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[49人] 旧金山49人2015赛季大楼(Baalke曾续约,Kaepernick拇指韧带撕裂,,要求面试孟虎OC)

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发表于 2015-11-4 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
Vitus16 发表于 2015-11-4 08:52


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-5 07:26 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-5 16:30 编辑

未参加训练:角卫Kenneth Acker(胸部、脑震荡)、外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)、近端锋Garrett Celek(脑震荡)、跑锋Mike Davis(手部)、 跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)、安全卫L.J. McCray (膝盖)、角卫Keith Reaser(与伤病无关、脚踝)
部分训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、角卫Tramaine Brock(胫骨)、 外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、弃踢手Bradley Pinion(右小腿)、安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
  • 脚踝扭伤的角卫Keith Reaser是因为家庭私事请假。
未参加训练:角卫Robert Alford(腹股沟)、线卫Justin Durant(小腿)、外接手Leonard Hankerson(大腿腘绳肌)、安全卫William Moore(腹股沟)、中锋Mike Person (脚踝)
部分训练:护锋James Stone(小腿)、角卫Desmond Trufant(背部)、外接手Nick Williams(大腿腘绳肌)
正常训练: 防守端锋Tyson Jackson(肋骨)
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... used-49ers-practice
(2)PUP名单中的中锋Daniel Kilgore说他计划在轮空周后的周三开始恢复训练。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... wednesday-after-bye
(3)替补安全卫/特勤组冲锋员(gunner)L.J. McCray右膝半月板撕裂,周二进行了关节镜手术。还不确定他是否会进伤病储备(IR)名单。
  • 特勤组协调员Thomas McGaughey Jr. 说外接手Quinton Patton可能会接替L.J. McCray在特勤组的工作。
     “You don’t ever replace a guy like that. I mean, that guy he was really, really coming on,” McGaughey said. “L.J. is a special player. I think his ceiling is really, really high as far as a teams player is concerned. It’s hard to replace that speed and power and production.
    “But, we’ve got options. It’s next guy up. Quinton Patton and some of those other guys will step up and they’ll do a good job. We’re excited about the opportunity for those other guys to be able to step up, but losing L.J. is definitely a blow for sure.”
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle42977232.html(下文部分消息亦出自此文)
          http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... e-squad-relegation/
(4)肋骨受伤的角卫Kenneth Acker说身体不适,队医认为他可能遭受脑震荡。他和近端锋Garrett Celek一起进入联盟脑震荡保护程序。
(5)小腿拉伤的弃踢手Bradley Pinion说他预计可以在周日的比赛中上场。

“I wanted Colin to step back, breath and look at things through a different lens, and to keep working and preparing but to step back.”
"That position gets way more credit than it should when you win and it gets way more junk than it should when you lose," he said. "That pile just keeps getting bigger. And I want him out of there. This is a guy that I care about a lot. This is a guy that I respect a lot. This is a guy that I think has talent. This is just me, what I'm watching and what I'm feeling. And I want him to just step back, keep working, do your thing and move forward."
  • Tomsula说球队战绩糟糕(2-6)的责任并不全在Kaepernick身上,每个人都要承担责任。
“Obviously he wants to keep working through,” Tomsula said. “In no way is 2-6 all on Colin Kaepernick. That’s all of us, everybody here on the Niners. We all take a big chunk of that.”
  • Tomsula说更换四分卫的决定是他做出的(100%),但和进攻组教练们也做过商议。
“I watched tape, had my feelings, talked with the offensive coaches, then went upstairs and let them know what my decision was,” Tomsula said.
  • 被问到这个决定是否是临时性的时,Tomsula未回答,只是说本周Blaine Gabbert是球队首发。
     "It’s this week. Going into Atlanta, Blaine Gabbert will be our quarterback.”
  • 谈到那档Kaepernick没有看到他无人防守的进攻时,(更正)外接手Torrey Smith说那安排的一档冲球战术,所以Kaepernick不会太注意外接手,但他平时通常会看一下,球队错过了一次机会,这也是这赛季为什么会变成这样的原因。还说球队表现不佳并不都是Kaepernick的错,四分卫位置比较特殊,受到的关注也最多。会看看更换四分卫会不会给球队带来活力。
     “I mean, stuff happens,” Smith said. “I don’t really know what to say. First of all, it’s a run play. It wasn’t a pass play. So he’s not going to be staring out there at us. But he normally glances out there, takes a peek. We just missed an opportunity on that one. That’s how the season’s been going.”
    ““It’s not all Kap’s fault,” Smith said. “This doesn’t fall 100 percent on Kap. Unfortunately, at the quarterback position, when things aren’t going well, you’re going to be the person that’s evaluated the most and the hardest. It’s on us now to try to continue to grow and change and see if (the QB change) adds a spark.”
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... t-tomsula-confirms/(采访全文)
          http://www.sfchronicle.com/49ers ... pid=twitter-premium
(2)特勤组协调员Thomas McGaughey Jr. 说外接手Bruce Ellington将担任回攻手。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ccray-out-with-knee

