the NFL has players in and out of the lineup every week. So, we have to overcome those and we have to perform on Sunday."
  • 被问到如何评价Chryst的工作时,说他做得很好,并将四分卫Blaine Gabbert的进步归功于Chryst和四分卫教练Steve Logan。也指出仍要继续改进,所有人都做的不够好。
       "I think Geep does a nice job. I think Geep does a good job. Again, just talking today, we were talking about [QB] Blaine [Gabbert]. People talk about, I don't know that you all were surprised that Blaine has come out and done some good things and the way he's handled himself on game day. But, you've seen him in practice. You've seen him since he's been here. But, I think people outside of our hub, from what I understand, were surprised at what Blaine's doing and the way he's progressing. So, we were talking about that with he and Geep and the way they worked last year and then the way Blaine's working with [quarterbacks coach Steve] Logan and Geep this year. There's some really good things going on there. So, we've got to continue to improve. None of us have done a good enough job or the left hand column would have a higher number than it does."
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... fensive-coordinator
(2)训练组中的跑锋Jarryd Hayne说他现在比打比赛时感到更适应,不确定最后三场比赛是否会出战,下赛季仍会继续征战NFL,理解这赛季发生的事情。
"I feel 10x more comfortable than 6 weeks ago when I was actually playing."
"This has been the most incredible adventure I've ever been on and I put in perspective how far I've come"
来源:https://twitter.com/CamInman/status/677984843607576576    https://twitter.com/CamInman/status/677985243337351168

3.外线卫Ahmad Brooks因在上场比赛中对布朗跑锋Isaiah Crowell不必要的粗野动作(unnecessary roughness)被罚$8,681。


来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ack-look-vs-bengals


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-20 07:09 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-20 07:36 编辑

(1)主教练Tomsula说转型的Tank Carradine会得到更多的机会。
"Well, you saw him get, he did get more reps on Sunday and he will continue. We talked about that with the path that we changed there with Tank. And I'm excited about it. I'm really excited about it. And you will continue to see Tank have more opportunities. But, I'm excited about the way Tank has gone about this. I'm excited about the way he's working at it and just his attitude and approach to it. Since the day I sat down and had the meeting with him to talk about it, to his openness to it and to the way he's attacked it."
  • Tank本人说他目前体重在260-265磅之间,他觉得自己的理想体重在265-270磅之间,这也是他前十字韧带(ACL)撕裂前的体重。希望下赛季正式改打外线卫位置。被问到是否希望进入联盟时就打这一位置时给与了肯定回答。说他赛季中找主教练Tomsula谈过,说他对增重后的体重不适应,希望回到大学时的体重。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ense-tank-carradine(Tomsula采访全文)
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... side-and-his-future(Tank采访全文)

(1)NN的James Brady分析了球队上场比赛中的9次被擒杀:原文
(2)五分卫Jimmie Ward本赛季只有一场比赛表现很差(11周对海鹰),此后的三场比赛中只允许了4次接球49码,对手四分卫传球评分39.3。他本赛季打了61%的防守档数。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle50655950.html


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发表于 2015-12-20 09:20 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-12-20 07:09
(1)主教练Tomsula说转型的Tank Carradine会得到更多的机会。

Jimmy Ward这赛季是进步了,希望继续保持,加油!

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-21 04:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-21 08:51 编辑

OLB Aaron Lynch
OL Jordan Devey
OL Brandon Thomas
OL Alex Boone
LB Michael Wilhoite
WR DeAndrew White
CB Chris Davis
  • 脑震荡外线卫Aaron Lynch未激活,Eli Harold将接替首发。外接手Torrey Smith、角卫Tramaine Brock激活。护锋Jordan Devey首次未被激活,Ian Silberman自第一周后首次再次被激活。
QB Andy Dalton
WR Mario Alford
S George Iloka
OT Jake Fisher
TE Tyler Eifert
DT Marcus Hardison
DT Pat Sims
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle50785360.html

