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[讨论] 【翻译】季后赛12支球队的优劣分析

发表于 2015-1-2 23:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 lihancheng 于 2015-1-2 23:54 编辑


Now that the 2014 playoff field is set,let's examine the crucial factors for each participant. Strategic planning andtactical adjustments can help a team mask its deficiencies in a game, but thebest coaches are able to tilt things in their favor by accentuating their ownsquad's strengths while exploiting their opponent's weaknesses. With that inmind, here's a look at the fortes and flaws of each NFC team (ordered byplayoff seeding).

1) Seattle Seahawks
Next matchup: vs. Lions/Cardinals/Panthers,Saturday, Jan. 10, 8:15 p.m. ET, FOX
下一场:主场对阵雄狮 红雀 黑豹,美东时间110日,周六,20:15FOX直播

Biggest strength: The defending Super Bowlchampions captured the Lombardi Trophy last February on the strength of adominant defense. New season, same story: The Seahawks are poised to makeanother run at the title behind a stifling defense that suffocates opponentswith its collective size, speed and athleticism. Led by the "Legion ofBoom" secondary, the Seahawks have thrown a blanket around some of theNFL's most dynamic offenses, forcing opposing quarterbacks into scattershotperformances from the pocket. Additionally, the 'Hawks have essentiallyeliminated running lanes since the healthy returns of linebacker Bobby Wagnerand safety Kam Chancellor, making life miserable for ball-carriers who venturebetween the tackles.
最大优势:今年二月份的时候,这支球队用极具统治力的防守夺得了文斯隆巴迪杯。新一个赛季,一样的故事:海鹰依靠自己体型、速度、技巧兼备的强悍防守让对手窒息,又一次在向着总冠军发起冲击。海鹰队在“虎啸军团”第二防线的带领下,把联盟里的一些爆炸性的进攻强队封锁得严严实实,让对面的四分卫只能在口袋里零打碎敲拿点码数。除此之外,海鹰队在迎来线卫Bobby Wagner和安全卫Kam Chancellor的健康回归后,基本也锁死了全部的冲球路线,让那些在截锋之间游弋的持球人苦不堪言。

Biggest weakness: Despite rolling into theplayoffs with nine wins in their last 10 games, the Seahawks remain anoffensive enigma, due to a suspect O-line. Injuries have prevented the unitfrom developing chemistry at the point of attack, and the resulting inconsistencyhas left Seattle to rely on Russell Wilson to deliver sandlot plays in order tomove the ball down the field. Yes, the Seahawks have earned the No. 1 seed, butquestions persist about the O-line's ability to handle a powerful defensiveline in a playoff battle.
最大弱点:虽然海鹰队以常规赛后十战九胜的战绩高调杀入季后赛,他们的进攻仍然有些找不着北,最大的问题就出在进攻锋线上。诸多的伤病让这个进攻箭头难以产生很好的化学反应,这种不稳定性的结果就是只能让Russell Wilson跑出口袋然后试图让球推进。是的,海鹰队拿到了一号种子,但是有关于海鹰进攻锋线是否能够抵挡住季后赛级别的防守的疑问仍然存在。

2) Green Bay Packers
Next matchup: vs.Cowboys/Panthers/Cardinals, Sunday, Jan. 11, 1:05 p.m. ET, FOX
下一场:主场对阵牛仔 黑豹 红雀,美东时间111日,周日,13:15FOX直播

Biggest strength: The top quarterback inthe NFL gives the Packers a chance to beat anyone. Aaron Rodgers played at anMVP level this season, particularly at Lambeau Field, where he compiled a 25:0touchdown-to-interception ratio in eight games. With Jordy Nelson and RandallCobb emerging as the league's most explosive receiving tandem, the Packers havea shot to claim the title on the strength of Rodgers' play from the pocket.
最大优势:有着联盟里最出色的四分卫之一,包装工有机会战胜任何一支队。Aaron Rodgers打出了一个MVP级别的赛季,特别是在主场兰博球场,他在八场比赛里刷出了逆天的25:0的达阵抄截比。在Jordy NelsonRandall Cobb进步成为联盟里最具爆炸性的接球二人组后,包装工有机会利用Rodgers在口袋里的强悍表现去冲击总冠军。

