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[包装工] 【重磅口水】Favre说:Rodgers早该夺冠了!不是么?

发表于 2011-10-7 05:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 史提夫 于 2011-10-7 06:59 编辑

事发于猎包大战前,Brett Favre在亚特兰大电台关于Rodgers的一席评论,大致意思就是Rodgers是看着他的优异表现成长的,球队有如此优秀的班底,他早应该获超级碗。。blahblahblah。。当然罗哥也没有沉默,而是选择了优雅的回击。。

"I'd like to think that he watched, he learned, and then when he got a chance to play, he brought in his ability, which obviously is very good or they wouldn't have drafted him in the first round. He's got tremendous talent, he's very bright and he got a chance to watch and he saw successful teams do it right ... he just kind of fell into a good situation. On top of that, he's a good player. ... The talent around him is even better than when I was there. So I'm really kind of surprised it took him so long."

It takes 53 guys to win a championship and we had the right recipe last year and we're trying to do the same thing this season.
” -- Aaron Rodgers
on Brett Favre's comments

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背景:Favre即将年满42岁,07年他在绿湾的最后一个赛季率队打出了13-3,但是季后赛最后那次关键抄截,最终成了巨人夺冠路上的垫脚石。08年夏天包装工管理层果断扶正Rodgers,将Favre空降至喷气机,Favre在NY一度取得8胜3负,也有过单场6TD的壮举,但是随后肱二头肌腱受伤,球队遭遇滑铁卢。09赛季,Favre在维京人打出了生涯第N春,33TD 7int,维京人一路杀到国联决赛,又是Favre的一次被抄截,遗憾的未能进入超级碗。10年,Favre在维京人的第二季“老态尽显”,抄截数再创新高,球队战绩再次跌到谷底,Favre这个夏天没有再说“Im BACK!!”

纵观Favre在明尼苏达的这两年,明显是和罗哥时代的包装工成一个相反的成长线,到如今,罗哥逐渐成为联盟第一号四分卫,包装工的卫冕形势也一路走高。在猎包战前夕,罗哥正好打出一个MONSTER GAME之际,发哥--外公--这位本应成为罗哥导师的名人堂级别的功勋四分卫抛出如此言论,令绿湾球迷囧翻。。

不知道大家还记得Alex兄写的罗哥小传否 犹记得当年---小忆罗杰斯的成长史 文中足见,这种微妙的“师徒”传承,让人想起了Joe Montana和Steve Young。期待外公的言论能够激励罗哥继续自己MVP级别的表现!!!也感谢外公为猎包战提供如此精彩的场外看点!!!

正方观点 (4)

是的,Mike McCarthy和Ted Thompson为绿湾打造了如此好的班底,Rodgers有那么优秀的队友,早该夺冠了!09年外卡输给红雀,不应该!!

反方观点 (19)


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