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[49人] 2015旧金山49人休赛期大楼(训练组签下T.Hawkinson,三人更换球衣号码,NFLPA薪金空间)

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-17 10:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-17 10:17 编辑

35 -- T Trent Brown, T Patrick Miller
22 -- QB Blaine Gabbert
21 -- G Dillon Farrell, G Brandon Thomas
20 -- WR Quinton Patton, G/C Marcus Martin
19 -- G Andrew Tiller
18 -- G Ian Silberman, WR Jerome Simpson
17 -- TE Blake Bell
15 -- TE Vance McDonald, RB Jarryd Hayne
14 -- WR DeAndrew White, QB Dylan Thompson
13-- TE Garrett Celek, WR DiAndre Campbell
12 -- C Joe Looney, G Alex Boone
11 -- TE Derek Carrier, RB Mike Davis, TE Asante Cleveland, RB Mike Davis
10 -- RB Kendall Gaskins
8 -- WR Chuck Jacobs
5 -- RB Carlos Hyde, QB Colin Kaepernick, WR Anquan Boldin, T Erik Pears, T Joe Staley
4 -- WR Torrey Smith, TE Xavier Grimble, WR Issac Blakeney
3 -- FB Bruce Miller
1 -- FB Trey Millard, T Sean Hooey, T Jason Renfrow, WR Nigel King, WR Mario Hull, TE Busta Anderson
66 -- LB Shayne Skov
63 -- LB Eli Harold
53 -- LB Nick Moody
49 -- LB Corey Lemonier
46 -- DE Arik Armstead
39 -- DB Jaquiski Tartt
36 -- DB L.J. McCray, CB Keith Reaser
35 -- CB Dontae Johnson
34 -- DB Craig Dahl, LB Marcus Rush
25 -- CB Marcus Cromartie, CB Tramaine Brock, CB Shareece Wright, DE Quinton Dial, S Eric Reid, S Antoine Bethea
23 -- NT Mike Purcell
22 -- CB Kenneth Acker, CB Leon McFadden
21 -- DE Lawrence Okoye, LB Steve Beauharnais
20-- NT Garrison Smith
18 -- CB Mylan Hicks
17 -- DE Kaleb Ramsey, LB Desmond Bishop
15 -- DE Tony Jerod-Eddie
14 -- DE Glenn Dorsey
12 -- S Jermaine Whitehead
11 -- LB Shawn Lemon
9 -- LB Ahmad Brooks
8 -- NT Ian Williams
12 -- Trey Millard
11 -- Bruce Miller, Jaquiski Tartt, Dontae Johnson, Kenneth Acker
10 -- Blake Bell, Corey Lemonier, L.J. McCray
9 -- Vance McDonald, Derek Carrier, Shayne Skov, Craig Dahl, Marcus Cromartie, Bradley Pinion
8 -- DeAndrew White, Garrett Celek, Keith Reaser, Kyle Nelson
7 -- Asante Cleveland, Kendall Gaskins
6 -- Mike Davis, Eli Harold, Lawrene Okoye
5 -- Dillon Farrell, Phil Dawson
3 -- Jarryd Hayne, Arik Armstead, Garrison Smith
2 -- Trent Brown, Quinton Patton, Nick Moody, Marcus Rush, Steve Beauharnais, Mylan Hicks, Jermaine Whitehead
1 -- Patrick Miller, Brandon Thomas, Marcus Martin, Andrew Tiller, Ian Silberman, Joe Looney, Alex Boone, Sean Hooey, Justin Renfrow, Nigel King, Tramaine Brock, Shareece Wright, Quinton Dial, Leon McFadden, Tony Jerod-Eddie, Shawn Lemon
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... k-exhibition-opener

2.据mercurynews记者Cam Inman报道,NFI名单中的内线卫Michael Wilhoite在被激活前将做核磁共振(MRI)检查。主教练Tomsula说比赛中小腿拉伤的内线卫Desmond Bishop“sounded great”。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... -next-for-wilhoite/


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-19 06:47 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-20 07:04 编辑

1.球队宣布用近端锋Asante Cleveland交换爱国者进攻线球员Jordan Devey。两位球员仍需通过体检。Devey (6-6, 320)2013年5月13日作为落选自由球员和乌鸦签约,8月30日被裁/让渡(waive),9月1日被签入乌鸦训练组,第二天被裁。9月3日签约爱国者训练组,2014赛季曾在7场比赛中出场(4场首发)。PFF统计他需要对1次擒杀、3次撞击四分卫和9次匆忙传球负责,评分合计-19。Devey打过护锋和进攻截锋。
Jordan Devey未最后一年合同,基本工资$510,000,无保障部分。
Cleveland (6-5, 260)2014年5月12日作为落选自由球员和球队签约,上赛季在6场比赛中出场。交易不会留下死钱。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 8-88c9-f47cc0d7fa29
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle31388519.html

2.外接手Jerome Simpson因触犯药物滥用条例(Substances of Abuse)被联盟禁赛6场,可以于10月19日回归。据ESPN记者Adam Schefter报道,原本要禁赛10场,这是减刑后的结果。他这次禁赛和他2014年7月因持有大麻(轻罪级别)、在车内持有开盖的酒精饮品、触犯受限驾驶证条例(violating the conditions of his limited drivers license)而召传唤有关。Simpson自2012年1月以来已经3次被捕,2012年四月曾被判15日监禁、200小时社区服务、3年缓刑,2014赛季曾因DUI被禁赛三场。
“The probability of a suspension was known when we signed Jerome. Since joining the 49ers, Jerome has proven to be a great teammate. Although he will not be able to participate in the first six weeks of the season, Jerome has done everything asked of him, both on and off the field. We are in full support of the NFL’s decision, and look forward to Jerome’s future contributions to our organization.”
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... 1-bd31-063d68b26d5b
          http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... suspended-six-games
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle31442465.html

3.据ninercaphell的Jason Hurley报道,此前被裁的进攻线球员Ben Gottschalk的伤病买断协议(injury settlement)为$56,118(三周的工资)。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... 8-injury-settlement

Bruce Ellington (腿部拉伤),、LB Philip Wheeler (腿部拉伤)、防守端锋Glenn Dorsey (腿部肌肉拉伤)缺席训练。外接手Dres Anderson(酸痛)恢复训练,外线卫Aaron Lynch(大腿腘绳肌)、五分卫Jimmie Ward(脚部)、跑锋Kendall Hunter都首次参加了合练。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle31489394.html(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)         
          http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... nch-shows-pass-rush(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

一队左角卫Keith Reaser,原首发Shareece Wright和Kenneht Acker搭档二队。
Dorsey缺席,Tony Jerod-Eddie顶替担任一队左防守端锋。

