
楼主 |
发表于 2018-9-18 04:13
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-11-24 13:44 编辑
(1)据NBC Sports Bay Area的Matt Maiocco报道,在球队线卫Reuben Foster服完被判的两场禁赛后,联盟今天解除了对他的禁赛。球队有获得一个为期两天的豁免名额(roster exemption),在此之后需要为他清出一个大名单名额。
- 被问到Foster过去两周不能待在球队基地,球队对他有什么打算时,主教练Kyle Shanahan说会在今晚讨论,看他周三训练时状态如何。Foster远离球队期间有努力训练。
"We'll discuss more of that tonight," Shanahan answered. "We've kind of just been finishing up all this game stuff now. We'll see how he is in practice on Wednesday. We'll see how the week goes, but he's only been gone two weeks. I know he's been working hard while he's been away. I plan on him being in there pretty fast."
- 主教练Shanahan说比赛末段受伤离场的安全卫Jaquiski Tartt状态是每日观察,他受到肩膀刺痛(stinger)的困扰,本周能否出战会看他本周反应如何。上周也是受到同样伤病的困扰。
Q:Do you have a sense whether S Jaquiski Tartt will be able to go this week?
A:"I don't right now. He's day-to-day. He's got his shoulder stinger deal. So, we'll see how that responds throughout the week. I know he was dealing with it last week, also. Just real happy how he fought and played through that game, though. I know he made it almost through it, right there to the end. We'll see how he responds this week."
四分卫:Jimmy Garoppolo 64
跑卫:Kyle Juszczyk 40, Alfred Morris 31, Matt Breida 26
外接手:Dante Pettis 56, Pierre Garçon 48, Trent Taylor 16, Kendrick Bourne 10, Richie James 7
近端锋:George Kittle 50, Garrett Celek 30, Cole Wick 6
进攻线:Joe Staley 64, Mike McGlinchey 64, Laken Tomlinson 64, Weston Richburg 64, Mike Person 64
防守线:DeForest Buckner 64, Cassius Marsh 54, Arik Armstead 54, Ronald Blair 40, Solomon Thomas 37, Earl Mitchell 25, Sheldon Day 20, D.J. Jones 13
线卫:Fred Warner 77, Elijah Lee 72, Mark Nzeocha 16
防守后卫:Adrian Colbert 77, Richard Sherman 77, Jaquiski Tartt 71, Ahkello Witherspoon 64, K’Waun Williams 61, Jimmie Ward 19, Antone Exum 6
Tarvarius Moore 25, Nzeocha 25, Raheem Mostert 20, Exum 20, Bradley Pinion 18, D.J. Reed 16, Celek 16, Greg Mabin 15, Terence Garvin 15, Wick 15, Marsh 15, Ward 15, Warner 14, Buckner 14, Lee 13, Witherspoon 12, Kyle Nelson 11, Tartt 9, Jones 8, Robbie Gould 6, Garry Gilliam 6, Staley 6, Richburg 6, Tomlinson 6, McGlinchey 6, Mitchell 6, Breida 5, Juszczyk 5, Colbert 5, Thomas 5, Sherman 4, Taylor 4, Armstead 3, Williams 3, Pettis 2
综合:评分部分来自Chris Biderman
Jimmy Garoppolo在上半场14传10中,他也有4次被擒杀,包括3次在红区,所有这4次擒杀都是Garoppolo持球时间过长,这可能是因为在第一周的比赛中3次被抄截让他变得风声鹤唳。Garoppolo在下半场开局很顺,在第三节首次传球中连线Garrett Celek完成11码达阵。在比赛还剩3分21秒时,49人需要Garoppolo完成一波强力攻势将比分拉开,但他糟糕的传球被Tracy Walker抄截,后者回攻入九人腹地。不过在传球前Quandre Diggs的拉人犯规救了旧金山,让他们在球场中央自动获得首攻。最终在Garoppolo第6次被擒杀后,以弃踢告终,让雄狮在离比赛结束只剩一分多一点时获得球权。Garoppolo最终26传18中,拿到206码,传球手评分118.4。
