看完cowgirl对渣鹰,万念俱灰。上赛季跟这赛季无论是punt还是开球的时候都会忍不住的心惊肉跳,特勤组太特么虐心了。这场终于送出TD,gxgx。 说好的的romoception呢!!!还有65 Dunlap,2次hands to the face!!!!尼玛卧底呢!!!!!这赛季从来没有罚丢过任意球的alex henery关键时候居然附加分没有踢进!!!!!!摆烂换人吧{:soso_e155:}{:soso_e178:}{:soso_e171:}
Romo has 13 interceptions until now, leading the league, but one thing needed to be mentioned is that he had nine interceptions in two games (against Bears and Giants, I think), so actually he only had four inteceptions in the rest of seven games, that is not bad.