防守端锋Carradine和尖锋Mike Purcell发生冲突,Nick Moody将他拉开。Tomsula、Baalke和Vernon Davis都有在事后和Carradine做1对1交谈。
四分卫Colin Kaepernick和Torrey Smith在1对1中有1次45码传球成功(防守者Keith Reaser) ,在合练中两次长传均不成功,1次差点被安全卫Reid抄截(Smith破坏掉),另一次Smith没有接住。
Vernon Davis接到了Kaepernick给他的50码长传(安全卫Craig Dahl差点抄截,却误将球点到了Davis手里)。
内线卫Shayne Skov 在防守近端锋Busta Anderson时抄截了3号四分卫Dylan Thompson的传球,并在只有年轻球员的训练中再次抄截Thompson。角卫Dontae Johnson也抄截了1次Thompson。
NaVorro Bowman在一次突袭四分卫中无人防守,拿到一次擒杀(未实行)。
跑锋Reggie Bush拿到训练中最高的3次接球,其中两次来自Kaepernick(11对11)。Quinton Patton(其中1次为Kaepernick的20码传球), Torrey Smith, Anquan Boldin, Blake Bell和Chuck Jacobs各有两次接球。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... ck-smith-try-again/

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-20 06:44 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-20 18:46 编辑

1、进攻线球员Jordan Devey通过体检,交易正式完成。Tomsula说将看他更适合进攻截锋还是护锋。

2.NN的David Fucillo统计了下弃踢手Bradley Pinion在首场比赛中的表现(平均弃踢码数48.8码, 平均弃踢净码数38.8):
弃踢2: 37码到德州人29码线,安全接球,滞空时间4.07秒。

作为对比,Andy Lee的数据为(平均弃踢码数40.8码, 平均弃踢净码数37.0,分别排在第32和24位):

特勤组教练Thomas McGaughey此前说理想的滞空时间和距离成正比,45码大致为4.5秒。52码为5.2秒等等。Fucillo认为Pinion的滞空时间仍有不足,这也是球队防对手回攻方面表现不佳的原因之一。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ers-texans-analysis(内含gif)

内线卫Nick Bellore从Non-Football Illness名单被激活,并参加了训练。主教练Tomsula说内线卫Michael Wilhoite和Bellore(当时 Bellore还未激活)周二恢复情况非常良好,但不会仓促激活他们,将视医务组检查而定。
“Yeah, Michael, we’ve got great news,” Tomsula said. “Again, don’t want to mislead, but really good. He and Bellore with (Tuesday’s) stuff was really good. So, we’re going to let the doctors do their job and let us know when’s the smart way to do things. What we want to be doing is trending up with guys going into the season rather than trending down.”
昨天首次参加合练的外线卫Aaron Lynch说他的背部伤病已经恢复,还说他目前体重已降至270磅以下,接近上赛季的体重(262-267磅),他在休赛期曾到280磅。
腿部肌肉拉伤的Glenn Dorsey、Bruce Ellington和Philip Wheeler缺席训练。近端锋Derek Carrier(生病,Barrows说是肠胃病)也缺席。
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle31581590.html(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

Keith Reaser继续担任一队左角卫。
Aaron Lynch在11对11中担任一队左外线卫。
Quinton Patton为3号外接手。
新交易来的Jordan Devey穿69号球衣,担任三队左护锋。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... 3-shuffling-defense(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

外接手Quinton Patton对防守端锋Carradine对跑锋的一次撞击不满,向他的头盔挥拳,Carradine将Patton追出边线,虽然这个插曲很快平息,Tomsula还是叫停了练习,责备了球员的愚蠢行为。这是连续第二天Carradine卷入此类事件。
近端锋集体表现不错, Vernon Davis, Vance McDonald和Garrett Celek都有多次接球。
四分卫Colin Kaepernick和Blaine Gabbert在4档11对11中,均有漂亮的传球。Kaepernick在狭窄传球窗口中25码传球找到Vernon Davis(防守者安全卫Tartt)。 Gabbert则在wheel route传球给跑锋Reggie Bush(防守者Eli Harold正好够不到)。外接手Jerome Simpson在slant route没有接到一个好球。特勤组训练期间,Kaepernick在场边和Torrey Smith和Vernon Davis练习。
防守端锋TJE击败右护锋Marcus Martin擒杀Kaepernick(未实行)。
角卫Kenneth Acker有数次让人印象深刻的传球防守。
内线卫Bowman在1对1阻挡训练中轻松击败了跑锋Reggie Bush。在一档冲球中击败Ian Silberman获得了攻击跑锋的开阔路线。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... swing-at-carradine/

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-21 06:23 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-22 15:30 编辑

1、球队公布第二张阵容深度表(无变化,该表出在Cleveland和Devey交易前,Nick Bellore当时也未激活):
外接手: Anquan Boldin, Quinton Patton, Bruce Ellington, DeAndrew White, Isaac Blakeney, DiAndre Campbell, Nigel King
左截锋: Joe Staley, Patrick Miller, Sean Hooey
左护锋: Alex Boone, Andrew Tiller,(Jordan Devey)
中锋: Joe Looney, Ian Silberman, Dillon Farrell
右护锋: Marcus Martin, Brandon Thomas
右截锋: Erik Pears, Trent Brown, Justin Renfrow
近端锋: Vernon Davis, Vance McDonald, Derek Carrier, Garrett Celek, Blake Bell,, Xavier Grimble,,Busta Anderson(Asante Cleveland被交易)
外接手: Torrey Smith, Jerome Simpson, Chuck Jacobs, Dres Anderson, Mario Hull
全卫: Bruce Miller, Trey Millard
跑锋: Carlos Hyde, Reggie Bush, Kendall Hunter, Mike Davis, Jarryd Hayne, Kendall Gaskins
四分卫: Colin Kaepernick, Blaine Gabbert, Dylan Thompson
左防守截锋: Glenn Dorsey, Tony Jerod-Eddie, Darnell Dockett, Kaleb Ramsey, Arik Armstead
尖锋: Ian Williams, Mike Purcell, Garrison Smith
右防守截锋: Quinton Dial, Tank Carradine, Lawrence Okoye
外线卫: Ahmad Brooks, Aaron Lynch, Marcus Rush
内线卫: NaVorro Bowman, Shane Skov, Desmond Bishop,(LB Nick Bellore)
内线卫: Nick Moody, Philip Wheeler, Steve Beauharnais
外线卫: Corey Lemonier, Eli Harold, Shawn Lemon
左角卫: Tramaine Brock, Dontae Johnson, Keith Reaser, Mylan Hicks
右角卫: Shareece Wright, Marcus Cromartie, Kenneth Acker, Leon McFadden
游卫: Eric Reid, Jimmie Ward, Jaquiski Tartt, Jermaine Whitehead
强卫: Antoine Bethea, Craig Dahl, L.J. McCray
弃踢手: Bradley Pinion
踢球手: Phil Dawson, Corey Acosta
扶球手: Bradley Pinion
弃踢回攻手: Reggie Bush, Bruce Ellington, Jarryd Hayne
开球回攻手: Reggie Bush, DeAndrew White, Mario Hull
长开球手: Kyle Nelson
Active/PUP:中锋 Daniel Kilgore
Active/NFI:外接手DeAndre Smelter,内线卫Michael Wilhoite
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... hat-dont-show-up-on