(1)四分卫Colin Kaepernic原本打算本场比赛出现在场边,但被医务组出于安全考虑禁止。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... rs-sideline-week-15
          http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... rs-sideline-week-15
(2)赛后伤病情况:顶替受伤的Boone打右护锋的Marcus Martin脑震荡,跑锋Shaun Draughn膝盖受伤。两人比赛中均被列为out。

3.球迷制作的反Jed York的飞行条幅又再次飘扬在空中,这次内容从上场主场比赛(11.29)的"Jed & 49ers should mutually part ways"变成了"Hold Jed Accountable"。计划在最后一场主场对公羊比赛中继续,也可能会在超级碗举办那周(非比赛日)也进行。

来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... evis-stadium-before


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发表于 2015-12-21 07:34 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-12-21 04:48


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-22 07:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-22 08:40 编辑

76 -- LT Joe Staley, LG Andrew Tiller, RT/RG Eric Pears, C Daniel Kilgore, QB Blaine Gabbert
70 -- WR Anquan Boldin
56 -- WR Torrey Smith, TE Blake Bell
42 -- RG Marcus Martin
39 -- TE Vance McDonald
37 -- WR Quinton Patton
34 -- RT Trent Brown
30 -- RB Travaris Cadet
29 -- RB Kendall Gaskins
18 -- WR Jerome Simpson
17 -- WR Bruce Ellington
16 -- RB Shaun Draughn
10 -- FB Bruce Miller
2 -- TE Brian Leonhardt
64 -- FS Eric Reid, CB Tramaine Brock, SS Jaquiski Tartt, LB NaVorro Bowman
56 -- LB Ahmad Brooks
54 -- LB Gerald Hodges
53 -- CB Dontae Johnson
46 -- DL Quinton Dial
44 -- NT Ian Williams
37 -- DB Jimmie Ward
31 -- LB Eli Harold
30 -- DL Arik Armstead
28 -- DL Mike Purcell, LB Corey Lemonier
13 -- DL Tank Carradine
10 -- DL Tony Jerod-Eddie
9 -- CB Kenneth Acker, CB Keith Reaser
27 -- Nick Bellore
23 -- Shayne Skov, Ray-Ray Armstrong
21 -- Johnson
20 -- Ward
19 -- Marcus Cromartie
23 -- Miller
18 -- Patton, Gaskins
13 -- Ellington
12 -- Bradley Pinion, Armstead
10 -- Kyle Nelson, Harold, Acker
8 -- Reid, Hodges, Jerod-Eddie
7 -- Dial
6 -- Brock
5 -- Tartt
4 -- Phil Dawson McDonald, Williams, Purcell
3 -- Pears, Staley, Tiller
2 -- Brown
1 -- Martin, Cadet
未上场 -- QB Dylan Thompson, OL Ian Silberman
未激活 -- WR DeAndrew White, CB Chris Davis, LB Michael Wilhoite (ankle), LB Aaron Lynch (concussion), OL Brandon Thomas, OL Jordan Devey, G Alex Boone (knee)
