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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-16 08:57 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-3-16 08:47


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发表于 2018-3-16 10:20 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-3-16 08:57



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发表于 2018-3-16 10:22 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-16 10:44 | 显示全部楼层
toman00 发表于 2018-3-16 10:22


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发表于 2018-3-16 18:27 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-3-16 10:44
需求的话还缺优秀的冲传手、线卫(取决于对Foster的评 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-17 07:41 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-3-22 07:23 编辑

(1)据NFL Network的Tom Pelissero报道,突袭者签约前球队防守端锋Tank Carradine。
(2)前球队安全卫Eric Reid在推特上说他没有市场的原因是在各球队老板,而不是总经理。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... ck-free-agency-2018(他还在回复球迷时谈了一些其他的事情)
(3)据Miami Herald专栏作家 Armando Salguero报道,被交易走的前球队中锋Daniel Kilgore在推特上说当他一个月前续约时,从没想到过会是现在这种处境。(不清楚哪条时间在前)
    A month ago when I signed with the extension (with SF) I never dreamed about being in this position.
  • 球队总经理也谈了这次交易,说球队只是和海豚互换了七轮签,更多的在于为Kilgore找到一个好的下家,这是因为他为球队做出的贡献。很幸运地是海豚出现了,认为Kilgore去的下家不错。
         And then, if you look at the deal, we swapped seventh round picks. It was more about finding the right place for Danny and a great opportunity for him because of what he’s given to us. Fortunately, that presented itself with Miami and I think he’s in a good spot there.
来源:https://twitter.com/armandosalgu ... 97040491044870?s=21         https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... -richburg-alex-mack

①Vinny Curry:
①Justin Pugh:

