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[讨论] 2013赛季第一周 PFF赛后分析 绿湾包装工@旧金山49人(已完工)

发表于 2013-9-10 16:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 davidfc 于 2013-9-10 21:21 编辑


NFL绝壁不害臊在第一周把两只最好的球队丢到一起厮杀。作为上赛季NFC 半决赛的重赛,绿湾做客旧金山挑战49人。比赛直到最后一分钟都抱有悬念。第四节Frank Gore TD使49人处于有利形势并只留给绿湾5:47。没有一支球队能在地面上有什么大的作为,或许是他们并不介意这场比赛总共传出了745码的总传球码数。这是一场NB四分卫和屌屌的外接手(playmaking receivers)互不相让,你来我往的比赛,,SF 49ers做的更好,延续了对GB packers的连胜。



这个休赛期包装工的主要工作是交换了他们OL线上的两位首发护锋,原RG Josh Sitton现在改打LG以及原LG T.J. Lang改打RG。尽管有各种原因,但本场比赛对他们两个都不是一个好的开始-4.0。Sitton的原因是DE Justin Smith 正面对着他,他在第一次跑球的时候就被击败了(是这么翻译么as he was beaten for a tackle in the running game.)。之后比赛就在Sitton抓、推Smith的基调中进行,并最后演变为2次holding以及1次违法面部接触(打头?),均是由Smith造成的。他在传球保护中有一些贡献,41次尝试只给出了2次压力(+0.6 ),但是冲球掩护并不在最好的状态-3.9

对于 T.J.Lang,传球保护中他的问题表现为给出了1次sack,一次撞击以及2次仓促出手(-2.9)。LB Navarro Bowman实施延迟BLITZ后悄悄越过了他,并靠近施压(不知道这么翻对不对Linebacker Navarro Bowman snuck inside him for pressure after showing blitz late),OLB Aldon Smith也从内侧虐杀了Lang并凶狠的撞击了Aaron Rodgers之后Lang在DE Ray McDonald 面前缴械,交出了一次sack和一次施压。同时又只有-1.4的开路评分,他们护锋哥俩-8.0的总评分着实让人捉鸡和让包粉们不好过T-T。

Jordy 速递

Packer的WR Jordy Nelson本来并不能确保能在周日赶得上参赛,但是他最终的答卷是7次接球,130码和1TD。这是一场他完爆CB Nnamdi Asomugha 的比赛,在首节2:17秒的一个过肩接球(还是过肩摔?back shoulder throw)拿到了大码数,并在第二节利用躲闪能力制造了Asomugha和SS Eric Reid的错失擒抱。本场比赛最精彩的镜头是Nelson在第四节9:37的脚尖触地飞身界外接球。Rodgers 转身跑向左侧并向边线掷出了镭射般的传球,传向了只有他的WR能接到的地方。这球有点远,都要出界了,但是Nelson飞身侧身抓住了球,同时保持了脚尖在场内,完成了FD转换。错过了季前赛,包装工很乐意看到周日Nelson的健康回归。


Packers的FS Jerron McMillian 有一场丑陋的演出,在49人的进攻球员中沉沦,4次错失擒抱和-5.7 的评分。第三节3:49,当他不在场上喷气(啥意思?whiffing in the open field)的时候,他并没有保护他的区域。他最大的失误在第四节7:22,送给了49人一波制胜的进攻。WR Anquan Boldin 冲进了真空区域,McMillan没能放到他。3档进攻后,49人再次用Boldin的43码接球狠狠的打击了包装工,并改变了比赛的走势。McMillian上个赛季作为一名菜鸟有一些闪光,但是本赛季一场就贡献了几乎和上赛季一样多的错失擒抱数绝壁不是一个好的开始。

San Francisco – Three Performances of Note

Boldin Hold住全场


没有什么能比第三节13:28时Colin Kaepernick 给Boldin的传球更能体现他对保定的信心了。面对3&9的局面,Kaepernick甩出了球给被两人盯防的Boldin 并相信他能拿下这球。不出所料,Boldin  22码的接球拿下了新的首攻,Keapernick也有了新的武器。我们并不期望Boldin每周都能拿下两位数的接球,但周日的比赛说明了他任然能接管比赛,并通过一次进攻.展现了许多能力,添加到了49人的复合武器库中。


在上个赛季末期,由于两个Smith的伤病而沉寂的Aldon Smith 似乎在周日又向之前一样残暴了,他在39次冲传中收获了2次sack,2次撞击和4次匆忙出球。他总评分为+2.0,但那是受到2次越位的影响,+4.0 的冲传评分才是49人每周都期待的。2次擒杀都来自于菜鸟LT David Bakhtiari, 第一个sack收获的很早,是在第一节是冲破了一个cut block,然后是在第四节13:44 击败了Bakhtiari。之后Smith进入了状态,在包装工的最后2次进攻中表现出了他的存在感。在还剩26s的时候他错过了一次接近Rodgers的机会,但是之后他在外侧放倒了RT Don Barclay ,并把对方的四分卫擒抱在地终结了比赛。49人一定很欣慰,看到Aldon Smith 在第一周活蹦乱跳的回归了。