Biggest weakness: For all of theimprovements made by the Packers' defense, the jury is still out as to whetherthe unit can slow a high-powered offense directed by a mobile quarterback.Green Bay has struggled against athletic signal-callers in recent playoffappearances (see: Colin Kaepernick, who racked up 769 total yards against thePackers in the 2012 and 2013 postseasons). Potential matchups against CamNewton and Russell Wilson could be problematic, especially if coordinator DomCapers fails to come up with an effective way to neutralize the zone-read andbootleg-centric schemes. The presence of Julius Peppers and Clay Matthews onthe edges should help Capers craft a plan to contain an athletic playmaker, butthe Packers' defense will ultimately determine their fate in the postseason.
最大弱点:尽管包装工的防守已经有所进步,但是人们仍在怀疑他们能不能防下由一位运动能力很强的四分卫带领的高能进攻组。绿湾最近几年面对运动能力强的四分卫时一直表现得很挣扎(例:20122013年季后赛中两次对阵Colin Kaepernick,总共被刷出了769码总码数)。面对Cam NewtonRussell Wilson的潜在对决可能是问题重重的,如果对方有很好的联防阅读能力,并且以四分卫假传战术为中心进攻的话,防守协调员Dom Capers若是没能找到很好的限制方法就麻烦很大了。在两翼的Julius PeppersClay Matthews或许可以帮助Capers打造一个不错的限制运动型四分卫的方法,但是包装工总体的防守才能最终决定他们季后赛能走多远。

3) Dallas Cowboys
Next matchup: vs. Detroit Lions, Sunday,4:40 p.m. ET, FOX

Biggest strength: The Cowboys' dynamicoffense fueled their surprising run to the top of the NFC East. Led by adominant O-line and the new "Triplets" (quarterback Tony Romo,running back DeMarco Murray and receiver Dez Bryant), Dallas tramples opponentswith a ball-control attack built on a physical running game and an explosiveplay-action passing element. The team can also dictate the tempo and utilize a"keep away" approach designed to minimize the exposure of itsdefense. The offense is ideally suited to play the kind of blue-collar footballthat yields big results in the playoffs -- and the Cowboys are certainlycapable of representing the NFC in the Super Bowl.
最大优势:牛仔的万花筒式进攻组神奇地把他们一路带到了国东冠军。在一条强劲的进攻锋线和新“三巨头”(四分卫Tony Romo,跑卫DeMarco Murray和外接手Dez Bryant)的带领下,建立在对抗性冲球和爆炸性假跑真传基础上的达拉斯牌控球进攻可以碾压诸多对手。这支队伍也可以控制住比赛的节奏,利用一种保持防守距离的方法来最小化防守漏洞的暴露。这支球队的进攻组很合适去打那种蓝领式的橄榄球,而且往往能在季后赛中取得不错的结果,牛仔队绝对有实力代表国联出征超级碗。

Biggest weakness: Credit coordinator RodMarinelli for getting this defense to play at a high level despite fielding alineup loaded with misfits and castoffs. Still, the group lacks the firepowernecessary to slow down a high-octane offense that features explosive playmakerson the perimeter. The collective grit and hustle of the unit will give Dallas apuncher's chance against any team, but the inconsistent pass rush and suspectcoverage could end up being the Cowboys' undoing.
最大弱点:能够在满是弃将和不合体系的球员中抓出十一人打出这样水平的防守,我们确实应该给协调员Rod Marinelli点个赞。但是话说回来,这群人还是缺乏防住高强度进攻的能力,特别是对外围爆炸性接球手更是没什么好办法。这支球队球员共同的韧劲可以让他们给任何一支球队一个下马威,但是不稳定的冲传和不太可信的联防可能葬送牛仔的大好局势。

4) Carolina Panthers
Next matchup: vs. Arizona Cardinals,Saturday, 4:35 p.m. ET, ESPN