Matt Breida开局很顺,在49人首次进攻中冲下28码(视频),他上半场6次冲球42码,而Alfred Morris前5次冲球拿到11码。但比赛中最重大的表现出现在第三节快要结束时,Breida从进攻线右侧冲传,变向,让两位雄狮球员装在一起,之后沿球场左侧一路向前完成66码达阵。如果没有Pierre Garçon的出色表现,这不可能做到的,Garçon在整个进攻一直都在阻挡角卫Nevin Lawson。Breida最终冲下138码,而进攻组作为一个整体一共28次冲球190码,平均每次冲球拿下6.8码。
当Matthew Stafford在自己半场深处的草率线卫Elijah Lee拿到了他个人职业生涯的第二次制造掉球时49人松了口气,。Stafford在上半场传球成功率达到76%,包括一次在角卫Ahkello Witherspoon在假跑真传(play action)骗得很惨,导致Kenny Golladay无人盯防情况下的30码传球。Witherspoon之后再次被击败,让Marvin Jones Jr.完成5码接球达阵,之后Stafford在三档17码情况下完成给Golden Tate的67码传球。Cassius Marsh在这次得分前有一次擒杀因为拉面罩犯规而被取消。Stafford有几次给深远路线目标的传球过远让49人侥幸逃过一劫。Witherspoon在反复成为对手传球进攻目标后,最终被Jimmie Ward换下。雄狮将进攻集中在Witherspoon这一侧,而完全无视Richard Sherman。Stafford最终拿到347码和3次传球达阵。
雄狮上半场传球次数达到冲球的两倍(21对10),平均每次冲球4.1码。LeGarrette Blount难以被放倒,不过他对比赛的影响并不大,还最终在第四节因为推搡将Stafford推出界外的Lee而被驱逐出场。雄狮由于整场比赛都在追分,最终只冲了18次球,拿下98码。
Robbie Gould在上半场命中两记任意球,连续命中次数28次,创下新队史纪录,原纪录是由Phil Dawson在2013赛季创下的。Gould在第四节再次命中任意球,将领先优势扩大到17分。Raheem Mostert在防守接弃踢回攻中再次完成强力擒抱,撞击Jamal Agnew,让后者没有拿到任何码数。五轮秀D.J. Reed在下半场开球中回攻101码达阵,但用手推雄狮球员时被判拉面罩犯规(视频)。49人在4档进攻后拿到的第二个达阵。雄狮在第四节以为他们完成了一次接弃踢回攻达阵,回攻过程中但两次被判犯规,最终起始进攻位置在己方24码线处。
旧金山首个达阵的战术设计是主教练Kyle Shanahan的神来一笔(视频),他将外接手Kendrick Bourne列阵在后场,迷惑雄狮的防守组。Bourne之后跑向左侧flat区域,没有防守球员跟着他,让49人轻松完成4码达阵,也首次在比赛中领先。在第二次达阵传球中,49人很好地执行了run pass option,让Celek跑出正好能完成他2018赛季首个接球达阵的空当。但防守组整场比赛面对雄狮的传球进攻都有很大的问题,差点在比赛末段输掉比赛,还因为Stafford错过了几次深远路线跑出空当的接外手而幸免。
"The receiver was supposed to do something to help out Breida right there. He didn't.... We got the wrong route from the receiver. Obviously, we've got to see that and still try not to throw it though."
After watching the tape, you mentioned guys not being able to separate from coverage, but what does QB Jimmy Garoppolo need to improve upon in those scenarios to avoid those sacks?
"Just when he doesn't have much, just getting rid of it. He definitely couldn't have done that on all of them. It was definitely a group effort. I thought there was a couple he had a chance to get rid of it. You wait on a guy in man coverage and if you wait on them and they don't win or they get tackled, sometimes you've got to get rid of it. You can't just stay and look at him. Or you've got to get off of him early when you see they're not winning. Anticipate that they're not going to win because it's not looking good early and progress to number two. But, once you stay there, you've got to let it go and hopefully if they don't win, you don't take the sack. Jimmy might have had an opportunity on a couple of those, but definitely not on all six. They did a good job covering and a good job getting to us when he did hold onto it because of that."
