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[小马] It's Getting Awkward in Indianapolis

发表于 2011-12-12 14:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 haowh 于 2011-12-12 14:30 编辑

同样来自于WSJ,分析了小马队对未来的几种选择,签斯坦福的Andrew Luck的可能性,也可能放Peyton Manning出走,就像绿湾对Favre一样,这是个困难的决定。

AndrewLuck didn't win the Heisman Saturday. The trophy went to Baylor University'sthrilling quarterback Robert Griffin III, who charmed the ceremony audiencewhen he lifted a trouser leg to reveal a powder-blue Superman sock, with a tinyred cape running down the back of his ankle.

ButLuck, the Stanford quarterback who finished second in the Heisman voting to Griffin, is expected tobe the number one pick in next spring's NFL draft.

Andthis is where it gets Superawkward.

Thetop selection in the draft is expected to belong to the Indianapolis Colts, whoare 0-13 and decomposing on the NFL's ocean floor. There are abundant reasonsthe Colts are putrid, but none is bigger than the absence of its injuredveteran quarterback, Peyton Manning.

NoNFL player is more intertwined with his franchise than the 35-year-old Manning.Drafted first in 1998, he is a four-time MVP who has guided Indianapolis to two Super Bowls, winning one.It is unnatural to watch the Colts without the slumpy-shouldered quarterbackwaving his arms, efficiently pushing the blue and white downfield.

Evenat his best, there was an amusingly grouchy quality to Manning—scrunching hisface and barking instructions, he resembled a summer school teacher whocouldn't believe nobody had done the algebra homework.

ButManning is recovering from neck surgery, and it is unclear when he will be ableto return, and at what strength. And now the Colts (barring a shocking winstreak) have the opportunity to draft not just a top college quarterback, butthe kind of composed, preternatural signal-caller that makes scouts go dizzy,and teams want to build a contender around.

Atfirst glance, there appears to be a brilliant succession plan. Indianapolis takes Luck, Manning tutors the22-year-old quarterback until he gracefully retires, handing over the lightsaber to his protege. Luck resumes where Manning left off and the good timesnever stop.

Butit's not that breezy. There are already uncomfortable questions about harmony,money and ego swirling around, and Luck is still an amateur who will guide theCardinal against Oklahoma State in the Fiesta Bowlon Jan. 2

Theother day, Peyton's father, the former Saints quarterback Archie, gave aninterview in which he appeared to suggest it'd be hard for a recovered Manningto exist alongside a ready-out-of-the-box Luck. "I don't think it'dnecessarily be great for either one," he told Fox Sports Radio.

Aday later, Archie backpedaled in the pocket, telling ESPN his middle childcould co-exist with Luck. "I'm sure they could," he said. "Heand Peyton have a friendship, and I'm one of those few people out there that'snot really concerned about this deal."

Ina way, Luck is Peyton's Mini-Me. Both are the children of quarterbacks—Andrew's father, Oliver Luck, was an NFL back-up (and once Archie's teammatein Houston) who went on to manage franchises in Germany and now is athletic director at West Virginia University.

Peytonproved to be a far superior pro to his old man; Luck is expected to quicklysurpass his. The younger Luck and Manning both resisted leaving college earlyto complete their senior seasons.

Andas Archie Manning noted, the scions are not strangers. Luck attended theManning family QB camp, and later became a counselor. Peyton has occasionallyadvised Luck during his collegiate career.

Butfamiliarity doesn't makes this easier for the Colts. Now there's serious talkof Indianapolisdoing the once-unimaginable and trading Manning, opting to push forward withLuck. Looming in the background—or foreground—is a $28 million bonus thatManning is due in March.

Otherunresolved questions cloud the situation. When will Manning get healthy? Willhe be close to the full Peyton? Would he delay that eight-figure bonus? If hestayed, could a Type-A competitor truly be expected to mentor his successor?Manning's position calls to mind Steve Martin's line at the Oscars a few yearsback: "I love welcoming the young stars to show business because itreminds me of my own death."

WouldManning engineer his way out of an undesirable situation, as his kid brotherEli did when he maneuvered his way out of San  Diego for the New York Giants?

Peytonthe Jet? Peyton the Dolphin? Peyton the Favre, another aging slinger huntingfor a last hurrah?

Atthe core of the debate is an unavoidable truth: Everything ends, even foricons. With Steve Young ready, San  Francisco traded Joe Montana. Johnny Unitas wrappedwith the Chargers. Green Bay had a sour partingwith the Favre, who initially retired and stepped aside for Aaron Rodgers, butthen spent the next three seasons with New Yorkand Minnesotaon a bizarre revenge fantasy.

Thereare signals the public is getting desensitized to these transitions. Green Bay recovered fastwith understudy Rodgers, winning a Super Bowl three years after Favre'sdeparture. Last week, St. Louiswatched the baseball free agent Albert Pujols abandon the Cardinals for the LosAngeles Angels of Anaheim. The heartache over Pujols's escape was overshadowedby the comical optimism of the deal: The 31-year-old first baseman will be paid$254 million over 10 years.

Overpaidand aging is out. Hard choices are in. Sentimental attachment is for suckers.Long term value's the thing.

Oncethe Colts clinch the top pick, this debate will truly accelerate.

Ifyou think you were exhausted by hype over the on/off Chris-Paul-to-the-Lakersdeal, the Luck/Manning argument will make that look like a small art film. EvenTebow-mania will seem tame (OK maybe not).

Alogical decision? Perhaps. Easy? Not a chance. This one feels personal.

发表于 2011-12-12 16:16 | 显示全部楼层
最尴尬的是印第安纳波利斯以0-16的成绩主办超级碗。。真搞不懂干嘛要跟MANNING签个大合同,更搞不懂为什么不找个一般般的QB取代PAINTER, WORST QB EVER

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