Biggest strength: The Panthers' defensekeyed their run to the NFC South title by holding Carolina's last fouropponents to 10.8 points per game. Led by linebackers Luke Kuechly and ThomasDavis, the front seven has bludgeoned offenses at the point of attack. A young,athletic secondary, meanwhile, has blanketed receivers on the perimeter. Withcoach Ron Rivera and defensive coordinator Sean McDermott hounding quarterbacksand runners with a barrage of clever blitz and bluff tactics, the Panthers canturn any contest into a low-scoring affair -- and give Cam Newton a chance towin it at the end.
最大优势:黑豹的防守在他们冲击国南头名的道路上起了很大的作用,他们在常规赛的最后四个对手场均只得到了10.8分。由线卫Luke KuechlyThomas Davis带领,防守组七人前线在攻防线上予对手以重击。与此同时,一条年轻、运动能力强劲的第二防线在外围盯住了对方外接手。在教练Ron Rivera和防守协调员Sean McDermott的共同努力下,黑豹利用一连串聪明的伪突击战术(Blitz and Bluff tactics)让对方的四分卫和跑卫十分难受。他们可以将任意一场比赛变得非常低分,只要Cam Newton能在最后帮球队赢下来就好了。

Biggest weakness: Despite the presence oftwo 1,000-yard pass catchers (Kelvin Benjamin and Greg Olsen), the Panthers'aerial attack remains a huge question mark heading into the playoffs.Carolina's lack of a proven vertical threat and home-run hitter on the outsidecould make it hard to move the ball against elite defenses in the postseason.Philly Brown certainly has added a spark to the offense since stepping into thelineup, but leaning on a pair of rookie wideouts (Benjamin and Brown) in aplayoff game would be a huge gamble for a team that struggles to score pointsthrough the air.
最大弱点:虽然阵中有两位千码接球手(Kelvin BenjaminGreg Olsen),黑豹的空中进攻仍然是一个大大的问号。黑豹缺乏实际的接球威胁,并且在外围没有人能打出精彩的全垒打式进攻,这让他们面对精英级防守的时候很难将球推进。Philly Brown在加入阵容之后确实激起了一些火花,但是如果要依靠两个新秀外接手(BenjaminBrown)来打季后赛的话,估计会是一场风险很大的赌博,对于一个很难通过空中得分的球队来说更甚。

5) Arizona Cardinals
Next matchup: at Carolina Panthers,Saturday, 4:35 p.m. ET, ESPN

Biggest strength: The Cardinals' stingydefense has kept the team afloat despite a host of absences due to injuries,defections and suspensions. Under the direction of coordinator Todd Bowles, theCardinals have relied on a blitz-heavy approach that's wreaked havoc onopponents throughout the season. Cornerbacks Antonio Cromartie and PatrickPeterson have shown the ability to blanket elite receivers on the outside, withsafeties Tyrann Mathieu, Rashad Johnson, Deone Bucannon and Tony Jeffersonadding timely playmaking between the hashes. Throw in a physical front line ledby Calais Campbell, and it's clear the Cardinals are capable of pummelingopponents with their collective toughness, physicality and playmaking ability.
最大优势:虽然有一大把球员因伤病、转会或禁赛而缺阵,红雀极具韧性的防守让他们仍能保持在分区上游。在防守协调员Todd Bowles的调教下,红雀整个赛季都采用了近乎疯狂的突击战术来摧毁对手。角卫Antonio CromartiePatrick Peterson已经展现出他们封锁精英外接手的实力,安全卫Tyrann MathieuRashad JohnsonDeone BucannonTony Jefferson能够在恰当的时机打出不错的表现。再加上由Calais Campbell带领的强劲锋线,红雀有能力用他们的坚韧精神、身体对抗和战术能力好好把对手修理一下。