2.特勤组教练Thomas McGaughe对替补安全卫\特勤组球员L.J. McCray在特勤组的表现给与高度好评,看上去McCray今年有望继续进入53人大名单。
I tell you, he was running around. That one hit got everybody's attention, didn't it? L.J. is really, he's done a good job on special teams since he's been here. I think he can be a really, really, really good special teams player. And some things on defense, he's cleaning up, he's working at. And again, you come from some of the smaller schools, not to down the coaching, I mean that's the last thing I'd do. Just what you see in terms of the different patterns and reads, and the different coverages, so he's been doing a lot of learning. And he's been working real hard at it.
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... hat-dont-show-up-on

外线卫Eli Harold (肌肉拉伤)、左截锋Joe Staley(老将优待放假)、Glenn Dorsey(腿部肌肉拉伤)、Bruce Ellington(腿部肌肉拉伤)和Philip Wheele(腿部肌肉拉伤)缺席训练。生病缺席昨天训练的近端锋Derek Carrier恢复训练。
Matt Barrows说Harold是轻度肌肉拉伤,Cam Inman说Harold有观看训练,队友在训练结束离场时问他是否OK,他肯定地点了头。
来源http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ht-ends-come-strong(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)
          http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... s-with-muscle-pull/(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

左截锋Joe Staley放假,Patrick Miller打一队左截锋。Brandon Thomas大部分时间在打二队左护锋。他原本主要打一队或二队右护锋。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle31686113.html(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

近端锋Davis和McDonald各有四次接球,Davis一次达阵,5码线3档3码Kaepernick传球达阵(防守者Craig Dahl和Shareece Wright),McDonald两次。
在四档进攻训练中,Kaepernick完成了所有4次传球,接球者分别为Torrey Smith, Carlos Hyde, Anquan Boldin和Hyde。 Kaepernick有1次传给跑锋Bush的球力量过大,导致后者手指疼。
11对11中,跑锋Hyde有3次接球,DeAndrew White, Garrett Celek, Anquan Boldin, Mike Davis, Xavier Grimble和Blake Bell各有2次。
首轮和二轮新秀Arik Armstead和Jaquiski Tartt在11对11中有1次擒杀Kaepernick(未实行)。
内线卫Bowman在1档6码线冲球中,追上了跑锋Hyde,因为是不戴护具的训练,所以未实行擒抱。内线卫Nick Moody破坏了Gabbert 给近端锋Derek Carrier的传球。 Shayne Skov在7对7中破坏了Kaepernick给Hyde的传球。
外接手DeAndrew White在端区底线处有1次漂亮的单手接球(传球者Kaepernick),双脚也落了地,但落地后球掉了出来,接球未完成。
角卫Keith Reaser在红区方守Torrey Smith时干扰传球,在接下来的一档中被近端锋McDonald击败,完成接球。
安全卫L.J. McCray打掉了Kaepernick的传球。
跑锋Hayne(6-2)在中场跳起接住了Dylan Thompson的传球,Cam Inman说他看起来像6-5的Garrett Celek。 Kendall Hunte在7对7中有一次接球达阵(传球者Kaepernick)。

6.球队将在季前赛主场首战对牛仔开球前举办仪式纪念今年4月5日去世的前球队电台播音员(1957-1980)Lon Simmons
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... er-lon-simmons-2015

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-21 09:51 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-8-21 06:23
1、球队公布第二张阵容深度表(无变化,该表出在Cleveland和Devey交易前,Nick Bellor ...

深度表竟然没改 周二训练记得Keith Reaser给提到一队的RCB Nickel把Johnson给放到二队了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-21 18:53 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-21 18:57 | 显示全部楼层
ed008008 发表于 2015-8-21 18:53


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-22 06:27 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-26 08:33 编辑

1.据Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows报道,球队将近端锋Derek Carrier交易至红皮,换取一个2017年的五轮签(取决于上场时间和表现)。Matt Maiocco、Ian Rapoport、Adam Schefter等人有证实或有类似报道,但未提及是否取决于上场时间和表现。球队和红皮官方twitter已确认该交易,但未提及交易详情。Ian Rapoport说熊和圣徒也对Carrier有意,但最终红皮胜出。球队目前90人大名单为89人。
据ninercaphell记者Jason Hurley报道,这笔交易将留下死钱$400,000,分别为2015死钱$133,333,2016死钱$266,667。
球队目前仍有Vernon Davis、Vance McDonald、Garrett CelekBlake Bell、Xavier Grimble、Rory 'Busta' Anderson六位近端锋,如果算上长开球手Kyle Nelson则为七位。
1. 首轮:自家签位
2. 二轮:自家签位
3. 三轮:自家签位
4. 四轮:自家签位
5. 五轮:自家签位
6. 五轮: 交易自闪电
7. 六轮:自家签位
8. 六轮: 交易自牛仔
9. 七轮:自家签位
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle31831056.html(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)               https://twitter.com/RapSheet/status/634852977174519808
          https://twitter.com/Redskins/status/634852263681466369                                                      https://twitter.com/49ers/status/634853254036193280
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ry-cap-implications

2.季前赛主场首战的对手牛仔主教练Jason Garrett表达了对里维斯球场草皮状况的担忧。
“We’re going to go up there, and we’re going to go over to the stadium once we get there, before we go over to the hotel, and have a little bit of a walk-through, and we’ll take a peek at it,” Garrett said. “But it sounds like it has been an issue, and they’re trying to address it as best they can. We’re going to play a game on Sunday afternoon, so we’ve got to figure it out. Hopefully they’ve taken care of their end of it.”
里维斯球场此前草皮多次发生状况,球队训练营期间也多次因为草皮状况不佳而将训练改至训练场进行。草皮状况不佳的根源在于草皮下的土壤太松,导致上面的草皮在球员快速移动时会翻卷。此前Taylor Swift在球场举行了演唱会(8.15-8.16),球队此后重新铺设了草皮。Cam Inman说草皮状况看上去还可以。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ium-field-condition

3.此前退役的内线卫Chris Borland在采访中说NFL某种程度上是不人道的运动,安全卫Eric Reid发表了自己的看法。
"Dehumanizing sounds so extreme, but when you're fighting for a football at the bottom of the pile, it is kind of dehumanizing,” Borland said. “It's like a spectacle of violence, for entertainment, and you're the actors in it. You're complicit in that: You put on the uniform. And it's a trivial thing at its core. It's make-believe, really. That's the truth about it."
“I saw the video,” Reid said. “You have to respect the way he feels about it. Football is a violent sport, but you know what you sign up for when you put those shoulder pads on. I agree with certain aspects of it. I disagree with certain aspects of it. But you have to respect his decision either way. I’ve had concussions, and I’m still here. I still love the sport. I think I’m still very healthy.”
“He compared it to boxing and MMA,” Reid said. “Those are completely different sports, so I kind of disagree on that aspect, but it is a violent sport. I agree with that.”
今年6月9日San Francisco Chronicle的记者Eric Branch曾报道,Reid说他也考虑过因脑震荡问题而退役的可能(详情),不排除将来因此退役的可能。此后Reid予以否认,认为对方曲解了自己意思。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... s-comments-football

Glenn Dorsey(腿部肌肉拉伤)、Bruce Ellington(腿部肌肉拉伤)和Philip Wheele(腿部肌肉拉伤)缺席训练。肌肉拉伤缺席昨天训练的外线卫Eli Harold )恢复训练。
来源:http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... old-back-in-action/(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

