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[德州人] (部分)PFF赛后分析:德州人vs.49人(第五周)

发表于 2013-10-11 14:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 S.R.911 于 2013-10-11 16:49 编辑





德州人 - 三个看点


在一档广播节目中,Cris Collinsworth打赌说Schaub是德州人获得超级碗最好的机会,而TJ Yates是最好的替补。依靠Schaub真的能拿下超级碗么?或许还不够,但是目前,他不仅仅没法给德州人更多赢下比赛的机会,他还老是把球传给对方的防守队员让对方达阵得分。这个太伤球队信心了。他不是不走运,这也不是一场特殊的比赛,他只是错误地阅读了场上的局势,而我相信一个新手四分卫也能正确选择路线完成传球。Yates可能能力不如Schaub,也可能无法带领德州人杀入超级碗,但是Schaub现在的表现足以让Yates从替补席上走上赛场。


JJ Watt在这场比赛中没有一次擒杀。德州人被搞的筋疲力尽让对手拿了34分。有的人可能会单独看这两件事情,而Watt只是不在状态。排除这些人的想法,Watt虽然没有一次擒杀,但是他两次击倒“黄金男孩”,两次迫使仓促出球,还有一次挣脱防守完成冲击(虽然球已经传出去了)。Watt比赛评分+7.2,赛季得分达到不可思议的+35.1,正在向超越上赛季的评分迈进。


任何人都想知道为什么防守球员讨厌区域阻挡(zone scheme),更确切地说,直接跪舔(cut blocks)。在这场比赛中,区域阻挡主要是看Wade Smith。Smith获得了+2.2的评分,这主要来源于他能够准确地找到49人防守线球员和线卫,并让他们跪舔。熟悉每个防守球员的“讨厌列表”是个技术活,但是却是非常有效的,Smith面对对方防守球员,能够在进攻中进行阻挡和开路。整场比赛下来,49人的防守球员都想要搞定他,但都搞不定他。

San Francisco — Three Performances of Note

Two Sides of the Line

The grades for the O-line of the 49ers in this game could simply be divided into ‘those that regularly faced JJ Watt’ and ‘those that did not’. While Joe Staley (+3.7) was able to avoid him for most of the game, RT Anthony Davis on the other side (-2.8) was not so fortunate. Davis did only give up a single pressure, but he was manhandled by Watt on several occasions in the run game, which takes some doing for a player who usually excels in that area. Staley, with his reprieve, was able to more or less have his way with the Texans’ defenders, dominating with his blocks to set the edge and getting down field making his presence felt

Impressive Corners

It’s easy to just blame the Houston offense and Schaub’s current funk, but Tramaine Brock did bait Schaub into those throws by squatting on his receiver and breaking on the ball. OK, most quarterbacks would never have put the ball in the air, but let’s praise the defensive back too, as the trio was facing a formidable pairing of Texans wide outs and held up well. Brock, Tarell Brown and Carlos Rogers all graded firmly in the green and gave up just 62 yards between them on 14 targets.  Brown may not have had the picks of Brock, but he was thrown at three more times and allowed 7 fewer yards. He limited Andre Johnson to just 25 receiving yards on five targets into his coverage.

WRs Needed, Send Help

How desperate are the 49ers for wide receiver help? While Anquan Boldin has been thrown at 40 times and notched 26 catches so far this year, they don’t have another WR in double-digits when it comes to receptions. After Kyle Williams, the next best WR in terms of targets has seen only four passes thrown his way, two of them in this game. Colin Kaepernick has not been throwing the ball accurately, but this is as bad a receiving corps as the NFL has seen in some time. Boldin is a master at making catches despite never getting open, but that means Kaepernick is looking at an entire corps unable to get open, and settling for throwing it in the direction of Boldin and hoping he makes the play.


- Schaub35次传球,扔出了三次抄截,包括一次回攻达阵。

- Watt 有四次拦截。每个人都有一次防守截停。每个人都有一次TFL。

-  Kaepernick attempted just two passes to his left outside the numbers, less than one-third of the number he threw to the right.

PFF Game Ball

It took a lot of doing to not give this to JJ Watt despite being on the end of a real thumping, he was that good, but the CB duo of Tarrell Brown and Tramaine Brock split the award for making Matt Schaub’s day a nightmare.

发表于 2013-10-11 15:25 | 显示全部楼层


暂时没那么多时间……  详情 回复 发表于 2013-10-11 15:28

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-11 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
阿咪仔 发表于 2013-10-11 15:25


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-11 16:26 | 显示全部楼层
zone scheme应该是跑攻中的区域阻挡,cut block就是直接跪舔,肩膀顶对手脚让他摔倒/减缓跑向自己RB的时间


感谢。我修改一下  详情 回复 发表于 2013-10-11 16:43

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-10-11 16:43 | 显示全部楼层
THXnewnew 发表于 2013-10-11 16:26
zone scheme应该是跑攻中的区域阻挡,cut block就是直接跪舔,肩膀顶对手脚让他摔倒/减缓跑向自己RB的时间


使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-11 17:09 | 显示全部楼层
这场比分打的~不过还是支持JJ Watt~~~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-10-12 17:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报



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