  • 主教练Tomsula本赛季第7次挑战终于成功(赌博踢球权),此前6次全部失败。防跑方面有所回升,对手36次冲球68码(均码1.9)。被孟虎四分卫AJ McCarron21传15中,192码,1次传球达阵,传球评分115.6。
  • 四分卫:Blaine Gabbert 50传30中,295码,1次传球达阵,3次被抄截(2次是Vance McDonald接球脱手导致),4次被擒杀,传球评分58.3,2次冲球10码。评分-1.4,过去四场比赛三场低于-1.0,虽然本周的比赛表示并不是很糟糕,得分线上的被迫传球达阵导致的抄截拉低了分数,但偏离目标的传球较多,抵消了积极的部分。向目标平均传球码数6.0码,为6场首发比赛中最低。
  • 跑锋:Shaun Draughn膝盖受伤离场,打了16档,9次冲球38码,1次接球4码。Travaris Cadet(30档)2次冲球4码,4次接球32码。Kendall Gaskins(29档)2次冲球0码,6次接球52码,Mike Purcel 28档,
  • 全卫:Bruce Miller打了10档,2次冲球3码,1次冲球达阵。
  • 进攻线:顶替受伤的Boone打右护锋Marcus Martin(42档)脑震荡离场后,右截锋Eric Pears挪去右护锋,Trent Brown(34档)打右截锋,只允许了1次匆忙传球,评分+2.4。
  • 外接手:Anquan Boldin(70档)8次接球74码,1次接球达阵,1次掉球,Torrey Smith(56档)2次接球33码,Quinton Patton(37档)3次接球37码,2次接开球回攻53码,Jerome Simpson打了18档,Bruce Ellington(17档)1次接开球回攻34码,6次接弃踢回攻40码。
  • 近端锋:Blake Bell打了56档,4次接球43码,Vance McDonald(39档)入选本周最差阵容,评分-3.5,在开路方面表现挣扎,得分为负,接球方面表现更差,4次向他方向的传球只接住1次(10码),2次接球脱手导致被抄截,职业生涯漏接率22%,过去三年所有符合评选资格的近端锋中最高。Brian Leonhardt打了2档。
  • 防守线:尖锋Ian Williams(44档)入选本周最佳阵容,评分+5.3,5次防跑截停,另有1次,1次擒杀,1次抢到掉球。Quinton Dial(46档)+5.7,Arik Armstead 30档,Tank Carradine 13档,TJE 10档。
  • 内线卫:上场比赛拿到生涯最低分(-6.0)的NaVorro Bowman强势反弹,打满全场,12次擒抱(8+4。5次防跑截停),本赛季擒抱数并列联盟第一,拿到生涯最高评分+5.8,入选本周最佳阵容。Gerald Hodges(54档)10次擒抱(9+1)。
  • 外线卫:Ahmad Brooks(56档)5次擒抱(3+2),1次擒杀,评分+3.2。Eli Harold 31档,Corey Lemonier 28档,在那次边线外的犯规后再未上场(犯规后Bowman敲打了他的头盔警示)。
  • 二线:角卫Kenneth Acker只打了9档,从Marvin Jone在他防守下接到47码传球后再未上场,被Dontae Johnson取代首发位置。槽角卫Jimmie Ward(47档)评分+4.7。
  • 特勤组:Nick Bellore抢到赌博踢,Phil Dawson射门被封盖(本赛季第二次),连续19次射门命中记录终止。Bradley Pinion7次弃踢平均净弃踢码数40.6码,3次踢进20码,有1脚很糟的18码弃踢。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... s-acker-cornerback/          https://twitter.com/mattbarrows/status/679010616577646592
          https://www.profootballfocus.com ... /pro-cin-sf-grades/             https://twitter.com/PFF_Jeff/status/679005496100044800     
          https://www.profootballfocus.com ... ition-from-week-15/           https://www.profootballfocus.com ... osition-in-week-15/
(1)主教练Tomsula说膝盖受伤的跑锋Shaun Draughn将于周一进行核磁共振(MRI)检查。外接手Jerome Simpson是被撞到难以呼吸,角卫Dontae Johnson脚踝受伤(有重新上场)。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... oping-another-core/          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ve-much-else-to-add