这对49人的CB们(包括Asomugha (-1.2) 和Carlos Rogers (-1.7) )来说可不是什么好日子(负分滚粗),在区域防守中都得了负分。Asomugha 在盯防Nelson的时候又很大问题,并且在半场结束前他在3&15错失的一次擒抱是比赛的一个关键点。 Rogers  主要负责在槽位盯防 WR Randall Cobb ,最后给出了4次传球尝试全部成功,79码和1次TD的结果。或许由于其中是有包装工输死挣扎的最后一波进攻,单论数字不太公平,但是短传在比赛中有更大的影响。Rogers在首节11:40的时候在一个交叉路线中跟丢了Cobb,之后又没能把他限制在端区外(1:11)。他也没能在一次屏风短传中收缩包夹RB Eddie Lacy,给出了一个31码的bigplay。情况随着比赛的进程有所好转,但是这个周日,CB始终不是49人防守的强点。

Game Notes

- Kaepernick压力下的表现:7传2中,39码,以及50.3的四分卫评分。在安稳的口袋中,他传出了32中25,373码,3TD以及146.5分的答卷。

-和往常一样,49人的11位顶级防守球员至少打了所有63档防守中的52档。(首发阵容 持续性强的可怕的意思么?)

-包装工 OLB Clay Matthews 有5次防跑截停(得分+3.1 ),但是只有3次施压(包括一次sack),31次冲传贡献  -0.2分。

PFF Game Ball

- Anquan Boldin作为周日比赛的最佳球员没有任何问题,他以5.07码/路线跑动领先全队(Clubhouse,是全队么)


The NFL certainly isn’t shy about throwing the best teams at each other in Week 1. In a rematch of last year’s NFC Divisional game, the Green Bay Packers traveled to San Francisco to take on the 49ers. The game did not disappoint as it came down the final minutes of the fourth quarter before a Frank Gore touchdown put the 49ers ahead for good with 5:47 left to go in the game. Neither team was able to get anything going on the ground, and perhaps they didn’t mind all that much given the 745 collective passing yards during the game. It was a back and forth battle of strong quarterbacking and playmaking receivers, with San Francisco doing just enough to continue their winning streak against Green Bay.

Here are the game’s most notable performances.

Green Bay – Three Performances of Note

Guard Flip
Much was made this offseason about the Packers flipping their guards from their usual spots as Josh Sitton has now moved in at left guard while T.J. Lang is starting on the right. It wasn’t a good start on either side as both players graded at an identical -4.0, though for slightly different reasons. Sitton had his problems with defensive end Justin Smith right from the get-go as he was beaten for a tackle in the running game. The play set the tone as Sitton resorted to grabbing and pulling for much of the game resulting in two holding penalties and an illegal hands to the face penalty, all against Smith. He had some success in pass protection only surrendering two pressures on 41 attempts for a +0.6 grade, but the -3.9 grade in the running game was not his finest work.

For Lang, it was the passing game that gave him problems as he graded at -2.9 in pass protection while giving up a sack, a hit, and two hurries. Linebacker Navarro Bowman snuck inside him for pressure after showing blitz late and OLB Aldon Smith also beat Lang to the inside and got a healthy shot on quarterback Aaron Rodgers. Lang later had his issues with DE Ray McDonald who beat him for both a sack and a pressure. When you throw in a -1.4 run block grade of his own, it was not a good day for the guard tandem and their -8.0 combined grade.

Jordy Delivers

Packers wide receiver Jordy Nelson wasn’t even a guarantee to play Sunday, but he came through in a big way with 130 yards on seven catches including a touchdown. It was a well-rounded game for Nelson as he outmuscled cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha for a big gain on a back shoulder throw at the 2:17 mark of the first quarter but also showed his elusiveness by forcing missed tackles on both Asomugha and safety Eric Reid in the second. Perhaps the most impressive play of the game for either team was Nelson’s catch at the 9:37 mark of the fourth. Rodgers rolled to his left and unleashed one of his patented lasers down the sideline, putting the ball in a place where only his receiver could get it. This throw, however, may have been too far out of reach as it was well out of bounds. Instead, Nelson fully extended and hauled in the pass, all while keeping his feet in bounds for the big conversion. Despite missing the preseason, the Packers were certainly excited to see a healthy return for Nelson on Sunday.

It was an ugly showing for Packers safety Jerron McMillian who found himself flailing at 49ers’ offensive players to the tune of four missed tackles and a -5.7 grade. When he wasn’t whiffing in the open field, he found himself lost in coverage as he was at the 3:49 mark of the third quarter. His biggest miss came with 7:22 to go in the fourth as San Francisco was driving for their eventual game-winning drive. WR Anquan Boldin broke into the open field and McMillian was unable to take him down. The 49ers punched it in three plays later as Boldin’s 43-yard gain was a major momentum swing. McMillian had some positive moments last year as a rookie, but nearly matching last season’s missed tackle total in one game is not a good start to the season.