Biggest weakness: It's no coincidence thatArizona's downward spiral -- the Cardinals ended the regular season with atwo-game losing skid -- started when third-stringer Ryan Lindley stepped in toreplace the injured Drew Stanton at quarterback. The young signal-caller issimply not equipped to carry the offense on the strength of his right arm, andit shows in his play. Lindley has completed just 48.4 percent of his passeswith a 2:4 touchdown-to-interception ratio in three games (two starts).Moreover, he has struggled to move the offense consistently, and his inabilityto put points on the board has placed a tremendous amount of pressure on thedefense to keep the score down. Given the importance of cashing in on scoringchances in the playoffs, Lindley's ineptitude could keep Arizona fromadvancing, presuming Stanton does indeed miss Saturday's matchup in Carolina.
最大弱点:当球队第三号四分卫Ryan Lindley接替了受伤的Drew Stanton出任首发的时候,红雀的下滑趋势已经明显呈现出来了,他们以两连败结束常规赛。简单来说,这个年轻的球员没法将球队用自己的右臂扛起来,在他的比赛中也可以看得出来。在三场比赛中(两场首发),Lindley的传球命中率只有48.4%,而且扔出了2:4的达阵抄截比。更严重的是,他没法持续的将球向前场推进,而且他没办法让球队得分,这也让球队防守组控制对方分数的压力陡然增大。季后赛中把握住得分机会是无比重要的,假设Drew Stanton周六确实因伤不能出战,Lindley令人失望的表现可能让红雀没法走得更远。

6) Detroit Lions
Next matchup: at Dallas Cowboys, Sunday,4:40 p.m. ET, FOX

Biggest strength: Though the Lions havesome of the best offensive personnel in the NFL, the defense was what sparkedtheir run to the playoffs. Detroit led the NFL in rushing defense, ranked thirdin scoring defense and second in total yards allowed during the regular season.Coordinator Teryl Austin has built around a ferocious line, with Ndamukong Suhand Ziggy Ansah wreaking havoc at the line of scrimmage. Sure, the loss of Suhto a one-game suspension for stepping on Aaron Rodgers in Week 17 weakens thefront, but the Lions can still bully their opponents, thanks to thecontributions of DeAndre Levy, Glover Quin and James Ihedigbo. (UPDATE: Suh'ssuspension has been reduced to a $70,000 fine on appeal, and he'll be availableto face the Cowboys.) Austin is willing to blend blitzes with a variety ofcoverage tactics (man and zone), meaning the defense can play a rugged stylethat is tough to deal with in a playoff contest.
最大优势:虽然雄狮队里有一些联盟里最好的进攻组人选,但他们的防守才是他们进军季后赛的关键。在常规赛里,底特律在冲球防守方面领跑全联盟,场均失分联盟第三,场均丢失码数联盟第二。协调员Teryl Austin围绕凶猛的锋线打造了强劲的防守,诸如Ndamukong SuhZiggy Ansah的球员在攻防线上统治对手。当然,Suh在第十七周踩踏Aaron Rodgers而被禁赛的事情可能会稍稍削弱自己的防守强度,但是雄狮仍然可以好好欺负对手,依靠的是DeAndre LevyGlover QuinJames Ihedigbo的出色表现。(新闻更新:Suh的禁赛处罚在他上诉后被减轻为七万美金罚款,所以他可以出战牛仔Austin愿意将突击战术融入他们的混合防守策略中(人盯人和区域联防),这意味着他们结实的防守在季后赛中会十分难以攻破。

Biggest weakness: For all the great thingsMatthew Stafford has accomplished since his arrival in 2009, the former No. 1overall pick hasn't delivered in big games on the road. The quarterback has a16-game losing streak on the road against teams that finish the year with awinning record, which is problematic for a group that must win three awaycontests to advance to the Super Bowl. Stafford's supporting cast is capable ofalleviating some of the pressure on him; still, he must avoid the kinds ofturnovers and careless mistakes that routinely put Detroit in a hole. Given theimportance of winning the takeaway battle, Stafford's play will ultimatelydetermine whether the Lions can make a run in the tournament.
最大弱点:除去Matthew Stafford2009年到来之后所达成的一切成就,这个昔日的状元其实并没有在客场比赛中打出应有的水准。在客场面对常规赛总胜率超过50%的球队时,他已经打出了惊人的16连败。对于一个必须要打三个客场才能到超级碗的球队来说,这绝对是最严重的问题了。Stafford的帮手们可以帮他减轻一些压力,但是他自己还是必须避免那些失误或者是粗心的错误,不然又会给球队挖一个大坑。在保住球权如此重要的前提下,Stafford的表现会最终决定雄狮是否能够走下去。