(1)据The Athletic Bay Area主编Tim Kawakami报道,他周三明确询问了球队总经理Lynch九人是否已经调查了线卫Reuben Foster此前的被捕事件,现在对他的未来感觉良好。Lynch说在每个决定后面球队都会做很多工作和调查。他不想谈该事件,但Foster目前自己在刻苦训练,并不将自己放入会对自己造成负面影响的环境中,球队对此感到满意。被问到如果球队发现更多负面信息,球队是否会在尚未决定是否起诉时像裁掉Tramaine Brock那样裁掉他,Lynch说每个事件都会独立对待,然后再次说Foster在刻苦训练,球队对此满意。Kawakami认为这说明球队对Foster的未来是确定的。
         “I think behind every decision we make, we try to do a lot of work and a lot of research,” Lynch said. “I don't want to get into what's going to happen. But Reuben's working hard on himself and not putting himself in situations that could adversely affect him or the team. And so we're happy with that.”
         “We look at every situation as a unique one,” Lynch said. “Like I said, Reuben's working hard and we're happy for that.”
  • Kawakami还询问了球队主教练Shanahan关于角卫Richard Sherman有偶尔会挑战教练权威的历史时,Shanahan说他和Sherman谈过此事,他不介意球员质疑或不同意他的意见,但他希望球员用正确的方式一对一和他谈,而不是在全国转播球队领先20分时在场边这么干。他觉得Sherman理解这一点,觉得两人的性格能相处融洽,两人也彼此尊重,如果出现类似情况会很惊讶。
         “That's something I addressed with him, too,” said Shanahan, who, of course, runs the 49ers offense. “I have no problem with people questioning me or disagreeing with me. I just hope they do it in the right manner and come in and talk to me face to face and not do it always on the sidelines when you're up 20 points on national TV.
         “I think he understands that. I think we have two personalities that will go very well together. I have a lot of respect for him and I think he'll have a lot of respect for me. I like intelligent people you can talk to. I think he's that. And I would be very surprised if we had a situation like that.”
  • Kawakami还询问了Shanahan跑卫Jerick McKinnon是否偶尔会被拉到外侧当外接手,Shanahan说绝对会。他用途很多,不能用跑卫来简单的形容,需要个新名字。他可以打跑卫、外接手和近端锋。他除了跑卫外,还给球队带来了很多其他的东西,跑卫对阵线卫和安全卫,但他能跑外接手路线,这是个巨大优势。
         “Definitely. Definitely,” Shanahan said. “I think he's extremely versatile. That's why, when everyone talks about running backs and stuff … they need a new position to name other people. He plays running back and receiver, tight end, you use him the same way you use all these positions. I think he's a very good running back, but he also brings a lot of other stuff to the table. …
         “It's running backs vs. linebackers and safeties, but he's running receiver routes. So that's a huge advantage.”
来源:https://www.athletique.com/27518 ... ul-49ers-offseason/          https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/c ... his_article_please/
(2)主教练Shanahan谈到了中锋位置的重要性,说当拥有像Alex Mack或Weston Richburg这样级别的中锋时能改变很多事情。有些时候需要特定的球员配置来使得有球员有角度能阻挡Mike线卫,有些时候档你只使用一个跑卫时(不用全卫),WILL会走出box,而Mike的阻挡角度不好,但当你拥有不需要护锋帮助就能自己阻挡住线卫的中锋时,能让你做很多不同的事情,能提升整条进攻线的表现。当年在位置获得一位使得一切变得不同的球员(这也正是球队获得的)时,会让进攻变得更容易。
         When you have a center at the level of what you’re talking about with Alex [Mack] or with Weston, it changes a lot of things, things that people don’t totally realize. Sometimes you have to get in certain personnel groupings to help someone have an angle to a MIKE linebacker so you can help your center out with the guard. Sometimes you go into one-back. Now a WIL’s going to walk outside the box and your MIKE is a little, the angles aren’t as good, but you’ve got a center who can reach someone on his own and doesn’t need the help. So, it allows you to do a bunch of different stuff. It puts some more pressure on that player instead of always taking it off. It really helps the versatility in everything you can do. Not just at the center, but what your guards and tackles can do on other positions. It really helps solidify the whole O-Line. I feel that’s usually where it starts. There’s a lot of good players, but when you have a difference maker at that position, is what I’ve found and I’ve experienced through my career, it’s been a lot easier to run an offense.
  • 谈到巨人和九人进攻体系不同时,Shanahan说体系虽不同,但能看出球员的身体动作和表现。球队看了很多他的录像,传球保护并没有什么不同,都是阻挡你面前的对手。冲球的考察则较难,但有足够的录像显示他的身体动作和如何阻挡以及延续阻挡。Richburg在所有体系中都打过,他在大学时就打过,这就是为什么他当年顺位很高。他认为Richburg在进入联盟后进步了,很幸运能拥有这样能力的中锋。
         I don’t think it’s much. It’s a different system, but you can see body movement and how they play. We have a lot of tape on Weston. Yeah, schemes are different, but there’s a number of clips you can watch the center reach a shade, pass-protection no scheme is different. It’s about blocking the guy in front of you. So, you can see how people pass protect. Run game is always harder, but there’s enough clips in there and it’s about body movement and how they block and sustaining, being able to sustain your blocks. Weston’s done that in every scheme. He did it in college. That’s why he was a high draft pick. I think he’s gotten better throughout his time in the NFL and I feel very fortunate that we have a center of his caliber on our team。
  • 中锋行情相关:
         据NFL Network的Tom Pelissero今天报道,海盗和26岁的前乌鸦中锋Ryan Jensen签约四年$42M(平均每年$10.5M,中锋第一),$22M保障。
         公羊宣布签回32岁的中锋John Sullivan,据NFL Network的Ian Rapoport报道,合同两年$15M(平均每年$7.5M)据ESPN的公羊随队记者Alden Gonzalez报道,这份合同只有在他基本不缺战、公羊赢季后赛等情况下才会达到$15M,实质上是一份两年$10M含浮动的合同,同时在第二年对万一出现伤病提供了保护。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... -richburg-alex-mack

(1)据Draft Analyst的Tony Pauline报道,加州大学洛杉矶分校进攻截锋Kolton Miller在该校求职日(pro day)和海鹰、黑豹和猎鹰会面。他将在接下来的几天里试训49人,并将正式拜访(official visit)雄狮。
  • 2月28日新秀考察营(combine)时,他本人曾说周三晚上和49人以及其他球队会面。
  • 他在该校打左截锋,保护四分卫Josh Rosen的盲侧。球探报告说他可能更适合打右截锋,但Pauline说他很惊讶有很多球队相信他能在NFL打左截锋。
  • 球队目前首发为Joe Staley和Trent Brown,Garry Gilliam担任swing tackle,Staley 8月将满34岁,而Brown合同最后一年且进行了肩膀手术,Staley看上去在可预见的未来都会留在球队,但Brown的前景就不明朗的多。如果球队在截锋位置投入较高的选秀权的话,会在很大程度上暗示他们如何看待Brown在球队的未来。
  • (大三、加州大学洛杉矶分校.UCLA、#28、OT#3、18.03.16、校队官网nfl官网cbssportsnfldraftscout、draftbreakdown、draftcountdown247sportsrotoworld)
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... ackle-kolton-miller