一队右角卫Keith Reaser,左角卫Tramaine Brock,五分卫阵型Brock打槽角卫,Kenneth Acker改打左角卫,Kenneth Acker打右角卫。
进攻线一队仍为左截锋Joe Staley、左护锋Alex Boone、中锋Joe Looney、右护锋Marcus Martin、右截锋Erik Pears
左截锋Patrick Miller、左护锋Brandon Thomas、中锋Dillon Farrell、右护锋Ian Silberman、右截锋Trent Brown
左截锋ean Hooey、左护锋Jordan Devy、中锋Ian Silberman、右护锋Andrew Tiller、右截锋Justin Renfrow

Grant Cohn认为表现出色的球员:
1. 外线卫Aaron Lynch:在一档假跑真传中追上并擒杀四分卫Blaine Gabbert (未实行)。休赛期以来首次看上去状态良好。
2. 安全卫Jaquiski Tartt: Dylan Thompson假跑真传,外接手 Nigel King领先时任十分位Tartt数步距离,在Thompson传球前Tartt加速追赶King,并将球到达时将球拍到地上。是休赛期以来Tartt在盯人防守中的最佳表现。
3. 近端锋Rory ‘Busta’ Anderson:在训练最终一档进攻中击败Jaquiski Tartt接球10码达阵。共有三次接球成功。Cohn认为他会作为4号近端锋进入53人大名单。
4. 外接手DiAndre Campbell:6次接球,最佳接球为面对防守一队时击败 Keith Rease的端区中央的10码接球达阵。
5. 四分卫Colin Kaepernick:7传6中,包括给Vernon Davis的右侧边线50码传球达阵(防守者Marcus Cromartie)
Grant Cohn认为表现不佳的球员:
1. 外接手Quinton Patton:跑绝大部分路线时不看四分卫,仿佛知道不会成为传球目标。在合练中也从未成为传球目标。进攻协调员Geep Chryst几乎没有喊过以Patton为优先传球目标的战术。

Jarryd Hayne沿右侧边线跑动中接到了3号四分卫Dylan Thompson给他的25码传球(防守者Mylan Hicks和L.J. McCray)。
外接手Chuck Jacobs拿到了今天最漂亮的一次接球,跃入端区接到了Thompson的传球(防守者Mylan Hicks)。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-22 22:33 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-23 08:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-23 09:19 编辑

1.据Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows报道,草皮多次发生状况的里维斯球场最近一次铺设的草皮使用了另一家供应商Evergreen Turf的产品。Evergreen Turf是凤凰城大学体育馆(红雀主场)的草皮供应商,该球场草皮多次被球员评选为最佳。球队原供应商为加州的West Coast Turf。球队此前从West Coast购买了大量草皮,可以用到上半赛季结束。据sfgate记者 Eric Branch报道,球队发言人说球队和West Coast超过20年的合作仍将继续,但球队会引入新的合作者以确保重新铺设草皮的质量。球队可能将在接下来的两次重新铺设中继续使用Evergreen Turf的产品,在常规赛前改回使用West Coast的产品。
这次铺设的草皮品种为tifway 419,和红雀主场使用的一样。8月29日Luke Bryan将在球场举办演唱会,之后将重新铺设草皮。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle31901703.html
          http://blog.sfgate.com/49ers/201 ... est-field-at-levis/

2.CSNBayArea记者Matt Maiocco在整理球队未来两年选秀权时说,弃踢手Andy Lee交易中球队得到的那个有条件的7轮签根据Lee本赛季表现可能成为6轮签。目前未看到其他记者有相同报道。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... t-picks-2016-and-17

使用道具 举报

发表于 2015-8-24 07:44 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2015-8-23 08:31
1.据Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows报道,草皮多次发生状况的里维斯球场最近一次铺 ...


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-24 07:48 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-24 18:31 编辑

1.球队宣布防守端锋Glenn Dorsey(腿部肌肉拉伤)、外接手Bruce Ellington(腿部肌肉拉伤)、内线卫Philip Wheele(腿部肌肉拉伤)、五分卫Jimmie Ward(脚部)不会参加和牛仔的季前赛。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... -wheeler-to-sit-for

2.Grant Cohn统计了自训练营以来各球员接到四分卫Kaepernick的传球数:
1. TE Vernon Davis: 23
2. RB Carlos Hyde: 19
3. WR Anquan Boldin: 18
4. WR Quinton Patton/FB Bruce Miller: 12
6. WR Torrey Smith/RB Reggie Bush/TE Vance McDonald: 11
9. TE Garrett Celek: 9
10. TE Blake Bell: 6
11. WR Jerome Simpson/TE Derek Carrier: 4
13. RB Mike Davis: 3
14. WR Bruce Ellington/WR DeAndrew White/RB Jarryd Hayne: 2
17: RB Kendall Hunter/RB Kendall Gaskins/FB Trey Millard: 1
来源:http://49ers.pressdemocrat.com/4 ... al-receiving-stats/

3.今年6月9日San Francisco Chronicle的记者Eric Branch曾报道,安全卫Reid说他也考虑过因脑震荡问题而退役的可能(详情),不排除将来因此退役的可能。此后Reid予以否认,认为对方曲解了自己意思。
You obviously have had two teammates retire recently because of concussion concerns (Borland and RT Anthony Davis). Have you given any thought to leaving the NFL?
ER: Everybody evaluates their own situation as far as playing this game. I’ve evaluated mine and I’ve decided I still want to play. So that’s what it is.
Borland, for example, went to various doctors and did research. Have you talked to anyone to do more investigative work? Or do you kind of know the risks?
ER: There is a doctor that I’m looking further into and I may end up going to see. Like I said, right now I’ve evaluated my situation and I feel comfortable playing.
Do you feel any pressure from anyone close to you to stop playing?
ER: No. Not at all. They’re concerned for my safety, obviously, but nobody is pressuring me into playing or not playing.
Is there a number there? As far as – ‘If I have another concussion I need to really look at this?’
ER: I’m not putting a number to it. I will continue to evaluate my own situation. If I have another concussion and I don’t feel like I can play anymore, then I won’t. If I (have another concussion), and if I feel that I still can play, then I will. It’s just a case-by-case basis. I know it’s a huge deal right now in the NFL and everything is being put under a microscope, but that’s how every injury is. It could be a dislocated shoulder. You evaluate your situation and see if you’re healthy enough to still play.
Have you talked to Borland?
ER: I talked to Chris a little bit after. I didn’t want to be another person tugging at him. I texted him. But I respect Chris’ decision. And I respect Anthony’s.
You didn’t miss a game until (your third concussion) last year. Did you have symptoms that went on for a while after that? What was the recovery process like?
ER: Just going into that game, I think at that point it was clear we weren’t going to make the playoffs. I just decided it wasn’t worth possibly getting another concussion for a game that wouldn’t advance us. So I decided to sit that one out.
You were cleared to play?
ER: Yeah.
来源:http://blog.sfgate.com/49ers/201 ... dnt-give-him-pause/