(1)截止到第9周,PFF将球队进攻线排在联盟第29位,传球保护16位,开路垫底,犯规排在第4位,左截锋Joe Staley (84.4)是其中表现最佳的球员,中锋Marcus Martin(31.0) 是表现最差的,评分在所有中锋中垫底。
来源:https://www.profootballfocus.com ... es-entering-week-9/

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-6 08:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-7 08:33 编辑

未参加训练:角卫Kenneth Acker(胸部、脑震荡)、外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、跑锋Mike Davis(手部)、 跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)、安全卫L.J. McCray (膝盖)
部分训练:内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)、角卫Tramaine Brock(胫骨)、 外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、近端锋Garrett Celek(脑震荡)、弃踢手Bradley Pinion(右小腿)、角卫Keith Reaser(与伤病无关、脚踝)
正常训练:安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
  • 角卫Reaser回归,部分训练但脚踝缠着厚厚的绷带。
  • 昨天部分训练的护锋Boone今天没有参加训练。
未参加训练:角卫Robert Alford(腹股沟)、线卫Justin Durant(小腿)、外接手Leonard Hankerson(大腿腘绳肌)、安全卫William Moore(腹股沟)、
部分训练:中锋Mike Person (脚踝) 、角卫Desmond Trufant(背部)、外接手Nick Williams(大腿腘绳肌)
正常训练: 防守端锋Tyson Jackson(肋骨)、护锋James Stone(小腿)
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... actice-knee-injury/
(1)进攻协调员Geep Chryst谈了一些关于进攻组的事情:
  • 跑锋方面Shaun Draughn加入早一天,因此在学习球队战术方面更领先一点,目前有微弱优势。将通过训练情况决定。
      Shaun got in a day before so he's maybe a day ahead in terms of the learning curve.
  • 被问到他应该(为本赛季进攻不力)承担多少责任,他说他受到了很多批评,但作为教练他知道自己手上有哪些牌。
       "You feel like you bear it every call that you make. You feel that you bear it every practice that you do. And, you know, you try to get under the hood and say, ‘OK. What is it that we're failing on?' And at the same time, as a coach, you know that the hand that you're dealt.
  • 说和2012相比球队进攻线在开路和传球保护上都做得不好。
      2012年跑锋在被接触前平均可以拿到2.02码,2015这个数值是0.97码。(Jeff Deeney说相对Gore,Hyde"dancing in the backfield"次数更多可能也有少量影响)
       Kaepernick 2012年首发10场比赛中被擒杀17次,2015年8场被擒杀28次。
       "Again, we're working through a lot of the practice stuff. We're valuing the practice reps. We're trying to give some of these young guys, like we talked last week, an opportunity to earn it. But, you still have to earn it within the community of the team. And that's where the practice reps are important. We've been giving them opportunities, but they also have to seize that opportunity and base that as much on merit as just change for change sake. But, there's that possibility too."
  • 说并不会把责任全怪在Kaepernick,但为了解决球队存在的问题愿意做各种尝试,包括更换四分卫。
       "it's a team sport and I think it's important that we all understand that just because [QB] Blaine [Gabbert] happens to be in there, we're not trying to say, ‘Lose QB, blame QB, tape at 11.' It's a more overarching thing that we've got to get things solved and we're willing to try anything, including a new quarterback at a position to try to get us going."
  • 被问到连续3档冲球,最后被拿安全分时,说进攻线挡不住公羊的前线4人,中央被突破,无论喊冲球还是传球战术,都不会有太大区别,都是不会成功的。
       “we were having trouble blocking their front four. They're a very talented front four. I don't think whether you called a run or a pass, if you're getting penetration up the middle it really matters because we're getting whipped at the point of attack and those are examples where whether you call something like a bomb, throw it downfield, or a quarterback sneak. If you're blown up and you're backed up in the interior it's not going to turn out alright. It just won't."
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... es-and-shortcomings(采访全文)
(2)防守协调员Eric Mangini说球员的攻击性是无法教出来的。
"They don't bite when they're puppies, they don't bite when they're older."
更正:从之后公布的采访全文来看, Mangini是在评价安全卫Jaquiski Tartt首场首发表现的一段话中说的上述言论,并没有说Tartt缺乏攻击性的意思。Mangini提到Tartt有时可能需要处理得更慢一点,而不是操之过急。要观察场上的情况,了解自己应该去哪里放手,而不是太早地对球本身做出反应。不能教球员减少攻击性,但可以教球员降慢节奏。还说可以看到Tartt在赛季中的成长。
I thought it was pretty good. With JT the challenge is slowing down. And, I don't mean be less aggressive. You want to hurry but you don't want to rush. It's making sure you take the time to see exactly how the play is unfolding and then have the fit that you need to have or be where you're supposed to be in the passing game. And, there were times where he was hurrying, and there were times where he was too quick to the ball. And, you can coach that. You can't coach guys that aren't aggressive. Typically, once they're not aggressive, you know, they don't bite when they're puppies, they don't bite when they are older. But, you can coach it the other way and get them to tempo it down. And there was some of that in the game, which was all in the right spirit of it. But, you'll see growth with him too as we move through the season."
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... t-development-49ers(采访全文)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-6 23:58 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-7 07:55 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-7 09:52 编辑

