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发表于 2014-3-13 01:27
本帖最后由 mini1206 于 2014-3-13 01:29 编辑
海鹰裁掉防守端锋老将Chris Clemons,节省掉7.5M薪金空间。从球队成功续约Michael Bennett后,这其实就已经变成了随时可能发生的事情。海鹰计划用节省下来的部分薪金空间,接触将要到访的维京队老将Jared Allen。
由于Jermichael Finley的到访,之前球队考虑重组合同的近端锋Zach Miller的去留变动扑朔迷离,相信这几天就会有答案。
Golden Tate昨天到访了急需一位2号外接手的底特律雄狮,Tate正在寻求一份6-7M的合同,包括喷气机在内的一些球队都是他的潜在下家,而海鹰只想提供一份大约5M的合约。
It's kind of ironic that the guy who declared, "This isn't Costco," signs with the team, while the guy who said he'll give hometown discount is visiting other teams. Still hope Tate signs with the Hawks