4.据Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows报道,主教练Tomsula暗示今天比赛中受伤的McDonald (脚踝)、Carradine (腿部)和 Dahl (背部)情况并不严重。

5.使用了新供应商产品的草皮状况良好,得到了包括牛仔老板Jerry Jones在内的好评。
Anything I said about their grass, I’m wrong. I take back. It’s a great playing surface.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-25 07:10 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-25 07:20 编辑

1.主教练Tomsula说内线卫Michael Wilhoite(腿部肌肉拉伤)、Glenn Dorsey(腿部肌肉拉伤)、Bruce Ellington(腿部肌肉拉伤)均将于本周恢复训练。内线卫Philip Wheeler(肌肉拉伤)本周仍将缺席训练。
和牛仔比赛中受伤的内线卫Desmond Bishop左手拇指将进行小手术,具体将缺席多长时间时间还不明确。其他比赛中受伤的球员:近端锋Vance McDonald(脚踝扭伤)、外接手Chuck Jacobs(脚踝扭伤)、安全卫Craig Dahl(背部)三人将缺席数天训练,Tank Carradine(腿部)将正常训练。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ared-begin-practice
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32200737.html

2.主教练Tomsula球队的进攻线仍未完全敲定。看上去还未定下的人选主要是一队中锋Joe Looney 和右护锋Marcus Martin。首场季前赛中担任二队右护锋的Brandon Thomas在昨天比赛中担任三队左护锋。新交易来的Jordan Devey担任三队右护锋(23档)。 Ian Silberman担任二队右护锋(25档)。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... tle-starting-o-line

48 -- C Dillon Farrell
26 -- QB Dylan Thompson
25 -- G Ian Silberman, T Patrick Miller, G Andrew Tiller
24 -- T Trent Brown, T Justin Renfrow
23 -- T Sean Hooey, G Brandon Thomas, G Jordan Devey
22 -- QB Blaine Gabbert
21 -- WR Quinton Patton, TE Blake Bell, TE Xavier Grimble
19 -- TE Garrett Celek
18 -- WR DeAndrew White, RB Mike Davis
17-- WR Issac Blakeney, WR Chuck Jacobs
16 -- RB Kendall Gaskins, G Marcus Martin, C Joe Looney, G Alex Boone, T Erik Pears, T Joe Staley, WR Anquan Boldin, TE Vernon Davis, QB Colin Kaepernick, WR Torrey Smith
15 -- RB Jarryd Hayne, RB Carlos Hyde
14 -- WR DiAndre Campbell
13 -- TE Busta Anderson
12 -- WR Mario Hull
11 -- WR Jerome Simpson
10 -- FB Trey Millard
7 -- FB Bruce Miller
4 -- WR Nigel King
3 -- TE Vance McDonald
未参加 -- RB Reggie Bush, RB Kendall Hunter, WR Bruce Ellington, WR Dres Anderson
51 -- LB Shayne Skov
47 -- DB L.J. McCray
44 -- DE Arik Armstead
39 -- CB Dontae Johnson
38 -- DB Jaquiski Tartt
35 -- LB Nick Moody
31 -- CB Marcus Cromartie
30 -- LB Eli Harold
29 -- CB Keith Reaser, LB Marcus Rush
28 -- LB Steve Beauharnais
27 -- LB Corey Lemonier, CB Keith Acker, NT Mike Purcell, DT Kaleb Ramsey, DB Jermaine Whitehead
26 -- CB Shareece Wright
24 -- NT Garrison Smith
22-- LB Nick Bellore, DE Lawrence Okoye
19 -- LB Shawn Lemon
18 -- DB Craig Dahl
17 -- LB Desmond Bishop
14 -- DE Tony Jerod-Eddie
10 -- CB Tramaine Brock, DB Antoine Bethea, DB Eric Reid
9 -- DE Quinton Dial, LB Ahmad Brooks
6 -- LB Aaron Lynch
4 -- NT Ian Williams, DT Darnell Dockett
3 -- LB NaVorro Bowman
2 -- DE Tank Carradine
未参加 -- DL Glenn Dorsey, LB Philip Wheeler, DB Jimmie Ward
19 -- Trey Millard
17 -- Garrett Celek
16 -- Bradley Pinion
13 -- Corey Lemonier
12 -- Dontae Johnson, Marcus Cromartie, Nick Bellore, Kyle Nelson
11 -- Kendall Gaskins, Eli Harold, Craig Dahl
10 -- Bruce Miller, L.J. McCray, Kenneth Acker
9 -- Quinton Patton, DeAndrew White, Jaquiski Tartt
8 -- Keith Reaser
7 -- Shayne Skov
6 -- Dillon Farrell, Mike Davis
5 -- Jarryd Hayne, Nick Moody, Shareece Wright, Tramaine Brock
4 -- Ian Silberman, Trent Brown, Sean Hooey, Blake Bell, Phil Dawson
3 -- Patrick Miller, Justin Renfrow, Xavier Grimble, Vance McDonald, Lawrence Okoye, Corey Acosta
2 -- Mario Hull, Mike Purcell, Quinton Dial, Mylan Hicks
1 -- Andrew Tiller, Brandon Thomas, Marcus Martin, Joe Looney, Alex Boone, Erik Pears, Busta Anderson, Nigel King, Arik Armstead, Kaleb Ramsey, Desmond Bishop, Leon McFadden
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... t-makes-49ers-debut

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-26 07:40 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-27 07:36 编辑

球队将内线卫Michael Wilhoite(腿部肌肉拉伤)从Active/NFI名单激活。防守端锋Glenn Dorsey恢复训练,但未参加合练。外接手Bruce Ellington恢复训练,但上场时间受到控制。外接手Torrey Smith轻度膝盖酸痛未参加合练。安全卫Craig Dahl(背部)、近端锋Vance McDonald(左脚踝扭伤)、内线卫Desmond Bishop(左手拇指)、Philip Wheeler(腿部肌肉拉伤)缺席训练。
主教练Tomsula说Brandon Thomas在训练营早期被放在右护锋位置(而不是左护锋)是因为他当时腿部有点小伤。
"As we were going through the process of getting back on the field and working through things, we noticed there was a little hitch in his giddy-up," said Tomsula. "The way the steps timed out, on that third step was that leg, so we put him to the right, to try to get that hitch out of the giddy-up and it worked really well. So we’ve seen him moving great."
          http://www.scout.com/nfl/49ers/s ... rotate-along-o-line(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

Ian Silberman担任一队右护锋。Marcus Martin担任中锋,Looney担任二队中锋。Jordan Devey获得了一些担任替补中锋的机会。
Kenneth Acker担任一队右角卫。(最早为Shareece Wright,前段时间为Keith Reaser),左角卫仍为Tramaine Brock。据PFF统计季前赛中Acker5次向他防守目标传球中被对手接到3次,Reaser为4/6,Wright为2/2(包括一次2分转换)。Reaser担任替补左角卫。
Jimmie Ward继续担任安全卫,Brock继续担任一队五分卫。
被激活的Michael Wilhoite取代Nick Moody,和NaVorro Bowman搭档一队。
Dorsey未参加合练,Tony Jerod-Eddie担任一队做防守端锋。Mike Purcell在五分卫阵型获得了一些上场机会。