跑锋Mike Davis(手部)、跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)、安全卫L.J. McCray (膝盖)
外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)
角卫Kenneth Acker(胸部、脑震荡)、角卫Tramaine Brock(胫骨)、 近端锋Garrett Celek(脑震荡)、角卫Keith Reaser(与伤病无关、脚踝)
护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)、内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)、 外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)、弃踢手Bradley Pinion(右小腿)、安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
  • 未参加训练:角卫Kenneth Acker(胸部、脑震荡)、外接手Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌)、跑锋Mike Davis(手部)、 跑锋Carlos Hyde(脚部)、安全卫L.J. McCray (膝盖)
  • 部分训练:角卫Tramaine Brock(胫骨)、 近端锋Garrett Celek(脑震荡)、角卫Keith Reaser(与伤病无关、脚踝)
  • 正常训练:护锋Alex Boone(膝盖)内线卫NaVorro Bowman(肩膀)外线卫Ahmad Brooks(肩膀)弃踢手Bradley Pinion(右小腿)、安全卫Eric Reid(胸部)、进攻截锋Joe Staley(膝盖)
角卫Robert Alford(腹股沟)、线卫Justin Durant(小腿)、外接手Leonard Hankerson(大腿腘绳肌)、安全卫William Moore(腹股沟)
防守端锋Vic Beasley(脚部)
防守截锋Jonathan Babineaux(与伤病无关)、防守端锋Tyson Jackson(肋骨)、中锋Mike Person (脚踝) 、护锋James Stone(小腿)、角卫Desmond Trufant(背部)、外接手Nick Williams(大腿腘绳肌)
  • 未参加训练:角卫Robert Alford(腹股沟)、防守截锋Jonathan Babineaux(与伤病无关)防守端锋Vic Beasley(脚部)、线卫Justin Durant(小腿)、外接手Leonard Hankerson(大腿腘绳肌)、安全卫William Moore(腹股沟)
  • 正常训练: 防守端锋Tyson Jackson(肋骨)、中锋Mike Person (脚踝) 、护锋James Stone(小腿)、角卫Desmond Trufant(背部)外接手Nick Williams(大腿腘绳肌)
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... port-its-not-pretty
(2)NFI名单中的外接手DeAndre Smelter在场边和训练师训练的一些视频

