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[49人] 旧金山49人2015赛季大楼(Baalke曾续约,Kaepernick拇指韧带撕裂,,要求面试孟虎OC)

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-23 07:33 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-10-23 08:03 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-10-22 08:16


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-23 09:46 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
kap原来拿手的read option现在完全不用了,为什么?…

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-23 09:56 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-10-23 10:07 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zccoro 于 2015-10-23 10:12 编辑


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发表于 2015-10-23 12:01 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-24 02:43 | 显示全部楼层
咱们QB是有时候犯二, 谁都有犯二的时候. 这个不是主要原因, 主要是C发球以后QB刚退到位一张望, 一看两三个人已经扑面而来了,这也太郁闷了,换谁也不好使啊.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-24 08:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-10-24 14:32 编辑

46 -- QB Colin Kaepernick, LT Joe Staley, LG Alex Boone, C Marcus Martin, RT Erik Pears
43 -- TE Vernon Davis
40 -- WR Torrey Smith, WR Anquan Boldin
23 -- RG Jordan Devey, RG Andrew Tiller
21 -- TE Garrett Celek
20 -- RB Carlos Hyde
19 -- WR Quinton Patton
17 -- RB Reggie Bush
10 -- FB Bruce Miller
9 -- TE Vance McDonald, RB Mike Davis
2 -- WR Bruce Ellington
72 -- CB Tramaine Brock
68 -- FS Eric Reid
64 -- OLB Aaron Lynch, OLB Ahmad Brooks
63 -- LB Michael Wilhoite
62 -- LB NaVorro Bowman
61 -- CB Kenneth Acker
51 -- NT Ian Williams
48 -- DB Jaquiski Tartt
46 -- DL Quinton Dial
39 -- DL Glenn Dorsey
35 -- DB Jimmie Ward
30 -- SS Antoine Bethea, DL Tank Carradine
17 -- DL Arik Armstead
16 -- OLB Eli Harold
15 -- LB Gerald Hodges
9 -- CB Keith Reaser
2 -- DL Tony Jerod-Eddie
24 -- Nick Bellore, Shayne Skov
19 -- L.J. McCray, Miller
18 -- Dontae Johnson
14 -- Reid
13 -- Patton, Wilhoite
12 -- Bradley Pinion, Tartt
10 -- Kyle Nelson, McDonald, Acker, Ward
6 -- Celek, Dial, Jerod-Eddie
5 -- Ellington, Brock, Lynch, Dorsey
4 -- Bush, Williams
3 -- Reaser
1 -- Phil Dawson, Pears, Boone, Devey, Tiller
未上场 -- QB Blaine Gabbert, T Trent Brown
未激活 -- WR DeAndrew White, RB Jarryd Hayne, OL Brandon Thomas, OG Ian Silberman, NT Mike Purcell, TE Blake Bell, OLB Corey Lemonier
  • 右护锋位置Jordan Devey和Andrew Tiller平分了上场时间。
       现任ESPN分析师,曾赢得三次超级碗的进攻线球员Mark Schlereth说球队的进攻线是他“12年打球,15年主播过程中见过最差的”。
        "Because they didn't block anybody," three-time Super Bowl winning offensive lineman and current analyst Mark Schlereth said. "It's endemic, to play great offense, you've got to actually block people. You've got to actually control the line of scrimmage.
        "In 12 years of playing, and 15 years of broadcasting, it's the worst I have ever seen an offensive line play consistently across this league. It's pathetic."
        PFF评分左截锋Joe Staley (+1.1) 、中锋Marcus Martin+0.2 (15次首发中第2次正分).、左护锋Alex Boone -0.9(没有两次拉人的话,可能也是正分) 、右截锋Erik Pears (-5.1,传球保护-1.4) 和右护锋Jordan Devey (-3.7,传球保护-3.3) 、Andrew Tiller (-1.8,传球保护+0.5)。6次被擒杀中5次和Pears、Devey有关。另一次为近端锋Vance McDonald。海鹰在其中5次只使用了4人冲传。
  • 跑锋Carlos Hyde因伤只打了20档,Reggie Bush打了17档, Mike Davis 9档。
  • 一直说要控制其上上时间的内线卫NaVorro Bowman打了72档中的62档,新交易来的Gerald Hodge首次被激活,打了15档,评分-0.3。另一位内线卫Michael Wilhoite评分-4.0,过去5周第4次评分等于或低于-2.0。让对手接球315码,防传评分-8.5都是本赛季所有内线卫中最低的。
  • 全卫Bruce Miller只打了10档,21.7%,上一场为39%,上赛季40%。
  • 有伤在身的外接手Anquan Boldin打了40档, Quinton Patton 19档,Bruce Ellington只打了2档。Patton在比赛中和裁判争执,Tomsula说他之后和Patton谈过,告诉他要控制自己。
  • 防守端锋Tank Carradine上场时间增加,打了30档,4次擒抱,1次撞击四分卫。他的上场时间主要来自TJE,后者只打了2档。
  • 安全卫Jaquiski Tartt因Bethea受伤离场打了48档,他之后也受伤,腿部挫伤,无大碍。角卫Acker为痉挛。
  • 四分卫Colin Kaepernick生涯首次没有个人冲球。总评分-1.3,短传10传3中,21码,传球评分-2.9.
  • 外线卫Aaron Lynch(+0.5),本赛季第5次正分,冲传+2.1,2次擒杀。
  • 评分最高的5位球员:CB Kenneth Acker (+1.6),S Eric Reid (+1.5),TE Garrett Celek (+1.3),DE Glenn Dorsey (+1.2),CB Jimmie Ward (+1.2)
  • 球队防守排在联盟第30位,分差为联盟最差的-77。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... -no-role-49ers-loss          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle41174463.html
          http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... -last-three-decades          http://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers ... pid=twitter-premium
          https://www.profootballfocus.com ... dangerous-off-edge/         https://twitter.com/PFF_Jeff/status/657600972403830784
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... pernick-crummy-game     https://twitter.com/CamInman/status/657626755302199296