(1)球队首席运营官(COO)Al Guido对CBS场边记者Jay Feely说球队低估了球员离开?(defections)对更衣室造成的影响,尤其是领导力方面。但对Tomsula执教前景有信心。
      “I had a chance to talk to Al Guido, the COO for the 49ers beforehand,” Feely said on the broadcast. “They knew what they were getting into when they had all the defections. (He) said they underestimated a little bit the impact that it had in the locker room, specifically the lack of leadership. . . But I think they’re confident with Jim Tomsula going forward.”
  • Matt Maiocco在过道中找球队CEO Jed York聊,后者说一切留到到赛季后再谈。
       "We'll talk about everything at the end of the season."
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ything-after-season          https://twitter.com/MaioccoCSN/status/678740722992857088
(2)主教练Tomsula说在Justin Smith、Frank Gore等人离开后,球队核心也不在了,球队现在在培养新的核心,提到了几个人的名字:老将 Ian Williams、NaVorro Bowman,新人Jimmie Ward、Blake Bell, Eli Harold、Jaquiski Tartt和Quinton Dial。
    “We knew there’s a core group that’s not here,” Tomsula said. “There was a core group here, with Justin and Frank and all those guys, there was a core group here that built up through some tough times and got into some really good times and did a heck of a job (of) leading and just the tightness.
    “I don’t think we’ve hidden from that. That core is gone. We’re developing another core. We got to develop a core.”
Tomsula mentioned a young core to go along with such veterans as Ian Williams and NaVorro Bowman that includes such players as Jimmie Ward, Blake Bell, Eli Harold, Jaquiski Tartt and Quinton Dial.
   “I think there are a lot of pieces to that core here,” Tomsula said. “We’ve got some here that I’m really excited about. . . Is it a welded-together core? No, not yet. But are they working towards it? Do they have the intangibles? I believe they do.”
  • 确认四分卫Colin Kaepernick未出现在场边是医务组的决定。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... oping-another-core/          http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... -keep-kap-sideline/
(3)替补右截锋Trent Brown说他体重曾到达387磅,本赛季开始时355磅,现在346磅。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-23 07:51 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-23 15:42 编辑

1.球队两年合同从乌鸦训练组签下跑锋DuJuan Harris ,裁掉/让渡(waive)跑锋Travaris Cadet。
Harris(5-7, 206)2011年作为落选自由球员和美洲虎潜血,在美洲虎呆了一个赛季(2011), 在包装工呆了三个赛季(2012-14),本赛季休赛期训练营待在维京人,2015年9月5日被裁,之后先后签约圣徒、海鹰训练组,12月5日被提升入海鹰53人大名单,出战2场21次冲球49码,12月15日被裁,17日签约乌鸦训练组。职业生涯5个赛季出战26场(2场首发),80次冲球312码,2次冲球达阵,另有4次接球32码。
特洛伊大学(Troy University)期间出战50场(23场首发),共冲球2,635码,27次冲球达阵,5次接球达阵。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 9-aafd-6444ecccbb49(下文部分消息亦出自此文)

(1)据CSNBayArea记者Matt Maiocco报道,跑锋Shaun Draughn的膝盖伤势并不严重。手部骨折被放入伤病储备/指定回归名单中的跑锋Mike Davis也已恢复训练,他可以在最后一场比赛被激活。

(1)主教练Tomsula说外线卫Eli Harold身材略显单薄,不够强壮,需要增重。他选秀体测时体重247磅,球队外线卫一般在260磅左右。
"He's a little small right now and not as strong as we want him to be, but he works at it. When he strikes you, he strikes you with everything he's got. So, we figure we pack on a little bit more muscle and a little bit more weight, he's going to be striking with everything that he puts on."
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... -before-2016-season
(2)据mercurynews记者Cam Inman报道,五分卫Jimmie Ward和安全卫Jaquiski Tartt说球队总经理Trent Baalke经常来到训练场,并会纠正球员的技术动作,他们对此并不介意。
“He comes down to practice a lot. He’s like another coach,” said Ward, last year’s first-round draft pick. “Sometimes I make a mistake and be like, ‘Coach Trent?’
“He’s correcting my techniques, too, when I’m on the field,” Ward added. “He’s a pretty good guy. I like him. I don’t mind that (coaching).”
“When you see him, he’s always going to coach something, and you have to be ready for it,” Tartt said of Baalke. “He’s pretty cool.”
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... m-who-drafted-them/

4.内线卫NaVorro Bowman、左截锋Joe Staley入选职业碗,左护锋Alex Boone候补。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... aley-named-pro-bowl