2.外线卫Ahmad Brooks因在和公羊比赛中扼颈式擒抱(Horse Collar Tackle)被罚$17,363。

(1)四分卫Colin Kaepernick自球队做出更换四分卫决定以来首次接受采访,说他尊重教练的决定,并不认同教练认为他需要远离压力的看法,会尽全力支持Blaine Gabbert。
“That decision is out of my control and I left it at that. I respect their authority.”
"No, I don't believe in pressure," he said. "Pressure's not being prepared for what you want to do. To me, I've played full seasons, I've played full seasons and been successful. It's something that mentally I've been through before. I'm not incapable of going through something."
"To me, that's selfish and take away from my teammates and take away from Blaine," he said. "I'll support my teammates and support Blaine in everything they do because they've been good to him."
  • 说他同意进攻协调员Geep Chryst所说球队阵容对四分卫支持力度不如2012赛季,但不同意Chrys所说由于容差率降低导致Kaepernick更注重保护球权,更重视不犯错误(而不是取得成绩)。
"We have a very different team than we did then," Kaepernick said. "We had a lot of veterans, a lot of very experienced players who had been through a lot of different things and had been through a lot of struggles. So when they stepped on the field, it was with a passion that they didn't want to go back to where they were at before. And that's something (where) we haven't faced those struggles until now. We have a lot of young players."
"No, I don't believe that's accurate," he said. "Every time I step on the field, I step on the field to make plays. So that's just a matter of opinion."
      Q-Kaepernick talked a couple of weeks ago about being protective about throws, maybe explaining some of those. Did you find yourself maybe being protective about calls at some point and might that change with the quarterback change?
      A-"First off, I think it's a valid point, right? You go through a four-interception game, two are returned for touchdowns, this concussion bomb goes off. You feel responsible that you've kind of contributed to a loss of a team. So, you come back the next week the one thing you're not going to do is miss it the same way twice. But, there are chances where you watch where Kap probably hasn't done that in year's past. And now all of a sudden we have an interesting flip. You're a young player, you come in, you're looking for opportunities to make plays to win. Now it's flipped a little bit and it's I don't want to make a mistake that provides an opportunity for the team to lose. It sounds semantics, but I think that there may be some of that going in. You don't want to hurt the team. It's a fundamental, any player, ‘I don't want to miss a block or miss a tackle or miss a field goal.' But, maybe with perspective Kap can breathe a little bit and say I want to get back to what my core principles are which was I enjoyed this game and make it about the sport and not about all of the, whether it's outside expectations or outside criticisms or really your own expectations or your own criticisms. You don't want to fail in front of everybody. It's really that fundamentally simple. And so, you shift to ‘I need to protect this throw. I need to protect my teammates.' And sometimes that's a hard way to play when your opportunities may be a little more limited."
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle43499196.html
          http://www.scout.com/nfl/49ers/s ... lks-getting-benched(采访全文)

4.第9周球探动向:[原文]Scouting 49ers scouts: College games the team attended Week 9 作者:Timor Domini - Greg Valerio

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-7 11:01 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-11-7 07:55



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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-7 13:11 | 显示全部楼层
gcmy-01 发表于 2015-11-7 11:01



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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-8 06:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-8 07:06 编辑

  • 球队将此前手部骨折进行手术的跑锋Mike Davis放入伤病储备/指定回归(Injured Reserve/Designated for Return)名单。进入伤病指定回归名单的球员自放入之日起6周不能参加训练,8周不能回到53人大名单。
  • 将此前半月板撕裂进行手术的安全卫L.J. McCray放入伤病储备(IR)名单,赛季报销。
  • 从训练组提升角卫Marcus Cromartie(#47)和Chris Davis(#40)至53人大名单。(BTW:跑锋Shaun Draughn将穿24号球衣)。角卫位置的伤病是球队做出这一举动的原因,角卫Kenneth Acker(胸部、脑震荡)、Tramaine Brock(胫骨)、Keith Reaser(脚踝)均有伤在身,都被列为Questionable。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 0-a016-c769da6a6d97
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ke-davis-l-j-mccray
          http://www.nj.com/giants/index.s ... geoff_schwartz.html


使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-9 00:59 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-9 03:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-9 08:55 编辑

WR Anquan Boldin
RB Carlos Hyde
CB Tramaine Brock
CB Kenneth Acker
OL Ian Silberman
OG Brandon Thomas
CB Keith Reaser
  • 尖峰Mike Purcell首次被激活。
  • 角卫位置Dontae Johnson和Marcus Cromartie首发,跑峰位置Kendall Gaskins首发,进攻线首发不变。Johnson本赛季打了67档,向他所在方向传球10次成功2次, 58码,对手四分卫评分51.3, 防传评分+1.2。
SS William Moore
CB Robert Alford
LB Justin Durant
WR Leonard Hankerson
C James Stone
DE Malliciah Goodman
OT Bryce Harris
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... -wr-boldin-rb-hyde/
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... acker-both-inactive

外线卫Aaron Lynch手指脱臼。

"Gabbert did a nice job today, as did the team"
"Gabbert was our starter today and I don't have a comment past that. We got a win today."

