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[孟虎] 【PFF赛后关注】第6周 辛辛那提孟虎VS布法罗比尔

发表于 2013-10-17 22:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Queen 于 2013-10-17 23:06 编辑


在上周主场战胜爱国者后,来到纽约上州的孟虎此番侥幸在加时赛中从比尔队手中再夺一胜。其实,一度领先两个达阵的孟虎本该赢得更轻松,然而在Thaddeus Lewis的带领下,比尔几近翻盘,让比赛比很多人预计的更激烈。孟虎在比赛中差点尝到“数英寸将转变比赛”的教训,在比赛还剩3分钟时,孟虎的三档转换将将没有完成,在弃踢之后,比尔用了90秒的时间推进86码,扳平了比赛。几次传球之中既有比尔进攻组出色的进攻执行的因素,同时孟虎防守组糟糕的战术布置和执行也是一个重要原因。然而,加时赛中孟虎防守组让比尔3档无功而返,为之后Brandon Tate 29码奠定胜局的回攻打下了重要基础。对于孟虎来说,这场胜利的意义显而易见:他们可以以美北领头羊的身份(没有并列)备战下周客场与雄狮的比赛。而对比尔来说,尽管本场失利让他们暂列美东末尾,但球队同样看到了积极因素:主帅Doug Marrone带着一个一周前还在陪练阵容的四分卫依旧打出了水品,第四节球队的卷土归来中,一方面四分卫Lewis起到了重要总用,同时整个球队的表现同样功不可没。


比起上个赛季的惊艳表现,本赛季开局阶段的Geno显得比较慢热,不过最近几周我们熟悉的那个Atkins又回来了,这场比赛他继续在防跑和冲传中做出贡献。作为冲传者,他6拿下了赛季新高的6次压力(2次撞击,4次迫使仓促出手),获得了+2.7的冲传评分,尽管这场中他没有单独的大放光芒的一档放守,但他能够持续的向比尔的进攻内线施加压力。防跑时,他则迅速进入角色,在Fred Jackson的第一次冲球中,Atkins向后推动Kraig Urbik,迫使Jackson转向外侧,最终让 Carlos Dunlap拿下了一个擒抱丢失码数。在数据单上Atkins的2个擒抱可能并不起眼,但他通过许多次的控制开路者、迫使跑动者变向,为队友们的终结进攻打下基础。最近三周Atkins拿到了 +15.3的总分,回到了我们熟悉的那个节奏。

Marvin Jones的重要发挥
过去三周参与了在球队50%的进攻档数的Marvin Jones这周上场时间有所压缩,总共只打了全部88档中的26档,但他的发挥确确实实在球场上起到重大作用。拿下生涯最高评分(+3.3)的Jones在跑动、接球、掩护中都起到了产生了影响,不断地在进攻中注意到他,可能让你以为他打得远不止25%的档数。在孟虎的第一个进攻系列中, Marvin Jones用一个34码的反向冲跑为自己的出色发挥来开序幕,他冲破了比尔的覆盖,在球场开阔处摆脱了Jerry Hughes的擒抱,把球队带到了任意球射程。接下来孟虎的第二次进攻系列中,他的42码接球同样推进到了射程内,同前一次的反向冲球一样,我们明显看到了进攻协调员Jay Gruden的开球后快速把球喂给Jones的意图,在转身接到Andy Dalton的屏风短传后,Jones灵活地通过了第一层防守后,来到球场左侧深处,在Andrew Whitworth的掩护下(这不是Whitworth本场唯一的一次长途screen block哦,详情可见中国第一解说员芒神贴出的视频:http://www.tdl100.com/thread-27751-1-1.html),Marvin Jones摆脱了Stephon Gilmore的伸手擒抱,最终把球队带到了比尔的30码线处。下半场,Jones为Mohammed Sanu的12码3档转换做了一个漂亮的掩护,而这个进攻系列最后也以Jones自己的一个抢在Leodis McKelvin身前的接球达阵作为结束。孟虎的传球进攻的2号选择一直不够稳定,而像Jones这样的发挥正能给Dalton更多的选择,给这个四分卫施加压力,迫使他能更进一步。

Giovani Bernard “另类”的一场比赛
当你看到 本场Giovani Bernard的表现时,你会毫无疑问地把他当做一个接球者——特别是他的那次20码接球达阵,详情见图:

