



楼主: S.R.911

[德州人] 休斯顿德州人2015赛季大楼(停止更新,请移步休战期大楼)

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发表于 2016-1-10 09:04 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
AR12 发表于 2016-1-10 08:56


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发表于 2016-1-10 09:11 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-1-10 09:15 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-1-10 11:52 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-1-10 13:27 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-10 13:33 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
凉水塞牙 发表于 2016-1-10 13:27
这个赛季刚开始,我庆幸胡子走了,这个赛季进行了一半,我突然觉得胡子哥还不错,比这大光头好多了,这场比 ...


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发表于 2016-1-10 13:42 | 显示全部楼层
凉水塞牙 发表于 2016-1-10 13:27
这个赛季刚开始,我庆幸胡子走了,这个赛季进行了一半,我突然觉得胡子哥还不错,比这大光头好多了,这场比 ...


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发表于 2016-1-10 20:28 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2016-1-11 09:19 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-12 08:51 | 显示全部楼层

- 特勤组教练 Bob Ligashesky, 他是Gary Kubiak时代就在球队,但本赛季球队特勤组的表现始终不尽人意,外卡赛开场被开球回攻达阵,成为他下课的最后一个理由

- 外接手教练 Stan Hixon

- 防守组助理教练Anthony Pleasant.

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发表于 2016-1-12 13:37 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 coimbrawu 于 2016-1-12 13:39 编辑
S.R.911 发表于 2016-1-12 08:51

- 特勤组教练 Bob Ligashesky, 他是Gary Kubiak时代就在球 ...

Anthony Pleasant是Eddie Pleasant他爸。。。
Eddie Pleasant这个赛季算是起死回生了,本来都是一个废人,后半段居然还有几场发挥了作用
特勤组早就该动手术了,Hixon那个有些争议,外接培养了Hopkins,节瓜的外接Allen Robinson之前在Penn State也是他培养的,但是球队除了Nuk其他外接都不够好,而且掉球问题实在太严重了

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发表于 2016-1-12 14:08 | 显示全部楼层
最佳OL球员:Ben Jones (获奖原因是他辅佐了四位先发四分卫,帮助他们布置OL,同时也OL里面最耐操的,Jones was instrumental in helping the team transition through four quarterbacks during the season, helping set up protections for his fellow offensive lineman. Additionally, he took the majority of the snaps and was the only offensive lineman to start all 17 games in the same position. )
最佳自由球员签约:Quentin Demps(61 total tackles, .5 sacks, 1 INT, 8 passes defensed, 2 fumble recoveries, 1 forced fumble))理由是他的到来减轻了Hal、Pleasant等年轻的安全卫压力,同时他的表现也非常稳定
最糟糕的自由球员签约之进攻组:Brian Hoyer。Hoyer有两大问题,一个是不耐操,容易受伤,两次脑震荡也让球队四分卫的位置多次更替;另一个就是能力不足以对抗强队,战绩只有5胜5负,而且赢强队的比赛基本都是在他不在场时,由其他四分卫完成的,就这点来说,Yates都比他做得好... (11 games, 2,606 yards, 60.7% completion, 19 TDs, 7 INTs, 91.4 rating)
最糟糕的自由球员签约之防守组:Rahim Moore 他的覆盖范围和速度让DC为他改变了二线的战术,但是他却畏惧身体接触,不愿做脏活累活,在防跑方面表现糟糕,屡屡放出大码数,而球队的二线在将他拿下之后焕然一新 (11 games, 2,606 yards, 60.7% completion, 19 TDs, 7 INTs, 91.4 rating)
最佳新秀:Benardrick McKinney (数据:14 games, 58 total tackles, 1 sacks, 7 tackles for loss, 2 quarterback hits) 理由:尽管开始受到脑震荡影响,但是B-Mac上位很快,他是球队防跑的重要球员之一,被称为足球智商很高 The Texans tried to get McKinney to earn his stripes as a rookie but his practice habits and football I.Q. put him on the field and staring next to Brian Cushing. It was clear that McKinney had the “It” factor and he was always around the football. He meshed well next to Cushing and brought a feel for the game which a coach can not teach. McKinney had a knack for stopping opponents' screen game and was a key player in base defense.
进步最快球员Andre Hal (数据:16 games, 34 total tackles, 1 tackle for loss, 4 interceptions and 10 pass deflections) 理由:Hal简直就是Glover Quin的翻版,角卫的过剩与安全卫的人员紧张让球队不得不让他去打S,而他的速度打角卫是劣势,打安全卫却成为了优势,他对球路良好的判断,他防守时的良好习惯(总是在看球),他不畏惧接触,让他成为球队最重要的安全卫
年度最失望球员:Ryan Mallett  (6 games, 770 yards, 53.1% completion, 3 TDs, 4 interceptions, 63.6 rating)
最佳赛季中签约: Brian Peters (数据 11 games, 17 special teams tackles)
It was two-fold what Brian Peters did for the Texans when he arrived. He brought a tough attitude to the special teams unit and backed it up by being the top player of the group. Peters helped instantly when he arrived and laid some game-changing hits, most notably in the Cincinnati game coming out of the bye week in the most important game of the regular season.
Peters is under contract for two more years. His impact was clear and he was easily the top in-season addition.
年度东山再起奖 Brian Cushing (数据 16 games, 110 total tackles, 4 tackles for loss, 2 quarterback hits, 3 pass deflections, 1 forced fumble,不过PFF似乎不同意Cushing的表现...)
It had been two seasons since there was a healthy Brian Cushing on the field for the Texans and came back this year, playing in 16 games for the first time since 2011 and notching the third 100-plus tackle season of his career.
His success this season was due to him being able to focus his entire off-season on getting ready for a football season and not rehabbing an injury. Back-to-back knee injuries in 2012 and 2013 put his 2014 season into question. In 2014, Cushing looked slow and lacked explosion, putting his 2015 in doubt.
The Texans never wavered and penciled him in as their every down inside linebacker and he answered the call. Cushing was able to stay on the field, providing needed veteran leadership, and his presence helped McKinney grow as a player throughout the season.
赛季最佳比赛 Win vs. Cincinnati 10-6 堪称赛季转折之战,防守组找到了自己的定位,而全队也收获了信心
最佳进攻球员(OMVP) Deandre Hopkins (数据192 targets, 111 receptions, 1,521 yards, 11 touchdowns)
最佳防守球员(DMVP) JJ Watt  (数据 16 games, 76 tackles, led the NFL with 17.5 sacks, 29 tackles for loss, 50 quarterback hits, 8 passes defended, 3 forced fumbles, 1 fumble recovery)