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发表于 2018-3-17 11:24 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-3-17 07:41
(1)据NFL Network的Tom Pelissero报道,突袭者签 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-18 05:38 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-3-21 13:28 编辑

1.据Miami Herald的Adam H. Beasley报道,前球队中锋Daniel Kilgore周五对记者谈了被交易到海豚一事,说他对此并不后悔,他希望在九人度过全部职业生涯,但这显然不可能了,所以他会开启人生的新篇章。Kilgore还说他感谢球队对此的处理方式,球队本可以将他送去任何地方,但选择将他送到了一个他们知道他能成功,身边也有很多热爱比赛的好人的地方。
    “I don’t regret anything,” Kilgore told reporters on Friday, via the Miami Herald. “I did want to stay there. I had the goal of starting my career there and finishing my career there. That obviously is not going to happen. . . . I’ve been there for seven seasons. This happening, I don’t regret it, it’s a new chapter for my family and I.
    “As far as how they handled it, I appreciate how [coach] Kyle [Shanahan] and [G.M.] John Lynch got me in a position where I can be successful,” Kilgore said. “They could have traded me anywhere but I think they did the right thing by putting me in a position that they know I can be successful, and putting me with a staff that loves the game and that are good people.”
           Been a crazy and frustrating week, but I'm forever grateful for the 49ers and the past 7 years. Thank you to all of the fans and our friends in the Bay Area, we will truly miss you. Very excited for this next chapter with @MiamiDolphins and living in beautiful Florida! #FinsUp
来源:http://www.miamiherald.com/sport ... ticle205523564.html          http://www.49erswebzone.com/arti ... ns-dolphins-career/

①Vinny Curry:
①Terrelle Pryor:

  • 据ESPN的Adam Schefter报道,喷气机用2018首轮签(No.6)+二轮签(No.37)+二轮签(No.49)+2019二轮签交易小马2018首轮签(No.3)。
           据布朗随队记者Mary Kay Cabot报道(来源说是NY Daily News NFL专栏作家Manish Mehta),喷气机在该交易途中曾和布朗商谈过交易他们的状元签。
(2)据Houston Chronicle的Aaron Wilson报道,堪萨斯州立大学外接手Byron Pringle将拜访球队。
  • Pringle(6-2,2015)于2016年从堪萨斯州的巴特勒社区学院(Butler Community College)转校到堪萨斯州立大学,据Sports Reference,在该校的野猫队(Wildcats)效力的两个赛季中拿到69次接球1,355码,10次接球达阵,2016赛季平均每次接开球回攻28.7码,排在FBS第七位。去年30次接球724码(平均每次接球24.1码),6次接球达阵。
  • NFL官网认为他会在第三天被选走。NFL Media的Lance Zierlein这样评价:由于Pringle的大学之路受到了不检点的犯罪行为的阻碍,他将于11月成为一名25岁的新秀。据说,他成为了一个全新的人,但NFL的评估员们会做出自己的判断。他这个赛季的表现比前一个赛季有进步,展现了他能在跑深远路线时( down the field)跑出空当,但他将需要证明他能击败职业级别的防传。Pringle是一个身材出色(physical)的外接手,并有着跑深远路线(downfield)的潜力,但目前主要还是作为培养对象。
  • 评价中提到的犯罪行为:据希尔斯伯勒县(Hillsborough County)法庭文件显示,他16岁时因在家乡——佛罗里达州的坦帕(Tampa)参与了一系列犯罪行为被捕并被指包括入室盗窃(burglary)、持致命武器重度攻击他人罪(aggravated assault with a deadly weapon)、重罪盗窃(grand theft)在内的多项重罪(felony),最终被判缓刑四年和100小时社区服务。高三赛季没有打,高四回到了球队。他之后改变了自己,在堪萨斯州立大学抓住了第二次机会。
          (来源:Kansas State coach Bill Snyder takes chance on receiver Byron PringleByron Pringle turns his life around at K-State)
  • 体测数据:
  • 大学数据:
来源:http://www.49erswebzone.com/arti ... ringle-visit-49ers/
(3)据Draft Analyst的Tony Pauline报道,佐治亚州立大学角卫Chandon Sullivan由于轻微大腿腘绳肌没有参加3月6日该校求职日(pro day),他举办了个人试训,包括猎鹰、49人、布朗和酋长在内的10支球队出席。
  • Pauline说Sullivan(5-11,195)大腿腘绳肌仍有些紧张,40冲刺跑了4.48-4.51秒,比新秀考察营(combine)时的4.60有显著进步,三点锥折返跑(three-cone) 7.00秒,原地摸高(vertical jump) 40英寸(新秀考察营时为40.5),跳远(broad jump) 11英寸2英寸,和新秀考察营时持平。49人和老鹰要求他进行了位置训练(positional drills),这位大四球员赛季前没有NFL球探给他打分,而现在是个不错的第三天选项。他收到了黑豹和和公羊的浓厚兴趣。
  • NFL官网认为他会在第三天被选走,他的顺位可能在该预测后有所提升。Lance Zierlein这样评价:Sullivan有不错的身材,自大一赛季以来一直能为球队做出稳定贡献,但他的本能只有平均水准,不能和对手保持同步阻碍了他对球的攻击。Sullivan速度不算快也不很physical,可能需要在老生碗表现出色来帮助他证明他拥有打NFL的能力。
  • 体侧数据:
  • 大学数据:
来源:http://www.49erswebzone.com/arti ... -sullivans-workout/