(1)比赛中肩膀受伤的安全卫Antoine Bethea被放入伤病储备名单,赛季报销。他今天早上接受了核磁共振(MRI)检查。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... r-activate-simpson/(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)
(2)球队激活禁赛期满的外接手Jerome Simpson。

来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... s-staff-quarterback

4.卷入交易传言的近端锋Vernon Davis说如果他被交易会觉得很失望。他说他的经纪人告诉他不要担心,可能只是传言。
“He told me not to worry about it,” Davis said. “It’s probably just rumors.”
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... highly-disappointed

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-24 10:39 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-10-24 14:39 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-26 06:54 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-10-26 07:16 编辑

据Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows报道,被放进伤病储备(IR)名单的安全卫Antoine Bethea是胸肌撕裂,而不是此前报道的肩膀受伤。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle41217063.html

2.FoxSports的Jay Glazer说四分卫Colin Kaepernick在更衣室被孤立。NN的David Fucillo说他也听到类似的消息。
Usually when your quarterback, he's struggling confidence-wise, the entire locker room, they pick him. That's not his relationship in there. It's not like they don't like him, but he's just alone, on an island inside that locker room. There's not a lot of people he connects with that try and pick him back up.
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... e-49ers-locker-room

1. Kaepernick 20.0%2. A.Smith 16.7%3. Stafford 15.0%4. Winston 14.5%5. Cutler 14.5%
而在防传档数上,Dial打了146档,Dorsey 135,Armstead 86,Tank 81,TJE 68。
来源:http://www.footballsfuture.com/p ... ?t=571244&start=465


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发表于 2015-10-26 10:13 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
GnAuHz 发表于 2015-10-24 02:43
咱们QB是有时候犯二, 谁都有犯二的时候. 这个不是主要原因, 主要是C发球以后QB刚退到位一张望, 一看两三个 ...


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-28 06:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-10-28 16:48 编辑