1) New England Patriots
Next matchup: vs. Ravens/Bengals/Colts,Saturday, Jan. 10, 4:35 p.m. ET, NBC
下一场:主场对阵乌鸦 猛虎 小马,美东时间110日,周六,16:35NBC直播

Biggest strength: When Bill Belichick addedDarrelle Revis and Brandon Browner to the secondary in the offseason, heimmediately transformed the Patriots' defense into a championship-caliber unit.New England can blanket opposing pass catchers with suffocating man-to-mancoverage on the outside, allowing Belichick to devote more resources tostopping the run or getting after the passer with a variety of pressures. Inaddition, the Patriots can get back to playing the combination coverage thatwas a staple of the playbook during the early 2000s, helping the team win threeSuper Bowls in four years. With the defense capable of keeping opponents out ofthe end zone (New England allows just 19.6 points per game, ranking eighth inthe NFL), Belichick can finally play the kind of well-rounded football thatproduces postseason wins.
最大优势:当Bill BelichickDarrelle RevisBrandon Browner在休赛期加入了二号防线的阵容中的时候,他立刻就把爱国者的防守组变成了总冠军级别的团队。爱国者可以把对面的接球手封死,利用的就是令人窒息的外围人盯人,这就解放了Belichick。他可以分配更多人员在防跑上,亦或是用各种方式冲击传球人。另外,爱国者也可以回到00年代战术本上最热门的混合防守策略上去,那段时间就是这类战术让爱国者4年内拿了3个冠军。当球队的防守可以将对方堵在端区之外时(爱国者场均失19.6分,排名联盟第八),Belichick终于可以放手打出他所想象的全能橄榄球,让球队在季后赛舞台上大放异彩。

Biggest weakness: Despite the Patriots' impressiveoffensive output, the lack of dangerous wide receivers on the perimeter remainsan issue. While the numbers suggest that Julian Edelman and Brandon LaFell arecapable pass catchers on the outside, their inability to stretch the field willallow defenses to employ bracket/double coverage on Rob Gronkowski whileloading the box to the stop the run. Given the fact that most defensivecoordinators aim to take away the offense's most explosive weapon in theplayoffs, the Pats' postseason livelihood could depend on the ability ofEdelman and LaFell to beat one-on-one coverage on the perimeter.
最大弱点:虽然爱国者的进攻输出非常令人印象深刻,但是外围缺乏危险的外接手仍是一个问题。数据显示Julian EdelmanBrandon LaFell是能力不错的外围接球手,但是他们并不能把战线拉得很长很远,对方防守就可以转移重心,转而选择包夹Rob Gronkowski并且在盒子里堆满人来堵住冲球进攻。在季后赛中绝大多数的防守协调员都会选择干掉对面进攻的最大武器,那么爱国者是赢球还是钓鱼就可能要看EdelmanLaFell能不能战胜远端的一对一盯防了。

2) Denver Broncos
Next matchup: vs. Steelers/Colts/Bengals,Sunday, Jan. 11, 4:40 p.m. ET, CBS
下一场:主场对阵钢人 小马 猛虎,美东时间111日,周日,16:40CBS直播