Grant Cohn认为表现出色的球员:
1. 跑锋Kendall Hunter:在合练中有最高的5次接球(Carlos Hyde和Anquan Boldin以3次并列第二)。包括一档屏风短传中的接球,和一档stretch-zone run的8码冲球达阵。
2. 右护锋Ian Silberman:担任一队右护锋,Matin担任中锋。Silberman在牛仔比赛中打了25档右护锋,PFF评分1.6。Cohn认为这个配置将是球队常规赛首场的阵容。
3. 右角卫Kenneth Acker:在训练中没有四分卫向他防守的方向传球。
4.右内线卫Michael Wilhoite:参与了一队所有防守档数。
5. 游卫Jimmie Ward:Vernon Davis在红区跑出了空当,但他是第二阅读目标,等Kaepernick发现他时,盯着他看了约1秒钟,Ward阅读了Kaepernick的眼神,提前跑向VD,完成抄截。
Grant Cohn认为表现不佳的球员:
1. 外接手Torrey Smith:膝盖酸痛提前离场,未参加合练。


5.据ESPN记者AdamSchefter报道,很早以前曾传球队对他感兴趣的前老鹰护锋Evan Mathis和野马签约一年,合同金额含浮动,最高4M(取决于上场时间)。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-27 07:31 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-27 14:33 编辑

1.圣克拉拉大陪审团作出裁决,控告前球队防守端锋Ray McDonald强奸和违背家暴限制令,外线卫Ahmad Brooks被控轻罪级别的性攻击(misdemeanor sexual battery)。McDonald可能面对8年监禁,Brooks可能面对6个月监禁。
“We take any charge against a member of this organization seriously and are in communication with the NFL,”
  • 案情回顾:
      5月6日该女性提起民事诉讼(性侵),除MacDonald外,外线卫Ahmad Brooks也被列为被告人(起诉书)。据TMZ报道,该女性称她认为有监控录像显示当晚发生的一切,称她在泳池边摔倒并撞到桌子导致昏迷,时间超过8分钟,Brooks在她神志不清期间曾摸她(groped her person in a sexual manner)。MacDonald随后将她移至卧室,在未得到其允许的情况下,和其发生性关系。
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... ald-indictment-rape
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32490699.html

安全卫Craig Dahl(背部)、近端锋Vance McDonald(左脚踝扭伤)、内线卫Desmond Bishop(左手拇指)、Philip Wheeler(腿部肌肉拉伤)缺席训练。全卫Bruce Miller私人事务请假缺席训练,不清楚是否和他休赛期发生的事情有关,Maiocco说联盟仍在审核他的事件。
轻度膝盖酸痛未参加昨天合练的外接手Torrey Smith恢复训练。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ce-1-sf-ends-flurry(下文部分新闻亦出自此文) ‘
          http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... eparation-two-hours
          http://blogs.mercurynews.com/49e ... bowman-on-top-unit/

Dontae Johnson和Tramaine Brock搭档一队。Shareece Wright、Keith Reaser和Kenneth Acker也获得了一些一队的上场时间。
三安全卫配置时,Jaquiski Tartt上场。
一队沿用昨天的配置,Ian Silberman担任一队右护锋。Marcus Martin担任中锋。
二队左截锋Patrick Miller、左护锋Brandon Thomas、中锋Joe Looney、右护锋Andrew Tiller、右截锋Trent Brown。Jordan Devey在二队右护锋位置获得了一些机会。
三外接配置时:上场球员为 Anquan Boldin、Torrey Smith和Quinton Patton。
Kendall Hunter获得了最多的上场时间。
Bruce Miller请假,Trey Millard打了所有全卫的档数。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32466321.html(下文部分新闻亦出自此文) ‘

可能由于丹佛高原空气稀薄的影响。在练习初期球队攻防两端均不顺利。野马替补四分卫Brock Osweiller效率很高。Maiocco说球队在传球保护方面有些问题。
之后情况有所好转,四分卫Colin Kaepernick长传找到近端锋Garrett Celek。安全卫Antoine Bethea抄截了Peyton Manning给左侧边线处Cody Latimer的传球,鼓舞了士气。在接下来的防守中:
角卫Marcus Cromartie打掉了Osweiller的传球,内线卫Nick Moody将Osweiller的传球打到地上,安全卫Eric Reid抄截Osweiller,内线卫Michael Wilhoite和Cromartie先后打掉Osweiller的传球。
角卫Marcus Cromartie抄截了Osweiller一次。
三号四分卫Dylan Thompson给近端锋Xavier Grimble的传球被Taurean Nixon抄截,这也是球队四分卫唯一一次被抄截。
“Some good things. There were some things there where we’ve got to get shored up in the protection there in the one period. We’ve got to get that shored up. But, overall alright. I thought it was alright, I did. We’ll see where Ian’s at. Again, I hate to cliché of getting to the film, but I honestly didn’t see everything. So, I want to get back and watch that before I say anything.”
新秀近端锋Blake Bell和Busta Anderson在训练中表现不错。Blaine Gabbert的长传从野马线卫手中滑出,Bell接球达阵。Anderson在11对11中有3次接球。
内线卫NaVorro Bowman在防传方面颇为活跃,一次对野马近端锋Owen Daniels的防守导致Manning传球不成功,另一次差点抄截Manning给跑锋的传球。
球队二线在7对7中没有让对手获得任何大码数,多次挡在对手传球目标身前,迫使对方四分位check down。
防守线球员在和野马的1对1中均有不错的表现。合练中,Corey Lemonier赢得了了一次牛冲(bull rush),Ian Williams用swim move击败对手冲入后场。Eli Harold在他的首次防守中用力量推开对手,冲向野马四分卫。Arik Armstead在合练中也有不错的发挥,尖锋Garrison Smith有两次擒杀(未实行)。
弃踢手Bradley Pinion展现了自己的脚力,从己方得分线上踢至对手37码线(63码)。
角卫Brock在一档屏风短传中察觉出对手意图,擒抱Damaryius Thomas造成丢失码数。
线卫Michael Wilhoite、Marcus Rush、Shayne Skov和Nick Moody各有一次破坏传球。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... a-8973-f3dbd7d8621b

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-28 07:17 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-29 08:11 编辑

安全卫Craig Dahl(背部)、近端锋Vance McDonald(左脚踝扭伤)、内线卫Desmond Bishop(左手拇指)、Philip Wheeler(腿部肌肉拉伤)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(场下问题)缺席训练。私人事务缺席昨天训练的全卫Bruce Miller恢复训练。
角卫Tramaine Brock感到大腿腘绳肌疼痛,未参加合练,球队将他的伤病列为肌肉拉伤。内线卫Nick Moody在一档特勤组攻防中左膝受伤,膝盖有做包扎,在场边观看了训练,未靠他人搀扶自己走下了球场。主教练Tomsula说两人伤势都不严重(minor)。
内线卫NaVorro Bowman说他此前说需要两小时热身,并不是说真的两小时,也并不意味着他的伤病恢复状况不佳。他只是喜欢做充分的热身已让身体达到最好的状态,该花多少时间就花多少时间,比如和野马的合练,他只花了半个小时热身。
“I’m just a perfectionist,” Bowman said. “I like to warm up my leg as much as possible and to go out there and have a perfect practice. If it takes three hours, I’ll take three hours. Some guys take a lot of things out of context. Me coming back early – that would have been if I would have come back during the season last year.”
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... actice-2-moving-olb(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32563260.html