二轮秀Jaquiski Tartt被列为强卫首发,接替被放入伤病储备(IR)名单的Antoine Bethea,Devey依然被列为右护锋首发。


2.此前FoxSports的Jay Glazer说四分卫Colin Kaepernick在更衣室被孤立,Tomsula在电台节目中予以了否认,说进攻线球员和Kaepernick一起训练、比试,并无不和迹象。
“First of all, with ‘Kaepernick on an island,’ I don’t know where that’s coming from,” Tomsula said on KNBR 680-AM. “That’s definitely not reality.”
   "There were a couple of O-lineman with him there,” Tomsula said, “and they're all out running around and lifting and sprinting and racing each other -- very good to see."
  • 据CSNBayArea记者Matt Maiocco报道,约一个月前在只有球员参加的会议中一位球员点名批评了Kaepernick,另一位球员则为Kaepernick辩护,之后言语激烈程度升级。据Bay Area Sports Guy记者Kyle McLorg报道,前者是Vernon Davis,后者是Joe Staley。Staley质疑Davis的膝伤有诈伤嫌疑。据说 Staley在输给包装工赛后从训练师处得知Davis膝伤没有问题(却未参加比赛),第二天和Davis发生冲突。
  • Tomsula被问到此事时说他在巨人赛前的那一周召开了会议,用了较为激烈的措辞,之后离开了更衣室让球员交流。他说Maiocco中提及的那次会议应该是在和包装工赛后的那次会议,那次气氛确实紧张,措辞也很激烈,但最后球队把问题谈开了,他对球员说“就像意大利人的晚餐桌,大家坐在一起,有时吵了起来,打破了碗碟,有人离开,但最后大家都坐了回来,把话谈开,拥抱亲吻,继续用餐。”
      The other one, with a ‘players only meeting,’ they must be referring to the meeting I had after the Packers game. I had a very pointed meeting,” Tomsula said. “I’m obviously not going to use the language I used in the meeting. And I’m obviously not going to get into the particulars of the meeting.     “I did have a heated meeting. That does happen in this business. When you become 2-5, that starts to become headlines. But it was a very productive meeting. It was a meeting where it was truthful, and dealt with facts and reality.
     “As I finished what I had to say and the conversations we were having, I walked out and said, ‘Now you guys, get talking.’ I think that was a heck of a meeting.”
        "The biggest thing I said to them was, 'Guys, it's like an Italian dining room table,'" Tomsula said. "'Everybody's sitting around the table and sometimes it gets heated, dishes get broken, people leave. (But) everybody's got to come back to the table to eat. And when it's all said and done, we're hugging and kissing and we're eating good food again. OK? I mean that with all due respect. I’m saying that complimentary.”
  • 据Bay Area Sports Guy记者Kyle McLorg报道,Kaepernick在更衣室被孤立的原因之一是由于他和Aldon Smith前女友Nessa的恋情。NN的socalisteph说有消息来源说Smith对突袭者的队友说该故事是真的,并说这是他被裁的主要原因之一,另有消息来源说Kaepernick是一个不爱谈论私事的人,也不会在更衣室里说笑,或谈论他和Nessa的事情,导致了他和其他球员的沟通问题。
  • 跑锋Reggie Bush在采访中给了Kaepernick支持。
     “He’s young and he still has, I think, a long career left in this game. He has a lot of football left to play,” Bush said Tuesday.
    “We’re all struggling. Nobody is playing well on offense right now. We can all be better. That starts with practice, film study and putting it all together on Sundays.”
       此前外接手Anquan Boldin也在采访中支持了Kaepernick
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... rms-heated-meeting/
          http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... a-long-career-left/
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ker-room-future-ugh
          http://www.bayareasportsguy.com/ ... cker-room-quarrels/

(1)Tomsula说跑锋Carlos Hyde预计将在对公羊的比赛中上场。
  • Matt Barrow询问了加州大学戴维斯分校(UC Davis)外科医生Eric Giza,他说脚部外侧或第五拓骨的疲劳性骨折是运动员常见的伤病,一般程序是立即进行手术,嵌入螺丝,休养。马林运动医学诊所(Marin Orthopedics and Sports Medicine)矫形外科医生Dan Solomon说另一种疲劳性骨折是发生在足中段的小骨上面的,这种伤病可能只是来自一次冲击,只要没有骨头移位(他说Hyde基本可以确定没有移位),可以自行痊愈,但是前提是要休养。
  • Eric Branch采访了洛杉矶Kerlan-Jobe矫形诊所(Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic)的Ken Jung医生,由于不知道Hyde伤情的细节,他笼统地谈了一下这类伤病,Hyde很可能整个赛季都会受到该伤病的困扰,在一定程度上可以在训练和比赛中监控他的伤情,通过一周或两周的休息,甚至比赛间的休息也可以让骨头自行痊愈或好转,但一旦伤病超过了骨头所能承受的范围,就将进入恶性循环。
    “Most likely, he’ll be dealing with it for the rest of the season,” Jung said. “These guys are professional athletes and are putting so much more stress on their bodies than the rest of us. He can modify his training or game participation to some degree. By taking a week or two off — or even just resting during the week — it allows the bone to heal itself or catch up. But once the stress or the activity level goes beyond what the bone can tolerate it tends to stay in a vicious cycle.”
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... play-sunday-vs-rams
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle41486166.html
          http://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers ... pid=twitter-premium