- Matt Breida:打了26档,11次冲球138码,平均每次冲球12.5码,最高66码,1次冲球达阵,另有4次成为传球目标,3次接球21码,平均每次接球7码,最高9码。这是Breida首次冲球破百码,138码也是本赛季目前为止所有球员中单场冲球最高码数,平均每次冲球12.5码排在队史单场平均每次冲球码数第三位(最少冲球10次),仅次于Joe Perry(13.4,1958年11月2日对阵雄狮)和Frank Gore(12.9,2009年9月20日对阵海鹰)。Breida的那次66码冲球达阵(视频)是球队自四分卫Colin Kaepernick在2014对阵闪电时的90码冲球以来距离最长的。PFF总评分90.6,是第二周跑卫中最高的。两周比赛过后,Breida以184码排在冲球码数首位,平均每次冲球8.4码排在第二位。有三次breakaway runs(15码以上的冲球),拿到联盟最高的114码。
- Alfred Morris:打了30档,14次冲球48码,平均每次冲球3.4码,最高9码,另有2次成为传球目标,2次接球32码,平均每次接球16码,最高16码。
- Kyle Juszczyk:打了40档,4次成为传球目标,3次接球13码,平均每次接球4.3码,最高9码。
- Pierre Garçon:打了48档,4次成为传球目标,4次接球57码(队内最高),平均每次接球14.3码,最高20码。在Breida的那次冲球达阵中做出了关键阻挡。
- Dante Pettis:打了56档,2次成为传球目标,1次接球35码(视频)。在Garoppolo被取消的那次抄截中跑错了路线,还有1次接Garoppolo递球没接稳,球掉在地上(技术统计把掉球算在Garoppolo身上),但自己抢到(损失3码)。
- Trent Taylor:打了16档,2次成为传球目标,无接球。
- Kendrick Bourne:打了10档,1次成为传球目标,1次4码接球达阵(视频),完成个人职业生涯首次达阵。
- Richie James:打了7档,没有向他传过球。
- George Kittle:打了50档,4次成为传球目标,2次接球22码,平均每次接球11码,最高17码,造成对手三次拉人犯规,其中第三次避免了Garoppolo被抄截,救了球队,有1次漏接。
- Garrett Celek:打了30档,2次成为传球目标,2次接球22码,平均每次接球11码,最高11码,1次在遭到双人擒抱的情况下强行挤入端区完成11码接球达阵(视频)。总评分90.5。
左截锋: Joe Staley, 86.9
左护锋: Laken Tomlinson, 70.3
中锋: Weston Richburg, 55.0
右护锋: Mike Person, 68.3
右截锋: Mike McGlinchey, 55.4
在被迫更换位置度过糟糕的第一周后,前圣母大学(Notre Dame)的优秀球员Mike McGlinchey回到了他最擅长的右截锋位置,McGlinchey在36档传球组当中只允许了两次匆忙传球,是本周评分第7高的截锋。希望在不久的将来他不需要再被迫更换位置。
- Joe Staley:只允许了1次擒杀,传球保护评分86.4。
- Mike Person:带伤复出打满全场,在Breida那次66码达阵中做出关键阻挡。
- 综合:没能持续施压,只擒杀了Matthew Stafford两次,也只拿到4次撞击四分卫。雄狮在三档17码情况下完成给Golden Tate的67码长传(视频),之后在三档15码情况下完成给Michael Roberts的15码传球达阵(视频),这些情况下给四分卫施压都是极其重要的。
- 顺位:档数如下:DeForest Buckner 64, Cassius Marsh 54, Arik Armstead 54, Ronald Blair 40, Solomon Thomas 37, Earl Mitchell 25, Sheldon Day 20, D.J. Jones 13
- DeForest Buckner:打了64档(83%,比上周的53档、76%有所增加),比上周防守协调员Robert Saleh所说的希望所有防守线球员都要低于的50档高得多,总评分81.8,拿到1次擒杀、1次撞击四分卫和3次匆忙传球。本赛季拿到3.5次擒杀,已经超过了上赛季总合(3次)。
- Solomon Thomas:虽然还在等待首次擒杀,但在和雄狮的比赛中表现出色,打了37档(47%,上周35档,49%),在22档冲传中拿到4次匆忙传球,总评分79.3。
“I thought he showed up a lot (Sunday),” 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan said on Monday. “I thought he was playing hard in pursuit, and I thought he showed up at the quarterback a couple of times.