Aaron Lynch(左)和Corey Lemonier(右)为一队。Eli Harold(右)和 Marcus Rush(左)二队。
Jarryd Hayne大部分时间在三队。
角卫Wright和Acker为一队,五分卫阵型Keith Reaser担任槽角卫。
安全卫Jimmie Ward和Jaquiski Tartt搭档二队。
来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32589729.html(下文部分新闻亦出自此文)

最佳进攻表现:四分卫Colin Kaepernic50码长传越过野马替补安全卫Omar Bolden,DeAndrew White接球达阵。
最佳防守表现:内线卫Michael Wilhoite跃起抄截Peyton Manning。
和野马合练的第二天也是最后一天,双方气氛比较友好。最大一次冲突是野马防守端锋Antonio Smith在一次1对1中被Brandon Thomas防下后朝Thomas挥拳,Thomas并未反击。
防守端锋Quinton Dial在一档冲传中推倒了新秀中锋Dillon Day。
进攻线面对野马的冲传表现挣扎,共被野马拿到8次擒杀(未实行),并有数次迫使四分卫scrambles。中锋和四分卫的开球也有问题:Marcus Martin和Kaepernick有1次开球失误造成掉球。Joe Looney有1次给Blaine Gabbert.的开球过高。
外接手Bruce Ellington在红区攻防演练中接Gabbert短传达阵。
跑锋Kendall Hunter获得了不少上场机会,和Kaepernick有1次递球失误造成掉球,也有1次接球。
外接手White接Gabbert40码传球达阵(防守者野马替补角卫Kayvon Webster)。Quinton Patton牵扯开防守球员,为White制造了1对1机会。
内线卫Shayne Skov有1次擒杀替补野马四分卫Brock Osweiller(未实行)。
角卫Keith Reaser鱼跃破坏了Manning给Jordan Norwood的传球,之后不久再次破坏了Manning给Norwood的长传。
尖锋Garrison Smith在开球线上拍掉了野马四分卫Zac Dysert的传球。
外接手Torrey Smith在两分钟攻防演练中,连续两次接到传球(quick outs)。该组训练最后Kaepernick的传球被他昔日队友Brandon Marshall碰到,被游卫Darian Stewart抄截,Reggie Bush将球打出,野马抢到了掉球。
角卫Kenneth Acker在防守野马外接手Cody Latimer时,守在球与人之间,将Manning的长传改变方向,迫使对手接球出界,但裁判判决在界内,Bowman表达了不满。在接下来一档进攻中,面对Shareece Wright的防守,Demaryius Thomas接Manning8码传球(quick slant)达阵。
角卫Dontae Johnson数次破坏Osweiler给新秀Jordan Taylor和Corbin Louks的传球。
三号四分卫Dylan Thompson给Ellington的传球被野马新秀安全卫Josh Furman抄截。
角卫Mylan Hicks在最后一档攻防中破坏了Dysert给曾在49人训练营呆过的Nathan Palmer的端区传球。
安全卫 Jimmie Ward有1次抄截。


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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-29 08:20 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-29 08:38 编辑

1.据CSNBayArea记者Matt Maiocco报道,联盟发言人告诉CSNBayArea说关于外线卫Ahmad Brooks被控一事,联盟仍在审核中。他是否会带薪停职(paid administrative leave)或进总裁豁免名单(the commissioner’s exempt list)还未决定。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... emains-under-review

2.主教练Tomsula说打算让跑锋Reggie Bush和Kendall Hunter在周六上场。他保留改变主意的权力。

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-30 08:11 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-30 14:12 编辑

1.安全卫Craig Dahl(背部)、近端锋Vance McDonald(左脚踝扭伤)、内线卫Desmond Bishop(左手拇指)、Philip Wheeler(腿部肌肉拉伤)、角卫Tramaine Brock(大腿腘绳肌)、外线卫Ahmad Brooks(场下问题)将不会在今天和野马的比赛中出场。

“O-line-wise, we had a little bit of a struggle there,And I think things are becoming more clear. We’ll know more about that in the next couple of days.”
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... s-struggling-o-line

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-8-31 07:21 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-8-31 08:13 编辑

  • 外线卫Brooks目前的情况是每日观察(day to day),本周他将不会随队训练。
  • 四分卫Colin Kaepernick和其他首发球员不会在季前赛最后一场打太长的时间。
      "If they do play, it won't be a lot."
  • 跑锋/回攻手Jarryd Hayne并没有在昨天的比赛中获得多少的上场回攻的机会,被问及原因时,Tomsula说他已经看过Hayne的表现,并对他在回攻方面有信心。
       "I feel very good about his abilities to field, I feel very good about his abilities to perform with the ball in his hands on special teams."
      “The tackling part of it, the coverage part of it, I’ve seen a lot of improvement there,” Tomsula said. “The guy will fly down the field in those areas. All those things, we’ve seen, I’ve seen what I need to see. It’s been a great evaluation on him.”
  • 首次参加季前赛的外接手Bruce Ellington在昨天的比赛中有3次接球29码,1次接开球回攻20码,Tomsula仍为他速度很快,有爆发力,对他的表现表示满意。
       “I thought he looked very quick,” Tomsula said. “I thought he looked explosive. I thought there were a lot of good things out of Bruce last night.”
       据sfgate记者Eric Branch报道,Ellington说他目前还未恢复到100%,目前还不会用最高速度冲刺。
       “not quite 100 percent yet.”      
        “At this point, I’m not trying to go in fifth gear,” he said. “In fourth, I’m pretty fast. So I’m going to stick with fourth until in practice I can feel myself – ‘OK, I’m good now.’”
  • Tomsula暗示外接手/回攻手DeAndrew White将在和闪电的季前赛中获得大量上场时间。
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... -ability-return-man
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32825196.html
          http://blog.sfgate.com/49ers/201 ... in-preseason-debut/