4.据澳大利亚媒体news.com.au报道,由于Jarryd Hayne的加盟,球队明年8月的季前赛其中有一场可能会在澳大利亚悉尼ANZ体育场举行。球队主席John York表达了对此的兴趣。澳大利亚新南威尔士州长Mike Baird以及ANZ体育场的相关人士已和NFL联盟商谈了数周。预计将花费$10M,据ANZ体育场老板Daryl Kerry说,这将是自2000年奥运会以来,在悉尼举办的最大型的体育赛事。
来源:http://www.news.com.au/sport/ame ... 2nnu6-1227581100528

5.第7周球探动向:[原文]Scouting 49ers scouts: College games the team attended Week 7 作者:Timor Domini - Greg Valerio
第8周球探动向:[原文]Scouting 49ers scouts: College games the team attended Week 8 作者:Timor Domini - Greg Valerio


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-29 08:04 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-10-30 08:04 编辑


未参加训练:内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)、跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)、防守端锋Tony Jerod-Eddie(与伤病无关)
部分训练:护锋Alex Boone(肩膀、膝盖)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
正常训练:四分卫Colin Kaepernick(右手)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(背部)
  • Hyde是养伤,Bowman是老将优待放假。据Cam Inman报道,TJE的缺席是由于私事返回德州的家里。
  • Reid、Brooks在训练中身穿"禁止接触"球衣。
未参加训练:防守截锋Nick Fairley(生病)、防守端锋William Hayes(大腿)、防守端锋Chris Long(膝盖)、跑锋Tre Mason(脚踝)、安全卫T.J. McDonald(肩膀)、防守端锋DE Robert Quinn(膝盖)
正常训练:近端锋Lance Kendricks(拇指)、线卫James Laurinaitis(肘部)
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... e-dont-participate/
(2)主教练Tomsula说PUP名单中的中锋Daniel Kilgore本周不会恢复训练。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... ers-offensive-line/

“That would be an absolute concern,” Tomsula said. “But I don’t address those things. I don’t know where they come from … I don’t believe it’s coming from here. I mean, I don’t believe that. I mean, that locker room, I don’t believe there’s anything …”
  • 被问到会不会是管理层泄漏的时,Tomsula也给与了否定的回答。
      “Oh, gosh,” he said. “I don’t think that. I don’t believe that. I don’t believe that stuff. Any of that stuff is counterproductive.”
  • 被问到自己是否像上赛季的Harbaugh被当成替罪羊时,四分卫Kaepernick说他希望不会,说他和队友关系良好。
      “I really hope not,” Kaepernick said. “For me, I give everything I can to this organization. I give everything I can to my teammates to try to help us win and to try to help us be better moving forward.”
      “I have a great relationship with my teammates,” Kaepernick said. “To me, that's a situation that I don't know what the agenda is saying that or what the credibility of that source is. I have a great relationship with my teammates and I'll leave it at that.”
  • 外接手Torrey Smith和替补四分卫Blaine Gabbert否认了Kaepernic被孤立的传言。
     “Kap isn’t on a damn island, or whatever someone says. We’re here together, trying to win together.”---Torrey Smith
       "We see him 15 hours a day in meetings. Unless those stories are coming from in here, they're false."---Blaine Gabbert
来源:http://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers ... pid=twitter-premium
          http://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers ... pid=twitter-premium
          http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... t-on-a-damn-island/
(2)特勤组协调员Thomas McGaughey Jr.说他对Bush担任接弃踢回攻手的表现满意,暗示Bush将继续担任这一职位。
"I feel very comfortable with him. As long as Reggie feels comfortable, I feel comfortable and he feels really comfortable doing it. We've just got to do a better job of sustaining our blocks and giving him a little room to work. But, yeah, I feel real comfortable with him."
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... er-returner-bradley

3. 球队和球员表现:
(1)NN的James Brady分析了Kaepernick在上场比赛中的几次被擒杀,认为右护锋Jordan Devey应负主要责任。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... epernick-oh-god-why
(3)跑锋Carlos Hyde自第五周和巨人比赛中受伤以来,受伤病影响,接触后平均推进码数有所下降。



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-10-30 00:42 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-30 08:03 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-10-31 06:45 编辑

未参加训练:跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)、防守端锋Tony Jerod-Eddie(与伤病无关)
部分训练:外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、护锋Alex Boone(肩膀、膝盖)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
正常训练:四分卫Colin Kaepernick(右手)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(背部)
  • Boldin是10.18第六周比赛中大腿腘绳肌受伤的,但昨天的伤病报告中他并未列入。
  • Bowman穿"禁止接触"球衣。

