Pete Carroll denies he took Seahawks job to flee USC sanctions
海鹰主帅Pete Carroll 今天首次就USC受NCAA重罚一事接受记者采访,Carroll声称他离开USC接手海鹰教鞭完全不是因为想逃离NCAA处罚。
"The question comes up why I left and all,"
"My coming to Seattle was for one reason. This is an extraordinary opportunity. This is an NFL dream opportunity for me and it had nothing to do with anything that was going on at any time."
大意是他看中得是能来海鹰执教的宝贵机会,与USC事件无关。这种说法不可全信,早在09赛季前几年就有传言NCAA早晚将对此事重磅出击,执教NCAA多年的Carroll 不可能不知道。接着看,下面的话更有些蹊跷。
"That ongoing investigation was five years in the making anyway,"
"Why wouldn't I have left some other time?"
"I feel very bad for the people who have to go through this now,"
"Hopefully the situation will be righted and they'll get to the truth and to the right thing and make really good decisions from this point forward." |