接球后的Gio总共造成了4个防守错失擒抱,证明了自己灵动的特点,但他似乎在跑球中没有找到同样的空间,由于进攻线持续地被比尔极具天赋的防守前线控制,Bernard很难摆脱那些大块头们,他总计只有4码的接触防守者前码数,而BenJarvusGreen-Ellis的54码与之形成鲜明对比(BJGE一共多跑3次),Bernard打了比预期中更多的短码数局面,这其中他常常被第一个接触者就挡了下来。 Giovani Bernard还在不断进步的过程中,我们很欣慰地看到孟虎敢于在关键局面用这个新人,让他在球场上成长,而不是出于惧怕失误而将他留在场外。这场比赛是本赛季第三次Bernard比Green-Ellis参与了更多的的档数,现在他这个赛季总共打的档数(215档)已经超过了BJGE(199档)。

Buffalo – Three Performances of Note

Hughes’ Redemption Continues in Buffalo
After failing to make his impact in Indianapolis, Jerry Hughes has got a secondchance in Buffalo and, aside from one performance, he is grasping thatopportunity with both hands. Featuring in a career high 76 snaps off the bench,Hughes had an impact as both a pass rusher and run defender, overcoming hisearly missed tackle on Marvin Jones’ long gain on a reverse. He recorded threepressures as a pass rusher against the Bengals’ tackle pairing, one of thebetter in the league, while also drawing a holding penalty from AndrewWhitworth on a spin move that would have negated a key third-down conversionfor the Bengals had A.J. Green’s left foot landed just infield. The theme withall of Hughes’ pressure was working to the inside of Whitworth and Andre Smith.It can be easy for pass rushers who come in as speed rushers to get tooconcerned with trying to tear past opposing tackles every play, but Hughes usedthat speed to set up his inside work this week. Hughes also added a batted passand three stops in probably the most complete performance of his career todate.

Nearly but not quite for Thaddeus Lewis
Had he completed that comeback then Thaddeus Lewis’ one-week journey frompractice squad to winning quarterback would have surely been one of the betterstories of the season. As it was, Lewis fell just short, but his performanceensures he will be retained on the roster even when E.J. Manuel returns frominjury. After an excellent start on the opening drive, finding T.J. Graham deep down the leftside for a 47-yard gain before capping the drive with a dive to the end zone ona scramble, things went off the boil a little for Lewis through the middle ofthe game. After the Bills’ drove down to the Bengals’ goal line with optionrunning from a spread formation, they went conservative and were turned back,with Lewis forced into taking a sack on fourth down. Before the late comeback,Lewis would have a fumble as a result of poor ball security and take anothersack as the offense failed to generate much through the second and thirdquarters. Lewis came alive late and profited from some questionable playcalling and execution from the Bengals’ defense. Only blitzed five times on his41 drop-backs, two of those were Lewis’ fourth quarter touchdown passes to Scott Chandler and Marquise Goodwin — the pass toChandler with Carlos Dunlap as the only man to track the Bills’ dangerous tightend was an easy mismatch to exploit. However, backed up in the shadow of theirown uprights on their sole overtime drive, Lewis couldn’t hook up with ChrisHogan, leaving his throw low and behind, as the Bills’ came up short in theend.

Branch Maximizes his Run Snaps
may be a fairly one dimensional defender but when he plays that onedimension as well as he did yesterday and the Bills can juggle his snaps asthey did to exploit that strength you can always find room on your defense fora player like Alan Branch. Of his 48 defensive snaps Branch was defending therun on 31 of them (64.6%) and responded with five stops against the run, his mostsince Week 15 of the 2011 season in Chicago. Branch worked on both sides of theline getting the better of every member of the Bengals’ line except for AndrewWhitworth. This is Branch’s second “impact” game as a run defender havingmatched his +2.0 run defense grade against the Jets in Week 3, if he canprovide more consistent displays like this then the Bills will be much tougherto run on.

二年级线卫Nigel Bradham本场档数(41)比前五周之和(40)还多。
James Harrison(+1.6)继续在有限的机会里发光发热,12档出场是他本赛季的新低,但Harrison依旧拿下3次防跑截停。
面对11次压力,Thaddeus Lewis仅仅出手4次(无一成功),并被擒杀了5次,两次跑出口袋。

PFF Game BallPFF比赛之球
Marvin Jones的上场时间比之前减少了,但他通过多种方式发挥了自己的作用,打出来了他自己目前为止的生涯最佳一战。  

发表于 2013-10-17 22:55 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-17 22:59 | 显示全部楼层
另外Dalton本周拿到了AFC offensive player of the week ,可喜可贺~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-17 23:27 | 显示全部楼层
alan branch之前在海鹰打球,比尔的前线看起来实力不俗~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-18 00:30 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-18 00:40 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2013-10-18 06:49 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-18 07:51 | 显示全部楼层
Giovani Bernard有点大号版Darren Sporles的赶脚...可惜安道顿不是猪不理

使用道具 举报



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