(1)据ESPN的Nick Wagoner报道(NN的David Fucillo整理),球队和防守端锋Jerry Attaochu的合同细节如下:一年,最高价值可达$5.125M,完全保障部分$2.5M(签约奖金$1.5M+基本工资$1M完全保障)
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... ers-free-agents-201

(1)Blitz Football(官网)老板/训练师Footwork King 16日在推特上说之前刚和球队签下大合同的跑卫Jerick McKinnon 16日已经回到休斯顿开始训练了。


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发表于 2018-3-18 09:31 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-3-18 05:38
1.据Miami Herald的Adam H. Beasley报道,前球队中锋Daniel Kilgore周五对记者谈了被 ...

估计轮不到我九trade down了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-3-18 15:10 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-3-18 05:38
1.据Miami Herald的Adam H. Beasley报道,前球队中锋Daniel Kilgore周五对记者谈了被 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-18 18:50 | 显示全部楼层
看到条挺好玩的,NN的James Brady发的
Reston ... Winston ... Weston Richburg
Kyle Juszczyzzyczky
Jimmy Garoppooplpopolo
Jeremiah Att.. Attchew ... Attochew .. Attaochu
Cole Hiccup .. Hiku.. Hikutini
Ledger ... Leger Dooz.. Douzaable.. Douzable
Mark Nz... Nzechoa
Pita Taumapapoananaouou

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-3-19 01:47 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-19 04:53 | 显示全部楼层
zccoro 发表于 2018-3-19 01:47


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-19 06:52 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-3-21 12:59 编辑

(1)据San Francisco Chronicle的Eric Branch报道,球队目前还有$33M左右的实际可操作空间,但从总经理John Lynch的言语来看球队不会再有什么大动作,而是会将钱用于未来和自家球员的续约上,比如合同最后一年的进攻截锋Trent Brown(24岁)、安全卫Jaquiski Tartt(26岁)、Jimmie Ward(26岁),防守截锋DeForest Buckne(还有两年,另外还有第五年选项可用)也可以在2018赛季结束后商谈续约。Lynch还说球队也并不是离成功只差一位球员,球队的目标的是持续的成功,每年都有竞争力,而不是只是一两年。
    “We’re not all the way done yet, perhaps,” Lynch said, looking to the rest of free agency. “We’ll use that wisely. We got the guys that we targeted that would help us best become a better football team.”
    “Our promise is that we will spend every dollar of that,” Lynch said, “but we’ve got a lot of players that we think are young talented players that are going be coming up for extensions.”
    “We have high expectations, but we’re not one player away,” he said. “So we never want to sacrifice the fact that we really want to build this thing for sustained success. … We want to do things that fit — and fit into our idea that we’re setting this thing up not just for a one- or two-year run, but to really compete every year.”
来源:https://www.sfgate.com/49ers/art ... re-big-12761567.php
(2)据Reddit网友hoaxium,主教练Kyle Shanahan的老友Chris Simms在节目中(视频29:35处)说前者告诉他中锋Weston Richburg和跑卫Jerick McKinnon是他想要的两个球员,他甚至愿意为他们支付过高的价格。
    "Kyle told me these were his two guys (McKinnon/Richburg), he was even willing to overpay"
来源:https://www.reddit.com/r/49ers/c ... kyle_told_me_these/
(3)球队球员人事副总裁Adam Peters在49ers Insider Podcast上谈到了本届选秀哪些位置深度较好:跑卫深度绝对好,顶端四分卫比去年好,二线、角卫并不比去年好,但角卫深度还是很好的。这些是主要的位置,其他还有进攻线,比去年稍好一些。
    “I think running backs, absolutely. It’s a deep position,” Peters said. “Quarterbacks at the top is deeper than it was last year. Secondary, corners, it’s not deeper than it was last year, but it’s a strong class of corners. Those are the main ones. The offensive line class is a little better than last year, too.”
来源:www.nbcsports.com/bayarea/49ers/deep 49ers Insider Podcastest-position-nfl-draft-49ers-vp-player-personnel-weighs