WR Anquan Boldin
G Alex Boone
RB Reggie Bush
TE Garrett Celek
K Phil Dawson
NT Ian Williams
ILB Ray-Ray Armstrong
DL Tony Jerod-Eddie
ILB Michael Wilhoite
G Jordan Devey
RB Kendall Gaskins
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle51061100.html

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-24 07:33 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-24 12:05 编辑

(1)球队训练组安全卫Jermaine Whitehead被乌鸦签走。
来源:http://www.baltimoreravens.com/n ... 0-813d-ca865bd3b244
(2)据San Francisco Chronicle记者Eric Branch报道,被让渡/裁掉(waive)的跑锋Travaris Cadet被圣徒承接让渡权利(claim off waivers)。

未参加训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、跑锋Shaun Draughn(膝盖)、中锋Marcus Martin(脑震荡)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
部分训练:防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)、角卫Dontae Johnson(脚踝)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
正常训练:防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)、外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)
  • 外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)不再穿”禁止接触“球衣。进攻协调员Chryst说中锋Marcus Martin是每日观察,如恢复训练,将穿”禁止接触“球衣。
  • 据Niners Digest主编Chris Biderman报道,跑锋Shaun Draughn说他的核磁共振(MRI)检查结果显示是膝关节扭伤,无结构性损伤,目前状态是每日观察。
  • 伤病储备/指定回归名单中的跑锋Mike Davis正常训练。
未参加训练:安全卫Glover Quin(脑震荡)   
部分训练:线卫Josh Bynes(脚部)、外接手Calvin Johnson(脚踝)、防守截锋Haloti Ngata(颈部)、进攻截锋Michael Ola(膝盖)、防守截锋Caraun Reid(脚踝)、护锋Larry Warford(四头肌)
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle51383935.html(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)          https://twitter.com/ChrisBiderman/status/679761865702940672
          http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 4-b2cd-42dab8b2d31b                                            http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... -full-marcus-martin

3.据BleacherReport记者Jason Cole报道,球队希望让主教练Tomsula下赛季继续执教。
  • 据sbnation的James Brady报道,球队教练组十分混乱,甚至比赛前几天都不知道谁将决定阵型和人员配置,士气也跌落到最低点。
  • 据NinerFans.com的Ryan Sakamoto报道,球队线卫教练/高级防守助理教练Jason Tarver希望离开,目前还未有其他记者有类似报道。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... s-future-with-49ers

(1)进攻协调员Geep Chryst说球队之所以签下跑锋DuJuan Harris(而不是提升训练组的Jarryd Hayne)是因为他能在特勤组打多个位置。说Hayne在训练组表现良好,在球队未来计划中。
“Jarryd definitely fits in,” Chryst said. “We’re excited about his future, but I think it comes down to maybe what the special teams roles are and who’s going to get that uniform of 46, not just the 53.”
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... -teams-future-plans
(2)防守协调员Eric Mangini说对于球队总经理Baalke来训练场指导球员并不介意。Baalke曾于1990-1995在担任过大学级别的防守线/体能教练。
"Most GMs that I’ve been around are the same way," he said. "They’re vested not just from a picking players and putting together a roster, but also watching their development. It’s a positive thing when you have a consistent message coming from all the different levels. I think that’s a good thing."

(1)合同即将到期的尖锋Ian Williams目前PFF总评分+20.2,在70位防守线内侧球员中排在并列第9。防跑评分+21.1排在70人中第8,过去四周总评分+17.5,在防守截锋/尖锋中仅次于Aaron Donald和Geno Atkins,防跑评分+15.7排在榜首。防跑截停率(run stop percentage)10.1排在72位防守截锋/尖锋第12位。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... s-49ers-free-agents
(2)原本以136次擒抱排在并列第一的内线卫NaVorro Bowman擒抱数被修正为135次。


参与人数 1+20 收起 理由
denniszhtn + 20 一直不知道承接让渡权利怎么翻译,感谢普及



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发表于 2015-12-24 12:41 | 显示全部楼层
祝Jed York和Trent  Baakle圣诞快乐,明年不要再出现在球队里了!