Biggest strength: Peyton Manning's presenceon the roster routinely overshadows John Fox's coaching prowess, but the wilyhead man's decision to shape the Broncos into a more balanced outfit has madethem a more dangerous postseason threat. Since an embarrassing loss to the St.Louis Rams in Week 11, Denver has increasingly relied on the combination of astrong running game and stifling defense to overwhelm opponents. While theapproach lacks sizzle and sex appeal, it is the type of formula teams have usedfor years to claim the Lombardi Trophy. Given the recent struggles of hisveteran quarterback -- Manning threw four interceptions in a Week 16 loss tothe Cincinnati Bengals -- Fox's move to a more balanced approach could help theBroncos hold their own against the physical teams poised to challenge them inthe AFC.
最大优势:Peyton Manning出现在阵容里或多或少地掩盖了John Fox的执教威慑力,但是这个狡猾的老头子一直努力将野马打造成一支更加平衡的球队,这也让他们变成了更大的季后赛威胁。在第11周很尴尬地输给了圣路易斯公羊之后,野马队更加注重利用强劲冲球和防守的结合来打击对手。虽然这种方式确实缺一点热辣的“性感”,但是这么多年来许多球队都在套用的“隆巴迪杯公式”。在最近野马的老兵四分卫表现得有些挣扎的情况下(第16周面对猛虎时Manning扔出了4个抄截),Fox打造平衡球队的行动会让自己在面临美联那些崇尚身体对抗的球队时保全自己。

Biggest weakness: It's crazy to viewManning as a liability, considering his legacy as one of the greatestquarterbacks ever, but the five-time MVP has struggled down the stretch. He'slooked jittery in the pocket and hasn't displayed the arm strength or velocityneeded to make pinpoint throws down the field. With the veteran turning theball over more than usual (Manning had a 3:6 touchdown-to-interception ratio inDecember), it is possible that the Broncos' unquestioned leader has suddenlybecome their biggest liability.

3) Pittsburgh Steelers
Next matchup: vs. Ravens, Saturday, 8:15p.m. ET, NBC

Biggest strength: The "KillerB's" (Ben Roethlisberger, Le'Veon Bell and Antonio Brown) make theSteelers' offense an explosive juggernaut under the direction of coordinatorTodd Haley. No QB/RB/WR trio was more productive in the regular season:Roethlisberger finished tied for the most passing yards in the NFL, Bell rankedsecond in rushing yards and Brown led the league in receiving yards. AlthoughBell's knee injury threatens to rob the Steelers of their most versatileweapon, the Big Ben-Brown passing connection is still capable of fueling aSteelers run in January.
最大优势:“B字杀手军团”(Ben RoethlisbergerLe’Veon BellAntonio Brown)让钢人的进攻变成一个爆炸性武器,在协调员Todd Haley的调教下更是出色。没有一个四分卫-跑卫-外接手三人组像他们一样更加高产:Roethlisberger扔出了并列第一的传球码数,Bell在冲球码数上排名联盟第二,Brown的接球码数排名榜首。虽然Bell的膝伤可能会让钢人失去他们最多样化的武器之一,但是大本-布朗的传接组合仍然足够把钢人刺激整个一月了。

Biggest weakness: The Steelers' secondaryis the only liability on a defense that's rounding into form. The unit has beenvictimized by the big play, allowing 15 receptions of 40-plus yards --second-most in the NFL. The inability to keep the ball in front of the defensecould be a problem against an elite quarterback and a dangerous receivingcorps. While the injuries to Ike Taylor and Troy Polamalu have contributed toPittsburgh's woes, the aging veterans have struggled in coverage even when onthe field. Factor in the Steelers' failure to generate a consistent pass rush,and it's clear that coordinator Dick LeBeau must hope his defensive backs canhold up against a barrage of throws on the perimeter.
最大弱点:对于一个逐渐成型的防守组来说,钢人的二号防线是他们唯一的弱点。这些人成为了单档大码数的受害者,允许对手打出1540码以上的远距离接球,排名联盟第二。他们没法把球保持在防守方身前的问题可能会在面对精英四分卫和危险的接球大军时造成很大麻烦。Ike TaylorTroy Polamalu的伤病已经让钢人队痛苦不堪,那些逐渐衰老的老将在场上的时候更加盯不住人。如果再加上钢人没法打出很稳定的冲传,协调员Dick LeBeau只能希望他们的线卫能够抵挡住传向外围的一连串炮火吧。