(1)外接手Marquise Goodwin在推特上说他近日曾祖父去世,昨天下葬。
    I amGrateful I was chosen to be a Pall-Bearer for my Great Grandfather as we buried him on yesterday. Thank you for all of your sacrifices, and for showing so much love & compassion to others. I’ll do my best to emulate those same qualities. I love you.

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-20 06:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-3-21 13:29 编辑

(1)据NEW YORK DAILY NEWS的Manish Mehta报道,据多位消息来源,在跑卫Jerick McKinnon(外号Jet)签约九人前,喷气机也对他进行了强力追逐(原文用的full-court press),海盗也在竞争行列,但最后的竞争在九人和喷气机之间展开。喷气机认为他们给出的报价已经足够丰厚,足以获得McKinnon,但九人主教练Shanahan下定决心不能在竞价中输掉,最终九人给出了一份四年$30M,第一年$12M保障的合同获得了McKinnon。(看到Reddit上面有球迷说喷气机球迷很讨厌这位记者,听上去类似九人的Grant Cohh,不知道是否可靠)
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... -kyle-shanahan-role己队自由球员相关:
(2)据ESPN的Field Yate报道,前49人近端锋Logan Paulse拜访雄狮。在裁掉Eric Ebron,并和Darren Fells分手后,雄狮想要增加该位置深度。

(1)NBC Sports Bay Area的Matt Maiocco也有和昨天Eric Branch类似的言论:球队在自由球员市场很可能不会再有大动作了,而是将空间用于未来的球员续约。
  • 据球员工会(NNFLPA)报告,球队目前薪金空间$45,123,954(Top 51规则,合同在身72人),未计入本届新秀所将占用的薪金空间(据overthecap,预计为$8.3M)。
  • Maiocco还谈了球队一些未来需要续约的球员:
          球队需要在5月3日前决定是否行使防守线球员Arik Armstread和左护锋Laken Tomlinson的第五年选项。Armstead是否适合球队防守体系还不知道,他去年赛季开始时打big end,这也是球队去年首轮秀Solomon Thomas最适合的位置。Tomlinson在适应球队进攻体系后表现有进步,给了球队对他未来乐观的理由。在球队阵中的护锋中他是最有可能担任首发的。
          预计将首发的安全卫Jimmie Ward和Jaquiski Tartt下个休赛期将成为自由球员,Ward的第五年选项($8.526M)上周三已经转为完全保障。但在球队给他长期合同前,他很可能需要证明他能保持整个赛季的健康。
          DeForest Buckner很可能会是下一个重磅续约,他已经成为了联盟中顶尖的年轻防守线球员,下个休赛期是球队首次可以和他商谈长期合同。
          由于选秀和自由球员市场中进攻线球员不足,右截锋Trent Brown有可能会在下个休赛期拿到巨额合同——无论是在49人还是在其他球队。
  • 2019自由球员:*表示为首轮秀,有第五年选项
          *DL Arik Armstead
          FS Jimmie Ward
          SS Jaquiski Tartt
          RT Trent Brown
          LB Eli Harold
          *LG Laken Tomlinson
          K Robbie Gould
          P Bradley Pinion
  • 2020自由球员:
          *DL DeForest Buckner
          LT Joe Staley
          *OG Joshua Garnett
          DL Ronald Blair
          TE Garrett Celek
          RB Matt Breida (RFA)
          WR Kendrick Bourne (RFA)
来源:http://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea ... ap-space-eye-future
①Terrelle Pryor:
(1)据Draft Analyst的Tony Pauline报道,球队和天普大学防守线球员Jullian Taylor共进晚餐(该校求职日期间)。
  • Pauline目前预测他为六轮秀,本赛季前没有球探对他评分,但大四赛季的出色表现,包括对阵中佛罗里达大学(排名第15,精彩集锦)时的10次擒抱,4.5次擒抱造成丢失码数,帮助他引起了球探的注意。
  • 在今天的试训前,他和NFL球队进行了5次私下试训,明天将试训泰坦。他已经预定了3次正式拜访,包括红雀在内。昨晚和49人进行了工作晚餐。
  • 对Taylor不利的是他的伤病史,2015和2016赛季,天普大学打出20-8的战绩,并在2016赛季赢得了联盟冠军,Taylor由于受到包括前十字韧带(ACL)撕裂在内的膝伤困扰只出战了其中4场比赛,2017赛季他打了11场比赛中的10场。
  • (红衫大四、天普大学. Temple、校队官网、nfl官网、cbssports、draftwire、nfldraftscout、draftbreakdown、rotoworld)
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... aylor-temple-dinner
  • 据NFL Network的Tom Pelissero报道,Sam Bradford和红雀的两年$40M合同包括$10M签约奖金,2018 $5M基本工资保障和巨额的$5M阵容奖金(按每场分,46人激活名单),出于他从膝伤中恢复的考虑。如果行使选项,另有2019 $17.5M完全保障。
  • 据NFL Network的Tom Pelissero报道,Teddy Bridgewater和喷气机的一年合同细节如下:签约奖金$500K,训练奖金$500K,基本工资$5M(无保障),浮动$9M 。训练营时能拿到$1M ,其余全部要靠自己挣。