“I thought he had a better game than he did a week before, and I expect that to continue throughout the year.”
- 综合:防跑让雄狮平均每次冲球拿下5.4码,但这对比赛并没什么重大影响,因为雄狮跑卫Kerryon Johnson和LeGarrette Blount每人只冲了8次球。在开局慢热后,内线卫Fred Warner和Elijah Lee一共拿到22次擒抱。
- 顺位:被问到是否已经决定Fred Warner会不会在和酋长的比赛中首发时,主教练Shanahan说还没有,会看Reuben Foster和Malcolm Smith的情况再定。
Q:Have you decided on LB Fred Warner, whether he'll continue to start?
A:"No, we haven't decided yet. We've got to see exactly where Reuben's at. We've got to see where [LB] Malcolm's [Smith] at too. We've got to see our whole group because it's been pretty fluid here these two weeks."
- Fred Warner:10次擒抱(8+2)。
- Elijah Lee:首次首发,打了72档,拿到队内最高的12次擒抱(10+2),1次擒杀(造成对手损失10码),1次制造掉球,被Cassius Marsh抢到(视频)。
Matthew Stafford的传球图表:
Sherman比赛中曾在场边有表现出不满,并被拍到和球队总经理Lynch有交谈。Sherman在赛后展现出了老将的领导力,他对本场比赛的评价是胜利就是胜利,但这场胜利感觉像是输了一样,球队进入第四节时以30-13领先,Stafford是个优秀的四分卫,但防守组需要做得更好,这对于年轻的球队来说会是很好的一课,让球队和很多球员变得谦虚。Sherman还说防守协调员Robert Saleh战术叫得非常好(Robert Saleh called an incredible game) ,是球员没有执行好。
“A win’s a win,It feels like a loss to me.”
“It’s 30-13 going into the fourth quarter, we got to execute down the stretch,” Sherman said. “Stafford’s a good quarterback. They’re a good team, but we got to execute down the stretch and we got to play better.
“It’s a good learning lesson for a young team that we needed. It’s a humbling lesson. Thank goodness we got the win out of it. There’s a lot of good tape, a lot of good learning for us. I think it’s going to be a humbling experience for a lot of our players.”
Sherman赛后在更衣室一直留到最后,是最后3位留在更衣室的球员,穿戴整齐准备好离开后,还在更衣室待了很久,和每一位防守后卫交谈,其中最后一位是Jaquiski Tartt。
”He was questionable all week with just how he was practicing, having some stuff bothering him going into the game,” 49ers coach Kyle Shanahan said. “That’s no excuses or anything. If you’re out there, you’ve got to play well, and just saw him hobbling a little bit, so got someone else in there.”
"We'll see how this week goes. I mean, he was in and out towards the end of the game. I don't know exactly how he's feeling yet. We'll see on Wednesday, but we'll see how practice goes this week for him."
- K’Waun Williams:让雄狮在三档17码情况下完成给Golden Tate的67码长传(视频)。
- Adrian Colbert:三档15码情况下让对手三号近端锋Michael Roberts完成接球达阵(视频)。
- 踢球手Robbie Gould:任意球三罚全中(45、42、36),以29连中打破了由Phil Dawson保持的的27连中的队史纪录。
- 弃踢手Bradley Pinion:5次弃踢227码,平均每次弃踢45.4码,平均净弃踢码数43.2码,3次踢进20码线内,最远59码,4次被回攻11码,平均每次回攻2.8码。7次开球2次回阵(touchback),5次被回攻144码,平均每次被回攻28.8码,最高45码。
- 接弃踢回攻手:Dante Pettis 2次回攻14码,平均每次回攻7码,最高14码,Trent Taylor两次安全接球。
- 接开球回攻手:D.J. Reed 4次回攻159码,平均每次回攻39.8码,最高90码(视频),那次原本是达阵,但他有拉面罩犯规,这也是球队自Kyle Williams在2012赛季对阵维京人时完成94码接开球回攻以来距离最长的一次。Trent Taylor 1次回攻15码。
- Raheem Mostert:特勤组评分81.0,4次特勤组擒抱,包括一次对雄狮接弃踢回攻手Jamal Agnew的惩罚性撞击(视频)。两场比赛中一共拿到6次特勤组擒抱,是联盟中最高的。
- 完整的PFF评分可以关注A版的微信公众号(A版与方先生爱写字)观看。
- PFF复盘:
旧金山49人 30,底特律雄狮27


