自从他从USC毕业后,Taylor Mays或许有机会再次先发了。日前孟虎从49人手中得到了这位二年级安全卫,但是交易未透露孟虎付出了什么选秀权。 Mays通常一个早晨都要学习战术手册,然后下午再随队合练。季前赛对阵雄狮和喷气机,他在防传方面出现了一些问题。而正在寻求提升安全卫实力的孟虎正好一眼相中。
Mays是去年的第二轮新秀,但他仅在赛季前段代表49人先发了六场,随后出场时间便越来越少。他在本次季前赛打得相对保守,球队便做出了交易的决定。主帅Jim Harbaugh 表示,交易对球队和球员来说都有好处。
“It’s good not just for us, but for Taylor,” San Francisco coach said. “I think it was a positive thing for Taylor. We’ve got a lot of respect for Taylor. I’ve been around him for three or four weeks now and I understand he’s a good football player. I respect him as a person. He’s a hardworking guy. I think it’s a better fit for him in Cincinnati, and I think he feels the same thing.” |