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发表于 2018-8-2 07:34
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1.训练营相关消息(8.1):除Grant Cohn的评价因为主观色彩较浓,会加下划线作为区分外,其他的没有特殊情况不会一一注明具体是哪位记者报道
- 线卫Brock Coyle在昨天的训练中臀部受伤(昨天训练后Shanahan说是肌肉紧张),将缺席本周剩余的训练,下周将重新评估。
- 防守后卫Jimmie Ward大腿腘绳肌受伤(昨天训练后Shanahan说是肌肉紧张),缺席今天的训练,他是每日观察。
- 进攻线球员JP Flynn因膝盖伤病缺席今天的训练,将做进一步评估。
- 防守端锋Arik Armstead(大腿腘绳肌、每周观察)、 近端锋Cole Hikutini(腹股沟、缺席本周训练)、护锋Joshua Garnett(膝盖、每日观察)继续缺席。主教练Shanahan说不上场很难赢得名额,Garnet今天没能恢复训练让他有些惊讶,如果明天还不能,他会更惊讶。
"I'd like those two(注:另一个指)Cooper to get out there. It's tough to make this team and do it if you're not out there. I was a little surprised Garnett didn't make it today. I'd be more surprised if he's not out there tomorrow."训练情况:
- 这是训练营以来身体对抗最激烈的一次,也是时间最长的一次,约2个小时。
- 主教练Shanahan说进攻组、防守组和特勤组表现都很好,今天并没有明显的获胜方。进攻组在全队合练的红区训练阶段大部分时间都没能达阵,之后的move-the-ball阶段,开局进攻组就被三振出局(Three and Out),防守组一队、二队、三队在这波防守中先后上阵。因为被三振出局,所以主教练Shanahan让进攻组多打了一波进攻。球队还进行了第一次全队红区训练。
- Jimmy Garoppolo:Joe Fann说他除了向Sherman的防守目标传球时(详见下文Sherman处),在1对1红区训练中表现基本完美,分别传球给 Aaron Burbridge、Dante Pettis(视频)、Kendrick Bourne(视频)和Aldrick Robinson达阵,其中很多都是严密盯防下完成的。合练中24传17中(非正式)。11对11红区训练中4传2中,包括一次和端区后部的Kendrick Bourne连线达阵,防传者是Colbert.。这也是防守组在从8码线开始进攻的5档防守中唯一允许的一次得分,在最后1档中Witherspoon破坏了给端区后部的Aldrick Robinson的传球。出色,25传15中(60%),没有失误造成球权转换。他最喜欢的两个传球目标——Marquise Goodwin和Trent Taylor都缺席,所以Garoppolo传球给George Kittle,后者今天表现出色。详见下文。Kittle和Garoppolo配合很好。
- Nick Mullens:11对11红区训练中短传给近端锋Ross Dwelley达阵。
- Jerick McKinnon:依旧表现出色,在全队合练阶段和之前一样有数次接球。
- Matt Breida:表现出色,在合练中有几次大码数冲球,其中一次向右侧的大码数冲球收获了现场球迷的欢呼。还在11对11红区训练中端区中路接Garoppolo的传球达阵。
- Kyle Juszczyk:Garoppolo曾两次传球先后找到Pettis和 Juszczyk,Juszczyk在接球后和Adrian Colbert相撞,但成功摆脱了后者,向前继续推进。
- Pierre Garçon:不佳,一次接球——5码回身(curl)路线。早上其他时间都跑不出空当,列阵在槽位,无法击败K’Waun Williams。看上去摆脱能力没有上赛季那么强。
- Dante Pettis:表现出色,1对1红区训练中两次接球达阵(视频1、2)。在训练最后阶段的全队合练的move the ball阶段,三档16码情况下Garoppolo漂亮的传球找到左侧边线的Pettis完成转换,在训练的最后一档进攻中,Garoppolo完美的传球找到左侧边线的Pettis,后者击败角卫Ahkello Witherspoon完成40码接球达阵(视频)。Garoppolo训练中最后的三次传球都是给了Pettis,后者接住了其中两次,最后一次是那次达阵,第一次是角落(corner)路线在三位防守球员中倒地接球拿下大码数,K’Waun Williams当时所在位置差点能抄截,但球正好让他够不到,还有一次是在接长传达阵前Pettis跑快速回身(hitch)路线被Witherspoon破坏,之前Pettis还跑穿越(crossing)路线对阵Richard Sherman完成接球。Pettis还有一次接C.J. Beathard传球达阵(注:不清楚和下文说的那次差点达阵是不是同一次)。Pettis还在得分线附近接到C.J. Beathard的传球,在实际比赛中可能看看没有达阵,但仍是一次漂亮的传接球。主教练Shanahan在训练后的新闻发布会上说他每天都在变得更好。
"I think he's gotten better each day. He's going through some of his rookie bumps, like they all do. But, I think he's gotten better each day. It seemed like he had a real good day out there today and I hope it continues."