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-25 07:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-25 10:46 编辑

未参加训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、跑锋Shaun Draughn(膝盖)、中锋Marcus Martin(脑震荡)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
部分训练:角卫Tramaine Brock(大腿腘绳肌)外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(膝盖)
正常训练:防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)、角卫Dontae Johnson(脚踝)、外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
  • 新增角卫Tramaine Brock(大腿腘绳肌)和安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(膝盖)。
未参加训练:角卫Dwight Bentley(生病)、安全卫Glover Quin(脑震荡)
部分训练:线卫Josh Bynes(脚部)、外接手Calvin Johnson(脚踝)、防守截锋Haloti Ngata(颈部)、进攻截锋Michael Ola(膝盖)、防守截锋Caraun Reid(脚踝)、护锋Larry Warford(四头肌)

(1)主教练Tomsula被问起关于可能回归的右截锋Anthony Davis时,说他和Davis还没有联系过,这是休赛期讨论的事情。
  • 被问到总经理Baalke来训练场指导球员的事,说他并不知道战术,只适合其他总经理一样,打打气之类的。
        “I’ve never seen Trent run a drill,” Tomsula said. “He’s never run a drill. Trent, just like I think all general managers, when he’s in town, he goes out to practice. Personnel guys go out to practice. We’re all in this together.”
         “I don’t know what he’s . . . you know, ‘Defend the ball’ or ‘Great play.’ We’re all invested here. I don’t see anything to that at all.”
  • 周五圣诞节,球员会回家过节,周六再出发去底特律。 球队本赛季客场表现很差(1-6),Tomsula说他向Keena Turner和Tom Rathma取经,周六开完会后9点出发。1981-90赛季,球队客场胜率80.9%,主场67.1%,1988赛季起曾客场19连胜。
        “What did they have? Eighteen road wins?” Tomsula asked. “They left at 9 o’clock in the morning on Saturday. They had their meeting and got on a bus and left. That’s the way they did it. We’re mimicking that.”      
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... fseason-discussion/
          http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... -teams-road-methods
(2)将成为自由球员的外接手Anquan Boldin被问到是否愿意下赛季回到球队时说”Definitely“。

(1)Jimmie Ward过去三周7次向他方向的传球3次成功接球10码,四分卫传球评分10.7,1次抄截回攻达阵,3次防跑截停,总评分+9.0,排在所有角卫第一位。本赛季参与了67%的防守档数,主要担任槽角卫。上场比赛中19次防传,3次向他方向的传球1次成功接球2码,另有一次擒杀(丢失9码)。
          http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... er-past-three-weeks
(2)左截锋Joe Staley 成为球队第11位连续5次(或以上)入选职业碗的球员。                  
WR Jerry Rice (1986-96)*               
LB Patrick Willis (2007-13)
WR Billy Wilson (1954-59)
OL/DL Leo Nomelini (1956-61)*
LB Dave Wilcox (1968-73)*
QB Steve Young (1992-97)*
DB Abe Woodson (1959-63)
S Ronnie Lott (1986-90)*
G Guy McIntyre (1989-93)
DT Justin Smith (2009-13)
LT Joe Staley (2011-15)
来源:http://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers ... pid=twitter-premium