有一些出色的地方,但整体而言,四分卫Jimmy Garoppolo的表现应该引起注意。他糟糕的抄截因为防守拉人而幸免,但也许更应该担心的他倾向于持球时间过长邀请压力的到来,这也是整场比赛贯穿始终的问题。
被其他球队放弃,但却很适合Kyle Shanahan的进攻组——Mike Person和Laken Tomlinson是冲球进攻中的关键,他们两人都能阻挡防守球员为跑卫开出巨大的冲球通道。 DeForest Buckner面对雄狮的进攻线过得很开心,尤其是新秀护锋Frank Ragnow,有几次他作为冲传手时的第一个动作就立刻取得了胜利,在Matthew Stafford到top of his dropback时就完全绕过了阻挡。
Ahkello Witherspoon可能打了他职业生涯迄今为止最差的比赛之一,他允许了两次接球达阵和一些接球,还错失了一次接球后的擒抱。

从传球准度方面来说,这不是Matthew Stafford表现最好的比赛。他错失了一些传球,包括两、三次长传,当时他的接球手领先防传者两步或以上。如果这些传球完成了,会完全改变比赛。
虽然有在一些时机恰到好处的突袭四分卫中施加了一些压力,但这不是线卫Jarrad Davis想要记住的比赛,他在防跑中有两、三次因为糟糕的角度而导致的错失擒抱
旧金山49人:他们赢在前线,尤其是他们的进攻线为Matt Breida创造出了足够的空间,冲下大码数。
跑卫:Matt Breida, 旧金山49人 – 90.6 Breida奉献了今天最出色的冲球之一,在对阵雄狮时的一次66码冲球达阵中完美地阅读了他的阻挡。在他今天的11次冲球中,他制造了2次错失擒抱,平均每次接触后码数为5.0码。
接开球/接弃踢回攻手:D.J. Reed, 旧金山49人 – 73.3
- PFF第二周后新秀排行:球队右截锋Mike McGlinchey、线卫Fred Warner、外接手Dante Pettis获荣誉提名
来源:球队官网(1、2、3)、49erswebzone、Matt Maiocco、Grant Cohn、Niners Nation整理的相关报道链接(1、2)(斜体的没翻)
3.布朗外接手Josh Gordon相关:按括号内消息发布的时间顺序排列(无特别注明的为太平洋夏令时间)
"I would say they are interested, but I would describe their interest as more tepid than anything," Rapoport said on the "Murph & Mac" show. "I'm not saying it's not going to happen, and I know that Gordon, the two places that he would like to go are the Cowboys and the 49ers.
"The Cowboys are not going to happen. The 49ers, I think, if the price is right, it might, but I just don't get the sense that they're going to overspend (or) they're going to put a lot of resources into trying to bring him. Maybe if they were going to cut him, the 49ers might come in and say, 'We'll give you a seventh-rounder.'
"I get the sense it is more monitoring than anything else. There's a couple of reasons for that. First of all, unfortunately, the 49ers have been in this situation before where they have a player who has good intentions, who has been in the substance abuse program, who is a fantastic talent, and says all the things, and does all the right things, and have seen it go the wrong way. It's hard to do that a lot no matter how big of a talent he is.
"Think of what Cleveland actually ended up getting on the field out of Josh Gordon over six years. Really, one season. It's amazing. So I would say the Niners are monitoring, but I would probably not put them in the driver's seat." Q:How tempting was it for you guys to pursue New England Patriots WR Josh Gordon and see if there could be a fit here for him?
A:"Anytime a good player becomes available on the open market, you look into all that stuff. By no means is it something you ever would get desperate for. Like I said last night, we feel very good about the guys on our team. That's something that we looked into and obviously went a different way."
Q:Was the price too high for you guys?
A:"Yeah, I'm not going to get into exactly what. But, I think they did more than we did."
(1)据NFL Network的Ian Rapoport报道,一位消息来源告诉他和Tom Pelissero,维京人在和前九人外接手Aldrick Robinson签约。