4) Indianapolis Colts
Next matchup: vs. Bengals, Sunday, 1:05p.m. ET, CBS

Biggest strength: The Colts have unfairlyplaced the weight of the world on a third-year pro still adjusting to the NFL.But Andrew Luck has shown he's a borderline elite quarterback capable ofcarrying the offensive load on the strength of his right arm. Luck hasengineered 12 game-winning drives during his brief career, and he's also shownhe can take his game to another level in the postseason (see: the second halfof last season's thrilling wild-card win over the Kansas City Chiefs). Giventhe importance of quarterback play in the postseason, the presence of aconfident gunslinger gives the Colts a chance to prevail.
最大优势:小马队很不公平地把所有的担子都放在了一个仍在适应联盟风格的三年级生上了。但是Andrew Luck已经证明他有接近精英的水准,而且能够把球队扛在自己强壮的右臂上。Luck已经在他短暂的职业生涯中打出12次赢球推进,而且他也展示出他能在季后赛中将自己的表现再提高一个档次(例如,上赛季那场激动人心的战胜堪萨斯城酋长队的外卡赛)。季后赛中四分卫的表现是无比重要的,那么有着这样自信的速射手一定会给小马取胜的机会。

Biggest weakness: The individual brillianceof Luck has masked some of the Colts' offensive deficiencies, particularly thelack of a steady running game. The Pro Bowl quarterback has been able tosingle-handedly carry the offense over the last four months, but playoffsuccess requires a balanced approach. While Trent Richardson and Boom Herronhave occasionally produced, the Colts are missing the backfield stud who forcesopponents to utilize eight-man fronts. Without a ground threat to take defensesout of coverage-heavy schemes, Luck and Co. might have a tough time moving theball against the better defenses in the postseason.
最大弱点:Luck的出色个人秀掩盖了小马队进攻组的一些问题,尤其是他们缺乏稳健的冲球。这个入选职业碗的四分卫有能力在过去四个月中只手带领整个进攻组,但是季后赛胜利需要的是更加平衡的打法。虽然Trent RichardsonBoom Herron偶尔有些不错的贡献,但是小马缺的是一个能够逼迫对手使用八人前线的后场小钢炮。没有能够把防守人调出防传策略的地面威胁,Luck和他的伙伴们可能会在面对更好的防守的时候举步维艰。

5) Cincinnati Bengals
Next matchup: at Colts, Sunday, 1:05 p.m.ET, CBS

Biggest strength: The Bengals have animpressive collection of talent on the offensive side of the ball. The teamboasts one of the top receivers in the NFL (A.J. Green) while also featuring atwo-time Pro Bowl tight end (Jermaine Gresham) and a dynamic tandem in thebackfield (Jeremy Hill and Giovani Bernard). The explosiveness and versatilityof the lineup allows coordinator Hue Jackson to use a variety of schemes that makeit nearly impossible to slow the offense when it's firing on all cylinders.With Jackson also willing to incorporate trick plays (reverses, double-passesand flea-flickers) into the game plan, opponents are forced to defend everyinch of the field.
最大优势:猛虎在进攻组里有一些十分不错的天才球员。这支队里有联盟里数一数二的接球手A.J. Green,有两次入选职业碗的近端锋Jermaine Gresham,还有一个高能后场二人组Jeremy HillGiovani Bernard。猛虎阵容的爆发力和全能性让协调员Hue Jackson可以采用各种各样的策略,当全队遍地开花的时候基本完全没可能被防住。Jackson同样喜欢使用一些欺骗性的战术(反跑、双传和Flea-flicker之类),对手必须防住球场的每一寸土地。

Biggest weakness: For all of the talentMarvin Lewis has acquired on offense, the biggest question mark remains at thequarterback position. While Andy Dalton must be given credit for guiding theBengals to four straight playoff berths, he has underperformed in prime time,particularly in the postseason. From his errant tosses to his questionabledecisions, Dalton's subpar play has kept Cincinnati from taking the next stepand becoming a true AFC contender. If the Bengals are going to make a seriousrun at the conference crown this January, Dalton will have to play better.
最大弱点:不论Marvin Lewis聚集了多少进攻天赋,最大的问题仍然是四分卫。Andy Dalton连续四年带队闯入季后赛,但是他在黄金时间的表现是令人失望的,尤其是在季后赛里。从他错漏百出的传球和令人质疑的进攻选择,他低于平常水准的表现让猛虎难以踏出下一步,成为美联真正的竞争力。如果猛虎真的想要在这个一月冲击分区冠军,Dalton必须要打得更好。