(1)Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows排了一下他心目中球队各位置的选秀优先级:
因健康愿意退役的Anthony Davis确实可能回归,也只有26岁,但在他去年7月突然离开后,球队是否还能依靠他是个问题。而球队最好的两位护锋Alex Boone和Andrew Tiller(注:有误,Tiller合同到2016赛季结束)都将成为自由球员,而新人Marcus Martin、Brandon Thomas和Ian Silberman都还没显示出哪怕是合格替补的能力。
Blaine Gabbert下赛季2.25M的薪金确保了他将留在球队,也很有可能继续担任首发,但他是否能成为球队该位置长期性的选择存疑。
在新秀Eli Harold上周日打出本赛季个人最佳表现前,这一位置的优先级本来还要更高。他还在增重中,假以时日,有可能会和Aaron Lynch成为难以应付的组合,但他本赛季打了将近300档,还没有擒杀进账,Corey Lemonier也一样。Ahmad Brooks表现也在下滑,而Tank Carradine在尝试从300磅的防守端锋向外线卫转型,这一关键位置打着很多问号。
虽然4月首轮选了Arik Armstead,但这一位置的深度在下滑,Glenn Dorsey(前十字韧带撕裂)下赛季开局阶段很难上场,Carradine在转型,Ian Williams则将成为自由球员。
球队过去三个赛季的首席外接手即将成为自由球员,10月也将年满36,自2012首轮选中 A.J. Jenkins后,Baalke从未在前三轮选过外接手。
Carlos Hyde是physical型的跑锋,导致他很难打满整个赛季。截止到本赛季结束,他在过去两个赛季中因伤缺席的场次已经超过了Frank Gore过去七个赛季的总和。新秀Mike Davis25次冲球24码,可能加入前酋长跑锋Donnell Bennett(自1960赛季以来唯一冲球超过25次均码低于1码)的行列。
球队曾认为近端锋群会是球队的强项。Vernon Davis的“无私”和Vance McDonald习惯性犯错让这看起来很可笑。新秀Blake Bell和Rory Anderson给这一位置打了基础,但他们有顶级的天赋吗?
NaVorro Bowman进入了职业碗,伤病恢复轨迹预示着下赛季将表现得更好。但两个优秀的内线卫能让防守更出色。圣母大学(Notre Dame) Jaylon Smith或加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)的Myles Jack可能会吸引Baalke的目光。
I. 角卫
Baalke在后几轮选角卫做得很不错。但问题是已经第16周了,球队还没找出Kenneth Acker、Dontae Johnson和Marcus Cromartie三人中谁应该担任右角卫首发。
即将成为自由球员的Phil Dawson下赛季41岁,他当然还能踢。但球队如果球队想找一个新踢球手的话,2016球队进季后赛希望渺茫,可能会是一个好时机。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle51471255.html

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-12-26 09:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-12-26 09:28 编辑

护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、跑锋Shaun Draughn(膝盖)、中锋Marcus Martin(脑震荡)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、角卫Tramaine Brock(大腿腘绳肌)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)、外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)、角卫Dontae Johnson(脚踝)、外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)、安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(膝盖)
  • 未参加训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、跑锋Shaun Draughn(膝盖)、中锋Marcus Martin(脑震荡)、内线卫Michael Wilhoite(脚踝)
  • 正常训练:防守端锋Arik Armstead(肩膀)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀、手指)、角卫Tramaine Brock(大腿腘绳肌)外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)防守端锋Quinton Dial(肩膀)、外线卫Eli Harold(肩膀、大腿腘绳肌)、角卫Dontae Johnson(脚踝)、外线卫Aaron Lynch(脑震荡)、外接手Torrey Smith(背部、脚趾)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(膝盖)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)、安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(膝盖)
角卫Dwight Bentley(生病)、线卫Josh Bynes(脚部)、外接手Calvin Johnson(脚踝)、防守截锋Haloti Ngata(颈部)、进攻截锋Michael Ola(膝盖)、安全卫Glover Quin(脑震荡)、防守截锋Caraun Reid(脚踝)、护锋Larry Warford(四头肌)
  • 部分训练:线卫Josh Bynes(脚部)、外接手Calvin Johnson(脚踝)、防守截锋Haloti Ngata(颈部)、进攻截锋Michael Ola(膝盖)、安全卫Glover Quin(脑震荡)、防守截锋Caraun Reid(脚踝)、护锋Larry Warford(四头肌)
  • 正常训练:角卫Dwight Bentley(生病)
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... ruled-out-vs-lions/

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