(1)四分卫Blaine Gabbert  25传15中,185码,2次达阵(都是传给近端锋Garrett Celek),2次被抄截(其中一次是外接手Jerome Simpson的错),9次冲球32码。
(2)跑锋Shaun Draughn 16次冲球58码,4次接球38码,Gaskins 7次冲球20码,Thomas 4次冲球12码。赛后跑锋教练Tom Rathman拿到了game ball。
(4)防跑方面成功限制猎鹰跑锋Devonta Freeman(冲球709码和10次冲球达阵均领跑联盟),12次冲球12码,另有8次接球67码,1次接球达阵。球队此前平均每场被对手拿到123.8码冲球码数。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... lace-of-kaepernick/

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发表于 2015-11-9 11:35 | 显示全部楼层
zccoro 发表于 2015-11-9 00:59
CK的优势并没有被完全利用,他的抗压性的话我觉得可以看看前赛季季后赛对包装工和黑豹的比赛。我认为他是很 ...

公平的讲,Kaepernick可以在一个合适的体系打个主力掩饰自身不足的同时也能惊艳一下,就像2年前的强大9人,但他绝逼不是那种核心球员,相比他的优势,作为QB劣势就太明显了:视野不好,精准度不行,关键时刻撑不住场面。都挺致命的 。就他签的那份巨大合同,注定了他不会是9人长久打算,你会给这种档次球员这么大笔钱吗?

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-10 00:42 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zccoro 于 2015-11-10 01:07 编辑

如果说合同,那更是管理层的问题。NFL是生意,经纪人漫天要价司空见惯,你总经理要做的是着地还价,建设球队。可结果呢,跑了那么多核心,却都反过来拿CK的大合同说事?TONY ROMO,按你的意思一定大局观,传球精度和控制局面都比CK牛吧,他工资也很大,他又带领牛仔出了什么好成绩吗?我就更不说口袋四分卫今天GABBERT也就185码了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-11-10 02:38 | 显示全部楼层
zccoro 发表于 2015-11-10 00:42
楼上的,49人今天这个样子凭良心说是一个四分卫造成的还是管理层和教练组造成的?哈宝来之前,球队也很烂, ...

9人现在这个局面谁都清楚是管理层不作为,但我讨论的重点是Kaepernick,他不是那种能在球队危难中力挽狂澜的核心球员,他不适合目前这个9人,他也不适合待在一个重建的球队,如果去一个防守成型的强队,有比较得体的OL,那他才能如鱼得水,优势才能最大化体现出来。 喷气机这种球队是适合他的。9人需要找到有领袖气质,有大心脏的QB带领走出阴霾,比如RW3,LUCK这种类型的
至于Kaepernick的合同,我认为这点上管理层做得并不坏,如果当初保障部分比较多,就算薪金总额少一点也没卵用。 重建的队伍需要能释放出大量的薪金空间,不然保障部分还得拖累你几年

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-10 07:50 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-10 08:47 编辑

