Hi everyone,
Since most of you guys know I'll be going to South America for the summer, but I'll keep making videos of the ONE and ONLY undefeated team in China, The Shanghai Nighthawks!
I want to ask for each one of you ideas, or even better give me a Speech like the one we have in this video (http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzk0NDU1NDA0.html ) . But this one in Chinese. I would need some help with the subtitles but I think this is a great way to promote the team and have something special.
I'm so proud of each one of you guys, even if I'll not be here for the next game I know all of you will step up!
Thanks for being an amazing part of my life in China, I'll miss sundays training but you bet I'll be training by myself.
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