未参加训练:防守端锋Chris Long(膝盖)、跑锋Tre Mason(脚踝)、安全卫T.J. McDonald(肩膀)、防守端锋DE Robert Quinn(膝盖)
部分训练:防守截锋Nick Fairley(生病)防守端锋William Hayes(大腿)
正常训练:近端锋Lance Kendricks(拇指)、线卫James Laurinaitis(肘部)

(1)近端锋Vernon Davis否认此前关于他批评四分卫Colin Kaepernick,以及和左截锋 Vernon Davis发生争执的报道。
"I don't where you got that from at all," the 49ers tight end said Thursday. "It's not my job or my role to call Kap out. I let the coaches do that. We're all together. There's nothing that could separate any of us. We're inseparable, I would think. Me, Kap, Joe -- we all communicate. We're captains. We're leaders of the team."
“I love Joe," Davis said. "Joe’s awesome. I love Joe. I don’t recall that (they had an altercation). I don’t know where that’s coming from. That’s funny to me. Me and Joe, we’ve been here together for nine years. He’s like a brother to me. We’ve argued in the past. My first year, I remember we got into it, and seconds later we were hanging out and drinking sodas together."
  • 被问到和Davis的关系时,Kaepernick说两人关系良好。
    “We’ve constantly had talks since I started playing,” he said. “It’s something that we both want to do what’s best for this team and we’re both trying to win. That’s where some of the frustrations come from. We’re trying to fix the losing streak that we have been on.”
  • 据Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows报道,有消息来源证实,在第四周和包装工比赛后只有球员参加的会议中,Davis批评Kaepernick戴耳机的次数太多,和队友交流不足。外接手Quinton Patton是第一个站起来为Kaepernick辩护的球员,在争论激烈后,Staley站起来维持秩序。期间并未发生肢体冲突,Davis和Kaepernick很快就和好,自此之后并未再出现任何问题。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle41841828.html
"Well no, I don't mean to lead in. We're looking at trying to work combinations with the two guards, obviously, and also trying to look at formations and things like that that we can do to help ourselves."
  • 被问到进攻截锋Trenton Brown和护锋Ian Silberman会不会得到上场机会时,进攻协调员Geep Chryst未正面回答,只是说这两人可以通过在训练中学习,这样可以让他们改进的同时又不会在场上给球队带来损害,暗示两人不会得到上场机会。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... man-will-be-getting

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-31 06:43 | 显示全部楼层
跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)
外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)
护锋Alex Boone(肩膀、膝盖)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、防守端锋Tony Jerod-Eddie(与伤病无关)、四分卫Colin Kaepernick(右手)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(背部)、安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
  • 未参加训练:外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)
  • 正常训练:护锋Alex Boone(肩膀、膝盖)内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)防守端锋Tony Jerod-Eddie(与伤病无关)、四分卫Colin Kaepernick(右手)、进攻截锋Erik Pears(背部)、安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
Boldin未参加今天的训练,本人说他能参加周日的比赛,原话为“no doubt”。
防守端锋Chris Long(膝盖)
防守端锋William Hayes(大腿)、跑锋Tre Mason(脚踝)、安全卫T.J. McDonald(肩膀)、防守端锋DE Robert Quinn(膝盖)
防守截锋Nick Fairley(生病)、近端锋Lance Kendricks(拇指)、线卫James Laurinaitis(肘部)
  • 未参加训练:防守端锋Chris Long(膝盖)
  • 正常训练:防守截锋Nick Fairley(生病)防守端锋William Hayes(大腿)、近端锋Lance Kendricks(拇指)、线卫James Laurinaitis(肘部)、跑锋Tre Mason(脚踝)安全卫T.J. McDonald(肩膀)防守端锋DE Robert Quinn(膝盖)

(1)左截锋Joe Staley说球员间有过争执,但没有肢体冲突,争执是常有的事情,大家也谈开了问题,一切都早已过去。
“We had an argument and we talked about it the next day and we moved on.”
“There were no punches thrown,” Staley said. “I’m not out there throwing haymakers in the locker room ... There was no physical altercation.”
“In Super Bowl years, there are altercations. I get in them. I argue in them. I’m not someone who really holds my tongue well. I get in altercations with people all the time. It’s part of the business. We’re all passionate people.
“It’s all heat-of-the-moment stuff. We talk about it and move on from it. Say what you need to say, and that’s it.”
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ys-heated-exchange/

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-10-31 06:45 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2015-10-31 16:03 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-10-31 06:45


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-1 05:09 | 显示全部楼层
gcmy-01 发表于 2015-10-31 16:03


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