出色,今天训练中的表现远超其他任何一天。12码出界(out)路线击败Richard Sherman,17码出界(out)路线击败Ahkello Witherspoon,之后冲刺(go)路线再次击败Witherspoon完成40码接球达阵。当他不需要担心线卫和安全卫,而只用注意一位防守球员时,Pettis的表现非常出色。
- Kendrick Bourne:获得了一些一队上场时间,1对1红区训练中两次接球达阵。11对11红区训练中,Garoppolo快速传球找到Bourne,后者完成10码接球达阵。进攻线给Garoppolo很好的保护,而Bourne找到了防守组的弱点。
- Aaron Burbridge:1对1红区训练中一次接球达阵。主教练Shanahan说他今年除了特勤组外,作为外接手也有长足的进步。
"With Burb, it started with special teams. When I came here and interviewed a number of special teams coaches and everyone spoke so highly of him. He was very well respected in the special teams world around the league and when you do that, there's usually a place for you in this league. He was a little slower of a starter for us at receiver. It took him some time last year. I don't know how ready he was to help us with special teams last year, but he had a great chance to make this team. I mean, I don't know much he had a chance to help us on offense last year, but he had a great chance last year to make it on special teams. He ended up getting hurt, we had to IR him. The year off, he's always been good at special teams, but he's really come around as a receiver. He's in this mix at receiver, not just special teams and he's been really good in camp so far."- Richie James:1对1红区训练中一次接球达阵。
- Max McCaffrey:1对1红区训练中两次完成full-extension的接球达阵。
- Steven Dunbar:1对1红区训练中一次接球达阵。
- George Kittle:表现出色,Garoppolo和他三次长传连线成功,包括连续两次接球15码,其中第一次是传球越过Malcolm Smith伸出的手臂找到中路的Kittle,之后一次是右侧边线漂亮的单手接球(视频) 。出色,在中路三次接到长传,分别击败了Malcolm Smith、Adrian Colbert和Korey Toomer完成接球。看上去比上赛季更健康、更迅速也更灵活了,没有一位49人的线卫或安全卫能人盯人防住他。
- 综合:1对1冲传训练视频
- 顺位:Erik Magnuson和Mike Person分享一队右护锋上场时间。Person获得了最多一队上场时间,Magnuson在Person担任二队中锋时打一队右护锋。
- Mike McGlinchey:不佳,1对1中让Cassius Marsh拿到一次擒杀,在合练中让让Jullian Taylor拿到一次擒杀,自从球员穿护具训练以来,每天都会允许一次擒杀。
- Weston Richburg:不佳,1对1中两次被尖锋Earl Mitchell击败,Mitchell并不是冲传威胁。
- Erik Magnuson:不佳,取代Mike Person在右护锋首发,表现比他还差。这两人下赛季都不应该首发。49人需要Jonathan Cooper快点痊愈。
- Jeremiah Attaochu:11对11红区训练中拿到一次“擒杀”。
- Sheldon Day:打二队,在3档防守中拿到一次擒杀和一次碰到替补四分卫C.J. Beathard的传球。在1对1中同样表现出色。
- Jullian Taylor:继续担任一队big end。Joe Fann说他今天延续了出彩表现。主教练Shanahan在昨天采访中说在Armstead受伤前就考虑让Taylor获得一些上场时间,今天Shanahan被问到这是否意味着球队想看看他能否担任首发,Shanahan给予了否定回答,说是因为Taylor对阵三队表现很好,想看看他对阵其他进攻线球员有怎样的表现,还说他这几天表现很出色,延续了稳定的表现。
"I thought he did a very good job. He's continued to be consistent. It's always a learning experience, just like I said with Pettis and everything. It's one good play, two bad plays and then you hope they learn from the bad plays. But, it's in his body and he's willing. He plays physical. Now, it's about how many reps you can get him in situations to see if he gets better or worse as you put more on his plate."