6) Baltimore Ravens
Next matchup: at Steelers, Saturday, 8:15p.m. ET, NBC

Biggest strength: The clever scheming ofcoordinator Gary Kubiak allowed Joe Flacco and Justin Forsett to flourishthroughout most of 2014. Kubiak's well-constructed game plan, which leansheavily on the outside zone and various bootlegs, has not only given opponentsfits, but it has helped the Ravens' offense become an explosive unit capable ofproducing "chunk" plays through the air or on the ground. Of course,the attack waned some down the stretch, lacking rhythm and consistency over thepast few weeks, but Baltimore has the personnel and coaching to get back ontrack in a hurry. Balance is essential to success in the postseason, and theRavens' diverse offensive approach could give them a chance to make anotherdeep run.
最大优势:协调员Gary Kubiak机智的策略让Joe FlaccoJustin Forsett2014年的大部分时候都全面开花。Kubiak细致缜密的比赛战术涉及许多外围区域进攻和各种四分卫假跑战术,不止给防守方带来一些麻烦,而是让整个乌鸦进攻组进化成为能够通过陆空获得单档大码数的爆炸性团队。当然,在赛季末期他们的进攻稍微有些疲软,最近几周有点缺乏节奏和稳定性,但是乌鸦队有着足够的人员和教练实力让他们很快回到正轨。平衡在季后赛很重要,而乌鸦的进攻多面手可以让他们再一次打出一轮精彩的季后赛之旅。

Biggest weakness: The Ravens' pass defensehas been abysmal due to the revolving door at cornerback. The team has playedmost of the season without quality playmakers on the perimeter, and aninability to hold up in man coverage has prevented Baltimore from unleashingthe kind of all-out pressure that disrupts the timing and rhythm of talentedquarterbacks. Although the Ravens will attempt to mask their coveragedeficiencies with various blitz-and-bluff tactics, the presence of severaldangerous aerial combos (Tom Brady-Rob Gronkowski, Ben Roethlisberger-AntonioBrown and Peyton Manning-Demaryius Thomas/Emmanuel Sanders, to name a few) inthe AFC playoffs could make it hard for Baltimore to advance without betterplay from a patchwork secondary
最大弱点:乌鸦的传球防守一直是一个无底洞,主要因为角卫位置上不停的人员轮换。整个赛季里乌鸦基本上都没有在外围安放高质量的防守人,而略显低效的人盯人让乌鸦没法释放出强劲的全方位一波流,并且打乱精英四分卫的传球节奏。虽然他们会尝试利用各种伪突击战术努力掩盖住他们盯防的漏洞,但是美联的几个危险的空中二人组(举几个例子,Tom BradyRob GronkowskiBen RoethlisbergerAntonio Brown,还有Peyton ManningDemaryius ThomasEmmanuel Sanders)会给这个打满补丁的第二防线造成大问题,让乌鸦队无法顺利晋级。


参与人数 4+55 收起 理由
老全 + 15 很给力!
haobalabala + 10 很给力!
ed008008 + 15 赞一个!
大本小基友 + 15 赞一个!


 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-2 23:33 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-2 23:55 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
gogofield 发表于 2015-1-2 23:44


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S.R.911 发表于 2015-1-3 00:03


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发表于 2015-1-3 09:14 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
filippozhan 发表于 2015-1-3 00:18 一号种子对阵外卡胜者排名较低的对手,所以只可能是四、五、六号种子


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发表于 2015-1-3 10:51 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-1-3 10:56 | 显示全部楼层
楼主原创翻译 支持!就是这篇的英文经常两个词连着写没空格 感觉好别扭。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-1-3 11:11 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
haobalabala 发表于 2015-1-3 10:56
楼主原创翻译 支持!就是这篇的英文经常两个词连着写没空格 感觉好别扭。。。



论坛排版就是这样  发表于 2015-1-3 20:03

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