本帖最后由 阿索 于 2015-1-26 11:58 编辑
最新消息:NFL工作人员表示,在比赛中被Jackson抄截的那个球当场测量结果是10.5 PSI,比最低标准值低了2 PSI。而之前传说也不足2 PSI的另外10个球,实际上与最低标准值差不到1 PSI。如果剩下的球是在室内测量的话,则与另一贴的实验曲线相吻合。
盟友实验地址: http://www.tdl100.com/thread-32083-1-1.html
实验人员将12个NFL认证的比赛用球在75华氏度(约24摄氏度)的条件下充气至12.5 PSI,以模拟开球前2小时15分钟裁判检查比赛用球时的状态。然后,这些球被移至50华氏度(约10摄氏度)的地方,并被弄湿,以模拟美联决赛时的室外条件。
实验表明,这些球的气压平均下降了1.8 PSI,其中变化最大的一个球下降了1.95 PSI。实验人员发现,25华氏度的温度变化会造成橄榄球气压平均下降1.1 PSI左右,而橄榄球表皮被弄湿后还会造成气压下降0.7 PSI左右。
根据克拉伯龙公式,气压比等于温度比,也就是P1/P2 = T1/T2,温度单位是开尔文。从75华氏度降到50华氏度大概会下降不到1 PSI。但这里要注意的是,这里的气体是指理想气体,实际上,湿度较大的空气的气压变化值会远大于这一理论值。另外,橄榄球是皮制的,它的状态变化也会对气压造成影响。
Pittsburgh, PA (January 23, 2015) -- HeadSmart Labs, a Healy Ventures LLC company, today announced findings from a study on football inflation levels in different climates. The study indicated that the pressure in the footballs used in the AFC Championship game could have dropped 1.95 PSI from weather and field conditions alone.
HeadSmart Labs set out to discover if weather during the AFC Championship Game on Sunday, January 18 could have affected the inflation levels in the footballs. The Lab designed a study that would simulate the external elements the game footballs were exposed to. The study encompasses the timeframe from when referees would have initially tested the footballs prior to the start of the game, to the time when the footballs were found to have a lower air pressure during halftime. Reports state that when the game officials tested the New England Patriots’ footballs during halftime, 11 of the 12 were found to have lost pressure of about 2 PSI.
“We took 12 brand new authentic NFL footballs and exposed them to the different elements they would have experienced throughout the game.” said Thomas Healy, founder of HeadSmart Labs. “Out of the twelve footballs we tested, we found that on average, footballs dropped 1.8 PSI when being exposed to dropping temperatures and wet conditions.”
During testing, twelve brand new footballs were inflated to 12.5 PSI in a 75 degree Fahrenheit room.This was to imitate the indoor conditions where the referees would have tested the footballs 2 hours and 15 minutes before kickoff. The footballs were then moved to a 50 degree Fahrenheit environment to simulate the temperatures that were experienced throughout the game. In addition, the footballs were dampened to replicate the rainy conditions.
HeadSmart Labs found that on average the footballs dropped 1.1 PSI from the 25 degree temperature change alone. The Lab also found that when the leather was wet, the ball dropped an additional 0.7 PSI. In combination, it was found that on average the footballs lost 1.8 PSI with a max of 1.95 PSI from exposure to game day elements.