32 -- T Trent Brown, T Patrick Miller
30 -- G Ian Silberman
28 -- G Brandon Thomas, C Joe Looney, QB Blaine Gabbert
27 -- WR Quinton Patton
23 -- TE Blake Bell, G Alex Boone, T Erik Pears, TE Vernon Davis, WR Anquan Boldin, QB Colin Kaepernick, C Marcus Martin
21 -- WR Torrey Smith
19 -- RB Mike Davis
18 -- TE Xavier Grimble, RB Kendall Hunter
16 -- WR DeAndrew White
14-- TE Garrett Celek, WR Bruce Ellington
12-- WR Issac Blakeney
11 -- TE Busta Anderson
9 -- G Jordan Devey
8 -- RB Jarryd Hayne
6 -- RB Carlos Hyde
4 -- FB Bruce Miller, G Dillon Farrell, WR DiAndre Campbell, WR Chuck Jacobs, WR Nigel King, QB Dylan Thompson
3 -- RB Reggie Bush
2 -- WR Jerome Simpson
1 -- WR Kendall Gaskins
未上场 -- WR Dres Anderson, WR Mario Hull, TE Vance McDonald
42 -- LB Corey Lemonier, CB Kenneth Acker, S Eric Reid, LB NaVorro Bowman, S Antoine Bethea
39 -- LB Eli Harold
36-- LB Shayne Skov, CB Keith Reaser, DE Arik Armstead, LB Aaron Lynch, LB Michael Wilhoite
34 -- NT Mike Purcell
33 -- CB Dontae Johnson
30 -- CB Shareece Wright
29 -- S Jaquiski Tartt, DE Tank Carradine
28 -- LB Steve Beauharnais
25 -- CB Marcus Cromartie
23 -- CB Leon McFadden
21 -- DB Jermaine Whitehead
20 -- S Jimmie Ward, DE Tony Jerod-Eddie
19 -- LB Marcus Rush
16-- S L.J. McCray
15 -- DE Glenn Dorsey
14 -- LB Shawn Lemon
12 -- NT Ian Williams, DE Darnell Dockett
6 -- LB Nick Bellore, NT Garrison Smith
4 -- DE Kaleb Ramsey, CB Mylan Hicks, DE Lawrence Okoye
未上场 -- CB Tramaine Brock, S Craig Dahl, LB Philip Wheeler, LB Desmond Bishop, LB Nick Moody
17 -- Corey Lemonier, Marcus Cromartie, Nick Bellore
15 -- L.J. McCray
14 -- Kendall Gaskins
13 -- Eli Harold
12 -- Kenneth Acker, Dontae Johnson
11 -- Jaquiski Tartt
10 -- Shayne Skov, Shareece Wright, Kyle Nelson
9 -- Bruce Miller
8 -- Quinton Patton, Trey Millard
6 -- Mike Davis, Eric Reid, Jimmie Ward
5 -- Blake Bell, Xavier Grimble, Garrett Celek, Keith Reaser
4 -- Jarryd Hayne, Quinton Dial
3 -- Trent Brown, Ian Silberman, Dillon Farrell, Arik Armstead, Mike Purcell, Tony Jerod-Eddie, Sean Hooey, Phil Dawson, Corey Acosta
2 -- Patrick Miller, DeAndrew White, Bruce Ellington, Busta Anderson, Reggie Bush, NaVorro Bowman, Antoine Bethea, Aaron Lynch, Michael Wilhoite, Glenn Dorsey, Ian Williams, Justin Renfrow
1 -- Brandon Thomas, Joe Looney, Alex Boone, Erik Pears, Joe Staley, Andrew Tiller, Tank Carradine, Steve Beauharnais, Leon McFadden, Marcus Rush
来源:http://www.csnbayarea.com/49ers/ ... ands-limited-action

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 楼主| 发表于 2015-9-1 06:15 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2015-9-8 17:59 编辑

C Daniel Kilgore
前六周不能出场或训练,之后有3周窗口期可以训练,在此期间球队须决定是否激活放入53人大名单,如未激活,窗口期后将进入伤病储备(Injured Reserve)名单,该赛季不能出场或训练。
WR DeAndre Smelter[9.4更新:基本工资降为$318,000(拆分合同,Split Contract),占用薪金空间为$404,422]
前六周不能出场或训练,之后有3周窗口期可以训练,在此期间球队须决定是否激活放入53人大名单,如未激活,窗口期后将进入伤病储备(Injured Reserve)名单,该赛季不能出场或训练。
Injured Reserve名单:
WR Dres Anderson[基本工资降为$318,000(拆分合同,Split Contract),占用薪金空间为$320,000]
LB Desmond Bishop[9.4更新:据Jason Hurley报道,基本工资降为$438,000(拆分合同,Split Contract),占用薪金空间为$438,000]
K Corey Acosta
LB Steve Beauharnais
CB Mylan Hicks
OT Sean Hooey
WR Mario Hull
WR Chuck Jacobs
WR Nigel King
LB Shawn Lemon
FB Trey Millard(9.2更正:2015死钱$11,787,2016死钱$23,574)
DL Lawrence Okoye(9.2更正:2015死钱$60,202,含去年被裁留下的$1,000,2016死钱$9,203)
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... rson-daniel-kilgore
          http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32961918.html及OTC。

2.据Sacramento Bee记者Matt Barrows报道,防守端锋Darnell Dockett 在和野马的比赛中肋骨受伤,但并不严重,预计不会缺席常规赛。

来源:http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nfl ... rticle32983047.html

3.据CSNBayArea的Matt Maiocco报道,有消息称球队对外接手DeAndre Smelter(2014年11月29日前十字韧带撕裂)的恢复情况(身体上和精神上)十分满意。

4.据PFF的Jeff Deeney报道,季前赛中四分卫Colin Kaepernick在55.6%的dropback中受到了压力,这是所有首发四分卫中最高的。

QB: Colin Kaepernick, Blaine Gabbert, Dylan Thompson
RB: Carlos Hyde, Reggie Bush, Kendall Hunter, Mike Davis, Jarryd Hayne, Kendall Gaskins
FB: Bruce Miller
TE: Vernon Davis, Vance McDonald, Garrett Celek, Blake Bell, Xavier Grimble, Busta Anderson
WR: Anquan Boldin, Quinton Patton, Bruce Ellington, Issac Blakeney
WR: Torrey Smith, Jerome Simpson, DeAndrew White, DiAndre Campbell
LT: Joe Staley, Patrick Miller
LG: Alex Boone, Andrew Tiller, Jordan Devey
C: Joe Looney, Ian Silberman, Dillon Farrell
RG: Marcus Martin, Brandon Thomas
RT: Erik Pears, Trent Brown, Justin Renfrow
LDT: Glenn Dorsey, Tony Jerod-Eddie, Darnell Dockett, Kaleb Ramsey, Arik Armstead
NT: Ian Williams, Mike Purcell, Garrison Smith
RDT: Quinton Dial, Tank Carradine
OLB: Ahmad Brooks, Aaron Lynch, Marcus Rush
ILB: NaVorro Bowman, Shayne Skov, Nick Bellore
ILB: Michael Wilhoite, Nick Moody, Philip Wheeler
OLB: Corey Lemonier, Eli Harold
LCB: Tramaine Brock, Dontae Johnson, Keith Reaser
RCB: Shareece Wright, Marcus Cromartie, Kenneth Acker, Leon McFadden
FS: Eric Reid, Jimmie Ward, Jaquiski Tartt, Jermaine Whitehead
SS: Antoine Bethea, Craig Dahl, L.J. McCray
P: Bradley Pinion
K: Phil Dawson
H: Bradley Pinion
PR: Reggie Bush, Bruce Ellington, Jarryd Hayne
KR: Reggie Bush, DeAndrew White
LS: Kyle Nelson
Reserve/PUP: C Daniel Kilgore
Reserve/NFI: WR DeAndre Smelter
IR: LB Desmond Bishop, WR Dres Anderson
来源:http://www.ninersnation.com/2015 ... rt-roster-cuts-2015

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