出色,取代Arik Armstead担任基本防守阵型阵型的big end,已经看上去是一种升级。在1对1中击败护锋Jonathan Cooper,在合练中击败了右截锋Mike McGlinchey拿到一次擒杀。
- 综合:安全卫Jaquiski Tartt、角卫Greg Mabin、Ahkello Witherspoon、D.J. Reed和Tarvarius Moore均在1对1红区训练中有过出色的防传表现。
- Richard Sherman:表现出色,1对1红区训练中三次对抗全部获胜, 两次防守住了Garoppolo给跑渐隐(fade)路线的Pierre Garçon的传球,一次是破坏(视频),一次是传球出界,第三次是对阵Kendrick Bourne,他紧紧跟住了从右到左跑in cut的对手。Sherman在他首次次穿护具训练中被Goodwin击败,让后者接到长传,全卫Kyle Juszczyk周二说主教练Shanahan并没有责怪Sherman,反而表扬了Sherma,还用这来教育其他球员,说Sherman很有侵略性,他确实被击败了,但这正是1对1训练的目的,Juszczyk说他以后在1对1中也会如此,如果像Foster这样的球员用spin move击败了他,他也至少全力以赴了。主教练Shanahan在今天的训练后被问到了Juszczyk的言论,说他不希望球员被训练期间的报道影响,他不会去看数据,训练营是让球员去做一些比赛中不常做的事情,他不希望球员担心做得不好被报道。他喜欢Sherman在那档防守中表现得毫不在乎,无所畏惧,而只是想要变得更好。
"I just used it as an example. You guys have got to put yourselves in these players' shoes. We didn't used to get reports of stats on our practices and I don't get the reports and judge our guys off of them. You tell everyone to ignore them, but I guarantee people hear it, their wives hear it, someone hears it. You know Jimmy's completion percentage every day, how many picks he threw and I just try to put myself in players' shoes. You're going out trying to practice and get better at stuff, trying new things, stuff you don't always do in games and you're getting reports on stuff that you had a bad completion percentage or you can't do this. That stuff worries me for players because now I'm afraid they're going to go there and be like, 'Man, I know you want to try this new thing, but I don't want this to go viral for the next week, I don't want people to say I can't throw this type of ball.' Then they don't get better and they just try to survive the day so they can please people who don't really know what they're working on. It takes a very mentally strong person to not care about that. That's what I liked about Sherm on that play. I've been around a lot of successful corners who have a name that everyone knows and they get beat on a go-route and they hold their hamstring or they just ease up a little bit. I get it, that's probably what I would do. Or I'd back up and be very scared. I'm not going to go try to jam one of the fastest guys on the planet on my first rep back knowing what's going to happen. I respect Sherm because he doesn't care. He's not worried about anything. He's out there working on his craft trying to get better and not caring what people say. That's why you get better from that rep. It's a good example to show young guys, to show everyone that that stuff doesn't matter. You getting better is what matters so you can do it on Sunday."- Ahkello Witherspoon:Brad Almquist说除了输给Pettis那次外,其他时候做到了关门(lock down)。Matt Barrows也说除了那次外他表现强势,在红区破坏了两次传球。Joe Fann说他在启球线封堵接球手的能力增强了,破坏了Garoppolo给Pettis的传球。在红区训练中封死了Aldrick Robinson,几分钟后又破坏了给George Kittle的传球。不佳,允许Pettis在三档15码情况下完成17码接球,之后不久,又让Pettis在训练最后一档中完成40码接球达阵,他试图封堵Pettis,但搞砸了,被后者领先了10码,没有拼命去追。Dontae Johnson在这几次传球都不会表现得更糟。
- K'Waun Williams:破坏了一次给Garçon的传球。
- Tarvarus McFadden:鱼跃抄截了Mullens给Steven Dunbar的传球(视频)。
- Jaquiski Tartt:Tartt破坏了Garoppolo在全队合练中的首次传球,Garoppolo传球给左侧深远路线的Garçon,Tartt后退破坏了传球(视频)。出色,作为Cover 3区域防传中的curl/flat防守者有一次漂亮的破坏传球,阅读了Garoppolo的眼神,后退,差点抄截了给Pierre Garçon的传球。
- Adrian Colbert:不佳,允许了上文我提到Kittle的那次长传接球,还在红区让Kendrick Bourne接球达阵。Bourne直接跑向Colbert,转身挡住Colbert,接到了Garoppolo的传球。这档过后,防守后卫教练Jeff Hafley走向Colbert,对他进行了指导。
来源:球队官网、ninersnation整理的相关报道链接、49erswebzone整理的相关报道、footballsfuture网友整理的相关报道、Matt Maiocco、Chris Biderman、Rob Lowder、Cam Inman、Grant Cohn(斜体的没翻)
2.前球队外接手Dwight Clark追悼仪式举行。
 
- 出席者有:NFL总裁Roger Goodell、前球队主教练George Seifert和Steve Mariucci,前球队球员Joe Montana、Steve Young、Ronnie Lott、Charles Haley、Jerry Rice、Roger Craig、Harris Barton、Terrell Owens,前旧金山市长Frank Jordan和Willie Brown、众议院少数党领袖Nancy Pelosi、York家族、Clark的三个子女、妻子Kelly Clark、兄弟Jeff、前球队主教练Bill Walsh的妻子Geri Walsh、John McVay、Carmen Policy和前球队老板Eddie DeBartolo。
- “He always said, ‘You know, they don’t call it ‘The Throw,’ ” Montana said, smiling. And while he couldn’t disagree, he did make sure he got in the last word when he spoke to Clark one last time here.
“When I see you, D.C, I will say, ‘That’s true,’ ” he said, ” ‘and I will catch you on the other side.’ ”
来源:http://www.talkoffamenetwork.com ... -hero-dwight-clark/