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发表于 2018-3-20 08:33 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-3-20 06:16
(1)据NEW YORK DAILY NEWS的Manish Mehta报道,据多 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-21 07:28 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-3-23 07:05 编辑

(1)球队宣布和护锋Jonathan Cooper签约一年。
  • 总经理John Lynch说他四个赛季中首发了27场比赛,给球队进攻线内侧带来了经验,球队期待他竞争护锋首发位置,
          “Having started 27 games in four NFL seasons, Jonathan brings great experience to the interior of our offensive line,” said General Manager John Lynch. “We look forward to him competing for a starting job at guard, while also bringing a veteran presence to our locker room. Jonathan is a welcome addition to our team.”
  • Cooper(6-2, 308)于2013选秀大会首轮(No.7)被红雀选中,过去四年中(2014-17),Cooper先后效力红雀(2014-15)、爱国者(2016)、布朗(2016)和牛仔(2017),一共出战了42场常规赛(27场首发)和2场季后赛,2014年3月14日签约牛仔后,他该赛季前3场比赛未被激活,之后在左护锋位置首发了剩余所有13场比赛。28岁的他出身于北卡罗来纳州威尔明顿(Wilmington),入读北卡罗来纳大学(University of North Carolina),大学生涯(2009-12)为该校首发了创队史纪录的48场比赛。三次入选All-ACC(2012一队,2010-11二队),一次入选All-American(2012),Cooper曾获2012 Jacobs Blocking Trophy,该奖颁给ACC最佳进攻线球员。
          G Jonathan Cooper, 总评分78.1
          牛仔整个进攻组超出了49人所能应对的范畴,即使Jonathan Cooper都能表现出色并拿到高于平均的得分也说明了这一点。Cooper本场比赛没有允许任何施压,还在冲球进攻中完成了一些关键阻挡,虽然比赛中也有过1、2次糟糕的表现。
  • 球队目前阵中有Laken Tomlinson和Joshua Garnett,两人被视为护锋首发人选,但实际上首发位置是处于开放竞争状态,随着Cooper的加盟,还有Erik Magnuson(伤病情况见下文)等人,49人可能会在护锋位置投入高位选秀权,但在那之前,两个护锋首发位置都还尘埃未定。
来源:http://www.49ers.com/news/articl ... c-8109-6673e855a745          https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... h-chart-free-agency

