但乌鸦主帅 John Harbaugh 表示,野猫阵早已风光不再,但仍需防止海豚突施野猫,杀我不备。
2年前,海豚初用野猫阵时,Ronnie Brown从散弹枪阵形中解放出来,杀了爱国者一个措手不及,单场5达阵之壮举尤历历在目,能跑能传的Ronnie和野猫阵一起震精了联盟,引得诸队竞相效仿。如今海豚有了Brandon Marshall和Chad Henne,海豚也开始转回了传统的进攻。海豚主帅Tony Sparano表示,两年前使出野猫纯属无奈,而现在他们无需在依靠野猫阵来攻城拔寨。况且,野猫阵的防守之道早已为各队研究透彻。现今,海豚只需要偶尔使出野猫阵来变换进攻节奏。
乌鸦线卫Suggs认为,野猫在Ronnie Brown和Ricky Williams手里,变幻莫测,威力巨大,不得不防。乌鸦的全明星线卫Ray Lewis似乎对野猫阵已成竹在胸,坚守阵地,不为野猫所惑才是御猫之道!
"You just have to stay in your gaps. Just play disciplined. Nobody try to do something that they shouldn't be doing because if you do, you never know if a pass is going to come out of it or if Ronnie Brown is throwing the ball out of it and things like that. So, you have to be conscious of what's going on. Just hit your gaps and keep the ball funneled inside, and that's pretty much one way to kind of slow it down." |