San Francisco – Three Performances of Note

Boldin Takes Control

Speaking of Boldin, he was the difference for the 49ers in the game. Green Bay could not slow him down as he caught 13 of his 16 targets for 208 yards and a touchdown on his way to a +4.7 overall grade. Of his 13 catches, nine of them either moved the chains or found the end zone and he picked up 70 of his 208 yards after the catch. He also forced five missed tackles.

Nothing sums up the confidence quarterback Colin Kaepernick has in Boldin quite like the pass he threw with 13:28 to go in the third quarter. Facing a 3rd-and-9, Kaepernick fired a strike in between two defenders trusting that Boldin would come down with the ball. No surprise, the 22-yard gain moved the chains and Kaepernick appears to have a new favorite weapon. We’re certainly not expecting double-digit catches from Boldin every week, but Sunday’s game showed that he can still take over a game and on an offense that already features a number of capable playmakers, it just adds to the multi-dimensional 49ers’ offense.

Aldon is Back

After a slow finish to last season due to injuries, both his own and teammate Justin Smith’s, Aldon Smith looked like his old self Sunday as he picked up two sacks, two hits, and four hurries on his 39 pass rushes. His overall +2.0 was marred by two offsides penalties, but the +4.0 pass rush grade is what the 49ers are hoping for each week. Both sacks came against rookie left tackle David Bakhtiari, first shrugging off a cut block early in the first quarter before beating Bakhtiari off the edge with 13:44 to go in the fourth quarter. Smith then went into closer mode as he made his presence felt on Green Bay’s last two plays of the game. He just missed getting to Rodgers with 26 seconds to go and then sealed the deal by beating RT Don Barclay off the edge and taking Rodgers to the ground on the last play of the game. The 49ers were certainly pleased to have the Smiths back and healthy for Week 1.

Coverage Woes

It wasn’t a great day for 49ers cornerbacks as Asomugha (-1.2) and Carlos Rogers (-1.7) both graded negatively in coverage. Asomugha had trouble keeping up with Nelson and his missed tackle on 3rd-and-15 at the end of the first half was a game-changer. Rogers was charged with covering WR Randall Cobb in the slot and gave up receptions on all four of their targets for 79 yards and a touchdown. Perhaps the numbers look unfair due to a late catch on the Packers’ desperate last drive, but it was the short receptions that had a bigger effect on the game. Rogers lost track of Cobb on a crossing route with 11:40 to go in the first quarter and later was unable to keep Cobb out of the end zone on a quick out at the 1:11 mark. He also got sucked inside on a screen pass to running back Eddie Lacy, leading to a 31-yard gain. Things got better as the game progressed but the cornerbacks were not the strength of the San Francisco defense on Sunday.

Game Notes

- Kaepernick under pressure: 2-for-7 for 39 yards and a 50.3 QB Rating. In a clean pocket: 25-for-32 for 373 yards, three touchdowns and a QB Rating of 146.5.

- As is usually the case for them, the 49ers’ top 11 defensive players played at least 52 of the 63 snaps.

- Packers OLB Clay Matthews had five stops against the run and graded at +3.1, but he notched three pressures, including a sack, for a -0.2 pass rush grade on 31 attempts.

PFF Game Ball

There’s little question that Anquan Boldin was the best player on the field Sunday. He’s the early leader in the clubhouse with 5.07 Yards/Route Run.
发表于 2013-9-10 16:36 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 16:43 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jerry1985 于 2013-9-10 16:50 编辑

怎么原文分析的这么简略... 昨天没注意啊, 原来jordy正是那个让众人mistackle的那位


内容却是有点少  发表于 2013-9-10 16:54

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 16:49 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jerry1985 于 2013-9-10 16:50 编辑

back & forth: 你来我往的比赛
clubhouse: 俱乐部


就是指该俱乐部的意思  详情 回复 发表于 2013-9-10 16:56
感觉俱乐部 不是很正确,这个是不是领先全联盟或者历史?  发表于 2013-9-10 16:53

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 16:56 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 jerry1985 于 2013-9-10 17:00 编辑
jerry1985 发表于 2013-9-10 16:49
back & forth: 你来我往的比赛
clubhouse: 俱乐部

就是指该俱乐部的意思, 全队领先, 不是讲历史啦, 就是说他今年早早的确立了这个领先地位

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2013-9-10 18:28 | 显示全部楼层
哎 绿湾的二线防守真的需要burnett!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-10 21:26 | 显示全部楼层
49人这个赛季其实还是没能够解决二线的问题,Rogers的速度跟不上是众所周知的了,Aso这样的表现其实也是有心理准备的。Eric Reid这赛季能够持续稳定的发挥是关键。对于像Packers这样出色的WR群和QB,49人的二线最起码做到的事是让对手接球后不再推进更多的码数就算成功了,显然上周日他们没能做到。在前线给足了Pass Rush压力的时候,QB是很难有很多机会做出长距离的Big Play的。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2013-9-11 11:07 | 显示全部楼层
Clay Matthews感觉这场主要看是看option,很多都是control the gap,没冲进去

使用道具 举报



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