THXnewnew 发表于 2012-11-1 12:08 
Cover 3为啥对falt路线比较吃力?不是有8人在box了吗?这么短传防守没问题啊 THXnewnew 发表于 2012-11-1 12:08
Cover 3为啥对falt路线比较吃力?不是有8人在box了吗?这么短传防守没问题啊 Because usually in cover 3 your corners are bailing to get to 15-20 yard levels. Your Will/Sam or SS left in the flat cannot guard a wide receiver one-on-one, so any underneath routes are extremely easy completions.
Besides, when you play cover 3, generally the defense can care less if you complete a flat route worth 5-8 yards...just as long as you have a guy who can tackle in space well.