66 -- LT Joe Staley, LG Alex Boone, C Marcus Martin, RT/RG Erik Pears
64 -- QB Blaine Gabbert
55 -- WR Torrey Smith
54 -- TE Vance McDonald
48 -- RG Andrew Tiller
46 -- TE Garrett Celek
44 -- RB Shaun Draughn
38 -- WR Quinton Patton
33 -- FB Bruce Miller
17 -- WR Jerome Simpson
16 -- RB Kendall Gaskins, WR Bruce Ellington
9 -- RG Jordan Devey, RT Trent Brown
4 -- RB Pierre Thomas, TE Blake Bell
3 -- WR DeAndrew White
2 -- QB Colin Kaepernick
64 -- CB Dontae Johnson, SS Jaquiski Tartt, FS Eric Reid
63 -- LB NaVorro Bowman
59 -- CB Marcus Cromartie
53 -- LB Ahmad Brooks
50 -- LB Aaron Lynch
49 -- DB Jimmie Ward
42 -- LB Michael Wilhoite
30 -- DL Glenn Dorsey
28 -- DL Quinton Dial
27 -- NT Ian Williams
22 -- DL Arik Armstead, DL Tony Jerod-Eddie
17 -- CB Chris Davis
16 -- LB Eli Harold
14 -- NT Mike Purcell
11 -- LB Gerald Hodges
9 -- LB Corey Lemonier
26 -- Shayne Skov, Nick Bellore
22 -- Miller
21 -- Gaskins, Johnson
19 -- Ward
17 -- Harold
16 -- Ellington
15 -- Tartt
12 -- Patton, Reid
11 -- Cromartie
9 -- McDonald
8 -- Kyle Nelson, Bradley Pinion, White, Armstead
7 -- Phil Dawson, Dial, Jerod-Eddie
6 -- Davis
4 -- Wilhoite, Dorsey, Williams
3 -- Pears, Boone, Tiller, Devey, Lynch
2 -- Thomas, Hodges
1 -- Smith, Celek
未上场 -- DL Tank Carradine
未激活 -- CB Kenneth Acker(脑震荡), CB Tramaine Brock(胫骨), CB Keith Reaser(脚踝), RB Carlos Hyde(脚部) , WR Anquan Boldin(大腿腘绳肌), G Brandon Thomas, G Ian Silberman
  • 四分卫:Blaine Gabbert 25传15中,185码,2次达阵(都是传给近端锋Garrett Celek),2次被抄截(其中一次是外接手Jerome Simpson的错),9次冲球32码。PFF评分+2.0,在干净的口袋中传球评分+2.5,受到压力情况下评分-2.0。
  • 进攻线:右护锋位置Andrew Tiller(48档,+1.6)的上场时间首次远超Jordan Devey(9档,-0.1),右截锋Trent Brown首次获得上场机会,1共打了9档,评分-1.0,在他上场的时候原右截锋Erik Pear改打右护锋。昨天Gabbert未被擒杀。
  • 跑锋:Shaun Draughn打了44档,16次冲球58码,4次接球38码,Kendall Gaskins 16档,7次冲球20码,Pierre Thomas 4档,4次冲球12码。
  • 外接手:Torrey Smith 55档,2次接球44码,Quinton Patton 38档,3次接球70码,Jerome Simpson 17档,Bruce Ellington 16档。2次接球2码。
  • 近端锋:Vance McDonald 54档,2次接球19码,Garrett Celek 46档,2次接球达阵(12码),Blake Bell 4档
  • 全卫:Bruce Miller打了一半的进攻档数。
  • 防守线:尖锋Ian Williams 27档,Mike Purcell首次上场打了14档,防守端锋位置,Tank Carradine一档都没有打,Glenn Dorsey 30档,Quinton Dial 28档,Arik Armstead和TJE搭档打了22档,并承担了大部分三档防守, Armstead评分+2.0,连续第三场比赛评分超过+1.0,一共制造了5次施压(1次撞击四分卫)和1次擒抱,并在第三节造成对手拉人犯规,导致拿到首档无效。TJE 1次撞击四分卫,两次拍掉对手传球。
  • 内线卫:NaVorro Bowman只有1档防守未参加,共有18次突袭四分卫(此前个人最高为13次),7次擒抱(6+1),1次擒杀,Michael Wilhoite打了42档,3次擒抱,评分+1.7,Gerald Hodges挡了11档。
  • 二线:安全卫Eric Reid、Jaquiski Tartt以及角卫Dontae Johnson打满全场, Johnson防传评分+0.2,向他方向传球7次4次接球成功,50码Marcus Cromartie因嘴唇受伤(缝了3针)短暂离场,打了59档,主要在左角卫位置防守Julio Jones,向他方向传球4次,3次接球成功,33码,评分+1.8,防传评分+1.1。Jimmie Ward打了49档,向他方向传球9次,6次接球成功,36码,防传评分+0.9。Chris Davis打了17档。
  • 评分最高的五位球员:DE Arik Armstead (+2.0)、QB Blaine Gabbert (+2.0)、CB Marcus Cromartie (+1.8)、LB Michael Wilhoite (+1.7)、LG Alex Boone (+1.7)。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ges-offensive-line/         https://www.profootballfocus.com ... n-defensive-battle/
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle43721547.html         https://twitter.com/PFF_Jeff/status/663713576100605952
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... rk-without-starters         http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... -beyond-qb-gabbert/

(1)主教练Tomsula说外线卫Aaron Lynch(脚踝、手指脱臼)的伤病并不是长期性的。

更新:球队宣布四分卫Blaine Gabbert将担任下一场和海鹰比赛的首发。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... aking-announcement/
          http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 0-a46b-c5a335c2c606
(2)尽管右护锋Tiller(48档)的上场时间首次远超Jordan Devey(9档),被问到谁将在下场比赛中担任首发时,Tomsula不愿回答。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... g-for-seahawks-game

