Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll says the newly acquired quarterback Charlie Whitehurst was brought to Seattle to "battle" incumbent starter Matt Hasselbeck.
"Well, it's clear to us that Matt has paid his dues," Carroll said Thursday, per the Seattle Times. "And he's done a great job in the program. We're excited about him coming and leading this program, but in all phases of our program, in every aspect of it, we're trying to make it as competitive as possible.
"So Charlie is coming in here to battle. He's going to show where he fits into the whole thing. He doesn't have a lot of playing time in the regular season, but he has logged a lot of time in the preseason. . . . We would not have done this if we didn't think we were bringing in a highly competitive player.
Carroll also said, "We're counting on Matt to lead this thing," which would seem to suggest that Hasselbeck will enter training camp as the starter.
But if he's going to enter the regular season as the starter, he'll have to win a battle with Whitehurst.
PFT引用西雅图时报消息,前USC教父、海鹰新帅--Pete 凯萝尔今天发话了 Whitehurst will "battle" Hasselbeck。看图看亮点、听话要听潜台词。个人愚见:哈贝下岗, “白鹤”上位。注意文中battle加了引号,真的是竞争先发四分卫位置么,也许凯萝尔早已有了定数。根据老美的言辞技巧,恭维之后让你下岗也是常有的。
1.哈贝的伤病史、年龄、状态。哈贝在绿湾做了发哥四年替补后,02年追随Holmgren来到了西雅图,随机便取代了Trent Dilfer成为了先发四分卫,接着便带领海鹰称霸国西,个人三次入选职业碗。08年哈贝大半赛季报废,09年哈贝赛季第二轮就肋骨骨折,之后便状态全无。如今哈贝的情形和当年的Dilfer颇为相似,新来的和尚Charlie Whitehurst(简称白鹤)很有可能立刻取代老弱病残的哈贝占据主力位置。
2.从交易本身和“白鹤”的合同可见一斑。白鹤的这笔交易颇为蹊跷、评论也颇多。凯萝尔先是送走了“酷哥”塞内卡·华莱士,接着又“令人费解”的换来这么一位没有实战经验的替补四分卫,这把虽然赌得不小,但也未必会输的太惨,至于是不是意在明年的Jake Locker……这个仁者见仁智者见智,2年1000万的合同不可能过来捂板凳,考虑到选秀中选到抢手货jimmy Clausen的可能极低,白鹤很可能就是凯萝尔新赛季的当家花旦了。
3.一朝天子一朝臣。NEW COACH(MANAGER) MEANS NEW (STARTING) QUARTERBACK,当然这里的coach不仅仅指教练,可能还包含GM甚至是总裁的意思,总之是球队的新掌权者,拥有话语权的人。我将之比喻为“蚂蚱”效应,这个现象在NFL很普遍,远有当年爱国者的Brady和Billichick、老鹰的McNabb和Andy Reid、近有这两年上位的乌鸦(harbough+Flacco)、野马(Mcdaniel+Orton)、酋长(Haley+cassell)、海豚(Parcells+Sparano+Pennington)、喷气机(rexRyan+Sanchez)等等,仔细一琢磨,今年布朗的Holmgren不也是这样,所以Pete Carroll也没有例外。BTW,Andy Reid和MC5是时间最长的一对蚂蚱,而Brady和B教练应该是最成功的一对蚂蚱了。