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发表于 2016-1-12 15:00 | 显示全部楼层
另外,今天的NCAAF全国冠军赛,bama的近端锋 OJ Howard打得很不错,能挡人能接球,速度也很快,不知道德州人有没有机会选他,如果RB是靠自由市场解决的话,当然头号问题还是QB,以及围绕QB来打造进攻体系。这个休赛期对于德州人的进攻组来说非常重要


等超级碗结束了再建。  发表于 2016-1-12 15:24

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发表于 2016-1-12 20:49 | 显示全部楼层
鉴于Lynch和Goff很难被选到,有德州人的国外网友认为德州人应该选Carson Wentz,北达科他州大的大四四分卫

BRB的著名写手 Brett则认为应该选Hackenberg
https://www.reddit.com/r/NFL_Dra ... ou_should_probably/

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-15 11:30 | 显示全部楼层
多方媒体传言Arian Foster将被德州人裁掉
http://www.battleredblog.com/201 ... -released-by-texans

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-18 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
德州人聘请前巨人的Larry Izzo作为特勤组助理教练

德州人聘请前巨人的Sean Ryan作为外接手教练,Ryan 之前调教OBJ,现在来球队调教Hopkins

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发表于 2016-1-19 12:40 | 显示全部楼层
S.R.911 发表于 2016-1-18 16:56
德州人聘请前巨人的Larry Izzo作为特勤组助理教练

德州人聘请前巨人的Sean Ryan作为外接手教练,Ryan 之 ...



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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-22 07:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 S.R.911 于 2016-1-22 13:49 编辑

1、球队找到新的防守锋线教练,前球队队员Anthony Weaver。虽然他最为德州人球员的时候好像不咋地,但他在Browns, Jets, 和Bills干过防守锋线教练的工作,好像还不错。

Jeff Adams, G (可以考虑续约)
Brandon Brooks, G (这个肯定得续吧)
Chris Clark, OT (可以考虑续约)
Jared Crick, DE (在没有更好的DE之前,还是留着吧)
Quintin Demps, S (给我续上)
Charles James, CB (给我续上)
Ben Jones, C (这个肯定得续吧)
Shane Lechler, P (没有更好的了,续吧)
Nick Novak, K (总比Bullock强啊,续吧)
Chris Polk, RB (感觉排在了Blue和Grimes后面,如果林奇老师来了,或者前面轮次选了新秀RB,则可以不要了)
Devon Still, DT (这是谁?)
Nate Washington, WR (球队第二接球点,不过年龄嘛和脱手率成正比么?我们还有年轻的Jealon Strong和Keith Mumphery呢)
Brandon Weeden, QB (尾灯大帝,救火还行)
T.J. Yates, QB (2016赛季还遇孟虎不?)