4.据ESPN记者Field Yates报道,球队今天试训了跑锋Travaris Cadet。



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发表于 2015-11-10 09:26 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-11 07:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-12 08:01 编辑

1.球队和昨天试训的跑锋Travaris Cadet(简介见昨天新闻)签约一年,裁掉此前签入的跑锋Pierre Thomas(11.12更正:死钱1周工资$34,412)。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 4-90e7-1520e8988e58

(1)防守端锋Tank Carradine在昨天的比赛中一档防守都没有打,主教练Tomsula说球队在尝试寻找更能让Tank发挥自己优势的位置。
“That wasn’t a knock on Tank not playing last night,” Tomsula said. “It’s just kind of where we are coaching-wise now. You know, trying to switch gears a little bit with Tank and utilizing him to his strengths.”
Tank在参加选秀时是作为4-3 DE,在佛罗里达州立大学时负责外侧冲传,在2012赛季尽管倒数第三场前十字韧带(ACL)撕裂,但该赛季还是拿到了12次擒杀,当时体重276磅,球队让他增重到295磅(目前体重),改打3-4 DE,本赛季打了151档,是5位防守端锋中上场时间做少的。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle44105430.html

  • 四分卫Blaine Gabbert评分+2.0,其中冲球+1.3。在53%(16/30)的dropbacks中受到了压力,但未被擒杀。Kaepernick在24%受到压力的情况下被擒杀。平均接球深度(Average Depth of Target)8.4码,略高于Kaepernick的7.7码。Gabbert在受到压力情况下15传9中,105码,1次传球打针,1次被抄截。
  • 右护锋Andrew Tiller评分+1.6,在传球保护方面未让对手拿到数据。
  • 中锋Marcus Martin评分-4.0,继续在中锋位置排名垫底。
  • 右截锋Erik Pears评分-2.6,让对手造成6次匆忙传球。
  • 近端锋Garrett Celek是拥有用完美的传球保护效率值(pass blocking efficiency)得近端锋中传球保护次数最多的(43次)。
  • 防守端锋Arik Armstead评分+2.0,其中冲传评分+1.9,1次撞击四分卫,4次造成匆忙传球。
     Armstead在3-4防守端锋中冲传效率(Pass Rushing Productivity)排在联盟首位。
  • 防守端锋Tony Jerod-Eddie评分+0.4,和Armstead搭档打了22档,均为防守分包战术体系(Sub Package),1次造成匆忙传球,2次排掉对手传球。
  • 在猎鹰四分卫Ryan 65%(31/48)的dropbacks中,球队实行了突袭四分卫,Ryan平均每次传球码数(YPA)4.9码,传球评分74.1,不实行突袭四分卫的情况下分别为10.1码和127.6。
  • 内线卫NaVorro Bowman18次突袭四分卫(此前个人最高为13次),1次擒杀,2次撞击四分卫,3次造成匆忙传球。
  • 因弃踢手Bradley Pinion有伤,踢球手Phil Dawson在上场比赛中负责开球,4次开球均被对手回攻,让猎鹰平均在己方半场31.5码处开始进攻。Pinion的开球中76%为touchback,联盟第四高。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ap-of-49ers-falcons               https://twitter.com/PFF_Jeff/status/664132043119263744
          https://twitter.com/PFF_Jeff/status/664175898917081089               https://www.profootballfocus.com ... s-entering-week-10/


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发表于 2015-11-11 14:06 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-12 07:46 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-11-12 08:13 编辑