(1)角卫Richard Sherman在他的加盟新闻发布会上更新了他的伤病情况:他说他预计会在5月或六月回到赛场。说他之前进行了骨刺手术,这个伤病困扰了他多年,恢复期4-6周。在该手术前,他已经开始使用跑步机,当该伤病恢复后,他将立刻回去使用。
  • Sacramento Bee的Matt Barrows则说Sherman新闻发布会中最值得注意的一点也许是他在上月进行了移除左跟腱骨刺的手术后,他已经不再穿行走靴(walking boot)了,他说会在5月或6月完全恢复,计划是参加训练营的训练。
          If he doesn’t I think there would be a conversation between the league and the players union.’
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... ster-bonus-timeline          https://twitter.com/mattbarrows/status/976181424523902976
(2)进攻线球员Erik Magnuson告诉49ers Webzone podcast他已经在周一获得了医生许可(clear),他说是跖跗关节(Lisfranc)的伤病(介绍)。
  • Magnuson作为落选自由球员和球队签约,大学时打截锋,球队将他培养为进攻线内侧球员。但由于球队进攻线的伤病,他打了截锋位置。他去年11月26日在第十二周和海鹰的比赛中严重脚部扭伤,仍带伤打了三节。他以为是骨折但结果是韧带撕裂,11月29日被放入伤病储备名单,赛季报销。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... son-workout-program
(3)被交易的中锋Daniel Kilgore说他一开始以为Richburg是来打左护锋的,后来才知道是中锋。他从未被要求竞争护锋位置,他也没有要求被交易,而是被告知不在球队计划中。还说交易来得很突然,也曾想过如果没和九人续约,而是进入自由球员市场会怎样。但那条路也有风险。他和湾区、九人教练组都很熟悉,最好的朋友们也在队里,不想去别的地方。被交易让他很沮丧,但去南佛罗里达让一切好多了。他和主教练Shanahan和总经理Lynch进行了一些艰难的对话,最终他说他尊敬这两人的为人以及他们处理这一尴尬处境的方式。他希望球迷知道真相,也知道Shanahan和Lynch做了对他和球队都最有利的事情,他对此没有不满,大家都还是朋友。
    Kilgore said he had some hard conversations with Lynch and coach Kyle Shanahan last week. Ultimately, he said he respects both men for the way they handled an awkward situation. Lynch said last week when the 49ers signed Kilgore to an extension, the club believed there was a likelihood Richburg would not still be available a month later as a free agent. Richburg was the only center the 49ers would have sought to replace Kilgore, Lynch said.
    “You want to be there and be a part of something on the rise," Kilgore said. "That was the frustrating thing, that you’re no longer going to be there. It’s frustrating and heart-breaking, but you move on. I’m going to South Florida, and that makes things a heck of a lot better.”
    “I hope the fans out there know the truth about everything and know that Kyle and John did it in the best interest of me and the best interest for the team moving forward,” Kilgore said. “There’s no bad grudges or anything like that. We’re all still friends at the end of the day.”
  • 总经理Lynch上周说当球队和Kilgore续约时是认为Richburg可能不会进入自由球员市场,他是球队唯一想要用来取代Kilgore的球员。
来源:http://www.nbcsports.com/bayarea ... heart-breaking-week
(4)据ESPN的Field Yates‏报道,前球队角卫Dontae Johnson和前酋长防守截锋Bennie Logan拜访海鹰。

①Jaylen Watkins:
  • 据NFL Network的Mike Garafolo报道,前老鹰防守后卫Jaylen Watkins将于明天拜访球队。这是这位多用途角卫/安全卫将拜访的多支球队中的第一支。
①Terrelle Pryor:

4.据TheMMQB的Albert Breer‏报道,49人、红雀和闪电联合起来,计划在下周联盟老板会议上试图通过一项规则:任何球队客场比赛中开球时间早于当地球场所在时区下午1点的不得超过三场。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... w-10-am-games-49ers

(1)球队CEO Jed York用玩笑结束了Sherman的新闻发布会:想看我和Sherman在推特上取消屏蔽对方吗?
    “Does anyone want to see me and Richard Sherman unblock each other on Twitter?”


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-22 08:12 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 invisible 于 2018-4-8 07:32 编辑