Devon Still更多是帮她女儿治疗癌症,实力一般。Lechler很有可能要退役了,找一个punter估计也不太难。Crick估计不要了,今年薪金空间很大,找个好点的DE应该不难  发表于 2016-1-22 13:51

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发表于 2016-1-22 13:53 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 coimbrawu 于 2016-1-22 13:57 编辑


This is a guest spot from our good friend Troy Chapman and lining out the upcoming salary cap situation for the Houston Texans for the 2016 season.
With 57 players now under contract for the 2016 season the Houston Texans head into free agency with more cap space than they have had the past few offseasons.  General Manager Rick Smith and company has finally reigned in the team salary cap to make it manageable and flexible.  The team could also look at the free agent market to target a couple of mid to upper tier players should they choose to do so.  How is the team salary cap flexible this year?
The Texans only have six players with fully guaranteed salaries (three are on rookie contracts) , and three players with partially guaranteed salaries. This means the team has a small amount of money committed to the roster.
Players with fully & partially* guaranteed salaries for 2016:
J.J. Watt (2016 & 2017 salaries guarantee on March 14, 2016)
Kareem Jackson
Jadeveon Clowney
Whitney Mercilus
Kevin Johnson
Bernardrick McKinney
Johnathan Joseph*
Derek Newton*
Xavier Su’A-Filo*
During the offseason the NFL teams will calculate their salary cap amounts using the Top 51 Rule (top 51 contracts count + any pro-rated bonus money).  Until the NFL releases the official team salary cap figure we will use $153,000,000 as the amount each team will start with.  The Texans are scheduled to carry over $1,637,055 remaining cap space from 2015 into the 2016 season.  This will put the Texans’ Adjusted Salary Cap at $154,637,055 before any further adjustments are made.  The team already has $394,582 in dead money on the books in 2016.  The Top 51 spending is currently at $125,841,796.
$154,637,005 (Texans adjusted salary cap)

- $125,841,796 (Top 51 Rule)

- $394,582 (Dead Money Rolling into 2016)

= $28,400,677 in available cap space.

Just for comparison the Texans were sitting around $19.6 million in cap space after releasing Andre Johnson and Chris Myers last year to start free agency.  Before any major roster moves are made the team has almost $10 million dollars more available when compared to the start of the 2015 league year.
The team does have 11 players scheduled to become unrestricted free agents on March 9th and the team does have the option to attempt to resign these players prior to the start of open free agency.
Name        Position        Status
Ben Jones        Center        UFA
Shane Lechler        Punter        UFA
Brandon Brooks        Guard        UFA
Jared Crick        Defensive End        UFA
Chris Clark        Offensive Tackle        UFA
Chris Polk        Running Back        UFA
Nate Washington        Wide Receiver        UFA
Quintin Demps        Safety        UFA
Nick Novak        Kicker        UFA
T.J. Yates        Quarterback        UFA
Brandon Weeden        Quarterback        UFA
There are six players scheduled to become restricted free agents and the team will need to submit tender offers or new contract extensions (should they choose to do so) by March 9th or the player will become an unrestricted free agent.
Name        Position        Status
A.J. Bouye        Cornerback        RFA
Justin Tuggle        Linebacker        RFA
Jonathan Grimes        Runningback        RFA
Darrly Morris        Cornerback        RFA
Eddie Pleasant        Safety        RFA
John Simon        Outside Linebacker        RFA
The team does have two exclusive rights free agents and it would be expected for the team to offer the minimum level tender to both players by March 9th.  
Name        Position        Status
CB        Charles James        ERFA
CB        Jeff Adams        ERFA
Circling back to the flexibility the team has with their salary cap space, there are multiple players on the roster that could be subject to release without leaving a huge amount of dead money.  These are players that could be released and their associated salary cap savings & dead money.
PLAYER        2016 CAP CHARGE        2016 DEAD MONEY        2016 CAP SAVINGS
Arian Foster        $8,925,000        $2,300,000        $6,625,000
Rahim Moore        $4,068,750        $2,000,000        $2,068,750
Garrett Graham        $3,875,000        $750,000        $3,125,000
Brian Hoyer        $5,015,625        $0        $5,015,625
Akeem Dent        $5,562,500        $375,000        $2,187,500
Vince Wilfork        $5,500,000        $1,500,000        $4,000,000
Cecil Shorts        $3,421,875        $500,000        $2,921,875
As you can see the team could create a large amount of additional salary cap space by releasing some veterans. The team could easily create space to get the total available cap space up over $40,000,000.
The flexibility is there for the Texans to make moves with their own players set to hit free agency and on the open market if they choose too.
好消息是薪金空间很大,坏消息是球队去年在自由球员市场的签约很糟糕,球员没有发挥太好的作用,所以最多40m的空间,也不知道签约的人有没有用。经理Rick Smith在控制薪金空间方面做得不错,但是他和教练组的配合还是不太默契,签过来的用不好,是教练的锅还是经理的锅,还是两个人都有责任呢?今年的自由球员市场再看看会如何

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-28 11:10 | 显示全部楼层
Jadeveon Clowney is feeling better after being sidelined with foot injury at end of season. Won't need offseason surgery, per Bill O'Brien

— Aaron Wilson (@AaronWilson_NFL) January 27, 2016

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