OK,大概很多人已经知道消息了,The Philadelphia Eagles have fired defensive coordinator Juan Castillo
去年Juan一直处于风口浪尖被视作为所谓的“dream team”无法进入季后赛的罪魁祸首——BTW, 去年夏天那位在新闻发布会上自我感觉良好,傻乎乎说出“dream team”的pro bowler现在已经无人问津只能讨饭——然而今年平心而论防守组表现固然称不上出类拔萃,但已经干得不错,尤其考虑到一次又一次他们需要给进攻组的一系列无脑失误擦屁股,这个团队已经做到了他们能做到的最好了。
And Now, our DC gets fired.
14th in defense in ppg despite constantly having to pick up the slack from the offense. 31st in offense based on ppg. Wait, who got fired?
该滚蛋的人却还留在队里逍遥自在,该留下的人却卷铺盖走人被当作替罪羊。用我两年前的那句话——this team has no future but chaos。
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