OT Erik Pears 569
G Alex Boone 569
OT Joe Staley 569
C Marcus Martin 569
QB Colin Kaepernick 504
WR Torrey Smith 428
G Jordan Devey 390
WR Anquan Boldin 372
TE Garrett Celek 363
TE Vernon Davis 329
RB Carlos Hyde 295
WR Quinton Patton 220
TE Vance McDonald 206
FB Bruce Miller 171
G Andrew Tiller 169
RB Mike Davis 98
TE Blake Bell 67
QB Blaine Gabbert 65
WR Jerome Simpson 50
WR Bruce Ellington 49
RB Reggie Bush 48
RB Kendall Gaskins 44
RB Shaun Draughn 44
WR DeAndrew White 30
RB Jarryd Hayne 28
OT Trent Brown 9
RB Pierre Thomas 4
  • 进攻线Erik Pears、Alex Boone、Joe Staley、Marcus Martin均打满了所有进攻档数,其中Pears还打了25档特勤组,是所有进攻组球员中上场时间最多的。
  • 右护锋位置Jordan Devey的上场时间远多于Andrew Tiller,但上一场Tiller上场时间远超Devey,可能会在下一场对海鹰的比赛中迎来自己首次首发。
  • Garrett Celek的363档是所有近端锋中最高的。2012赛季进入大名单的机会也不大,前三个赛季都是3号近端锋,他现在的情况固然是自身进步的结果,另一方面也是球队该位置实力下降造成的。
  • 外接手Jerome Simpson最近两场才被激活,但上场时间已经超过了Bruce Ellington。
  • Miller打接近40%的进攻档数是球队会获胜,30%时球队会输球。
S Eric Reid 600
LB NaVorro Bowman 590
CB Tramaine Brock 549
CB Kenneth Acker 533
OLB Aaron Lynch 508
LB Michael Wilhoite 490
S Antoine Bethea 443
OLB Ahmad Brooks 439
S Jimmie Ward 373
DL Glenn Dorsey 352
DL Quinton Dial 346
NT Ian Williams 337
S Jaquiski Tartt 275
DL Tony Jerod-Eddie 166
DL Arik Armstead 152
DL Tank Carradine 151
OLB Eli Harold 138
CB Dontae Johnson 133
OLB Corey Lemonier 94
CB Marcus Cromartie 59
LB Gerald Hodges 37
CB Keith Reaser 28
CB Chris Davis 17
NT Mike Purcell 14
LB Shayne Skov 8
  • 安全卫Eric Reid的600档是防守组最高的,加上特勤组后的700档是全队最高的。对于前两个赛季都有脑震荡问题的球员来说是个好消息。
  • 另一个好消息是内线卫NaVorro Bowman打了第二高的590档。最近两场是他发挥最好的两场,意味着他在逐渐恢复。
  • 防守线上Glenn Dorse上场时间最多。球队在这个位置相对于以前(Justin Smith和Ray McDonald很少下场)有了更多的轮换。Dorsey在9场比赛中打了352档,2012赛季Justin Smit在同样场次中打了540档。
  • Tank Carradine是防守线球员中上场时间最少的。Jim Tomsula本周说会考虑调整他的角色。
  • Jimmie Ward理论上不是首发,但打了60%的档数(安全卫和槽角卫),排在第9位。
  • 内线卫Nick Bellore和Shayne Skov是特勤组上场时间最多的。Bellore, L.J. McCray, Phil Dawson, Kyle Nelson, Ian Silberman和Bradley Pinion只在特勤组出过场。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle44264256.html

2.退役的进攻截锋Anthony Davis 10月26日重申会于明年回归,并于11月9日暗示他有进行训练,保证自己的身体状况。
有记者说球迷不该对他回归抱希望时,回应:I clearly stated I will play again. I expect you to be more responsible. Dont mislead ppl for your own entertainment 。
被问到是否有做训练保持身体状况时,回应:No. I'm going back on a fucking prayer。

(1)更正:根据OTC,昨天被裁的跑锋Pierre Thomas死钱应为$34,412,而不知昨天报的$51,176。
注:Veteran Minimum Benefits,按$585,000算,而不是$870,000。
(2)根据OTC,新签约一年的跑锋Travaris Cadet基本工资$660,000,占用薪金空间$310,588。

(1)主教练Tomsula在电台节目中说四分卫Colin Kaepernick对Blaine Gabbert将继续担任首发一事处理得很好。
"Colin has handled himself just unbelievably, OK?" Tomsula said Tuesday on KNBR 680-AM. "People know how I feel about Colin Kaepernick and how much I think of him.
"I do believe in the person. He's handled himself just awesome here and with his teammates. That part of it you couldn't ask for any better."
来源:http://www.mercurynews.com/49ers ... andled-his-demotion

5.NN的David Neumann分析了Blaine Gabbert在上场比赛中的表现:原文
   NN的Oscar Aparicio分析了本赛季首次上场的Trenton Brown的表现:原文
   49erswebzone.com第九周的coaches film分析也开始做了:原文

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发表于 2015-11-12 11:01 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-11-12 18:30 | 显示全部楼层
zccoro 发表于 2015-11-12 11:01


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