(1)总经理John Lynch今天早上在Golic and Wingo radio show上谈了线卫Reuben Foster的情况(和之前Tim Kawakami的那内容差不多),说球队在密切监控,和Foster进行了坦率的交谈,会让司法程序自行解决。Foster在改进如何做决定和他周边身处的环境。球队在选秀时信任他,现在也仍希望如此,但他必须要有所改进。
    “We’re monitoring it closely. We’ve had some really frank discussions with Reuben. Unfortunately, a lot of these things happen in the offseason, when we aren’t allowed to touch these guys. And that’s not an excuse, it’s just a reality. During the season, Reuben was great. His biggest issue during the season was staying healthy. But when he was on the field, he’s a difference-maker. He’s put himself in a couple of situations that you can’t put yourself in. We’re gonna hold off judgment and let the  legal process work itself out.
    “But, Reuben’s also really working on improving himself such that he’s equipped to make these decisions, who he’s surrounding himself with, what kind of situations he’s putting himself in. We’re gonna let that play out, but we believed in Reuben when we drafted him and we really want to right now. But he’s gotta make some strides as well. And I think he’s working hard to do that. We’ll see where that all ends out. But that’s part of the deal, the draft, all these things aren’t an exact science. You do the best to make good decisions, and the idea that you’re gonna have 53 choir boys, it’s just not a reality. But you do have to have men of character, and it’s something we stress, we look for that. We really felt when we drafted Reuben, yea, he grew up tough, but when you talk to people at Alabama, he’s one of the leaders. He made people, like I talked about Jimmy, he makes people around him better. But you also have to conduct yourself in a way off the field. And Reuben understands that, and like I said, he’s working hard towards that.”
  • Lynch还证实了主教练Kyle Shanahan原来的总体规划是最终获得前红皮四分卫Kirk Cousins,Jimmy Garoppolo的表现让Shanahan确信他就是球队要找的人。
          “Jimmy [Garoppolo], we made the trade, but then there were some days that Kyle Shanahan was like in mourning, because I think everybody knows his master plan was to have Kirk Cousins come in eventually. I was proud of Kyle, because I think he knew that this was the right thing for our franchise. And he didn’t hesitate. But then, even then, Jimmy had to really prove himself. Kyle, I think was really smart. He didn’t play him right away.”
          “I would tell you that Jimmy really impressed Kyle to the point that he said, ‘this is our guy. ‘We’re excited in that. He really didn’t have a thorough understanding of what we were asking him to do. He kind of piece mailed game plans that we were putting together. So our thought process is, if he can go in through a complete offseason and really master the system, it can get even better. So we gotta keep adding talent about him and we’re really excited about his future.”
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... foster-update-49ers

(1)猎鹰宣布和前球队近端锋Logan Paulsen签约一年。
来源:http://profootballtalk.nbcsports ... -deal-with-falcons/

①Terrelle Pryor:

(1)据Draft Analyst的Tony Pauline报道,球队将试训佛罗里达州立大学冲传手Josh Sweat。Sacramento Bee的Matt Barrows对加州大学洛杉矶分校进攻截锋Kolton Miller(此前有报道,见3月17日新闻)和Sweat的试训有更详细的报道:球队曾在新秀考察营(combine)和两人正式会面。
  • Miller周二在南加州的试训是由球队进攻线教练John Benton进行的,试训还包括他的队友Scott Quessenberry,后者可以打中锋或护锋,两人在本月早些时候的新秀考察营(combine)均表现出色,Miller以10英尺1英寸创进攻线球员跳远纪录。他预计会在首轮中段或之后任何顺位被选。
  • Sweat高中毕业时曾是头号招募人选,被拿来和德州人冲传手Jadeveon Clowney作比较。高四赛季遭遇前十字韧带(ACL)撕裂和膝关节脱臼,NFL球队们渴望在新秀考察营时对他的膝盖进行评估,得出的报告说比预期的干净(cleaner-than-expected),这借助于他40码冲刺4.53,原地摸高(vertical jump)39又1/2英寸的成绩,这对他于这一身材(6-4,251)的球员来说都是很出色的成绩。球队将他视为强侧线卫人选,也有可能让他打Leo,目前这些位置有Arik Armstead、Cassius Marsh、Jeremiah Attaochu和Eli Harold。他的试训将于本周晚些时候在塔拉哈西(Tallahassee)由球队防守线教练Jeff Zgonina进行。他预计会在首轮末至第二轮备选。包括公羊在内的五支球队对他感兴趣。
来源:https://www.ninersnation.com/201 ... -coach-jeff-zgonina

使用道具 举报

发表于 2018-3-22 15:28 | 显示全部楼层
invisible 发表于 2018-3-22 08:12
(1)总经理John Lynch今天早上在Golic and Wingo radio show上谈了线卫 ...


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-23 06:09 | 显示全部楼层
4912tt 发表于 2018-3-22 15:28

:) 主要有些顺位比较靠后的球员官网和CBS没有球探报告,想看看大家有没有什么推荐的

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